Friday, January 30, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 30th 2015

[07:11] Crector: Hate to say it, but this latest decalred war is all my fault.  I attacked in Everwinter strictly for Glory without even bothering to read their alliance descrituion .  If I did that would have seen that they have the stupid Auto War on ON and would not have attacked them.  Hopefully, klemal can get us out of having to pay them tribute.
[07:15] Crector:
[07:15] Crector: Never played in a game where one player's team had so many branches and sub-branches as this KON.
[07:26] Crector: Same goes for quite a few other teams in GGE.
[07:32] klemal: Crector, did you offer to send the huy any resources?
[07:32] Crector: n....the auto war thing was ON, so it would not have mattered.
[07:35] Crector: That's what happens when you try to stay up despite don't think straight and get into trouble.
[07:35] klemal: why not try to deal with the guy before we make a bigger deal out of it? see if he willaccept a bribe and get his leadership to leave us alone?
[07:35] Crector: They already declared war.  Its not as if they were metely threatening.
[07:36] klemal: By my contacting their leadership, we are making it a bigger issue instead of trying to make it look like a mistake
[07:36] klemal: I can always do that if compensation fails
[07:38] Crector: Rough draft of a msg to the guy I hit:
[07:38] Crector: If I were to send you a full load each of wood and stone, think you could persuade your leadership to make peace with us without us having to pay tribute?
[07:40] Crector: Does that work or not?
[07:41] klemal: sounds good...they are all far away from us here...the closest is 213 miles from would be expensive for them to attack us in force
[07:42] klemal: from their desdcription and then looking at their members list, they sure don't look like a training  league
[07:44] klemal: make sure you have a apologetic tone to your oops, sorry, I didn't know what I was doing
[07:46] Crector: I screwed up and attacked you without bothering to read your alliance description first.  If I were to send you a full load each of wood and stone, think you could persuade your leadership to make peace with us without us having to pay tribute?
[07:47] klemal: How high a level player was this guy?
[07:48] klemal: yeah, that will do for openers
[07:48] Crector: lvl 36
[07:49] klemal: he is one of their lower levels///they don't get much lower than him...and there aren'yt many
[07:49] Crector: I'll send him that msg and then have go do stuff outside.
[07:49] klemal: yeah...we have til Sunday
[07:50] klemal: I'll start thinking of a good story to grovel with
[07:53] Dianais: We have to sunday, but resources sent as tribute past 1.6 days from now will include additional 2.5k coins per percent point. From the 250k about to enter from storm islands.
[07:57] klemal: ok...I'll wait to see if this guy replies to Crector today
[07:58] klemal: Asianminor, did you receive resouces from both of your atrtackers yesterday?
[08:01] klemal: I kind of need to have a reply here,,,,,,I need to know if these folks are following thru on their promises to compensate for mistakingly attacking a alliance member.
[08:05] klemal: maybe we have a language barrier here?
[08:06] klemal: You see Dianais, it will be easier dealing with the enemy. :o)
[08:06] Dianais: : |
[09:20] Crector: klemal:  send him a private message...some folks don't read chat.
[09:23] Crector: D.D.:  How come your old buddy Egghead has 20+ Legendary Levels with his castle a raging inferno while your castle is pristine but you only have 8 Legendary Levels?
[09:24] Dianais: War miracle. You are given points every time you are attacked.
[09:25] Dianais: More if you win...
[09:31] Crector: So being hyper aggresive like Egghead pays off?
[09:36] Dianais: Egg is not specially aggresive. But is in the server war, wouldn't be surprised if the main castle is attacked every other day. In any case, either due to attack or defense you receive points.
[09:38] Crector: Have you seen whee is castle is located nowadays with at least 2 other 20+ Legendary Levle guys in the same alliance right by a really big ugly KON building.
[09:38] Crector: ?
[09:45] Dianais: Nope.
[09:47] Crector: If you want to see it, just type in his name.
[09:48] Crector: All I have to do to get 1,000 aquamarine adnd 10 rubies is get 77 more of the stuff in plunder...might as well do it.
[09:58] klemal: I did message Asianminor....probably doesn't know what the message center is or the recruit help icon is either. One more attack by a ally on that castle and I guess sabotage will have to be the new diplomacy
[10:03] Dianais: I did that, but whee doesn't copy. You sure it's spelled ok?
[10:06] klemal: bbib

[10:13] Crector: Hello Asainminor101
[11:33] klemal: I got a reply from asianminor....he said he got the resources and he has no problems
[11:34] Crector: great.
[11:35] klemal: Dianais, I've punched that help button for your one recrit 8 times doesn't want to take...go figure
[11:47] Dianais: Yeah, some times happens also on this side.
[11:47] Dianais: bbl
[11:57] Crector: Got 300 Glory thus far today and got the 1,000 aquamarine bnus....Come start next month, I'm going to hit the ground running in Storm Islands with what I've learned the past few weeks....
[11:58] Crector: Also at 1,655 Honor, my all time highest.
[12:01] Crector: Doctors appointment 1 hour from now.
[12:01] Crector: Gone for the afternoon.

[12:07] klemal: see ya later then
[13:11] FamousGreyWolf: need food
[13:12] FamousGreyWolf: lots of food(only got 7)
[13:12] klemal: at your main?
[13:13] klemal: 41 minutes
[13:13] klemal: 3500
[13:14] klemal: another 2500 on the way
[13:15] FamousGreyWolf: thank you
[13:15] FamousGreyWolf: very much
[13:16] klemal: how many deserters did you have?
[13:17] klemal: I ran low on food at my main yeterday and lost half a army....the snakes
[13:24] FamousGreyWolf: 137
[13:25] klemal: you need to start looking for a outpost
[13:26] FamousGreyWolf: found one but Im taking from someone else
[13:26] klemal: makes sure you clear that from Crector first
[13:27] klemal: are there none unoccupied near you?
[13:31] FamousGreyWolf: nope
[13:33] klemal: I deally, you want your op's as close as possible.....heres another thought....look around for a area where there are several vacant op's, and see if you can move your castle are allowed one free move.
[13:34] klemal: I had my op's right next to my main...but then the alliance sent me to capyure op's froma member who I had to move my castle...give up my op's and fight for the new ones
[13:37] FamousGreyWolf: got to go
[15:45] sunny007: i'm going for all week end, see you on monday, pleas check on my castle and op ty
[16:21] klemal: back in awhile
[17:38] klemal: did you both get my mail?
[17:38] klemal: are we going to pay, or attack?
[17:40] klemal: I'm going to eat dinner...bbiab
[17:40] Crector: Don't see any alternative but to pay up right away so that when we get the bonus from Storm Islands, we won't have to give them any part of that.
[17:41] Crector: Looked around and found OP's belonging to 2 inactive out of alliance players that FGW could take.  Msg'd him about them.

