Monday, January 12, 2015

The Blitz II Chat July 31st/Aug. 1st 2014

[21:26] RedBeard: my outpost is done :)
[21:26] RedBeard: finally
[21:26] RedBeard: now i just have to rebuild some of the buildings
[21:34] Crector: So your outpost really is not done?
[22:27] Crector: Do any of you guys need any resources?
[22:35] RedBeard: The repairs are done.
[22:35] RedBeard: But it doesnt quite have everything i want yet, so i have to add a couple things
[22:40] Crector: sending stone to your outpost.
[22:41] Crector: When will you have a strong enough army to strike at fighterlandon's outposts?
[22:45] RedBeard: by tomorrow evening if i keep on it
[22:47] Crector: Great.
[22:48] RedBeard: Do you want me to get thc and them to attack also?
[22:49] RedBeard: he has pretty strong outposts
[22:51] Crector: I'd like to see what this alliance can do by itself first.  Some time frim nw, I'll post to the alliance Notice Board that we need to take this punk down.
[22:54] RedBeard: alrighty
[22:55] RedBeard: just declare on him after i get my outpost ready?
[22:59] RedBeard: [22:31] Jocephalus: Does anyone need wood or brick?[22:31] Jocephalus: I am producing more than I can store ... and I can't donate to the alliance yet[22:59] Jocephalus: Does anyone need to be attacked?[22:59] Jocephalus: I have about 200 soldiers too many at the moment. They might as well die for glory!
[22:59] Crector: Declare war on his alliance?
[22:59] RedBeard: yea, is that the plan?
[23:01] Crector: No.  noty yet....rather keeep it him vs. us and encourage his few, if any, alliance mates to drop out.  Declaring war might have the effect of causing them to rally around the flag.
[23:02] RedBeard: we will lose glory if we attack most of them.
[23:02] RedBeard: best to let them attack us and deplete their forces
[23:05] Crector: That's why just attack him.
[23:06] RedBeard: yeah
[23:30] Crector: Do you have any idea how to collect resource donations from your citizens?
[02:11] RedBeard: yeah, you click on the pictures of the resources that float above your citizens heads from time to time
[02:16] Crector: I've ben doing that all along anyways.
[02:16] RedBeard: thats how you do it.
[02:16] RedBeard: do you get your bonus carts?
[02:17] Crector: I got 10 bonus elite troops albeit after that idiotic attack on my castle.
[02:21] RedBeard: ried to attack
[02:21] RedBeard: *who
[02:21] RedBeard: oh those reports
[02:27] Crector: If it were not for fighterlandon, I'd be tempted to go after that guy and his pathetic alliance
[02:28] Crector: [06:31] RedBeard: [07:23] fighterlandon: No,we won't attack them now but once my members are a higher level and i see they are capable or we get members with higher levels we will attack.
[02:28] Crector: Where did you get that info?
[02:33] RedBeard: THC has a spy in their chat
[02:34] RedBeard: he sends me info to paste that you should know.
[02:38] Crector: Is this spy in their alliance?
[02:41] Crector: Tonihgt, we go to finish him off especially since the honor gained from attacking him has dwinded to almost nothing.
[02:42] RedBeard: he is in their alliance
[02:42] RedBeard: as a spy
[02:43] Crector: Good..
[02:43] RedBeard: Player .V.
[02:46] RedBeard: btw, you stillgain glory even with 0 honor
[02:47] Crector: nice
[02:48] RedBeard: [22:59] Jocephalus: Does anyone need to be attacked?[22:59] Jocephalus: I have about 200 soldiers too many at the moment. They might as well die for glory!
[02:49] RedBeard: keep a look out for him cuz that will prolly be the guy he uses to weaken any defenses.
[02:55] Crector: He's their 2nd highest ranking member.....perhaps we will need to bring the  main alliance in right awaty after all.
[02:56] Crector: Pass the word on to THC please that I want an all out effort to exterminate him starting tonight.
[02:56] RedBeard: THC has 100 troops ready at all 3 of his castles.
[02:57] RedBeard: 300 in total
[02:57] Crector: Great.  Ask him if we should declare war on thatallaince as a whole or just keep it restricted to the leader.
[02:59] Crector: I have 48 troops heading his way rught nwo including 12 2-handed swordsment.
[03:00] RedBeard: Matthew B. said: Depends, if you don't feel like losing honor after attacking such low level players, I would restrict it to those 2 members and any member that may pose a threat unless he succeeds in gathering allies to help, which I highly doubt will happen.
[03:01] RedBeard: So basically it's whatever you want.
[03:02] Crector: I'd prefer to limit the combat to fighterlandon alone and not hjave a full-blown war.

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