Saturday, January 10, 2015

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat January 10 2015

[08:50] Dave Trites: im  56 minutes away
[08:51] Dave Trites: gotta run out football bet today back in an hour
[08:52] klemal: Those guys ain't going anywhere ;O)
[08:54] DarkHorse7: I need some food at my castle can you guys help me out
[08:55] klemal: yes
[08:57] klemal: 4500 food enroute
[08:57] klemal: all I have coin for right now
[08:58] klemal: sorry, broke as usual :o(
[08:58] DarkHorse7: thanks
[08:59] klemal: DrakHorse...I can send more later if you want me to
[08:59] klemal: I have to tax the citizens a bit more
[09:02] klemal: be back later
[09:20] GARYM: food on the way dark
[09:24] m20321: gm all
[09:26] m20321: Dark - I saw your request for wood and stone.  I have to ask.  Instead of asking the group for resources why don't you loot.  As of this wek you've looted 10k worth of resources.  That amounts to 1 or 2 RBC attacks.
[09:29] GARYM: i am looting for food and resources but the research tower upgrad takes a lot of wood and stone
[09:29] m20321: I know.  I'm right in the middle of it.
[09:29] GARYM: i have more defence troops than attack troops
[09:30] m20321: Wouldn't it make sense to have 1 attack OP then and the rest Defensive?
[09:30] DarkHorse7: so do i
[09:30] m20321: Basically, what you're saying is that this alliance is a defensive alliance only?
[09:31] Dianais: Morning all.
[09:31] m20321: What I've noticed in my time here is that with very small exception our upper level players are stagnant
[09:31] slickdave50: morning D D
[09:32] m20321: I would love to see this alliance grow and support each other.
[09:34] Dianais: I have a base of defense, about 50% or 50%+ depending on when. On top of that I have attack that fluctuates up and down depending on attack activities.
[09:34] Dianais: I believe we can have defense without leaving out enough attack.
[09:35] Dianais: It requires more defense support. But I believe we are moving to a pool of players having more activity, which will make that active defense support possible.
[09:35] m20321: I agree.  We're not growing we're just maintaining.  Just like a business, if we're not growing we're dying.
[09:36] GARYM: like was saide before everyone needs at least one op that is for attack troops
[09:37] Dianais: Yes, agree in that, it is a good start.
[09:37] Dianais: Once you have a pool of attack troops, you are enabled for a minimum of RB pounding, or for farming resources from ruins and the like.
[09:38] GARYM: the game has gotten greedy and for upper levels troops many of the options open to ethm take rubies sot they get bored and leave the game i have been in the game almost since it started and it has changed a lot
[09:39] Dianais: Yep... rubies is all they are after all... so they will continue looking on ways to make players go for them.... I don't think it will change.
[09:40] Dianais: And at higher levels being a ruby user makes a lot of a difference, no arguing on this.
[09:42] m20321: I can't have an opinion on what you guys are talking about as I haven't made it there yet.  This game is about the war side of it but it's also about the comradare of those in the alliance.
[09:42] GARYM: we are at war with mars league make the most of it because i think they will want peace very quickly
[09:43] GARYM: they wer our sub and they went independent and got cocky so maybe we can get them back in line and more active
[09:44] m20321: They only have 9 players.  Only two are over level 20
[09:47] General 313: we need to take over that alliance and put one of our members in charge of it
[09:47] Dianais: That would fit with our growth here, and would be a good thing for MA also.
[09:48] Dianais: So we can put the task of attacking the higher levels there to our higher levels here to convey the message...
[09:48] General 313: stone on the way dark
[09:48] m20321: I agree with both of you.  Change the name start recruiting and build the base up over there.
[09:49] m20321: Just sent the second highest members report out.  I've got him as soon as I finish my feast.  That attack yesterday knocked out about half my attack troops.
[09:52] m20321: Who would be a good member to send over to SF: Mars League?
[09:53] General 313: it need to be someone who can be on a lot of the time at least in the beginning
[09:54] GARYM: and they need to be strong because that alliance is a target for attacks by everyone
[10:04] m20321: Need some help recruiting this morning
[10:05] m20321: The feast is on!