18:58] Crector: So no sign of SB in the past 3 days or so?
[19:00] klemal: haven't seen her
[21:52] klemal: anybody close enuf to Crector?
[21:52] klemal: all my rubies won't get me there in time
[21:59] Will948: I just send him 30 scout and 30 sentinel
[21:59] klemal: thanks must be close to him
[21:59] Will948: that's all I have
[22:00] Will948: 30.6
[22:00] klemal: I was going to send 100 archers, but even with rubies it would have been 50 minutes
[22:00] klemal: he is supposed to get our support time shortened tomorrow sometime
[22:01] klemal: I sure hope he has he defenses set...
[22:06] Crector: Thanks Wil; for the assist...gonna need it.  Yes, I do have my defenses set, but with 2 shady character attacks in the past week from Lee_41's alliance, there aren't all that many defense troops left here.
[22:07] Will948: you're welcome
[22:07] Crector: Did see that both the colonel and SB dropped in long enough to leave recruit help requests, but said nothing in chat,\.
[22:08] Will948: good luck with your battle, see you guys
[22:10] klemal: yes I did
[22:11] klemal: SB was in and out in 60 seconds :o)
[22:12] Crector: Must have had a hot date.
[22:12] klemal: Boss, you need to pull back from invasion sometimes to rebuild defenses
[22:14] klemal: I havn't done crap in 3 days now except for that Bruno the Lucky scam...except have a lapse of concentration and see hal my offensive army desert. :o(
[22:15] klemal: it takes time for me to get my defense how I like it...and after that retaliiation by Gypsys the other day it depleted me.
[22:15] Crector: Attacking does not mean that you can't build defenses at the same time.
[22:16] klemal: the loss of my offense is what hurt...desertion gets you nothing but costs you plenty
[22:17] klemal: yes....but if you studay all great generals....when they out pace their supply or defensive lines...offense stops
[22:17] Crector: I should have told Will to withdraw his troops.
[22:17] klemal: or disaster could follow
[22:18] klemal: maybe I'm OCD, but I keep over 300 defenders at all my digs
[22:19] Crector: You forget those attacks on my castle...what does oCD tabd fr?
[22:19] klemal: raidin rb's and those four battles I had during the week depleted my offensive tools also
[22:20] klemal: obsessive compulsive disorder
[22:20] klemal: means nit picky
[22:21] klemal: tomorrow I will start a search for new targets and be ready to go, hopefully
[22:22] klemal: remember mein leader...if they can't get a look in your digs, they will hesitate to attack
[22:24] klemal: as soon as my gristmill is upgraded guardhouse numer 11 is going up :o)
[22:27] Crector: Just donated all resources at the castle to the alliance.
[22:28] klemal: you think u are gonna lose the battle?
[22:29] Crector: Heavily outnumered...even more thann the previous battle.
[22:29] klemal: why do you think taht is?
[22:30] Crector: Why are you being such a jerk?
[22:30] klemal: no...I am wondering why
[22:31] klemal: if we can spy on you think they can spy on us?
[22:31] klemal: are they real or computer generated?
[22:31] Crector: You know full well that I've been heavily attacked twice in the past week.  Didn't have enough time to rebuild.  You know that.
[22:31] klemal: this is the debate in my mind....they seem to hit some of us harder than others
[22:32] klemal: you included
[22:32] klemal: I am trying to figure out if there is a pattern here
[22:32] Crector: They hit the atives.
[22:33] klemal: they hit SB and she's far from active
[22:33] klemal: are they reaql, or a figment?
[22:33] klemal: I had one attack...that was it

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

LOF:Mars League Chat January 27 2015

[11:21] klemal: 13 minutes and it isn't much...u need to be next door to do u rate being attacked at the same time by rb's and foreigner's?
[11:21] klemal: must be pheromones :o)
[11:22] klemal: bees to pollen
[11:23] klemal: i am not going to make it in time SB
[11:25] klemal: I'll try to make it for the second attack...why are these troops so slow compared to support at USAF?
[11:25] klemal: even with gems I'm looking at almost a hour
[11:26] Sexy Beast 17: usaf has the alliance support upgraded
[11:26] klemal: it is a big plus as I see it now
[11:26] Sexy Beast 17: our support trvel speed is only 65%
[11:27] klemal: u know, I got robbed of some rubies the other day...a couple of hundred that could have gone to the alliance
[11:27] Sexy Beast 17: 9000 ruby plus resources to increase it to 80%
[11:27] klemal: this system plays tricks on me
[11:28] klemal: I have had my account sapped before...always rubies...and I made no mistake spending them
[11:29] Sexy Beast 17: where is everyone
[11:29] Sexy Beast 17: colonel sent roops i dont know if it will be enought
[11:29] klemal: beats me...I was on til after midnite and Crector and Dianais were on
[11:30] klemal: I think Tk is just logged and not active
[11:30] klemal: I just got back from walking my dogs....Iwill be under attack again tonite, I'm sure
[11:31] klemal: I've raised the ire of GypsyTravelers
[11:31] klemal: had to put out some fires this morning :o)
[11:32] klemal: SB, do you attack those foreign castles a lot?
[11:32] Sexy Beast 17: after the rv i got about 5 minutes to get ready for foreign attack
[11:34] Sexy Beast 17: after the rb
[11:34] klemal: they attack you a lot, don't they?
[11:34] klemal: thge foreignersa I mean
[11:35] klemal: I know I should attack at least one of them, then they leave me alone after that
[11:36] klemal: any of them...I mean it seems like when they are here they attack you quite a bit
[11:36] klemal: I guess I'm just lucky...only been attacked by them once
[11:38] klemal: these are the Russians, supposedly
[11:42] klemal: thhey took the mercenary camp away from the front of my main castle
[11:43] Sexy Beast 17: i won but they wiped me and the colonel out
[11:45] Sexy Beast 17: i should not have tried to hold to flanks i guess almost did it though
[11:45] klemal: Good grief...what a costly victory....I will send defenders for support while you rebuild a bit.
[11:51] ColonelDicJr: hey sexy what happen to all my troops
[11:54] klemal: Valhalla
[11:54] ColonelDicJr: hope i dont get attacked soon
[11:54] klemal: pick one of those Russkies and attack first
[11:55] klemal: do u think it's really Russians...or the system is just pulling our chains?
[11:56] ColonelDicJr: they are run by the game like the robber barons
[11:58] klemal: so its a gimmick to get us all fired up
[11:59] ColonelDicJr: yeah it makes us fight
[12:00] klemal: I have other castles I'd rather be attacking instead of these jamokes
[12:02] klemal: Crector must've changed his sleeping habits......
[12:02] klemal: he pulls the lid down til twilight I guess :o)
[12:06] klemal: I'm telling you GG is messing with me...the mercenary camp disappeared from in front of my castle....and now it's back. I have lost troops transferring them from one castle to another, and have been relieved of a lot of my rubies.
[12:07] klemal: The guys in StoneCold told me they've sent troops for support and gotten back more than they sent....why can't I be that lucky?
[12:08] klemal: Mine are like the Lost Flight in the Bermuda Triangle...abducted by ufo's
[12:59] klemal: that was a quick horn
[12:59] klemal: wil, thats number 2 for you in less tah a hour, isn't it?
[12:59] Crector: What do you mean I must have changed my sleeping habits?

[23:45] Crector: Gary has always seemed too laid back to ever be an effective leader.
[23:48] Will948: Thanks for helping me with my fire
[23:48] klemal: When Dianais goes back, I hope she straightens things out......I hope she doesn't get the urge to wander
[23:49] klemal: Will, what was the name of that Sand H guy who attacked you?
[23:50] klemal: I have been going at it with the GypsyTravelers for trying to take rickdockins op
[23:56] Crector: Just in from Gary:
[23:56] Crector: she attacked the rvs of the alliance kon  thinking they were in ruins and without an alliance and KON declared war.  she left the alliance hoping they would not attack anyone else
[00:01] Crector: Cat got klemal's tongue?
[00:03] Crector: My response to Gary:
[00:03] Crector: Think you guys can get KON to make peace soon?  Might want to ask M to get some volunteers from other SF alliances.
[00:09] Crector: Awfully quiet here lately.
[00:18] klemal: I just sent off everything I had to gypciz castle
[00:19] klemal: if they see me coming they'll support and I'll be scrabbling for a week to get myself back together
[00:19] klemal: oh well....thats the thrill, you never know, go big or stay home.
[00:20] klemal: I would've gotten more honor if I attacked that Kalina....and it would have been a easier battle
[00:21] klemal: this guy is a level45
[00:21] Crector: No esponse to what happened with misty18 and the alliance?  I emember it being stressed that you do not attack the RV's of other alliances even if their members are in ruins.
[00:21] klemal: who did it?
[00:22] klemal: oh, you mean the guy who attacked rickdockins?
[00:22] klemal: his op?
[00:23] klemal: there was another target in SandH that I could have gotten 68 honor from...but the castle was burning
[00:24] klemal: SandH would have been the safer bet...the element of surprise
[00:24] klemal: this gypciz might be expecting me after last night
[00:30] Crector: You have no reactions to misty18's attacking the RVs of one of the most powerful allianc3es in the game?
[00:32] klemal: she attacked RV's?
[00:32] Crector: Yes.
[00:32] klemal: is that why she's on her own?
[00:33] Crector: Didn;t you read the message Gary sent to me that I posted to chat above?
[00:34] klemal: I seer it now...she had to be nuts...those guys are huge
[00:35] klemal: why do people attack those things anyway...I mean unless it's all out war?
[00:36] Crector: Never done it myself.
[00:36] klemal: that Jenny I attacked the other night messaged me and asked me why
[00:37] klemal: I explained my selection of her castle as random and the fact that she was a equal in level...and she understood that
[00:37] klemal: she may come after me never know
[00:38] Crector: Communication is good.
[00:38] klemal: I am just glad these higher level gypsies aren't attacking my op's like their subordinate did to rickdockins
[00:39] Crector: yes
[00:40] klemal: I guess I'll stay up to see if I get a victory or not...only another 45 minutes
[00:41] Crector: might as well.
[00:41] klemal: in about 15 minutes the war horn is gonna pop over at GypsyTraveler...they're probably Californians with my luck.
[00:43] klemal: I'll send another spy in about 10 minutes ahead to see if he got  supported, then I can kick myself if he did
[00:44] klemal: almost 500 front line troops will disappear in a instant.....poof!
[00:45] Crector: You seem to be relishing the idea of being annihilated.....
[00:46] klemal: their one guy was smart....he pulled most of the stuff out of his castle before I got there...very little loot, glory and honor....but I didn't lose but a few troops either.
[00:47] klemal: it's gotta happen sometime...I had a bad feeling about this attack...but we'll see, maybe I'm just a worry wart
[00:49] klemal: The guy I'm attacking tonite is the one who attacked me last nite...and lost, he also tried to sab me twice and he did succeed once....he attacked me without a spy report, I'm sure
[00:50] klemal: I turned away one of his attempts and it's doubtful he sent another, because his force was inadequate for my defenses
[00:51] klemal: for all I know, he is planning another assault on me tonite
[00:53] klemal: how cool is that.....opposing armies passing by each other...mano a mano
[00:54] klemal: war horn probably showed...I'll send a spy in 15 minutes

