Friday, October 31, 2014

The Blitz Chat Log July 18th 2014

[07:03] Bleeding THC: now his members will be our members
[07:03] Bleeding THC: he will have our protection and we will have his numbers
[07:03] eris: can he do that
[07:03] Bleeding THC: yes
[07:03] Bleeding THC: we are expanding.
[07:04] Bleeding THC: I plan on having 3 more blitz alliances and about 3 sub alliances.
[07:04] eris: so you are saying his members will our frends
[07:04] Bleeding THC: yes
[07:04] eris: so whos next
[07:04] Bleeding THC: his alliance is now part of us
[07:05] eris: do we any more
[07:05] eris: than he
[07:05] Bleeding THC: later on today i will recruit a bunch of members to his alliance
[07:05] eris: wait do you have any
[07:05] Bleeding THC: when that fills up, i will make another blitz alliance
[07:05] eris: whenw
[07:06] Bleeding THC: when i fill his alliance up
[07:06] eris: can i recruit him other players
[07:06] Bleeding THC: when he runs out of room i will make another one
[07:06] Bleeding THC: no, i had my friend join his alliance
[07:06] Bleeding THC: my friend will recruit for him
[07:07] Bleeding THC: i need you with us
[07:07] eris: why not me
[07:07] Bleeding THC: because I need you
[07:07] eris: im sorry
[07:07] eris: how can i say to them hi guys you should join his alliance is that right
[07:08] Bleeding THC: it woud be too difficult because they would probably try to join this one instead
[07:08] Bleeding THC: they would be confused
[07:08] Bleeding THC: i had my friend join his alliance so he could recruit them straight from there
[07:09] eris: yes so who is with us
[07:09] Bleeding THC: The Lords 1
[07:11] eris: ok
[07:11] eris: i think i done this if i wosent to be frends with him this doesnt be that
[07:13] Bleeding THC: if you want to go to his and help him then you can. But if you plan to be a leader of one of the blitz alliances then i need you to stay with us
[07:14] eris: what i should leave the alliance and join to him to hepl him and come back to blitzz
[07:17] eris: is that
[07:21] Bleeding THC: I will allow it if you want.
[07:21] eris: do you want that   did he know about this did tell him
[07:22] Bleeding THC: Go for it, i just told him
[07:22] Bleeding THC: just try to recruit some good players
[07:22] Bleeding THC: like above level 10
[07:22] eris: whatabout the allance is full and i cant come back
[07:22] Bleeding THC: send me a message and I will make room
[07:23] eris: ok so what it say
[07:23] Bleeding THC: I told him I was sending you to help with recruiting

[07:23] Bleeding THC: help him fill his roster with players above level 10
[07:24] eris: yes so tell everybody dont forgot to krrp mesaging me
[07:24] eris: bye
[07:24] Bleeding THC: ok
[07:24] Bleeding THC: have fun
[17:16] Bleeding THC: Crector, we are expanding
[18:10] Crector: So fighterlandon is going to become our ally?
[18:12] Bleeding THC: Better than that.
[18:12] Bleeding THC: His alliance is now our sub alliance
[18:13] Bleeding THC: When I fill him up with recruits I am going to start The Blitz II
[18:15] Crector: You must have had quite the exchange of messages.
[18:18] Bleeding THC: Indeed. He sent us a peace proposal which I denied. He then sent me a message pleading that I cease attacks and declare peace. I then made him the offer of protection, funding, and recruitment if he agreed to sub to us. he agreed
[18:18] Bleeding THC: I have eris working on his recruitment and another friend of mine following my instructions to structure his alliance.
[18:21] Bleeding THC: I have 1200 rubies saved up for funding this expansion.
[18:21] Crector: How do you structure an alliance?
[18:22] Bleeding THC: Making sure his members aren't placed in a rank they do not belong, making sure he is not overly agressive towards competeing alliances, just giving it a kickstart overall
[18:23] Bleeding THC: If he is going to be our sub then he is also representing us aswell as himself
[18:23] Bleeding THC: if he makes the wrong people angry we will have to cut ties early or end up getting attacked simply for the representation
[18:25] Crector: How does this game play on your comp?  When I first got into it a month ago, i could access it on any I can only do so on Google Chrome.
[18:25] Bleeding THC: well I use a chromebook, so thats all i can use is chrome.
[18:26] Bleeding THC: but it works pretty well. no problems so far
[18:27] Crector: I see the Nate guy is attacking Ivan...just sent a spy his way.
[18:27] Bleeding THC: I was attacked by a level 70 for some reason
[18:28] Bleeding THC: i havent had any further attacks, but i have to repair and recruit more men
[18:28] Crector: btw, was eris getting your nerves too?  My army was reduced to 13 after Dwight Jr's attack.
[18:30] Bleeding THC: I will send you a message reguarding that.
[18:30] Crector: Just sent spy report...problem is that I've been building up defensive units, not the kind of units needed to attack him with.
[18:32] Bleeding THC: I will attack him when I get my units back
[18:33] Bleeding THC: how rude, 70 vs 21
[18:34] Crector: I imagine life must get pretty boring after you reach lcl 70
[18:35] Bleeding THC: Ha, got that right
[18:37] Bleeding THC: So there is a choice you have with these new expansions to come.
[18:38] Bleeding THC: You can either stay here with us or lead your own blitz.
[18:38] Bleeding THC: You would be a good leader.
[18:41] Crector: You mean The Blitz 2?
[18:44] Bleeding THC: yes
[18:45] Bleeding THC: The plan is for there to be 1 main alliance, 2 branches, 3 subs
[18:47] Bleeding THC: That way we can make up for our lack in strength towards higher levels with numbers
[18:47] Bleeding THC: eventually the numbers will grow stronger hence, a beautiful force
[18:50] Crector: What is a branch?
[18:51] Bleeding THC: like a second alliance created from the first
[18:56] Crector: What's the difference from a sub alliance?
[18:58] Bleeding THC: A sub alliance is another alliance that is basically recruited from a leader. They retain the power and leadership, we gain their numbers from funding. They gain our protection. When we get them up and running they will be a good source of backup and resources.
[18:58] Bleeding THC: A branch is another alliance created by the primary to expand
[18:58] Bleeding THC: so we triple our numbers without having to go through the alliance funds
[19:00] Bleeding THC: Basically, we get bigger without going broke.
[20:47] Crector: So I should start saving up rubies again?
[22:55] Bleeding THC: Nope
[22:55] Bleeding THC: I have enough
[22:55] Bleeding THC: 1200 exactly

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