Sunday, January 11, 2015

LOF: Mars League Alliance Chat January 11 2015

[19:02] slickdave50: crector can i attack sunny007
[19:02] Crector: Of course.  Remember she qyut the game.
[19:12] Crector: You can also attack the castle/OP's of the retired founder of this alliance, Sean Mars.
[19:13] slickdave50: ok
[19:14] slickdave50: can u spy no it for me
[19:15] Crector: I'll try.
[19:15] slickdave50: thanks
[19:57] Crector: Another good target to go for is kodey12
[19:58] slickdave50: ok
[19:58] slickdave50: ty
[20:03] slickdave50: bbilb
[21:50] slickdave50: anyone need anything
[21:50] Crector: No thank you.
[22:09] Crector: Here's a promising target:  chuckles7  lvl 36
[22:18] Crector: Just set a new all time personal record for most Glory in 1 day:  725.
[22:19] slickdave50: nice
[22:24] Crector: Good job spying on chucles7
[22:24] slickdave50: ty
[22:37] slickdave50: do thay play at all
[22:41] Crector: The members of this alliance?  NOt much although allsfair and rickdockins have earned glory.
[22:42] Crector: I ws in this alliance for a week beofre joining what is now called SF USAF and most of the players, including the leader, played about as much as SB 17:  basically defensively oriented players.
[22:43] Crector: ColonelDicJr could tell you as a more recent member about how inactive they were.
[22:44] slickdave50: i have an idea
[22:44] Crector: According to D.D., klemal can't come over for the time being because they need his prowess as a Diplomat.
[22:44] slickdave50: evrytime we get glory donate 500 of everything to the alliance
[22:45] slickdave50: or 100 coins
[22:45] Crector: Not as an alliance policy.  Rather set an example for the other players.  Before I log off, I'll make donate resources.
[22:46] Crector: And perhaps some coins as well.
[22:47] Crector: I recruited Patrice Sparta a lvl 10 player whose castle is in our area.
[22:51] slickdave50: we need some good players
[22:54] Crector: We'll get things turned arounde.  The only direction we have is up.
[22:55] slickdave50: we will be strong
[22:56] Crector: that's the spirit
[22:57] slickdave50: do u buy rubies
[22:59] slickdave50: hey will
[23:01] Crector: I've only once bought rubies on a buy 1 get 2 free offer that I've never seen repeated.
[23:02] Crector: Will948:  What do want this alliance to do?
[23:15] Crector: How are you doing bmarocks?
[23:32] bmarocks: Fine, how about you?
[23:35] Crector: Good.  What do you think of this alliance's new dierection?
[23:38] bmarocks: It's a step in the right direction i think.
[23:38] bmarocks: This alliance has been inactive for a awhile
[23:38] Crector: Thank you.
[23:38] bmarocks: It could only get better
[23:40] Crector: Alliances are a reflection of their lader and Sean Mars, during the week that I was a member back in early September, did not seem to be especially active.
[23:41] Crector: You may remember ColonelDicJr who was the allaince deputy until a couple weeks ago.  He had a lower opinion of Sean Mars and of this alliamce than I did.
[23:43] Crector: According to the leader of the SF USAF Knights, GARYM, Sean Mars was once a very good alliance  leader.
[00:09] slickdave50: i have work in the moning
[00:09] slickdave50: nite
[00:13] Crector: Good Night

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