[11:33] m20321: Open the report and hit the details option.  Looks like a piece of paper.  Then select the green arrow at the bottom right of the detail page.
[11:33] m20321: You'll have to hit the red arrow to move all of the members from the left side of the window to the right side and then hit send
[11:34] m20321: Just got it.  Good job.
[11:38] m20321: You gonna go for it Zicam?
[11:41] zicam: It looks doable, I need to get organized and then yes.
[11:44] m20321: Alright.  I'll take number 2 here in a bit.
[11:47] m20321: I've burned through 10K in coins on this feast and banners this morning.
[11:47] GARYM: How is the war with mars league goin colonel says they get on so little that the war will be over before they even know it is going on
[11:48] m20321: zicam's going to hit 1 and I'm going to hit 2.
[11:48] PowerfullySammi: im just getting organized than taking on will948, should be an easy enough win
[11:49] m20321: Let's organize this as a Mass hit to eliminate any chance of big support.  Gary/Dianais - Do you guys want to hit 1's OP's?
[11:49] m20321: I'll set a timer up and we can all hit around 4 CST.
[11:50] GARYM: i have five attacks goin right now i will have to wait until some troops get back
[11:50] Dianais: Yes, I can go for it.
[11:51] Dave Trites: what is CST 4   im willing to send troops
[11:51] DarkHorse7: entral standard time
[11:51] DarkHorse7: central
[11:52] DarkHorse7: he is probably a midwestener
[11:52] Dave Trites: one hour off eastern is where i am so three my time
[11:53] m20321:
[11:54] m20321: Dave - Copy and paste the link for the timer.
[11:54] Dave Trites: ok
[11:54] m20321: Dark - Born in the midwest.  Living in the Big Easy.
[11:56] Dianais: Good timer thing...
[11:57] m20321: Glad you like it.
[11:58] Dave Trites: where do enter the link
[11:59] m20321: Copy the link and paste it in the address bar.  The bar where you would type "" if you were trying to get to google.
[12:00] m20321: How's it going Demonis
[12:00] klemal: are we going to lose honor if we attack a lower level player?
[12:01] Dave Trites: briliant  thanks
[12:01] m20321: You'd have to mock it up klemal.
[12:02] klemal: yea...seems the only guy I can hit is no. 2
[12:02] m20321: This war is pretty easy.  I'm just trying to set this up and get everyone familiar with how we should be approacing wars moving forward.
[12:02] m20321: a trial run if you will
[12:02] klemal: ok
[12:03] m20321: No problem Dave
[12:03] klemal: 4pm cst
[12:03] klemal: 5pm est
[12:03] m20321: If we can get organized and active we can start holding the line a little more with players that have been getting away with cheap shots on us.
[12:04] m20321: use this link klemal -
[12:04] klemal: this nut has been asking for it'
[12:04] klemal: I did
[12:04] m20321: cool
[12:05] klemal: so the idea is that we all get our attacks off at 4pm?
[12:08] m20321: No.  We want our attacks to land at the same time.
[12:08] m20321: Read the "Mass Attack" message.  It will give you some tips on how to make sure that happens.
[12:09] klemal: oh boy..that will take some quick figuring
[12:14] Dave Trites: any sugestions on co ords i should go after
[12:17] m20321: Go after whomever you want Dave.  If you need spy reports just ask and we'll get them for you.
[12:20] Dave Trites: whats our member claws attacker

[13:55] Crector: All of my support troops are either going to and fro Clawinateor.
[13:56] klemal: I sent 60 bowmen from one op, will send some from the other
[13:56] slickdave50: 136 on the way
[13:56] klemal: 120 bowmen...the guy is over a hour away...maybe I can muster more before then
[13:56] klemal: hopefully whip has his defense in order
[13:57] klemal: Now I'm having trouble accessing the countdown clock...I'll have to rely on my gray matter
[14:00] Dave Trites: i see member troops heading out an hour early
[14:03] m20321: The countdown clock is when the troops should be landing so everyone will be different.
[14:03] klemal: I see Gaviston is right on schedule for his daily bleeding :o)
[14:04] zicam: I will launch to arrive at countdown eta is 121minutes will launch in 35 minutes
[14:04] klemal: about the same as me
[14:05] Dave Trites: ok thanks for clarification  im good to go in 38 mins
[14:05] m20321: Just launched mine.  Will hit at "0"
[14:05] m20321: This attack coming in on Whiplash is big.  We will need to support.  Can anyone get a spy on his castle?
