Sunday, January 25, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 25th 2015

[17:46] klemal: $^&%$*&%^*$
[17:49] Crector: I've had times where I pressed the wrong button and paid rubies for something that I didn't need.
[17:51] klemal: no way...when I walked away from my screen I had 480 rubies....didn't touch a thing...and when I came backI had 214
[17:52] klemal: I have lost troops and equipment too...into the ether or the twilight zone
[17:55] klemal: here is anothe good one...I just sent 3 caravans to my mc...all maxed out with food shipments...I just looked in the travel log and one of them is stone I going nuts?
[17:56] klemal: maybe it's time to log off for awhile...maybe when I come back I won't even be here
[17:58] klemal: maybe I went blind with rage over the ruby incident and pushed the wrong slider, BUT I DON'T THINK  SO
[18:49] Dianais: Hi. Mostrly afk on this side. Just seen Sunny was in the chat.
[18:50] Dianais: klemal: GGE glitches have been over most players, but seems you are sort of magnet for these.
[18:51] Dianais: afk again for a while...
[20:48] klemal: I need Dianais to recon dirtyghettokid for me....he gives up 71 honor....the other guy, jasher gives up 63 I think....jasher will be easy
[22:28] klemal: 30 minutes and my last fire will be extinguished
[22:28] Crector: Great.
[22:29] klemal: my attack is on the way to jasher
[22:29] klemal: I can see those honor points now
[22:30] klemal: nuthin like counting the chickens before they hatch, huh?
[22:30] Crector: Yes.
[22:30] klemal: this guy might see me coming and give me a good a$ whoppin
[22:31] klemal: it kills me how this sytem plays the almighty with speech...and then robs you blind
[22:32] Crector: Here's a target I just found:  ghostshadow
[22:33] klemal: he'll give up decent glory, but 0 honor
[22:35] klemal: these guys drive me crazy with all these statues in their castle...I wonder how much public order it gives them?
[22:40] klemal: well, the war horn must have popped at GypsyTarveler....less than 29 minutes to go.....I hate these pre midnite attacks
[22:41] klemal: I might be spending the next week rebuilding a army :o(
[22:41] SirGnome: the statues depend on how many resources you pour into them
[22:42] klemal: so the bigger the statue, the more effective they are?
[22:42] klemal: like those colossuss things?
[22:43] SirGnome: yeah
[22:44] klemal: some of them look like they take up a lot of real estate
[22:45] klemal: I think I'd rather have a couple more guardhouses instead
[22:45] SirGnome: they're the same ssize just seem bigger because of the resource amount
[22:46] klemal: they don't burn in a attack, one good thing about them
[23:00] klemal: this guy saw me coming and pulled all his offensive troops
[23:12] klemal: he moved a lot of his resources out too
[23:33] klemal: well, I should have netted a lot more glory, but he got his assests out of there in time
[23:34] klemal: smart player...his castles got some fires, but no inferno......I got the honor though
[23:49] Crector: Or he donated his resources to his alliance....I've done that myself.
[23:51] Crector: klemal:  You've said that you have used a 2nd attack wave with lots of banners and loot sacks, but when I do it the 2nd wave gets turned away without a battle.
[23:54] klemal: don't do it have to use that little window at the bottom of your attack screen....its on the lower right and says waves of attack...after you fill the first wave, you move to the second and fill that wave, and then the third
[23:55] klemal: in other words don't launch a ttack, and then launch another attack after that...if you do it from your first attack screen, it launches them simultaneously
[23:55] klemal: they won't be turned back
[23:55] klemal: I used to make the same mistake
[23:57] klemal: try it, you'll like it...I load up the last wave with all my oddball stuff and loot carts and sacks and stuff....banners
[23:58] klemal: this guy saw me coming and moved most of his troops out and a good amount of his resources too I'm betting..
[23:59] Crector: Never noticed the attack wave button before.
[23:59] klemal: it didn't work when I was at a lower level
[23:59] klemal: so I had to do the waves manually
[00:00] klemal: and they would get turned back if the first wave won
[00:05] klemal: I've wreaked enough havoc for one day...time for some sleep...see ya's tomorrow.
[00:07] Crector: Good Night

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