Friday, October 31, 2014

The Blitz Chat Log July 8, 2014

[09:31] Bleeding THC: Didn't like him either
[09:34] Crector: Do you ever send resources to players you attack?  What if they are inactive abds their alaince does not care?
[09:35] Crector: I keep on misspelling "alliance"
[09:44] Bleeding THC: I do
[09:44] Bleeding THC: If they are inactive, then at least i was still nice enough to do so
[09:45] Bleeding THC: If you are going to attack players for sheer experience and honor, i think it is only right to send them resources so they can continue to enjoy and play the game.
[09:45] Bleeding THC: As you do.
[09:51] manav ganjoo: i have joined the alliance too
[09:51] Bleeding THC: awesome
[09:52] Bleeding THC: time to shoot you that rank then :)
[09:52] manav ganjoo: thanks
[09:53] Bleeding THC: I'm confident that you will enjoy this a lot better.
[09:53] Bleeding THC: Lot more activity, fairness, and control
[09:54] manav ganjoo: yeah for  sure
[09:56] Bleeding THC: So do you have any ideas for this alliance?
[09:57] Bleeding THC: Anything you would like to see that wasn't available in LoA
[09:59] manav ganjoo: well in loa the leader wasnt surely active as you are
[10:00] Bleeding THC: I will be mainly active during the evening and early mornings
[10:00] Crector: Actually gamermax5 only showed up 10 minutes of so a week.
[10:00] Crector: or so
[10:01] Bleeding THC: I will be a lot more active once I get over some personal issues.
[10:02] manav ganjoo: thats good
[10:02] Bleeding THC: I do hold a very demanding job and am also dealing with my grandmother who was just diagnosed with cancer. which will put a dent in my day activity but at night is fair game.
[10:03] manav ganjoo: but i ll be not active  as u r because  i  m busy
[10:04] manav ganjoo: good luck  for  your  grandmother
[10:04] Bleeding THC: many thanks, and very understandable
[10:04] Bleeding THC: Personal life comes first
[10:06] Bleeding THC: I have to hop off for a bit but ill be back later
[10:09] Crector: AFK
[10:56] Bleeding THC: This espionage, are you planning to attack or would you like me to?
[11:04] manav ganjoo: hey bleeding i have attacked  see if u can help
[11:04] Bleeding THC: Alright
[11:05] Crector: I'm planning on attacking KK later today.
[11:06] Bleeding THC: did you pull an espionage on this person manav?
[11:09] manav ganjoo: yeah
[11:09] Bleeding THC: me too lol
[11:09] Bleeding THC: attacking
[11:10] manav ganjoo: i have  attack  him with all soldiers so if there is attack  on my castle cover up for me too
[11:10] Crector: I need to be able to attack with 14 soldiers to do it.
[11:11] Bleeding THC: will do
[11:11] Bleeding THC: you need reinforcements crector?
[11:11] Crector: No.
[11:12] Crector: mrrocks141 is a great target  who keeps on giving.
[11:13] manav ganjoo: bye
[11:40] Bleeding THC: The guy didn't even survive one attack :|
[11:45] Crector: The Partweis guy?
[11:45] Bleeding THC: ya
[11:45] Bleeding THC: i defeated him with my first shot
[11:45] Bleeding THC: im sending him resources
[12:02] Bleeding THC: afk

[14:50] eris: hi guys how are you               you see now crector
[14:51] Crector: You got the food?
[14:51] Crector: AFK
[14:52] eris: yes how do you need
[14:52] eris: im sending
[14:53] eris: hi thc
[14:59] Bleeding THC: hello :)
[14:59] eris: how are you
[14:59] Bleeding THC: very tired but in good health. yourself?
[15:01] eris: im tired but good can i be a deputy please
[15:05] Bleeding THC: Well that is a sensitive issue. I have not been in LoA to determine which rank you are seeing as I have only communicated with the most active so far. Therefore I cannot just give you the rank until I learn more about you, your character, and the way you play the game. The deputy position carried over from the old clan to crector.
[15:05] Bleeding THC: I was instructed based on his experience to place you as a sargeant until further notice, but it wouldnt hurt to step up and prove yourself :)
[15:06] Bleeding THC: clan = alliance
[15:07] Bleeding THC: But also on the other hand, it also would not hurt for both of us to talk this over with the other members of the alliance to get their input.
[15:09] eris: but i also was to make this alliance  i took to crector and i very trying my best im activ every day i was on alliance with gamermax5 with you i leava the alliance and i come here
[15:11] Bleeding THC: The control and construction of this alliance is important. The only way to maintain a fair order amongst it is to let the alliance itself decide, not it's leader. It is not my decision, it would be all of the main members decisions. I am simply the individual who funded the alliance finacially. They are the ones who run it.
[15:14] Bleeding THC: We did not give any members a rank they did not already have in the old alliance, we simply restored it to the order it was in before the rest decided their leader was no longer adequate to meet his alliances demands.
[15:14] Bleeding THC: Therefore we simply moved it from his power and it is now maintained by the alliance as a whole
[15:15] Bleeding THC: I'm sure that if you were to explain why you think you deserve this rank to crector and manav they will give you the answer you seek.
[15:18] eris: ok i will give all body on this game and i will proved to you
[15:20] Bleeding THC: But I will warn you, Deputy is probably something that will take a while. a jump from sargeant to deputy is a pretty large leap
[15:21] eris: oh yes i can do it
[15:22] Bleeding THC: I like your attitude, ill give you that
[15:22] Crector: Let's see how well you do as Sergeant before we promote you.
[15:23] Crector: Also, there whould only be one Deputy just as there should only be one War Marshal.
[15:24] Bleeding THC: Unless the allaince is extremely large
[15:24] Bleeding THC: *alliance
[15:24] Crector: As it happens, we do not have a General, Recruiter or Treasurer, so if you do well as Sergeant and deserve promotion, there are other positins that you could be promoted to.
[15:25] Bleeding THC: But you would of course have to show that you meet the responsibilities to that specific rank
[15:25] eris: oh you dont know what can i do i will do my bestttttttttttt
[15:26] Bleeding THC: And that's why im confident you have the ability to pull it off :)
[15:27] eris: thanks guys but you know me too i think it is right
[15:31] Bleeding THC: I know I don't know you too well but I think you have a great future here
[15:31] Bleeding THC: afk
[15:31] eris: what is afk
[15:32] Crector: Awway From Keyboard...I'm going AK right now too.
[15:33] eris: ok
[15:33] eris: im sorry but i dont very good this things
[16:48] Crector: geckobomb12 looks like an interesting candidate for recruitment.
[17:44] Crector: another candidate:  inragedpuffin
[17:45] Crector: also calaen

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