[14:06] m20321: He's only got 234 guards...
[14:06] klemal: I am low on coins so I just sent some troops
[14:06] Dianais: I am trying to penetrate in there...
[14:06] m20321: me too.  95% chance of failure though.
[14:06] m20321: I have a feeling these tools are going to be tough to beat.
[14:07] Whiplash: i need some help her gutys
[14:07] Whiplash: giys
[14:07] m20321: I've got about 400 I can send
[14:08] m20321: What kind of tools do you have Whip?
[14:08] slickdave50: 233 on the whip
[14:09] Whiplash: i have several ruby weapons and can put on each wall
[14:09] m20321: Ok.  Let's see what they're sending.  Do you have Armorer tools?
[14:09] Dianais: Grouping troops right now... should have 1200 otw to Whiplash soon.
[14:09] m20321: machicolation? Portcullis?
[14:10] m20321: Arrow slits? Fire Moat?
[14:12] m20321: Whiplash - What are your tools?
[14:12] m20321: How many defensive troops do you have?
[14:13] Whiplash: machicolation fire moat tar kettle bulwark bodik arrows
[14:13] m20321: Good tools.  How about Arrow Slit?
[14:14] Whiplash: no used those all up
[14:14] Dianais: This can be a test for the 'defense calculator' brought up by Rusty Nail.
[14:15] m20321:
[14:15] Dianais: Still no detail from the attack.
[14:15] m20321: link for defense calc.
[14:15] m20321: I would setup fire moat 4 deep on each front if you have it.
[14:16] m20321: good melee defense tools.  If you had to get arrow slits the armorer is outside my castle right now.  We'll  have to see what his commander looks like
[14:17] m20321: in the world view I'm looking at your castle whip and I can't believe how many travel arrows there are.  It's a bueatiful thing!
[14:18] Whiplash: wish i could see the details of the attack
[14:18] m20321: Wish I could get a spy through your guards
[14:21] m20321: Finally
[14:23] m20321: You lean towards ranged defense with your castellan.  If you had to do you have enough rubies to buy arrow slits?
[14:25] Whiplash: arrow slits are not on my buy menu
[14:25] m20321: You have to get them from the armorer's tent oustide your castle.
[14:28] klemal: m, you are 11 seconds in front of me to bigd2
[14:29] klemal: Guess I won't send a second wave ;lO)
[14:30] klemal: not bad for seat of the pants timing...for a change

[15:17] zicam: Outstanding work team
[15:17] Whiplash: thanks everyone
[15:17] m20321: Man - We could've held both flanks with those numbers.  Well done all!  Fantastic support
[15:18] Dave Trites: m Sorry i was early won that attack hope we excell
[15:19] m20321: No worries.  Make sure you forward the report for all to see
[15:20] Dave Trites: done
[15:20] m20321: lol - nice win.  Snuck through with 6 guys!
[15:20] klemal: more body bags for me ;O(
[15:20] m20321: Earned 70 glory on it as well.
[15:20] m20321: Did yours land klemal?
[15:23] klemal: 40 mins yet..was referring to my losses at whips castle
[15:23] Dianais: 6 to 0, Dave won.
[15:23] Dianais: But you can see that tools are critical to avoid too many looses.
[15:24] slickdave50: so i did good
[15:25] m20321: That was a fantastic setup.  Good tool usage Dave.
[15:25] Dianais: Yea, the two daves were a little early today.
[15:26] slickdave50: sorry
[15:26] zicam: Arrow of death...check out the map
[15:27] Dianais: No problem. As M was discussing before, this is a good practice.
[15:28] Dave Trites: not sure which dave all i did was throw all i had at it tools offense all  won now time to rebuild
[15:42] m20321: right now there's got to be about 12 war horns going off at Mars League.
[15:44] klemal: did anyone target the creep that started all of this? rickdockery
[15:44] Crector: Assuming any of them are online.
[15:45] Whiplash: yeah they may not even know about the war yet
[15:45] klemal: too low for everyone I guess
[15:45] m20321: I think I saw clawinator say he won earlier today.
