Saturday, January 3, 2015

Messages from klemal January 2015

Crector,  This is the message I've sent to m. I thought you should know the situation here,

Food supply keeps dropping...i use up twice what I can produce and it's getting worse with more recruits. I can barely stay afloat....will have to go for broke and send all my defenders as well or start losing them thru desertion. I am building more farm houses, but that really isn't the answer. I am at a tactical disadvantage and if the foreign castles attack I could lose it all...if that happens, I will leave the alliance....and I would like Crector to deal my death blow. It will be easy as there will be no one left alive.

Crector, I added 2 more farms and am upgrading them....need to upgrade a few residences to get my income up...I can take out those trees to make room for more farms. I have a lot of plates spinning right now...need to get more troops to take out that op today if I can. Back to raiding rb's

Thats all I've been doing is raiding every rb in a 8 mile radius...starting to get some decent payouts

Crector, The new op came online early this morning and I shouldn't have to worry about suppies much anymore...except maybe stone, later on. I have a lot of damage to repair and both types of troops to build up....gotta defend my main and this place and get a massive army up to take the next op.  I have re-named this op Elysium....I can't wait to get back so we can start some co-ordinated mayhem . I see many of the things they do here.  and it's all on a massive scale...the numbers are astounding...loot and glory.  Last night they were waiting for the monuments to reset and made it a point to snag as many as they could for the bonuses it brings their alliance.....likr a pod of Orca's attacking a group of seals. Talk to you later, buddy

There is no stone at this op but other than that it is way bigger than my main castle....lvl 10 bldgs...I had to destroy a lot of them but it is still way more than I had. If and when I get that other op, it should be enough to keep everyone who is in need supplied. But first I gotta take it...maybe by tomorrow, I am going to need 500 troops at least, but at least now I have steady income of larger proportions. I can't screw around with anyone...have to have tunnel vision and get this done and overwith before some yahoo tries to cut in. I will let you know when I'm ready to go for it. I am going to be putting out fires for weeks here...or at home, when I take the second one. Take care buddy, hope to see you soon.

Crector, I am going to start my attack in less than a hour.

Thanks,'s just a time consuming process, I think maybe these op's can provide everything that's needed....the one I just captured has a small quarry....they are both food 6 so food shouldn't be a problem anymore. The rebuilding process could take a week or more depending upon the amount of damge done to each structure. I won't know til tomorrow how much demolition I have to do to the second op. Right now I'm just concentrating on shoring up the defenses in all of my castles.....I've repelled a few spys at my main in the past couple of days. I attribute it to being the new kid on the block.

some little creep right next to the death alliance and some guy 500 miles away....he also sabo'ed me I think but I didn't want to get into it with anybody....tunnel vision on accomplishing these captures....I'm glad m was here to lend a hand as I didn't wwant to bug these guys too much.....they have been in a frenzy since this foreign lord wars started....I have never seen loot taken in the amounts they after raid...huge amounts of glory. You realize I am way below their lowest level here....I feel like a flea. ;o). They have been  helpful , sending food and backup after that first capture. Can't wait to get back though.

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