Monday, January 26, 2015

LOF:Mars League Chat January 26 2015

[19:05] klemal: I may have to take on Kalina after this attack
[19:05] sunny007: hello all if possible i need wood and stane to my op  1 and 3, ty in advance , there  one next to each other, ty in adavance
[19:06] klemal: did u lookk at the report I just ran on castle demonia?
[19:06] klemal: I learned one thing from this attack...that alliance is active and they probably support
[19:07] Crector: Both bo jangles and Tj2 were the real life dughters of Lee_41 and then they got bored and quit playing.  Their daddy has been keeping their accoutns warm trying to get them interested in the game.
[19:08] klemal: i c....what is daddy's handle?
[19:08] klemal: or rather his alliance
[19:08] Crector: Jenny556 or he guy behind Castle Demonia?
[19:09] klemal: he moved troopps back in there
[19:09] Crector: I told you his handle is Lee_41 and he is the leader fo IF: Elite
[19:09] klemal: oh, he is their leader....
[19:10] klemal: can wil pull his troops back?
[19:10] Crector: What do you mean?
[19:10] klemal: oops, too late
[19:10] klemal: wil attacked Sand H
[19:11] klemal: Castle Demonia
[19:11] klemal: he got bludgeoned I think
[19:13] klemal: u did a spy job on that castle...I just ran one a few minutes ago and saw he moved like over 300 troops in there
[19:13] Crector: ok
[19:14] Crector: gtg a bit
[19:15] klemal: Wil, how did it end?
[20:13] Crector: back
[20:14] Crector: sunny007:  What prompted you to return?
[20:15] Will948: badly
[20:17] Crector: Do you need any resources?
[20:18] Will948: I attacked him in return of his attack but someone else attack me in the same time
[20:18] Will948: I don't need anything thanks
[20:36] klemal: Will, did the Sand H guy attack you first?
[20:38] klemal: I,  asking because I'm looking for justification for making a attack on another of their members.
[20:40] Will948: nop, he attacked me first and then  Alias1 attacked me
[20:42] Will948: but Alias1 send me a message asking me to not attack anymore between our members with many ressources + 3000coins...
[20:45] klemal: how can he pay you coins?
[20:45] klemal: is he paying a tribute to our alliance or sending his resources to you?
[20:48] klemal: next time you attack a guy like that castle Demonis....send three wave of fully tooled troops and do it so it lands in the middle of the night...that way it's one on one will be awake to spport, hopefully
[20:48] klemal: and I know this how? I learned it the hard way :o)
[20:50] klemal: Sand H on the table? Castle Kalina?
[20:51] Crector: Yes they are.  You can also try to get a Pact with them.
[20:53] klemal: which would you rather I do first...?
[20:54] klemal: if I ask now, they might think we are a weak alliance....if I ask after I defeat one of them, possibly, then maybe they won't....but at least they won't think we're weenies
[20:55] klemal: if I lose I won't ask for a pact
[20:55] klemal: your the leader, tell me what you want me to do
[20:55] klemal: you're
[20:56] klemal: sorry, I scratched my eye while pruning my trees today
[20:57] klemal: also, I'm a few short of a full boat on the attack of Castle Jenny....hope I succeed
[21:01] Crector: If you win, then ask for a pact.
[21:02] Crector: Did you see a doctor?
[21:03] klemal: nah...just a scratch...put in some eye'll be fine in the morning
[21:03] klemal: should have had goggles on over my glasses
[21:03] Crector: You should wear goggles or something like that.
[21:03] klemal: will I never learn? :o)

[21:28] Dianais: In fact, I am demolishing some buildings to make some space.
[21:28] Dianais: Marketplace in storm would not be useful and will not last...
[21:29] Dianais: Remember that all upgrades are lost every 30 days.
[21:29] Dianais: I see that we are close to 5k aquamarine. We will make it yet.
[21:30] Dianais: We are 4k and 5 days still to go.
[21:37] Crector: So I should demolish my marketplace and add a new woodcutter?
[21:39] Crector: I'll demolish my defense workshop
[21:41] Dianais: Most of resources need to be sent from green or other kingdooms, or farmed from islands. What you can produce in situ enhancing facilities is not worth the resources you invest.
[21:43] Crector: Don't you lose sp,ething like 70% of the resopurces you send over?  Also do you have any idea what M. is doing in the Barghest alliance?
[21:48] Dianais: That's what you lose. Yet you don't have to rely in building facilities, which may take a lot of construction and last a couple of weeks.
[21:48] Dianais: M is doing itinerant diplomacy.
[21:51] Crector: How do you send stuff over to the Storm Islands?
[21:52] klemal: a traveling Wilbury
[21:55] Dianais: Map of the Kingdooms - Storm Islands - Send Resources
[21:56] Crector: just before yu typed it, I figured it out for myself...takes 2 hours for the Wood to reach there.
[22:17] Crector: Dianais:  One the guys I tried to recruit claimed that he tried to accept my invitation, buty gott a message saying that this alliance does not accept players underlvl 10.  Is this guy on the levle or not?
[22:18] sunny007: gn all
[22:18] Crector: night
[22:21] Dianais: As far as I know, there is not an auto setup for that. The guy may be confusing something. Or maybe he did receive a message from here for this requirement.
[22:22] Dianais: I would say, make sure there are always a couple of seats from good candidates or for visitors from main USAF.
[22:22] Dianais: Other than that, probe any level you want.
[22:24] Crector: As activity increases, its getting harder to make open spots by throwin someone out.
[22:24] Crector: Any word on DH7 or someone else from SF USAF coming over?
[22:28] Dianais: No. I have to go back, thinking tomorrow, and verify. I will return here for the ruby price and the name change.
[22:41] klemal: nite folks....have a nice evening
[22:42] Crector: Return for the end of Storm Island?
[22:43] Crector: Why do you have to go back?  Does Gary need you that much?
[22:44] Crector: For the first time ever, got over 1,000 Glory in one day.
[22:44] Dianais: We have pendings and a strategy to push.
[22:44] Crector: pendings?
[22:46] Dianais: We need to have DH crossing, review the status with monkey, see what are the new guys, update there on how we are here, etc.
[22:48] Crector: What's the deal with monkey?  Take it that he was unable to persuade his old alliance to throw their lot in with us?
[22:49] Crector: What is the strategy other than to push the semi-actives over here?
[22:49] Dianais: I lost contact. Can't say.
[22:51] Dianais: We will continue opening spaces for testing new players trying to level up.
[22:53] Dianais: The strategy is to grow. More active players, increase average level and experience pool.
[22:54] Crector: Haven't seen much sign of active recruitment over therer.
[22:54] Dianais: Send here both low levels to grow and high levels to support. And rest a little.
[22:55] Crector: I thought it was addition by subtraction.
[22:56] Crector: Have you noticed how both ColonelDicJr and SB17 have gotten a lot more militarily active since I sent out that mass message about attacking for Glory?
[22:57] Dianais: Dunno. Many references out of main at this time.
[22:57] Dianais: Yes.
[22:58] Crector: Why is Gaviston such a popular target?
[22:59] Crector: For only the 2nd time ever, I got the 80 activity point bonus.
[23:04] Crector: What are Premium Points good for?
[23:06] Dianais: Can buy temporary extra resource production, glory, etc...
[23:22] Dianais: Not in time for k.
[23:22] Dianais: See you tomorrow.
[23:23] Crector: After we get the name changed, we have to focus on both raising roster size and support speed.

