Sunday, January 18, 2015

LOF:Mars League Chat January 17 2015

[22:29] Dianais: I wonder what AP is trying to pull... they were a little mistycal last times. This looks like abandoning the game..
[22:29] Crector: Msg just sent SirGnome:
[22:30] Crector: You have been invited to join us at LOF:Mars League and as such we will lay off attacking you for 24 hours while you consider our offer.  If you turn us down and remain without any alliance, we wiill resume our attacks.
[22:31] Crector: If SirGnome is still not in an alliance at 10:30PM Monday, feel free to attack.
[22:31] klemal: Did anyone send spies to this alchemists op's? the guy may be sand bagging like origamifarmer....holding his defense out of his main and a spider...only works if you're online tho when the attack comes
[22:33] slickdave50: DD pick what gem u want and click on ur armor and put it there and it should go on it
[22:34] klemal: yeah...for a zillion coins :o)
[22:35] Crector: I didn't.  I'll attack him once Cassias Web and TDZK have their forces built up to match food production.
[22:37] Crector: Congrats on getting 125Glory on that attack, SD50. Did you defeat him as well?
[22:37] slickdave50: no
[22:37] Crector: Turns out that Gems can go as high as lvl 6 and presumabley D.D. only wants the best.
[22:38] Dianais: SD: Yes. I tried this early with low level gems. But then there were different kinds, and upgrading costs quite a few coins...
[22:38] klemal: expensive taste
[22:39] Dianais: So I was upgrading them to better defense in the keep for castellans.
[22:39] klemal: I wait till I get the special ones from a raid...I tried improving them once and got ripped off
[22:39] Dianais: And for better number of attackers at the sides and at the center for commanders.
[22:40] klemal: I did build a military hospital however, and found it to be a good investment
[22:40] klemal: the retreads cost less than new recruits
[22:41] Dianais: After a sizeable amount of coins and upgrade failures, I ended fitting 1 castellan and 2 commanders with level 4 gems.
[22:42] klemal: how much?
[22:42] Dianais: I'll go for the hospital also. There was some discussion when the hospital was made available, as per klemal seems it turned to be better than nothing.
[22:42] klemal: approx.?
[22:44] Crector: Hi Will
[22:45] Dianais: Approx 100k coins today. I made some non sistematic upgrades in the last months, and an early fit of gems... but only low levels, so not much in terms of coins.
[22:45] Crector: Got 2 boats built in Storm Islands, but only because of treasure chest found while expanding the castle.
[22:48] Dianais: Report on Stone Achemist outpost sent. Again ruby tools, and now some soldiers. Not many, and part defense part attack.
[22:49] klemal: yikes! I better start banking some coin :o) Crector, That stormy islands place sounds way more interesting than the frozen North or whatever it is.
[22:50] klemal: I have to get these fires out before I go provoking anyone...but I am getting bored with raiding robber barons
[22:51] klemal: I don't think I've pulled off one raid today...makes me sick what that op looked like
[22:57] klemal: Castle Alchemy looks like a good target...too far for me tho....I can tell you, those militia can be tough, especially with those defenses. I think a full compliment of assault tools will be the winner.
[22:59] klemal: forget it, no honor to be had there, for me at least
[23:16] klemal: nyt awl
[23:17] Dianais: nite k.
[23:21] Crector: Hey Colonel D., can you lay off SirGnome for a day?
[23:26] ColonelDicJr: ok but he was a good target
[23:29] Crector: If he doesn't join us or SF USAF, feel free to attack him at will.
[23:29] ColonelDicJr: ok
[23:31] Crector: Thanks.
[23:41] Crector: D.D.:  Here's another candidate for your superior spies:  438:402
[23:44] Crector: Colonel:  What do you think the alliance name should be changed to once we have accumulted enough rubies?
[23:45] ColonelDicJr: i like SBs suggestion
[23:48] Crector: SF USAF Tigers is the most popular idea thus far.
[23:50] Crector: SB must be an interesting person in real life.  When  I was in high school, none of the girls I knoes had any interest in computers since they thought that they would get cooties or something if they even touched the TRS-80.
[23:53] ColonelDicJr: thats an old computer
[23:54] Crector: Speaking of cooties:
[23:54] ColonelDicJr: that was the sone age  of computers
[23:55] Crector: That was the only computer that they let the students use.  I was in high school during 1979-1983 and only guys had any interest in it.
[23:55] ColonelDicJr: stoneage

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