[15:47] klemal: I hope he bombed that turkey real good...what a a$ that guy was
[15:49] klemal: hummm just over 10 mins. to judgement
[15:53] m20321: Hey Alex.  Welcome to the party!
[15:55] DAlex: Thank M!  feel like I missed the big dance.  Who started this
[15:56] m20321: One of their level 9 or 10 players.  Gary declared and the rest is history.
[15:56] DAlex: :-)
[15:57] m20321: Player kept attacking after repeated requests to knock it off.  It was discussed that we need to send someone over there to take over and rebuild the alliance.  Change the name recruit new members and establish some control.
[15:57] DAlex: TY, now the pices of story are making sense from the logs that last couple days
[15:58] m20321: We should be seeing a lot of reports coming in over the next 5-10 minutes
[16:00] m20321: Wow!  These guys defenses are miserable.
[16:00] DAlex: Wow, great defense for Whip!
[16:00] m20321: Zicam lost 3.  I lost 0.
[16:00] zicam: He move his defense
[16:01] m20321: klemal 0, Dianais 2
[16:01] Dianais: Yes, they did move somewhere.
[16:01] Dianais: No one home.
[16:01] m20321: yep.  Zicam's right
[16:02] m20321: Doesn't help his castle....
[16:03] zicam: all on fire, yikes
[16:05] m20321: I'll set the next mass attack timer for 8 hours from now.
[16:06] m20321: We did a pretty good job of spreading the attacks around so if everyone hits the same target we'll have good coverage.
[16:07] m20321:
[16:09] m20321: Nice Job Sammi!
[16:09] m20321: Good use of tools.  Makes a big difference on an attack.  Especially when the defender uses none.

[17:17] Crector: So far.
[17:21] Dave Trites: i was attacked by lady bloodstone while away  i defended but lost a lot of troops gotta rebuild my troops
[17:24] Dave Trites: gonna watch the secound half of foot ball back in a hour 20 mins
[17:29] Clawinater: Thanks for the help sorry I was doing a project
[17:34] Clawinater: I need wood to build up my defences at my outpost GEC stone is good as well! I literraly live next to an enemy XD
[17:35] Clawinater: Got his buildings burning for a bit as well
[17:36] DAlex: BigD2, troops came back at the wrong time
[17:36] m20321: Very Nice Alex!
[17:37] m20321: Almost worth 1k Glory as well
[17:37] DAlex: I'll take it, lets see what glory omes from the outpost hit in an hour
[17:38] monkey67: what is the big deal we are at war with a couple of shnoops
[17:38] m20321: 0% of the defenders were wounded meaning you smoked them all
[17:40] DAlex: :-)
[17:43] DAlex: bbl
[17:50] Clawinater: Thanks to whoever sent the resources!
[18:06] fart4fun: so why are we at war?
[18:08] m20321: One of their level 9 or 10 players.  Gary declared and the rest is history.
[18:09] m20321: Player kept attacking after repeated requests to knock it off.  It was discussed that we need to send someone over there to take over and rebuild the alliance.  Change the name recruit new members and establish some control.
[18:11] fart4fun: so we are like conquering the alliance?
[18:21] klemal: we're takin over, see, mmmmyeah...and they're gonna like it, myeah, or else, see?
[18:23] klemal: an if they don't like the way we do busines, well that's just to bad...see? myeah
[18:25] klemal: too bad, excuswe my's my Chicagoland upbringing
[18:25] klemal: and my typos
[18:26] klemal: The mug shouldn't have leaned on Clawinator
[18:26] klemal: he didn't get the hint from the arson jobs
[18:26] klemal: or makin nice with the messages
[18:32] Crector: ColonelDicJr:  How do you like these attacks on your former alliance?  Are you ging to take part in them come midnight the witching hour?
[18:33] klemal: excuse me Crector, but weren't you going to offer them a ultimatum?
[18:33] klemal: or should I plan on more mayhem?
[18:33] Crector: You're the Diplomat...though that it was your duty.
[18:34] Crector: Just tell them that one of us is going to come over and take over.
