Thursday, October 23, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 19 2014

[06:36] Crector: Now I'm under attack....start sending Food to Dianais so BiT "Elite" can't get any of it....
[06:40] Crector: Fortunately none of my troops are at the castle, so they won't inflict much damage.
[06:54] Crector: Now Dianais is under attack...sure does feel like war....What a time for LOF to abandon us.
[07:05] Crector: I lost...but the bad guy did not get much....
[07:07] Crector: Shalavee's under attack too.
[07:20] Crector: DarkHorse7 is under attack now....
[07:35] m20321: Now RavenHall
[08:20] m20321: Has anyone bought a Bakery in this alliance?  Is it a good purchase?
[08:35] poot11: i haven't i do not buy rubies
[08:38] m20321: I haven't bought any rubies either but I have enough from my level upgrades
[10:37] Buoug: hey hey....anyone really in the armed forces?
[10:37] Buoug: air force here
[11:25] xXDemonisXx: hellp  suport
[11:29] Dianais: xXDem: Sent.
[11:29] Dianais: What's your defense there?
[11:30] xXDemonisXx: thenks
[11:31] xXDemonisXx: 13  hors
[11:33] Dianais: Buoug: probably not. Garym thought of it more like a homage.
[11:33] Dianais: xx: do you have any tools?
[11:33] Dianais: Remind me what are hors?
[11:34] xXDemonisXx: ok
[11:34] Dianais: Do you have tools?
[11:35] Dianais: Defense tools?
[11:35] xXDemonisXx: yes
[11:36] Dianais: Put all you have in the center.
[11:36] Dianais: 100% ranged.
[11:36] xXDemonisXx: ok
[11:37] Dianais: And all the tools you can put there, preferably ranged tools.
[11:37] Dianais: Asap.
[11:37] xXDemonisXx: yes
[11:37] Dianais: If you are still configuring the defense when the attack strikes, the configuration changes are not in effect.
[11:38] Crector: The roster shows that both deputies have been online in the past 12 hours, but none f them said anythig in chat?  What kind of leadership is that?
[11:38] xXDemonisXx: ok
[11:39] Dianais: Crector: you are right in that we have an undeclared war in course...
[11:41] Dianais: xXD: hey, you put all in the left... In the center would have been way more effective.
[11:41] Dianais: For this specific attack, and our specific forces there.
[11:41] xXDemonisXx: ok
[11:42] Dianais: There was no attack in the left side. By winning the center we would have taken most of the attack and would have won 30% extra in the keep.
[11:43] xXDemonisXx: ok
[11:43] Dianais: Some time the more experienced playsers can't help. When they can, pay attention to the recommendations.
[11:44] Crector: Interesting, you said earler that you should concentrate everything on any one place, so I've had all my defenses configured for the right you think that the center is the most important defense area?
[11:45] Dianais: The one 100% to the side defense is the rule for when you are not online, or for when the attack is too powerful.
[11:46] Dianais: If you are online some times you can device a better strategy, not overly conservative.
[11:46] Dianais: Because you can see what is coming, and you can adapt the defense to what is coming in your benefit.
[11:46] Crector: If you want to attack them, time your attacks so that they hit their target 2-4 AM so they can't come to each other's aid.
[11:48] Dianais: That's a good rule of thumb, for all of us being there at these hours is a bit difficult...
[11:48] Dianais: For all of them likewise. Timing there they will have a difficult task on defense.
[11:50] Dianais: Crector: I have just sent a defeat report on the attack I had this morning. Should I have been online, I would have changed my all 100% to the side defense, for in this specific case the attack was a weak one, would have been easily repulsed. But as I was not online, the more conservative strategy is the best.
[11:50] Crector: The thing is a lot of them are concentrated in the same general area since htier leadersjip encouraged them to move their castles closerto thd leader Lee_41
[11:50] Dianais: In fact I won the side, negating the 30% extra power to the attack in the keep, but I lost the keep because of the lower number of troops.

