Monday, October 20, 2014

Message to Dianais October 20 2014 "Your Attitude"

First off, I'm not writing this to insult you or pick a fight with you.  The thing is that in talking about my becoming Diplomat, you said an awful lot of nice things about me.  This stands in direct contrast to the way you acted towards me during my first week or so in the alliance.

As you may recall, when you were attacked twice I sent troops to help you.  However, when I got attacked and asked you for your help, you responded by spying on me and then subjected this writer  to a long lecture about defense that you subsequently posted to the Notice Board.  Likewise, whenever I messaged you or tried to strike up a conversation on Chat, you just ignored me.  It was only after I subjected you to a long lecture about the Three Musketeers and how alliances are supposed to be one for all and all for one that you became communicative.

Just wondering, but did the fact that I had been in 4 difference alliances in 2 1/2 months prior to this alliance throw you?  Did you think that I was a punk or a swine because you remembered how I did things as News Editor at MPOGD & OMGN or did my playing name ring any bells from prevous online games?

If this makes you uncomfortable and don't want to respond, I'll understand and not bring it up again.

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