[18:34] klemal: we thought since it was your old stomping grounds that you'd like the honors
[18:34] klemal: I can do that
[18:35] Crector: What we need to do is decide on what we want the sub to academy for new players or a place for semi-retired types like SB 17 here to go to.
[18:35] klemal: But, I think you have a better idea what you'd like to do with their alliance than I
[18:35] klemal: why can't it be both?
[18:36] klemal: the old can teach the young the ropes
[18:36] Crector: True.
[18:36] klemal: apprentisship
[18:37] klemal: heck, I probably belong there, I'm still learning
[18:38] Crector: They have 21 member slots we could have 6 vet teachers.
[18:39] Dianais: f4f: we were in good relations couple of generations ago. Then we sort of lost communication, and in the last days they were atacking outposts out here.
[18:39] Dianais: In fact, at some point they were a sub.
[18:40] Dianais: The idea is to recover them as sub.
[18:40] Crector: The idea s to restore them as a sub.
[18:40] m20321: lol - That's scary.
[18:40] m20321: Are you guys talking on the phone?
[18:40] klemal: excuse my spelling..apprenticeship....and we would need a high level member like yourself to take over Crector
[18:40] Crector: Have you not heard that great minds think alike?
[18:41] m20321: It would have to be a strong player to develop young players.  The leader would have to be on often and be willing to correct mistakes and explain basic rules and strategies.

[18:56] klemal: cajole, influence...anything but sledge hammer
[18:56] klemal: you have to offer a carrot
[18:57] Crector: That he could come over here?
[18:57] m20321: That's what I would offer.  A seat at our table for the head of his.
[18:57] klemal: leaders like being massaged...sue why not? they did it in Braveheart
[18:58] klemal: bribe the royals the higher ups
[18:58] m20321: Great movie
[18:58] m20321: Nice analogy klemal
[18:59] klemal: history is fantastic to study
[18:59] klemal: but hollywood does take it's liberties
[18:59] klemal: did I tell u guys I used to work in film?
[19:00] Crector: no
[19:00] klemal: I worked on Risky Business and Class
[19:00] m20321: In what capacity?
[19:00] Crector: As an Extra?
[19:00] klemal: no
[19:01] klemal: crew
[19:01] klemal: grip
[19:01] klemal: lighting
[19:01] klemal: props
[19:01] klemal: and special effects...making rain
[19:01] Crector: The 1983 movie Class?
[19:01] m20321: Zicam just launched the deah blow against Bigd2
[19:02] klemal: tv commercails were the best job tho
[19:02] klemal: maybe it's time to start composing a proposal
[19:03] klemal: they'll have to accept it if Zicam creams him
[19:03] klemal: or her
[19:03] Crector: How long did you show biz career last?
[19:03] klemal: From 80 to 83
[19:03] klemal: during the last recession
[19:04] klemal: there were no construction jobs to be had for several years
[19:04] klemal: so I joined that union for awhile
[19:04] Crector: Dear Sir:  Here's an idea.  You and Will948 can come over and join us while we send one of our guys over to take over the league as a recruitment/training sub for us.
[19:05] klemal: something along those lines...sure, why not
[19:05] Crector: Then you went back to constructin for the steady income?
[19:05] klemal: film is steady too...just have construction in my blood
[19:06] klemal: film is crazy...16 hour days and more
[19:06] klemal: double time, triple time...meals
[19:06] klemal: whatever the director wants
[19:07] klemal: or the talent
[19:07] m20321: Might want to massage that a little more.  Explain the history between our two groups and our desire to roll them into SF.  Other than that you pretty much hit the nail on the head unless they want to stay there.   Either way we want the leadership of the alliance.
[19:07] klemal: it was fun for a few years
[19:08] klemal: yeah know the history
[19:11] m20321: incoming
[19:12] Crector: 19:04] Crector: Dear Sir:  Originally, your alliance was a sub for our alliance.  Then one of your members got cocky and became a pint sized terrorist.  We had no idea but to declare war in order to restore law and order.  Here's an idea: You and Will948 can come over and join us while we send one of our guys over to take over the league as a recruitment/training sub for both us and the rest of  the SF family of alliances.
[19:13] m20321: 366 otw to Sammi
[19:13] m20321: She's got good defensive tools and a good setup.