[23:23] Crector: Good Night

Sunday, January 25, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 25th 2015

[17:46] klemal: $^&%$*&%^*$
[17:49] Crector: I've had times where I pressed the wrong button and paid rubies for something that I didn't need.
[17:51] klemal: no way...when I walked away from my screen I had 480 rubies....didn't touch a thing...and when I came backI had 214
[17:52] klemal: I have lost troops and equipment too...into the ether or the twilight zone
[17:55] klemal: here is anothe good one...I just sent 3 caravans to my mc...all maxed out with food shipments...I just looked in the travel log and one of them is stone I going nuts?
[17:56] klemal: maybe it's time to log off for awhile...maybe when I come back I won't even be here
[17:58] klemal: maybe I went blind with rage over the ruby incident and pushed the wrong slider, BUT I DON'T THINK  SO
[18:49] Dianais: Hi. Mostrly afk on this side. Just seen Sunny was in the chat.
[18:50] Dianais: klemal: GGE glitches have been over most players, but seems you are sort of magnet for these.
[18:51] Dianais: afk again for a while...
[20:48] klemal: I need Dianais to recon dirtyghettokid for me....he gives up 71 honor....the other guy, jasher gives up 63 I think....jasher will be easy
[22:28] klemal: 30 minutes and my last fire will be extinguished
[22:28] Crector: Great.
[22:29] klemal: my attack is on the way to jasher
[22:29] klemal: I can see those honor points now
[22:30] klemal: nuthin like counting the chickens before they hatch, huh?
[22:30] Crector: Yes.
[22:30] klemal: this guy might see me coming and give me a good a$ whoppin
[22:31] klemal: it kills me how this sytem plays the almighty with speech...and then robs you blind
[22:32] Crector: Here's a target I just found:  ghostshadow
[22:33] klemal: he'll give up decent glory, but 0 honor
[22:35] klemal: these guys drive me crazy with all these statues in their castle...I wonder how much public order it gives them?
[22:40] klemal: well, the war horn must have popped at GypsyTarveler....less than 29 minutes to go.....I hate these pre midnite attacks
[22:41] klemal: I might be spending the next week rebuilding a army :o(
[22:41] SirGnome: the statues depend on how many resources you pour into them
[22:42] klemal: so the bigger the statue, the more effective they are?
[22:42] klemal: like those colossuss things?
[22:43] SirGnome: yeah
[22:44] klemal: some of them look like they take up a lot of real estate
[22:45] klemal: I think I'd rather have a couple more guardhouses instead
[22:45] SirGnome: they're the same ssize just seem bigger because of the resource amount
[22:46] klemal: they don't burn in a attack, one good thing about them
[23:00] klemal: this guy saw me coming and pulled all his offensive troops
[23:12] klemal: he moved a lot of his resources out too
[23:33] klemal: well, I should have netted a lot more glory, but he got his assests out of there in time
[23:34] klemal: smart player...his castles got some fires, but no inferno......I got the honor though
[23:49] Crector: Or he donated his resources to his alliance....I've done that myself.
[23:51] Crector: klemal:  You've said that you have used a 2nd attack wave with lots of banners and loot sacks, but when I do it the 2nd wave gets turned away without a battle.
[23:54] klemal: don't do it have to use that little window at the bottom of your attack screen....its on the lower right and says waves of attack...after you fill the first wave, you move to the second and fill that wave, and then the third
[23:55] klemal: in other words don't launch a ttack, and then launch another attack after that...if you do it from your first attack screen, it launches them simultaneously
[23:55] klemal: they won't be turned back
[23:55] klemal: I used to make the same mistake
[23:57] klemal: try it, you'll like it...I load up the last wave with all my oddball stuff and loot carts and sacks and stuff....banners
[23:58] klemal: this guy saw me coming and moved most of his troops out and a good amount of his resources too I'm betting..
[23:59] Crector: Never noticed the attack wave button before.
[23:59] klemal: it didn't work when I was at a lower level
[23:59] klemal: so I had to do the waves manually
[00:00] klemal: and they would get turned back if the first wave won
[00:05] klemal: I've wreaked enough havoc for one day...time for some sleep...see ya's tomorrow.
[00:07] Crector: Good Night

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 24th 2015

[00:15] Crector: several?
[00:16] klemal: well, a few :o)
[00:16] Crector: Welcome back sunny007!
[00:17] klemal: hi sunny
[00:18] klemal: Crector, Minkling is already a barbeque pit!
[00:20] Crector: sunny007:  Noticed that yu've aready got 3 op's...not bad for soeone who was gone from the game for almst 2 months.
[00:21] sunny007: hell all feels good to come back
[00:22] Crector: Do you need any resources?
[00:22] sunny007: i have some cato cacht  back to do
[00:23] klemal: ?
[00:23] Crector: Think she meant catching up
[00:23] sunny007: wood ans stone at my 3 op if possible , ty in advance
[00:25] sunny007: u ar e right  crector, by the way i'm a he and not a she
[00:25] Crector: You don't have a marketplace there...can't send you resources before you have one there.
[00:26] klemal: ok...thanks for clarifying sunny
[00:26] klemal: we get a little confused around here sometimes
[00:27] klemal: Crector, u don't remember the name of the guy who just hit rafieu?
[00:27] Crector: no
[00:28] Crector: IEvilDeathj
[00:28] klemal: i scoped out another 30 lvl player of theirs....he was in flames
[00:28] Crector: EvilDeath   I remembered the castle name though and it was this guy's castle.
[00:29] sunny007: i'll let you know when i will have a market place i'm still building a few things
[00:30] Crector: I'll send you resources to your main in the meantime.
[00:32] klemal: besides Kalina420w in that alliance there is also a madmax420w....doubtless a team...
[00:55] sunny007: goodnight all, i'll see u tomorrow
[00:56] Crector: Good Night.
[01:01] Crector: 577 troops 116 tools in the attack on Lyrical Gypsy.
[01:04] klemal: u betcha
[01:04] klemal: u betcha
[01:06] klemal: 23 hard earned honor points
[01:07] Crector: More importatnly 413 Glory
[01:08] klemal: maybe I'll go after that level 27 guy tomorrow night...he has over 50 honor and at least as much glory
[01:08] Crector: Ever since I put out that mass message about Sean Mars\/Glory, this alliance has made a net gain of over 12,000 Glory.
[01:09] klemal: geez, I didn't realize it, but that place had a moat
[01:10] klemal: they had one tool on the wall
[01:10] Crector: Only one?  Talk about unilatera; fiosarmament.
[01:10] klemal: I attacked in 3 waves with the last one full of loot sacks, banners and loot carts
[01:11] klemal: I wonder if my two wolf hounds survived?
[01:11] Crector: So that' s theway toget the best use out of war banners and such?
[01:12] klemal: I like to load up the last wave with all of the oddball attackers
[01:12] klemal: need the tools in the first waves to overcome the defenses
[01:12] Crector: I'll try that sometime.
[01:13] klemal: yay, my wolfhounds made it!
[01:14] klemal: I gotta get more of them
[01:15] klemal: 117 casualties...70 going to the hospital...I'll get them back at a reduced cost
[01:16] klemal: gee I love these battles...u never know how they'll turn out
[01:17] klemal: the defender really has the advantage, especially if they see u coming...that's why I go all out....and if I lose, oh well, better luck next time
[01:18] klemal: that target in the other alliance will give up 75 honor points....that s a good amount.....I think madmax420w might be kalinas man...he might come after me, but he may be to high a level...49 I think
[01:19] klemal: u never know when you log on in the morning if you're going to find a inferno where your castle is :o)
[01:21] klemal: ok, way past my bedtime...u have a good evening Crector...later gator

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Msg from GileadHopes of the REBELS Alliance January 22 2015

I am absolutely fine with you and don't see this as any kind of war thing at all.  More of a  misunderstanding+mistake and, as far as I can tell, hurt feelings from SD50 and idiocy from another of our members who thought he was [in his own simple mind] helping.  (You didn't hear that because I didn't say that.)

