Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mass Message to the LOF:Mars League: "A New Beginning" January 11, 2015

Back in the day, the LOF:Mars League was founded by Sean Mars as a sub of LOF: Blood that was itself a sub of the larger Legion of the Free (LOF) family of alliances.  Times change as the main alliance is now known as SF USAF KNIGHTS and is now part if the Semper Fi  (SF) family of alliances.  SF has already shown itself superior to the LOF as it has the good sense to stay out of the ruinous server war.

As time passed, several senior members including cinosx, haley taylor, Lord Mars & Mars Xtreme retired from the game.  After Sean Mars retired, this alliance lapsed into inactivity with one of its members  choosing to make war on a member of SF USAF.  When he failed to heed our warnings, it was deemed necessary to force a change in alliance leadership by declaring war.  Bigd2 is now a member in good standing of SF USAF and if bmarocks and Will948 wish to join him there they are perfectly welcome.  As for the offending member, it is the SF way of doing things to give everyone a second chance.

Lets turn this league around and restore it to its previous position!

Charles Rectior aka Crector 
Leader, LOF:Mars League

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