Monday, January 12, 2015

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept 24 2014

[10:37] ColonelDicJr: noc left and went to elite scout but i dont know why
[10:37] Crector: How long has he been in this alliance?
[10:38] Crector: I'm trying to spy once again on 486:367
[10:39] Crector: I have too rebuild my resource stocks before doing a 40 hour upgrade on the Estate so I can get a 3rd outpost..
[10:43] ColonelDicJr: spy report on outpost just sent
[10:44] Crector: Thanks.
[10:44] ColonelDicJr: it was low accuracy but i got it thru
[10:45] Crector: Better than nothing.
[10:46] Crector: Thanks Whiplash.
[10:48] ColonelDicJr: from these two reports it looks like all the troops are on right flank
[10:48] Crector: One thing's fro sure:  noc was in this alliance well before the problem with Elite Reich so its unlikely that he was a spy.
[10:48] Crector: for
[11:01] Whiplash: here is another spy report
[11:01] Crector: Thanks again.
[11:07] Crector: Thanks for the reports, guys.  Looks like 2 of those outposts will be pretty hard to crack.
[11:34] ironicman1: hi
[15:12] frailmastermind: hello
[15:17] MightyBoss8: i need more money
[15:18] MightyBoss8: fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:20] MightyBoss8: how do you upgrade your walls frailmastermind
[15:26] JMball: Sup
[15:28] frailmastermind: i dount know
[15:31] jman221: yay
[15:31] MightyBoss8: do u know how to get money fast
[15:31] MightyBoss8: anybody
[15:33] JMball: I do
[15:34] MightyBoss8: how
[15:35] JMball: Collect your taxes and open your treasure chest
[15:35] MightyBoss8: taxes take so long
[15:36] MightyBoss8: and my treasure chest is gone
[15:37] MightyBoss8: need gems!
[15:40] MightyBoss8: please help
[16:35] BeckyOlive: hi
[16:41] ItsNotPersonal7: any one
[16:42] ItsNotPersonal7: /need suplies
[18:52] fart4fun: mon-2's outpost is only 21 miles south of me. almost perfect, in ruins and with no alliance. also high level. Should I try to take it with my 35 crossbowmen and 10 swordsmen
[18:53] fart4fun: player was level 42
[19:18] Crector: If that outpost is the one that a spy report showed that it had 36 soldiers, you might be able to take it with 35 crossbowmen and 10 swordsmen although I'd wait until accumulating another 25 swordsmen just to make sure.
[20:06] Dianais: Anyone going for an outpost. You can send enough attack as to destroy the defense. Or, you can coordinate with someone else stricking just before you reach the outpost and cleaning up the way.
[20:08] Dianais: These outposts will not stay unattended much more time.
[20:24] Crector: Well, my resources were seriously depleted during the war scare with all the workshops running around the clock and military buildings and farms being upgraded so its going to take aleast a day until I have enough stuff to upgrade my estate and then its a 40 hour building process.  Its going to be about 3 days before I can take an outpost.
[20:31] Sexy Beast 17: what resources do you need and how much
[20:32] Crector: About 4k stone and 5k wood.
[20:33] Sexy Beast 17: 6400 of each on the way
[20:34] Crector: Saw the wood yellow arrow just before you typed that.  Thank you very much!
[20:35] Sexy Beast 17: if you need more let me know
[20:36] Crector: That will be enough thank you.
[20:36] Sexy Beast 17: so in a little over an hour you can start the estate upgrade
[20:38] Crector: 419:353  LegendaryChase is in the Legion of Aid whose castle is in ruins and has a pristine outpost.  Might want to keep an eye on it to see if he is ever dropped from that alliance.
[20:41] Crector: Seems to be a lot of castles in ruins with available outposts, albeit mostly ablaze, lately.

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