[13:29] Rust_Nail: gotta find at least one op today
[13:30] Crector: Back in 90 minutes....
[13:30] m20321: Rust Nail - What type are you looking for?
[13:30] m20321: There's a food 6 wood 2 right next to me
[13:31] m20321: 429:296
[13:46] Rust_Nail: looking
[13:46] Rust_Nail: looking for a food
[13:54] Rust_Nail: bb
[14:09] cool kid4: thanks xxdemonisxx
[14:41] Crector: Back early
[17:04] m20321: There's a food 6 right next to me at 429:296
[17:13] Rust_Nail: thats 100 miles away
[17:13] Rust_Nail: Im looking within the 20 mile range
[17:14] m20321: Why don't you move your castle?  You keep saying everything around you is occupied...
[17:27] jenga123: hi
[18:17] Crector: Have not heard back from that Deputy SupaBepa guy, so its pretty clear that we reakkly are not in LOF anymore.
[19:07] fart4fun: I was attacked by a level 29 from BIT elite. same people that have been attacking others. thanks if you helped me defeat their attack
[19:28] Crector: Just got sabotaged at Solar Empire.
[20:02] Crector: Do you think that it would be a good idea if I were to ask either the deputies or the leader to be ppointed Diplomat?
[20:02] Crector: appointed
[20:25] Scromithe: hey
[20:25] Crector: Just got sabotaged at Solar Empire
[20:25] Dianais: I think you would do a good diplomat.
[20:27] Crector: Thank you.  Hmm....General 313's here now.
[20:29] Dianais: Hi General.
[20:29] Dianais: We have had sort of ultimatum from LOF, I had to eliminate LOF references from our description.
[20:30] Dianais: And we are in sort of undeclared war with BIT.
[20:30] Dianais: We will need active diplomacy.
[20:39] Crector: He left without saying anything.  Think he paid any attention?
[20:40] Dianais: I have General, Whiplash and Garym copied on the urgency of having active diplomacy.
[20:41] Dianais: I think we need at least two active diplomats, coordinating the work as required.
[20:42] Crector: Who would be the other?  DAlex?
[20:52] Dianais: I think DAlex is more in the line of General and later War Marshal.
[20:53] Dianais: m20 can be an option. But needs to level up a little more.
[20:54] Dianais: I have leadership and deputies copied, need to have them online to discuss and agree.
[20:54] Crector: Actually, I persuaded the leader a bit back to make DAlex General, but when he went to the Alaska Pirates, he lost that position.  Don't you have the power to appoint positions lowe than War Marshal?
[20:57] m20321: Lot of activity up around my neck of the woods.  Redhot will think twice before hitting this aliance again.  Crector, if you want to call your guys back feel free.  It looks like Jenga and I will hit him around the same time.
[20:58] Crector: Also, would you agree that if were to join an already existing alliance grouping, then the Storm Reapers (formerly AOD?) would be the best option?
[20:59] Dianais: I don't. The most I am allowed in this position is to level people up to sargeants... I already did it, but he needs to be back at General.
[20:59] Crector: Now that we're not in LOF anymore, I can hit guys over 10 levels below my own and he looks liek someone who needs some retaliation.
[20:59] m20321: Haha.  I'll try to leave you some resources.
[21:01] Dianais: I will need to do my homework... I really don't have a preferred alliance at this time. Do they have an alliance or sub close to us?
[21:02] Crector: SR SandH
[21:03] Crector: They appear as yellow nametags.
[21:05] Crector: General 313 does not appear to be logged on, but both m20321 & I have been promoted Diplomats.
[21:06] Dianais: Things move fast... General just promoted you both. Great.
[21:08] Crector: So what do we do now?  Try to talk things over with the membership or message someone in SR's about affiliation?
[21:08] jenga123: hell ya m20321 he better not attack any of us again
[21:09] Crector: S-F seems like the only  other really viable option.  Nont unless you want to try strengthening Wolfgang or TNOTAIS to see if they ever become viable outfits.
[21:10] Crector: Machine-X seems a bit too distant and please don't suggest Smecledors or that Egghead guy's alliance.

