Sunday, January 25, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 24th 2015

[00:15] Crector: several?
[00:16] klemal: well, a few :o)
[00:16] Crector: Welcome back sunny007!
[00:17] klemal: hi sunny
[00:18] klemal: Crector, Minkling is already a barbeque pit!
[00:20] Crector: sunny007:  Noticed that yu've aready got 3 op's...not bad for soeone who was gone from the game for almst 2 months.
[00:21] sunny007: hell all feels good to come back
[00:22] Crector: Do you need any resources?
[00:22] sunny007: i have some cato cacht  back to do
[00:23] klemal: ?
[00:23] Crector: Think she meant catching up
[00:23] sunny007: wood ans stone at my 3 op if possible , ty in advance
[00:25] sunny007: u ar e right  crector, by the way i'm a he and not a she
[00:25] Crector: You don't have a marketplace there...can't send you resources before you have one there.
[00:26] klemal: ok...thanks for clarifying sunny
[00:26] klemal: we get a little confused around here sometimes
[00:27] klemal: Crector, u don't remember the name of the guy who just hit rafieu?
[00:27] Crector: no
[00:28] Crector: IEvilDeathj
[00:28] klemal: i scoped out another 30 lvl player of theirs....he was in flames
[00:28] Crector: EvilDeath   I remembered the castle name though and it was this guy's castle.
[00:29] sunny007: i'll let you know when i will have a market place i'm still building a few things
[00:30] Crector: I'll send you resources to your main in the meantime.
[00:32] klemal: besides Kalina420w in that alliance there is also a madmax420w....doubtless a team...
[00:55] sunny007: goodnight all, i'll see u tomorrow
[00:56] Crector: Good Night.
[01:01] Crector: 577 troops 116 tools in the attack on Lyrical Gypsy.
[01:04] klemal: u betcha
[01:04] klemal: u betcha
[01:06] klemal: 23 hard earned honor points
[01:07] Crector: More importatnly 413 Glory
[01:08] klemal: maybe I'll go after that level 27 guy tomorrow night...he has over 50 honor and at least as much glory
[01:08] Crector: Ever since I put out that mass message about Sean Mars\/Glory, this alliance has made a net gain of over 12,000 Glory.
[01:09] klemal: geez, I didn't realize it, but that place had a moat
[01:10] klemal: they had one tool on the wall
[01:10] Crector: Only one?  Talk about unilatera; fiosarmament.
[01:10] klemal: I attacked in 3 waves with the last one full of loot sacks, banners and loot carts
[01:11] klemal: I wonder if my two wolf hounds survived?
[01:11] Crector: So that' s theway toget the best use out of war banners and such?
[01:12] klemal: I like to load up the last wave with all of the oddball attackers
[01:12] klemal: need the tools in the first waves to overcome the defenses
[01:12] Crector: I'll try that sometime.
[01:13] klemal: yay, my wolfhounds made it!
[01:14] klemal: I gotta get more of them
[01:15] klemal: 117 casualties...70 going to the hospital...I'll get them back at a reduced cost
[01:16] klemal: gee I love these battles...u never know how they'll turn out
[01:17] klemal: the defender really has the advantage, especially if they see u coming...that's why I go all out....and if I lose, oh well, better luck next time
[01:18] klemal: that target in the other alliance will give up 75 honor points....that s a good amount.....I think madmax420w might be kalinas man...he might come after me, but he may be to high a level...49 I think
[01:19] klemal: u never know when you log on in the morning if you're going to find a inferno where your castle is :o)
[01:21] klemal: ok, way past my bedtime...u have a good evening Crector...later gator

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