I'm hoping you all will be willing to let this 2nd attack land on that OP ... oh, thank God.  The attack lands in less than two hours.   I was looking at the wrong one.  (I have a habit of doing that, don't I?  ;-P )  Hopefully, this will all be straightened out tonight.

I'll let Mayonnaise know he needs to recall his troops after they land and, hopefully, SirGnome can get settled back in.  I'll be in touch with him, probably in the morning (I go offline soon), to make sure we've resupplied him.

If you have any other concerns, please let me know.

LOF:Mars League Chat January 22 2015

[08:00] klemal: sorry I couldn't reach you in time, but you are too far away from me
[08:01] Sexy Beast 17: not much loss just a few troops and they went to hospital
[08:01] klemal: do you all see we have a new member this morning?
[08:02] klemal: do you also see that slickdave had launched a capture attack on one of that guyy's op's?
[08:03] klemal: SB...will his attack automatically be turned away?
[08:03] klemal: becuase sirgnome joined the alliance?
[08:03] klemal: because
[08:03] klemal: Colonel, what do you think?
[08:06] ColonelDicJr: yeah it should bounce off now
[08:07] klemal: kinda sucks for slickdave....he put a lot into that capture
[08:07] klemal: I thought the auto join was turned off?
[08:10] ColonelDicJr: we dont steal oups anyway
[08:16] klemal: huummm, that's debatable....I've seen plenty of it go on
[08:18] klemal: chivalry dictates that you shouldn't attack a castle already in flames either
[08:18] klemal: that's all that goes on here
[08:21] slickdave50: i appriciate all the help u all are good freinds im out fill free to message me
[08:22] klemal: ok dave, cu later
[08:23] slickdave50: im goin to find me a new alliance
[08:25] klemal: do what I told u Dave
[08:30] slickdave50: i mean im goin find me a new alliance
[08:30] slickdave50: not goin back to the other one
[08:32] klemal: I wish you'd reconsider
[08:34] slickdave50: i  know its war game but that was not cool
[08:37] klemal: return to USAF , Dave
[08:40] slickdave50: im out
[09:54] Asainminor101: good morning and what all happen here
[11:38] klemal: betrayal of a sort
[12:37] Dianais: Big drama. SD is a good active player, I hope it is all sort of confusion.
[12:38] Dianais: What happened is not clear, there was misscommunication for sure.
[12:38] Dianais: Crector to call into SD to clarify.
[12:38] Asainminor101: I was on but wasn't on the chat and all I saw was that slickdave was leaving and was like whats going on
[12:40] Dianais: Yea, we'll see. Off and back to work for the time being. See you later.
[12:43] Asainminor101: alright laters
[16:09] klemal: Crector, that's the second time today that guy has attacked Patrice's op...I sabotage already...your turn
[16:09] klemal: I just messaged him to look elsewhere or else
[16:11] klemal: everyone who logs on needs to sab that guy
[16:12] klemal: or if we have someone his level....take him out
[16:21] klemal: be back in awhile
[16:30] Crector: Msg from GilieadHopes of the REBELS Alliance:
[16:30] Crector: Good morning.  One of our members is friends with slickdave50 (in real life) and, this morning, slickdave50 joined us.   When he did, I saw that he had an OP capture-attack underway, which goes against our OP policy.  (He is also too far gone to retreat it.)He has told me this is not a problem but I thought I'd prefer to ask you, myself, since I don't know the fellow at all and, hey, his name is 'slickdave50'.Is all on the up-and-up or will this be a problem?
[16:31] Crector: My response to GileadHopes:
[16:31] Crector: It started on the up and up but SirGnome accepted our invitation and SD50 apparently fails to recognize that getting a player of SirGnome's caliber is for the good of the alliance, even if it is a setback for him personally.  I offered him my outpost at Caissa's Web as compensation.  He can still have it if once he finishes the capturing  process, he returns to the alliance.
[16:37] Crector: It wasn't all that long ago that people were talking on this chat about the idea of forcing SirGnome to join us.  Well, now its happened and the same people are upset.
[16:52] Crector: Response from GileadHopes:
[16:52] Crector: In case you don't see the incoming attack, it's at - 492:378He's hoping the OP will receive support and that  the attack will fail.  To assist in the failure, he's attacking right up the middle with 93 melee and 63 ranged troops, according to my travel report.As always, thank you.
[17:00] NobleMaximusWar: are we going to accept iron fist's terms?
[17:06] Crector: Not untless klemal can come up wth something diplomaticaly.
[17:06] NobleMaximusWar: ah ok
[17:07] Crector: Further msg from GileadHopes:
[17:08] Crector: I think he's planning on staying over here. Please disregard what I said about what attackers SD50 was sending, in hopes his capture would be defeated. SD50's friend, in our Outsiders training alliance ('Mayonnaise') *sigh* has taken it upon himself to 'knock off' SD50 after he completes the capture. For some reason, I think he thinks he has to do this to give the OP back.I desperately wish I could explain that logic to you. Since there is none ... I can't.  I plan on seeing that resources are sent to SirGnome at that OP to help with repairs when all this is done; especially since our own ... fellow decided to carry out a second attack trying to *sigh* help.  (Worse, I think it's another ~20 hours before that attack lands.)No matter what, SirGnome will be getting that OP back, along with resources.  I hope this is the most annoying thing you have to deal with the rest of this week.  Congrats, btw, on taking over the sub; made me smile when I saw you at the helm.  I wish you and yours the best.

[17:59] klemal: these are the coordinates of the solo punk who keeps attacking Ptrice's op....432 363....he needs a lesson in manners. I'll be sending arson squad again when I can...sent torches to the attacker or rickdockins
[18:02] Crector: will do
[18:26] Crector: Msg from a member of SD50's new alliance:
[18:26] Crector: the guy slick dave  on that op dont know why he did that he joined us today if he dont move his castle he has to leae us hes to far from us dont no how he ever got a invite ?sorry about all this
[18:26] Crector: And the likes of Diane Ravitch says that there is nothing wrong with the staate of public schools today.....
[18:40] klemal: :o)
[18:40] klemal: where is everyone?
[19:09] Crector: Situation normal as far as this league goes until the weekend.
[19:15] klemal: these tower fires ar time consuming
[19:16] Crector: Still have fires at your captured op?
[19:24] klemal: just the towers now
[19:25] klemal: these are level  4 towers, so they take more ofe everything including time, to repair
[19:26] klemal: extesnsive fire damage at this op
[19:31] klemal: guess I'll raid some rb's and see if I can scrounge some rubies.
[19:35] klemal: hey...there's nomads again
[19:40] Crector: Can you get rubies from nomads?
[19:45] Crector: Looks like SD50 moved his castle 700 miles away to he can be close to the other members of his new alliance.
[19:46] Crector: Hello SirGnome
[19:55] klemal: no rubies from nomads....
[19:56] klemal: some kind of parchment or scrolls...get enough and you  get some of their troops
[20:00] Crector: Any movement with Iron Fist?
[20:07] Crector: Should I accept their offer?
[20:08] klemal: no word
[20:09] klemal: we have til 11 something tomorrow morning...accept it if you want...they aren't going to budge
[20:13] Crector: Then I'll accept and get this over with.
[20:13] klemal: may as well
[22:25] klemal: talkative bunch tonite
[22:45] Crector: D.D.:  Sent you the battle report of my attack on the lvl 20 Storm Fort.  What can I improve on?
[22:53] Dianais: Have you got a spy on the fort? Probably you needed to send more waves, I need at least 2 to break thru the resource island.
[22:54] Crector: Normally send just one attack...usually don't need waves.
[22:59] Crector: Spy on the fort....43 troops reported 7 of whom were in the Courtyard and the rest of whome were spread evenly across the walls.
[23:02] Crector: Jus t went through a lot of hassle to attack a lvl 10 storm fort and came away with only 12 aquamarine stuffe
[23:04] Dianais: Do you still have the spy report, could forward it?
[23:06] Crector: let's look.
[23:08] Crector: Don't have it...sendinng more spies there.
[23:11] Crector: Got a new sspy report...doesn't seem to be any way of forwarding it to anyone.
[23:19] Dianais: True... you can only forward spy report targeting other players. Have just learned.
[23:20] Dianais: So what tools you see in each wall?
[23:20] Crector: Bodkin Arrows & Lime Powder Bombs
[23:21] Crector: Just launched attack on Barbarian Fortress in Evewinter.
[23:22] Crector: Hope asainminor knows what hes doing eith that capture attack of an op.
[23:24] Dianais: The tools you sent compensated for the walls and gate, but the arrows and bombs remained.
[23:27] Dianais: It is usually what happens also with the resource islands. Haven't win with just one wave, granted that using stone and wood tools. Always send full attacks with as many waves as possible, to weaken defenses with the first wave, and to have many troops in the keep for the final fight.
[23:28] Crector: Tke tis rare for other players to attack each other?
[23:28] Dianais: See tomorrow...
[23:28] Crector: bye
[23:28] Crector: Good night.
[23:29] klemal: gnite

