Tuesday, October 21, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 21st 2014

[08:13] Crector: I can't attack now.  When I try to set my forces up, the thingy for allowing me to put up multiples of the same unit just flashes on and off so I can't put up any more than one unit at a time.
[10:42] xXDemonisXx: hello
[12:08] m20321: Demonis - It looks like Kings Alliance isn't too happy with you huh?
[13:39] Crector: Message from Kingwild:  D DayGroups  are coming together against kon.Everyone has come to understand that kon have become the controlling plague they themselves formed to rid the server of.  Its time to change that.For now, I ask that no one attack or make any aggressions toward kon. We are taking the time to organize the 400+ alliances correctly. And its time for each of us to step up and do what is right, what needs to be done. Its time to sign the letter committing your alliance to the cause.I would like to know that we can count on you and your alliance when the time comes?King
[14:37] joseac: hi everybody
[16:04] fart4fun: hi
[16:53] Crector: GARYM:  Did you read the message that I sent you?
[16:55] Crector: Guess not.
[17:16] midnightson1234: hello
[17:36] Crector: hello
[19:17] Crector: Just voted by absentee ballot for the first time ever.  With but 4 exceptions, voted straight Republican.  Voted Libertarian for IL Attorney General & IL Secretary of State because their candidates appeared to be best qualified.  Voted Libertarian for IL State Treasurer because the GOP candidate, Tom Cross, is a hack who engineered in 2011 the doubling of the state cigarette tax and also the Democrat is the failed IL Lt. Governor/daughter of the late Senator Paul Simon who talks and acts as if she deserves to hold high political office because of some sort of divine right..  Voted Libertarian for U.S. Senator because the GOP nominee, Jim Oberweis is a clueless idiot sho voted for medical marijuana but when asked by reporters why he did so even though it went against his campaign promises when he ran for IL State Senator, he did not seem to have the faintest idea why he did so.
[19:22] xxTROLL_Bubblez: could someone promote me
[19:28] Crector: Why should you be promoted?
[19:30] xxTROLL_Bubblez: because i am good at following orders
[19:30] xxTROLL_Bubblez: and good at dealing with enimies and war
[19:30] Crector: You are a Member.  If you want to become a Sergeant, then you have to prove yourself worthy of it.
[19:31] xxTROLL_Bubblez: tthis blows why
[19:34] Crector: Everyone here who ranks Sergeant and higher had to prove themselves worthy of promotion first.  Why should you be any different?
[19:35] xxTROLL_Bubblez: i zm just in a bad mood sorry i was a deputy in my old alliance and i left  because they would always fight
[19:36] Crector: Well you won't have that problem here.
[19:36] xxTROLL_Bubblez: i hpoe so
[19:36] xxTROLL_Bubblez: *hope
[19:37] Crector: A lot of the members here are veteran players. including many Lvl 70's.
[19:38] xxTROLL_Bubblez: oh you did not even here the worst part of the story i made a new account because they would not stop messing with me affter i left
[19:39] xxTROLL_Bubblez: that is why i am a low level
[19:40] xxTROLL_Bubblez: could you promote me or not
[19:40] xxTROLL_Bubblez: i have to go so i need to know
[19:43] Crector: I have the power, but you have to prove yourself first.
[19:43] dwight4: we are going to win
[19:57] m20321: I've got to admit.  I don't miss Illinois politics...
[19:58] m20321: It's hard for those of us downstate to swallow the policies of those North of I-80
[19:59] Crector: You mrsn Chicago...I live in McHenry County to the NW of Chicago...can't blame us.
[19:59] Crector: mean
[20:00] m20321: Hahaha.  Yeah, I mean Chicago.  I was born and raised in Central Illinois.  Been travelling for work for about 10 years now.  There's not much I miss about that state.
[20:01] Crector: What deo ui do for a living?
[20:02] m20321: Build Hospitals
[20:02] Crector: Contractor?
[20:03] m20321: General Contractor specializing in Construction Management.  Currently on a Billion Dollar project.
[20:03] Crector: So what do you want to do diplomatically?
[20:04] m20321: I was reading your post earlier about Storm Reapers and am curious as to why you're drawn to them over others.  I haven't quite figured out the big Alliance families yet but they seem like a viable option in my opinion.
[20:06] m20321: Bloody Conquerers, NEPH, Blood is Thicker (BIT), SF etc...  I'm not sure how to even approach
[20:06] Crector: We've never had any probles with them.  Their SandH sub have been our alliaes ever since I've been in this alliance.
[20:06] Crector: BiT is out fo the question...remember they attacked us over the weekend.
[20:06] m20321: them to make our decision but I'm curious as to what our upper level players have observed over their tenure and how they've chose their alliances in the past
[20:07] Crector: That's why I massmessaged the alliance.
[20:08] m20321: I'm not sure that anyone is out of the question in my mind.  Sometimes the guy who was your enemy yesterday can be your best friend the next day.  I don't think we suffered too much at the hands of BIT Elite.  It seems to me that we repelled a lot of their advances.
[20:09] m20321: What I took away from their attacks last weekend was that they are an active alliance who has the ability to coordinate an attack against us.  I've not seen anything like that from our alliance in my short time here.
[20:12] m20321: I wouldn't mind being associated with a group of active players who are focused on working towards a common goal.