[19:14] m20321: Dave T. - Have you seen the defense while away post in the Alliance Notice Board?
[19:14] Dave Trites: no just got back
[19:15] m20321: When you were attacked by Lady Bloodstone earlier you could have had significantly larger losses.  Take a look at the alliance notice board and read through the required defense while away post.  It'll give you some tips.

[19:23] m20321: Make sure you have enough tools to be 10 deep in all slots.
[19:23] m20321: klemal - I like your note.  It's got a softer touch.
[19:23] klemal: it's bs
[19:23] Crector: klemal, that sounds like a great proposal.
[19:24] klemal: we are takin over
[19:24] Dave Trites: thanks  im lacking experience learning curve
[19:24] m20321: Agreed. But it's politics so bs is appropriate.
[19:24] klemal: u want I should send it...or maybe you should Crector
[19:25] klemal: just copy and paste it to a mail to mr big
[19:25] klemal: do u know the guy Crector?
[19:25] klemal: or any of them?
[19:26] Dianais: You the diplomat klemal, I would go you sending it. Any of the high levels could do it, but I would expect naturally from the diplomat.
[19:27] Crector: Not really...doubt if ColonelDicJr did either even though he was with them for much longer than I was....Very quiet groupd and at best semi-active.
[19:27] Dianais: I believe the guy will understand the note is backed by all out here...
[19:28] Crector: Bigd2 was about as active as SB17.  Their most active members have dropped out and/or fallen into ruins.
[19:29] m20321: I wonder if they auto accept members
[19:30] Dave Trites: Did alliance have to give me back up in the attack while i was away????
[19:31] m20321: No.  Not with the setup you had.
[19:31] Dave Trites: ok thanks
[19:31] m20321: Although, I saw the attack coming in and there were several of us that just couldn't make it in time.
[19:32] m20321: Who wants to be a guinnea pig?
[19:32] Dave Trites: yes im far away i know im rebuilding defenses and troops
[19:33] klemal: okay, I'll send it now...he'll get creamed by zicam and see the light...have a epihany of sorts, hopefully
[19:33] m20321: No worries.  It's all about learning.
[19:35] m20321: nobody wants to be a guinnea pig?  How about- who wants to go undercover?
[19:37] Crector: How would that work?  Someone quit the alliance and then applies over there to join it?
[19:37] m20321: Exactly
[19:38] m20321: Can't make it without a lot of rubies
[19:38] m20321: anyone else?
[19:39] klemal: here is what I sent....Bigd2, SF USAF has long considered your organization allied with ours. However,, one of your lower level members repeatedly attacked one of ours, despite pleas that he not attack another alliance member he continued on that course of action. That left us no choice but to make war on you. It is our desire that the carnage that is now occuring will stop if you will agree to our terms. They are this.... That you will relinquish control of your organization to one of our senior members and that you and your deputy join us at SF USAF. We will then have a much stronger bond between the two alliances...think of it as a merger of corporations, a mutual benefit to both parties. I hope that you see this as the most sensible path to a peaceful resolution of our conflict.Respectfully, klemal, diplomat SF USAF
[19:40] Crector: Great writing klemal.
[19:40] m20321: Incorrect setup.  One tool on each wall.
[19:41] Crector: Who?  The Fish?
[19:41] m20321: Syed
[19:41] m20321: He's being attacked
[19:42] thefisher2: what about the fish?
[19:42] Crector: Wrong guess.
[19:42] thefisher2: Mmm?
[19:42] Crector: Vauxhaul has attack her before.
[19:44] thefisher2: And?
[19:44] Dave Trites: im out for a bit refined my defence some
[19:46] thefisher2: hey guys, im so screwed
[19:46] thefisher2: i have troops stationed outside my city
[19:48] thefisher2: so why the heck is the deputy of the alliance attacking me?
[19:49] m20321: That's not an attack.  Those are support troops.
[19:49] thefisher2: nvm hes helping.. well thanks whoever that is
[19:50] m20321: She is making sure you won whatever attack was coming at you.  I'm assuming it was a Robber Baron Castle since there was no war horn.
[19:50] klemal: I hope I'm sabotaging the right guy
[19:51] m20321: It's been an expensive day.
[19:51] m20321: I've spent about 35K in coins today.

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