Msg to slickdave50 January 22nd 2015

Now that SirGnome has decided to cast his lot with us, what that means is that your army will be turned away at the gates without a battle.  Since you gave up an op  to go after one of SirGnome's, you need compensation.  If you click on my castle, the I for Information button should pop up.  Click on that and you will find a listmof castles and outposts, one of which is Caissas Web.  If you wish, you may take it.

However, you will have to check in with Dianais about the procedures for taking an OP from another alliance member since that would mean relocating, at least for a day or so, to SF USAF.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Crunner Rough Draft

Noticed that you got an Estate 1.  I have an outpost, Caissas Web,  that's fairly well developed that you can take over if you want it.   Only problem is that since alliance members cannot attack other members, you will have to get a hold of Dianais to get the main procedure down right .  Dianais can also arrange for you to have a spot in SF USAF KNIGHTS for the operation.  Once you have secured Caissas Web as your own, you will have the option of staying in SF USAF or returning to this league.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

LOF:Mars League Chat January 17 2015

[22:29] Dianais: I wonder what AP is trying to pull... they were a little mistycal last times. This looks like abandoning the game..
[22:29] Crector: Msg just sent SirGnome:
[22:30] Crector: You have been invited to join us at LOF:Mars League and as such we will lay off attacking you for 24 hours while you consider our offer.  If you turn us down and remain without any alliance, we wiill resume our attacks.
[22:31] Crector: If SirGnome is still not in an alliance at 10:30PM Monday, feel free to attack.
[22:31] klemal: Did anyone send spies to this alchemists op's? the guy may be sand bagging like origamifarmer....holding his defense out of his main and a spider...only works if you're online tho when the attack comes
[22:33] slickdave50: DD pick what gem u want and click on ur armor and put it there and it should go on it
[22:34] klemal: yeah...for a zillion coins :o)
[22:35] Crector: I didn't.  I'll attack him once Cassias Web and TDZK have their forces built up to match food production.
[22:37] Crector: Congrats on getting 125Glory on that attack, SD50. Did you defeat him as well?
[22:37] slickdave50: no
[22:37] Crector: Turns out that Gems can go as high as lvl 6 and presumabley D.D. only wants the best.
[22:38] Dianais: SD: Yes. I tried this early with low level gems. But then there were different kinds, and upgrading costs quite a few coins...
[22:38] klemal: expensive taste
[22:39] Dianais: So I was upgrading them to better defense in the keep for castellans.
[22:39] klemal: I wait till I get the special ones from a raid...I tried improving them once and got ripped off
[22:39] Dianais: And for better number of attackers at the sides and at the center for commanders.
[22:40] klemal: I did build a military hospital however, and found it to be a good investment
[22:40] klemal: the retreads cost less than new recruits
[22:41] Dianais: After a sizeable amount of coins and upgrade failures, I ended fitting 1 castellan and 2 commanders with level 4 gems.
[22:42] klemal: how much?
[22:42] Dianais: I'll go for the hospital also. There was some discussion when the hospital was made available, as per klemal seems it turned to be better than nothing.
[22:42] klemal: approx.?
[22:44] Crector: Hi Will
[22:45] Dianais: Approx 100k coins today. I made some non sistematic upgrades in the last months, and an early fit of gems... but only low levels, so not much in terms of coins.
[22:45] Crector: Got 2 boats built in Storm Islands, but only because of treasure chest found while expanding the castle.
[22:48] Dianais: Report on Stone Achemist outpost sent. Again ruby tools, and now some soldiers. Not many, and part defense part attack.
[22:49] klemal: yikes! I better start banking some coin :o) Crector, That stormy islands place sounds way more interesting than the frozen North or whatever it is.
[22:50] klemal: I have to get these fires out before I go provoking anyone...but I am getting bored with raiding robber barons
[22:51] klemal: I don't think I've pulled off one raid today...makes me sick what that op looked like
[22:57] klemal: Castle Alchemy looks like a good target...too far for me tho....I can tell you, those militia can be tough, especially with those defenses. I think a full compliment of assault tools will be the winner.
[22:59] klemal: forget it, no honor to be had there, for me at least
[23:16] klemal: nyt awl
[23:17] Dianais: nite k.
[23:21] Crector: Hey Colonel D., can you lay off SirGnome for a day?
[23:26] ColonelDicJr: ok but he was a good target
[23:29] Crector: If he doesn't join us or SF USAF, feel free to attack him at will.
[23:29] ColonelDicJr: ok
[23:31] Crector: Thanks.
[23:41] Crector: D.D.:  Here's another candidate for your superior spies:  438:402
[23:44] Crector: Colonel:  What do you think the alliance name should be changed to once we have accumulted enough rubies?
[23:45] ColonelDicJr: i like SBs suggestion
[23:48] Crector: SF USAF Tigers is the most popular idea thus far.
[23:50] Crector: SB must be an interesting person in real life.  When  I was in high school, none of the girls I knoes had any interest in computers since they thought that they would get cooties or something if they even touched the TRS-80.
[23:53] ColonelDicJr: thats an old computer
[23:54] Crector: Speaking of cooties:
[23:54] ColonelDicJr: that was the sone age  of computers
[23:55] Crector: That was the only computer that they let the students use.  I was in high school during 1979-1983 and only guys had any interest in it.
[23:55] ColonelDicJr: stoneage

