Friday, January 30, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 30th 2015

[07:11] Crector: Hate to say it, but this latest decalred war is all my fault.  I attacked in Everwinter strictly for Glory without even bothering to read their alliance descrituion .  If I did that would have seen that they have the stupid Auto War on ON and would not have attacked them.  Hopefully, klemal can get us out of having to pay them tribute.
[07:15] Crector:
[07:15] Crector: Never played in a game where one player's team had so many branches and sub-branches as this KON.
[07:26] Crector: Same goes for quite a few other teams in GGE.
[07:32] klemal: Crector, did you offer to send the huy any resources?
[07:32] Crector: n....the auto war thing was ON, so it would not have mattered.
[07:35] Crector: That's what happens when you try to stay up despite don't think straight and get into trouble.
[07:35] klemal: why not try to deal with the guy before we make a bigger deal out of it? see if he willaccept a bribe and get his leadership to leave us alone?
[07:35] Crector: They already declared war.  Its not as if they were metely threatening.
[07:36] klemal: By my contacting their leadership, we are making it a bigger issue instead of trying to make it look like a mistake
[07:36] klemal: I can always do that if compensation fails
[07:38] Crector: Rough draft of a msg to the guy I hit:
[07:38] Crector: If I were to send you a full load each of wood and stone, think you could persuade your leadership to make peace with us without us having to pay tribute?
[07:40] Crector: Does that work or not?
[07:41] klemal: sounds good...they are all far away from us here...the closest is 213 miles from would be expensive for them to attack us in force
[07:42] klemal: from their desdcription and then looking at their members list, they sure don't look like a training  league
[07:44] klemal: make sure you have a apologetic tone to your oops, sorry, I didn't know what I was doing
[07:46] Crector: I screwed up and attacked you without bothering to read your alliance description first.  If I were to send you a full load each of wood and stone, think you could persuade your leadership to make peace with us without us having to pay tribute?
[07:47] klemal: How high a level player was this guy?
[07:48] klemal: yeah, that will do for openers
[07:48] Crector: lvl 36
[07:49] klemal: he is one of their lower levels///they don't get much lower than him...and there aren'yt many
[07:49] Crector: I'll send him that msg and then have go do stuff outside.
[07:49] klemal: yeah...we have til Sunday
[07:50] klemal: I'll start thinking of a good story to grovel with
[07:53] Dianais: We have to sunday, but resources sent as tribute past 1.6 days from now will include additional 2.5k coins per percent point. From the 250k about to enter from storm islands.
[07:57] klemal: ok...I'll wait to see if this guy replies to Crector today
[07:58] klemal: Asianminor, did you receive resouces from both of your atrtackers yesterday?
[08:01] klemal: I kind of need to have a reply here,,,,,,I need to know if these folks are following thru on their promises to compensate for mistakingly attacking a alliance member.
[08:05] klemal: maybe we have a language barrier here?
[08:06] klemal: You see Dianais, it will be easier dealing with the enemy. :o)
[08:06] Dianais: : |
[09:20] Crector: klemal:  send him a private message...some folks don't read chat.
[09:23] Crector: D.D.:  How come your old buddy Egghead has 20+ Legendary Levels with his castle a raging inferno while your castle is pristine but you only have 8 Legendary Levels?
[09:24] Dianais: War miracle. You are given points every time you are attacked.
[09:25] Dianais: More if you win...
[09:31] Crector: So being hyper aggresive like Egghead pays off?
[09:36] Dianais: Egg is not specially aggresive. But is in the server war, wouldn't be surprised if the main castle is attacked every other day. In any case, either due to attack or defense you receive points.
[09:38] Crector: Have you seen whee is castle is located nowadays with at least 2 other 20+ Legendary Levle guys in the same alliance right by a really big ugly KON building.
[09:38] Crector: ?
[09:45] Dianais: Nope.
[09:47] Crector: If you want to see it, just type in his name.
[09:48] Crector: All I have to do to get 1,000 aquamarine adnd 10 rubies is get 77 more of the stuff in plunder...might as well do it.
[09:58] klemal: I did message Asianminor....probably doesn't know what the message center is or the recruit help icon is either. One more attack by a ally on that castle and I guess sabotage will have to be the new diplomacy
[10:03] Dianais: I did that, but whee doesn't copy. You sure it's spelled ok?
[10:06] klemal: bbib

[10:13] Crector: Hello Asainminor101
[11:33] klemal: I got a reply from asianminor....he said he got the resources and he has no problems
[11:34] Crector: great.
[11:35] klemal: Dianais, I've punched that help button for your one recrit 8 times doesn't want to take...go figure
[11:47] Dianais: Yeah, some times happens also on this side.
[11:47] Dianais: bbl
[11:57] Crector: Got 300 Glory thus far today and got the 1,000 aquamarine bnus....Come start next month, I'm going to hit the ground running in Storm Islands with what I've learned the past few weeks....
[11:58] Crector: Also at 1,655 Honor, my all time highest.
[12:01] Crector: Doctors appointment 1 hour from now.
[12:01] Crector: Gone for the afternoon.