[21:11] Boulos: the hermanator says we need to change the alliance description or else. im going to change it
[21:11] Boulos: any objections
[21:12] Dianais: Hi Boulos. Already did yesterday, sorry did not have the time to make any discussion.
[21:12] Boulos: oh ok cool thanks
[21:13] Dianais: I deleted all references to LOF.
[21:13] Boulos: i hate those guys
[21:13] Boulos: well anyways goodnight guys
[21:14] Dianais: Nite.
[21:17] Crector: Don't ever remember seeing himn talk much in chat before now....never seen theother War Marshal  bsbarn say anything either.
[21:17] Dianais: Crector: Let's get some options ready for the time we had Garym / General / Whiplash. They need to take an informed decision.
[21:18] Dianais: I am noting the alliances you mention above. Hopefully will be able to make some time to give them a look.
[21:19] Crector: I've already presented some.  Don't think BIT is a real option not with all the unpleasantness...
[21:22] Crector: Take it that you would prefer that one of the Big 3 do the actual negotiating and that we just gather informationabout the options?
[21:25] Dianais: We have information on options, and upon leadership review we advance in negotiations. The other alliances will also want word from leadership supporting the negotiations.
[21:26] Dianais: If we feel that we are in a desperate postion, we can reevaluate and advance with negotiations. But really should be desperate, high level decisions need to be pushed and supported by the leadership.
[21:28] m20321: I was actually going to suggest BIT.  Clearly they're close and an active alliance.   They didn't do a lot of damage and I think the ones who were attacked would be willing to look past recent events for the better of the alliance.
[21:28] Crector: Another optuion is that if the sub alliances want to stick with us, to form our own alliance grouping.
[21:30] m20321: I look forward to continuing this conversation tomorrow.  Good Night all.
[21:30] Dianais: We will not discard options for the time being.
[21:30] Crector: We're in a desperate position only if we choose to regard it as such.
[21:32] Dianais: I have been in a desperate position... All my castles in fire, no troops, more atacking coming, and only ruby players in the alliance being able to cope with that...
[21:32] Crector: When you werre in Egghead's alliance?
[21:33] Dianais: I don't say we have to reach that point, but I think we can go a little further withouth so much problem.
[21:33] Dianais: Yeah.
[21:34] Dianais: Same such alliance.
[21:35] Crector: Did you notice in the messages I got from Deputy SupaBepa the idea that we aren';t just simply aggressive enough?
[21:37] Dianais: Was this one the one suggesting migration to another LOF sub?
[21:40] Dianais: Anyway, active and aggressive is always evaluated in the big alliance leagues. They tend to go to war, one or more conglomerates of several dozen alliances against the like in the other side. The more active and aggressive side has an edge.
[21:41] Crector: No, it was the idea that we were something like parasites just wanting LOF for protection, but not doing anything outselves for the good of LOF.
[21:43] Dianais: The real thing is that neither LOF protected us, nor asked for our support in LOF wars.
[21:43] Crector: Well, if we were to go the route of being our own allaince/leadreshi fo conglomeration, we'd need a website for promotion purposes.
[21:45] Crector: Were there even LOF wars in our area?  There are a number of Legion VIII castles in our area and I've never had the impression that they werre involved in any sort of heavy duty military activity.
[21:48] Dianais: I guess you are considered a factor, either supporting the alliance family or as enemy, when you have many 60+ level players in the alliance.  I.E., Egghead's has many 70 players.
[21:48] Crector: Look at the rosters of Legion V & Legion VIII, there are a lot of empty spots.
[21:52] Crector: Not many alliances in GGE have websites and the GGE Forum does not seem heavily used or posted upon...makes it difficult to find reliable information on other alliances/alliance groupings.
[21:54] Crector: What's your preference?  Joinin an already existing alliance grouping, start our own or join forces with an indeendent alliance to form a new grouping?
[22:00] Dianais: Start our own is out of scope, in terms of amount of work and time requierd, and probability of success. I would join an existing grouping, or join with independents for a new one if there is advantage on this. I would say we need proximity and reach a minimum mass able either to support or disuade... ideally.
[22:01] Dianais: Ok, bbl, I believe. At least shortly.
[22:02] Crector: What does bsbarn think of all this?

[22:06] bsbarn: I think it would be best to join a larger grouping
[22:06] bsbarn: cause I am tired of getting hit
[22:06] bsbarn: lol
[22:08] bsbarn: bbl
[22:20] Crector: What does zicam think of all this?
[22:21] zicam: I hate fire
[22:21] zicam: In my castles
[22:21] zicam: Dinner time be back in a bit.
[22:21] Crector: ok
[22:40] Crector: Do we all agree that we should keep our own alliance, that mass migration to other alliance or alliances is out of the question?
[22:45] Dianais: Mass migration was offered and considered several times, but was not really meaning 100% of the players. Top ones only.
[22:46] Crector: By LOF?
[22:46] zicam: Many players prefer to play quitely. I consider myself one of those players.
[22:46] Dianais: The thing is then what happens with the lower level players. If migration is accepted, lower levels have a faster grow path open in the remaining alliance, but at the same time a bigger vulnerability.
[22:48] Dianais: We rejected mass migration in past opportunities. To my knowledge the offers came from LOF, but in times previous to Garym.
[22:49] Crector: Gary was not always the alliance leader?
[22:51] Dianais: No, he was not. I arrived when the previous leader was about leaving the game and the leadership. We discussed who would take the pod, we decided for Garym.
[22:52] Dianais: bbl.
[23:00] jenga123: so is everyone gonna bailon this alliance?
[23:04] Crector: No.  Its a matter if this alliance joines an independent alliance, an already existing alliance grouping or tries to start its own alliance grouping.  So far, opinion is against the last option.
[23:12] jenga123: ok that sounds good to me
[23:14] Crector: Nobody's talking about cutting and running here.
[00:54] Crector: Dianais:  Here's a thread that I started on the GGE Forum recently.  Would like to know what you think of it and the other posts in the thread.

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