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

LOF:Mars League Alliance Chat January 15 2015

[00:11] Crector: Hell D.D.!
[00:11] Dianais: I see that you keep good company.
[00:11] Dianais: : )
[00:13] Dianais: Will stay for a couple of days if you don't mind.
[00:14] Crector: You are now the Diplomat...any further communications with Lord Millerr?
[00:16] Crector: Turns out that Patrice Sparts got an op...wasn't even aware of that until just a bit ago.
[00:16] Dianais: Thanks. No comms. My guess is that they were a sub in the past, same than Mars League here.
[00:17] Dianais: Then relations got loose. We still friendly, but they no longer recognize themselves as sub.
[00:18] Crector: Lots of saboing at Pizza Storm....
[00:19] Dianais: Yea. Pizza owner launched on f4f and failed. We just retaliated with a little fire.
[00:19] Dianais: On the matter of ninjaelias and rickdockins...
[00:20] Dianais: If still open.
[00:21] Crector: ninjaelias's fag is gone.
[00:21] Crector: flag
[00:22] Crector: It appears to be firmly in our possession.
[00:23] Dianais: Was there any comm from the other alliance?
[00:23] Crector: No.  Did you guys do anything?
[00:24] Crector: It says that 3 hours ago, rickdockins received 26 Glory...nothing on what for.
[00:24] Dianais: Not me. klemal brought your comm on the table, probably did.
[00:25] Crector: I'll send suppport troops before I hit the sack.
[00:26] Crector: Would appreciate it if you could clean up the Division98 problem.
[00:26] Dianais: We can support from USAF in case of problem. We'll see.
[00:26] Crector: I can't either reject the pact proposal or end the NAP.
[00:27] Dianais: Division98? Let me see...
[00:30] Dianais: Ok, let's discuss tomorrow.
[00:30] Crector: ok...tired?
[00:30] Dianais: Why are we at war with so many? Are these active wars?
[00:31] Dianais: Yea, hitting the sack pretty sooon.
[00:31] Dianais: Will send support to rickdockins.
[00:31] Crector: I've ended one of them....nothing doing wars basically.
[00:33] Dianais: I take that you would like to reject the pact proposal and end the NAP?
[00:33] Dianais: Or something different?
[00:34] Crector: What you first said....Vauxhaul has been causing problems.
[00:35] Dianais: Reinforcements otw.
[00:35] Dianais: Ok ok
[00:36] Crector: How has Supreme Ruler and the other activity problem children been doing?
[00:36] Dianais: Done...
[00:37] Dianais: I haven't seen SR when I was on.
[00:37] Dianais: I got on SB, who promised to jump over after puting out some fires.
[00:37] Dianais: Was afraid of looking a target with fires on.
[00:38] Crector: SR does not appear to have done anything about his fires.
[00:39] Dianais: We have all the guys in the list communicated and we are addressing them as they lon on - not the last two you sent at this time.
[00:40] Crector: The colonel says that SB 17 is a female....never seen a female gameer use a name like "beast" before.
[00:40] Dianais: There are several like this, we are pushing them to put fires of.
[00:40] Dianais: damb still has fires after 2 weeks...
[00:40] Dianais: f4f has fires since the capture also.
[00:41] Dianais: Etc. Which means public order on the floor, and very low resource production, which was the reason for the captures in the first place...
[00:42] Crector: Don't understand why not put our fires.
[00:43] Crector: I have siomehow gotten 1,100 rubies for the alliance at Stiorm Islands.
[00:45] Crector: You can only gdet an extra man in recruiting in the afternoon or early evening...shouldn't bother doing it right now.

[00:45] Dianais: Understand, was just inertia.
[00:46] Dianais: How did you get the rubies? GGE awards ruby prices, but regularly at the end of the event.
[00:48] Dianais: The plan is to continue collecting aquamarine, myself and other players at USAF Knights, and jump here just on the final day to award the rubies.
[00:52] Crector: On the alliance chronicle, it says that the league was awards so many rubiew, resources and coins and that my name was on the right of those announcements.
[00:56] Dianais: Maybe because the alliance reached level 3?
[00:56] Crector: Wasn't aware of that.
[00:56] Dianais: Ok, SD & Crector, see you tomorrow.
[00:57] Crector: c you around.
[00:57] slickdave50: nite

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Message from Dianais "News & Transition" January 13 2015

As sent to the listed, copying Crector, Garym, klemal. Not said below, but the high levels will preserve or improve rank on the jump, which we need to remark as another grow opportunity. Garym, could you message this guys separately?

Hi! trying to share and consolidate in written what happened in the last days. We are considering begin leveling USAF, starting low first but going for a target level of 30 or the like for members, so we can have seats opening back here for further recruitment. We advanced in terms of subs, we have both soon to be ex-Mars and a handle in the ex alliance of Monkey, we will need the subs to relocate low members while we grow.

Crector and SD50 are already in the first sub, soon to be ex-Mars, which we need to consolidate ASAP. Many of us will be rotating over there, starting with ColonelDicJr, EmeraldQueen, Lone_Wolf67, poot11, Supreme Ruler. We need to sum there also members providing more experience and defense capabilities, for which we are thinking in Sexy Beast 17, DarkHorse7, Chlo-Chlo. In fact we will want experience in all subs, which will be a little hard if we go for ex-Monkey alliance as a sub. klemal, M, myself, and hopefully others, will be hopping also on and off of the subs.

In any case, we should stay flexible, avoid solidify people in positions, keep moving people around, as the subs are intended to be good opportunities for learning for low levels, but will slow learning a bit for high levels. And we need the players to come back home and discuss strategy and growth now and then.

We will be organizing with Crector and M the transfer of players ASAP, as soon as we find the players online, in fact if you find Crector on you can contact him and relocate without further paperwork... Remind that this a strategic move, We need the sub and Crector needs you to secure the sub.


Chat Conv with slickdave50 January 12th/13th 2015

[01:41] slickdave50: where do u work at
[01:45] Crector: Joe Caputo & Sons IGA in Algonquin, IL
[01:45] Crector: Where do you work?
[01:50] slickdave50: nurse
[01:54] Crector: Hospital or home care?
[01:55] slickdave50: home
[01:57] Crector: When I got out of the so-called assisted living place after 4 weeks of poor care, my home nurse for over 2 months was far superior to any of the nurses I had at either the hospital (9 days) or assisted living.
[02:02] slickdave50: i been doing it about 3 months now
[02:04] slickdave50: i did work at cracker barrel 20 years
[02:06] Crector: You must be about my age.
[02:06] slickdave50: im 50
[02:07] Crector: I turned 50 last September
[02:08] slickdave50: aug
[02:09] Crector: Cracker Barrels are nice places, unfortunately there are none in my area.
[02:10] slickdave50: hard work
[02:11] Crector: I worked at McDonald's for 3 months.
[02:11] Crector: Were you an nassistant manager?
[02:11] slickdave50: no
[02:12] Crector: regular worker?
[02:12] slickdave50: yes
[02:13] Crector: Cash register?
[02:13] slickdave50: no
[02:14] Crector: Cook?
[02:14] slickdave50: i did some
[02:15] slickdave50: a lot of eggs i cooked
[02:15] Crector: I'm hardly a cook...microwave, frying pan  and frozen pizzas are about allI'm really capable of doing
[02:20] slickdave50: we play this game alot
[02:21] Crector: Yes....wheere do you live?
[02:21] slickdave50: tn
[02:22] Crector: Weird...whenever I think of Cracker Barrel, I always think of Tennessee.
[02:26] Crector: When they were still alive, my parents & I visited my Uncle Lowell & Aunt Jenny about once a year  at Scotts Hill, TN and we'd go to the Cracker Barrel in Lexington...the only Cracker Barrel I've ever been to.
[02:28] slickdave50: good food
[02:30] Crector: Its the place where I discovered Stewart's Root Beer.
[02:30] slickdave50: its good
[02:33] Crector: Its gotten too expensive over the years, so I now drink my father's favorite Dad's Root Beer....don't ever drink the alcoholic stuff.
[02:35] slickdave50: i dont drink
[02:35] Crector: Good...peserves brain cells.
[02:44] Crector: What I meant was that alcoholic beverages kills brain cells, not drinking them preserves your brain cells.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Message to GARYM Sept. 25 2014

24 and a half hours to when the estate finishes upgrading.  About how many and what kind of troops do you think I'll need and should I attack the place first before sending the castellan over to take it?  The spy report indicated that the 2 furthest away outposts had about 200 troops there.  Or could another alliance member attack it first?  As it happens, the only outposts I've ever taken were of the unclaimed variety.  I've never taken one from another player before.