[21:48] Crector: Very little feedback about what we should do diplomatically other than from the other Diplomat.
[21:49] Crector: Any of you ladies have an opinion on this?
[22:01] Crector: Dianais is under attack by a Lvl 7 RB.....
[22:03] Crector: Fortunately, I'm here to sav the damsael in distress.....
[22:04] jimmer777: hey i need some help with a guy named Hard Luck i have been attacked by him 4 times now and lost men
[22:06] Crector: He's Lvl 16...I'll see what I can do.
[22:13] Crector: Dianais:  Is it true what that XXDemonisXx guys says tht you've been trying to spy on him?
[22:19] Crector: GARYM:  Did you get around to reading my message about the SR's?
[22:19] GARYM: i am going thru a long list of messages
[23:12] Dianais: Crector: when someone is not online and suffers an attack you need to assess defense. I sent a spy to xx, but then I wasn't able to follow up. It showed as failed in my list of messages, had I have the time I would have sent a second spy. The thing here, which I believe you still haven't evaluated properly, is that if the defense setup is not good, any support will loose more forces than required. Forces that will not be available for the next attack. All big alliances manage the support in this way. There is NO unrestricted support. There is support if you setup your defenses in a way that minimizes the loses for the alliance.
[23:15] Dianais: It happened to me several times. I lose all or a big fraction of the support in a faulty defense, and then I can't support the defense of another player against the next attack.
[23:15] Crector: So ui think that he has a poor defensive setup?
[23:16] Dianais: I don't know, he wasn't online so I couldn't ask what was the setup.
[23:20] Dianais: A typical thing when starting in the game (and a loosing configuration many times) is to distribute the defense in the sides and center. That way you are strong nowhere, and someone attacking you can take advantage  easily, if a spy of the attacker came thru, or even just sending a full attack in flanks and center.
[23:22] Dianais: Another typical problem is not taking the resources required to build defense tools. Rocks, arrows, gate support, they all help a lot to counteract the tools by the attacking side. No defense tools typically means disproportionate loses on the defender side.
[23:25] Crector: I've had everything concentrated on the right flank with over 80 flaming arrows and over 60 defense rocks in support.
[23:29] Dianais: Unneeded loses can happen even if the attacked player is online... A few days ago, even when the defense and support sent stood, we had a case in which it was not understood how to set the defense using the knowledge of the attacking configuration. The defense stood, but losing about 60 troops when 20 should have sufficed. In this case we are talking of relatively small numbers, but if the loses had been 600 I would have lost the capability to support another defense, if required.
[23:32] Dianais: That's the best when you are offline. Remember that when you are online you will see the attack configuration, and will be able to arrange your defense to enhance chances. But if you are offline you need to play conservative, all the defense in a flank maximices the chances to win there and negate 30% extra attack in the keep for the attacker forces.
[23:32] Crector: So you advocate adjustinng the defense in light of the attacking configuration?
[23:34] Crector: Did you ever succeed in spying o him?
[23:34] Dianais: Yes. Example, attacker sends 100% melee. Best defense will have more melee than ranged, maybe up to  100% melee,.
[23:35] Dianais: On xx I tried once and failed. Then I was drived elsewhere here at home and wasn't able to followup.
[23:36] Crector: If its 100% melee, then what happens to the ranged?  Send them off somewhere?
[23:36] Dianais: Can't make in time for Scromithe...
[23:37] Dianais: If you have enough melee to man the walls, all remaining forces will stay at the keep. If you don't, the system will complete the walls with wathever you have, including ranged defense, but also ranged/melee attack which are typically worthless in defense.
[23:40] Crector: What does it mean to be "drived elsewhere here at home"?
[23:42] Dianais: Personal stuf going in my home... unrelated to the game.
[23:43] Crector: Awful lot of troop requests today.
[23:47] Crector: Did you know that you can name your commanders?
[23:52] Dianais: Yup.
[23:52] Dianais: Leaving for the day. Nite.
[23:56] Crector: Night.

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