[12:07] klemal: see ya later then
[13:11] FamousGreyWolf: need food
[13:12] FamousGreyWolf: lots of food(only got 7)
[13:12] klemal: at your main?
[13:13] klemal: 41 minutes
[13:13] klemal: 3500
[13:14] klemal: another 2500 on the way
[13:15] FamousGreyWolf: thank you
[13:15] FamousGreyWolf: very much
[13:16] klemal: how many deserters did you have?
[13:17] klemal: I ran low on food at my main yeterday and lost half a army....the snakes
[13:24] FamousGreyWolf: 137
[13:25] klemal: you need to start looking for a outpost
[13:26] FamousGreyWolf: found one but Im taking from someone else
[13:26] klemal: makes sure you clear that from Crector first
[13:27] klemal: are there none unoccupied near you?
[13:31] FamousGreyWolf: nope
[13:33] klemal: I deally, you want your op's as close as possible.....heres another thought....look around for a area where there are several vacant op's, and see if you can move your castle are allowed one free move.
[13:34] klemal: I had my op's right next to my main...but then the alliance sent me to capyure op's froma member who I had to move my castle...give up my op's and fight for the new ones
[13:37] FamousGreyWolf: got to go
[15:45] sunny007: i'm going for all week end, see you on monday, pleas check on my castle and op ty
[16:21] klemal: back in awhile
[17:38] klemal: did you both get my mail?
[17:38] klemal: are we going to pay, or attack?
[17:40] klemal: I'm going to eat dinner...bbiab
[17:40] Crector: Don't see any alternative but to pay up right away so that when we get the bonus from Storm Islands, we won't have to give them any part of that.
[17:41] Crector: Looked around and found OP's belonging to 2 inactive out of alliance players that FGW could take.  Msg'd him about them.

18:58] Crector: So no sign of SB in the past 3 days or so?
[19:00] klemal: haven't seen her
[21:52] klemal: anybody close enuf to Crector?
[21:52] klemal: all my rubies won't get me there in time
[21:59] Will948: I just send him 30 scout and 30 sentinel
[21:59] klemal: thanks must be close to him
[21:59] Will948: that's all I have
[22:00] Will948: 30.6
[22:00] klemal: I was going to send 100 archers, but even with rubies it would have been 50 minutes
[22:00] klemal: he is supposed to get our support time shortened tomorrow sometime
[22:01] klemal: I sure hope he has he defenses set...
[22:06] Crector: Thanks Wil; for the assist...gonna need it.  Yes, I do have my defenses set, but with 2 shady character attacks in the past week from Lee_41's alliance, there aren't all that many defense troops left here.
[22:07] Will948: you're welcome
[22:07] Crector: Did see that both the colonel and SB dropped in long enough to leave recruit help requests, but said nothing in chat,\.
[22:08] Will948: good luck with your battle, see you guys
[22:10] klemal: yes I did
[22:11] klemal: SB was in and out in 60 seconds :o)
[22:12] Crector: Must have had a hot date.
[22:12] klemal: Boss, you need to pull back from invasion sometimes to rebuild defenses
[22:14] klemal: I havn't done crap in 3 days now except for that Bruno the Lucky scam...except have a lapse of concentration and see hal my offensive army desert. :o(
[22:15] klemal: it takes time for me to get my defense how I like it...and after that retaliiation by Gypsys the other day it depleted me.
[22:15] Crector: Attacking does not mean that you can't build defenses at the same time.
[22:16] klemal: the loss of my offense is what hurt...desertion gets you nothing but costs you plenty
[22:17] klemal: yes....but if you studay all great generals....when they out pace their supply or defensive lines...offense stops
[22:17] Crector: I should have told Will to withdraw his troops.
[22:17] klemal: or disaster could follow
[22:18] klemal: maybe I'm OCD, but I keep over 300 defenders at all my digs
[22:19] Crector: You forget those attacks on my castle...what does oCD tabd fr?
[22:19] klemal: raidin rb's and those four battles I had during the week depleted my offensive tools also
[22:20] klemal: obsessive compulsive disorder
[22:20] klemal: means nit picky
[22:21] klemal: tomorrow I will start a search for new targets and be ready to go, hopefully
[22:22] klemal: remember mein leader...if they can't get a look in your digs, they will hesitate to attack
[22:24] klemal: as soon as my gristmill is upgraded guardhouse numer 11 is going up :o)
[22:27] Crector: Just donated all resources at the castle to the alliance.
[22:28] klemal: you think u are gonna lose the battle?
[22:29] Crector: Heavily outnumered...even more thann the previous battle.
[22:29] klemal: why do you think taht is?
[22:30] Crector: Why are you being such a jerk?
[22:30] klemal: no...I am wondering why
[22:31] klemal: if we can spy on you think they can spy on us?
[22:31] klemal: are they real or computer generated?
[22:31] Crector: You know full well that I've been heavily attacked twice in the past week.  Didn't have enough time to rebuild.  You know that.
[22:31] klemal: this is the debate in my mind....they seem to hit some of us harder than others
[22:32] klemal: you included
[22:32] klemal: I am trying to figure out if there is a pattern here
[22:32] Crector: They hit the atives.
[22:33] klemal: they hit SB and she's far from active
[22:33] klemal: are they reaql, or a figment?
[22:33] klemal: I had one attack...that was it

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