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept 24 2014

[10:37] ColonelDicJr: noc left and went to elite scout but i dont know why
[10:37] Crector: How long has he been in this alliance?
[10:38] Crector: I'm trying to spy once again on 486:367
[10:39] Crector: I have too rebuild my resource stocks before doing a 40 hour upgrade on the Estate so I can get a 3rd outpost..
[10:43] ColonelDicJr: spy report on outpost just sent
[10:44] Crector: Thanks.
[10:44] ColonelDicJr: it was low accuracy but i got it thru
[10:45] Crector: Better than nothing.
[10:46] Crector: Thanks Whiplash.
[10:48] ColonelDicJr: from these two reports it looks like all the troops are on right flank
[10:48] Crector: One thing's fro sure:  noc was in this alliance well before the problem with Elite Reich so its unlikely that he was a spy.
[10:48] Crector: for
[11:01] Whiplash: here is another spy report
[11:01] Crector: Thanks again.
[11:07] Crector: Thanks for the reports, guys.  Looks like 2 of those outposts will be pretty hard to crack.
[11:34] ironicman1: hi
[15:12] frailmastermind: hello
[15:17] MightyBoss8: i need more money
[15:18] MightyBoss8: fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:20] MightyBoss8: how do you upgrade your walls frailmastermind
[15:26] JMball: Sup
[15:28] frailmastermind: i dount know
[15:31] jman221: yay
[15:31] MightyBoss8: do u know how to get money fast
[15:31] MightyBoss8: anybody
[15:33] JMball: I do
[15:34] MightyBoss8: how
[15:35] JMball: Collect your taxes and open your treasure chest
[15:35] MightyBoss8: taxes take so long
[15:36] MightyBoss8: and my treasure chest is gone
[15:37] MightyBoss8: need gems!
[15:40] MightyBoss8: please help
[16:35] BeckyOlive: hi
[16:41] ItsNotPersonal7: any one
[16:42] ItsNotPersonal7: /need suplies
[18:52] fart4fun: mon-2's outpost is only 21 miles south of me. almost perfect, in ruins and with no alliance. also high level. Should I try to take it with my 35 crossbowmen and 10 swordsmen
[18:53] fart4fun: player was level 42
[19:18] Crector: If that outpost is the one that a spy report showed that it had 36 soldiers, you might be able to take it with 35 crossbowmen and 10 swordsmen although I'd wait until accumulating another 25 swordsmen just to make sure.
[20:06] Dianais: Anyone going for an outpost. You can send enough attack as to destroy the defense. Or, you can coordinate with someone else stricking just before you reach the outpost and cleaning up the way.
[20:08] Dianais: These outposts will not stay unattended much more time.
[20:24] Crector: Well, my resources were seriously depleted during the war scare with all the workshops running around the clock and military buildings and farms being upgraded so its going to take aleast a day until I have enough stuff to upgrade my estate and then its a 40 hour building process.  Its going to be about 3 days before I can take an outpost.
[20:31] Sexy Beast 17: what resources do you need and how much
[20:32] Crector: About 4k stone and 5k wood.
[20:33] Sexy Beast 17: 6400 of each on the way
[20:34] Crector: Saw the wood yellow arrow just before you typed that.  Thank you very much!
[20:35] Sexy Beast 17: if you need more let me know
[20:36] Crector: That will be enough thank you.
[20:36] Sexy Beast 17: so in a little over an hour you can start the estate upgrade
[20:38] Crector: 419:353  LegendaryChase is in the Legion of Aid whose castle is in ruins and has a pristine outpost.  Might want to keep an eye on it to see if he is ever dropped from that alliance.
[20:41] Crector: Seems to be a lot of castles in ruins with available outposts, albeit mostly ablaze, lately.

Mass Message to the U.S. Armed Forces Alliance Sept 24th 2014

Baron mon-2 is a player whose castle is in ruins, who is not in any alliance and who has 3 outposts that have to be seen to be believed as they are very well built up with not a single building on fire at any of them.  These outposts are at 547:332 536:318 & 486:367

Unfortunately, these outposts seem to be spy proof since both Dianais & I tried about a dozen times to spy on one of the outposts and failed every time.  The importance of this cannot be overstated.  Possession of all 3 of these outposts would greatly enhance this alliance's war machine and would put this alliance in a stronger position should Elite Reich or any other alliance engage in future provocations.

The Blitz II Chat July 31st/Aug. 1st 2014

[21:26] RedBeard: my outpost is done :)
[21:26] RedBeard: finally
[21:26] RedBeard: now i just have to rebuild some of the buildings
[21:34] Crector: So your outpost really is not done?
[22:27] Crector: Do any of you guys need any resources?
[22:35] RedBeard: The repairs are done.
[22:35] RedBeard: But it doesnt quite have everything i want yet, so i have to add a couple things
[22:40] Crector: sending stone to your outpost.
[22:41] Crector: When will you have a strong enough army to strike at fighterlandon's outposts?
[22:45] RedBeard: by tomorrow evening if i keep on it
[22:47] Crector: Great.
[22:48] RedBeard: Do you want me to get thc and them to attack also?
[22:49] RedBeard: he has pretty strong outposts
[22:51] Crector: I'd like to see what this alliance can do by itself first.  Some time frim nw, I'll post to the alliance Notice Board that we need to take this punk down.
[22:54] RedBeard: alrighty
[22:55] RedBeard: just declare on him after i get my outpost ready?
[22:59] RedBeard: [22:31] Jocephalus: Does anyone need wood or brick?[22:31] Jocephalus: I am producing more than I can store ... and I can't donate to the alliance yet[22:59] Jocephalus: Does anyone need to be attacked?[22:59] Jocephalus: I have about 200 soldiers too many at the moment. They might as well die for glory!
[22:59] Crector: Declare war on his alliance?
[22:59] RedBeard: yea, is that the plan?
[23:01] Crector: No.  noty yet....rather keeep it him vs. us and encourage his few, if any, alliance mates to drop out.  Declaring war might have the effect of causing them to rally around the flag.
[23:02] RedBeard: we will lose glory if we attack most of them.
[23:02] RedBeard: best to let them attack us and deplete their forces
[23:05] Crector: That's why just attack him.
[23:06] RedBeard: yeah
[23:30] Crector: Do you have any idea how to collect resource donations from your citizens?
[02:11] RedBeard: yeah, you click on the pictures of the resources that float above your citizens heads from time to time
[02:16] Crector: I've ben doing that all along anyways.
[02:16] RedBeard: thats how you do it.
[02:16] RedBeard: do you get your bonus carts?
[02:17] Crector: I got 10 bonus elite troops albeit after that idiotic attack on my castle.
[02:21] RedBeard: ried to attack
[02:21] RedBeard: *who
[02:21] RedBeard: oh those reports
[02:27] Crector: If it were not for fighterlandon, I'd be tempted to go after that guy and his pathetic alliance
[02:28] Crector: [06:31] RedBeard: [07:23] fighterlandon: No,we won't attack them now but once my members are a higher level and i see they are capable or we get members with higher levels we will attack.
[02:28] Crector: Where did you get that info?
[02:33] RedBeard: THC has a spy in their chat
[02:34] RedBeard: he sends me info to paste that you should know.
[02:38] Crector: Is this spy in their alliance?
[02:41] Crector: Tonihgt, we go to finish him off especially since the honor gained from attacking him has dwinded to almost nothing.
[02:42] RedBeard: he is in their alliance
[02:42] RedBeard: as a spy
[02:43] Crector: Good..
[02:43] RedBeard: Player .V.
[02:46] RedBeard: btw, you stillgain glory even with 0 honor
[02:47] Crector: nice
[02:48] RedBeard: [22:59] Jocephalus: Does anyone need to be attacked?[22:59] Jocephalus: I have about 200 soldiers too many at the moment. They might as well die for glory!
[02:49] RedBeard: keep a look out for him cuz that will prolly be the guy he uses to weaken any defenses.
[02:55] Crector: He's their 2nd highest ranking member.....perhaps we will need to bring the  main alliance in right awaty after all.
[02:56] Crector: Pass the word on to THC please that I want an all out effort to exterminate him starting tonight.
[02:56] RedBeard: THC has 100 troops ready at all 3 of his castles.
[02:57] RedBeard: 300 in total
[02:57] Crector: Great.  Ask him if we should declare war on thatallaince as a whole or just keep it restricted to the leader.
[02:59] Crector: I have 48 troops heading his way rught nwo including 12 2-handed swordsment.
[03:00] RedBeard: Matthew B. said: Depends, if you don't feel like losing honor after attacking such low level players, I would restrict it to those 2 members and any member that may pose a threat unless he succeeds in gathering allies to help, which I highly doubt will happen.
[03:01] RedBeard: So basically it's whatever you want.
[03:02] Crector: I'd prefer to limit the combat to fighterlandon alone and not hjave a full-blown war.