Saturday, October 25, 2014

Messages from Dianais October 2014

I know... Rus is in a business mode. But I had answers from our allies and other neighboor alliances, to this point either they don't have who can take the outpost or hey have shown no interest.


Need to verify if this was an agreement... seems that our members need outpost but are shy and don't ask yours...



Go ahead.



I think it is one of the factors. We saw two members of our alliance going ruins in the term of a week, with outposts well built.

It happens also continuosly in other alliances also. We see players in ruins all around, kicked of alliances by system or by the alliance itself. Some times high level players, with great outposts. 

For instance, I got one of my outpost by exchange, the other two from ruins available to anyone.


Yes, you are right in that. But then there were no further news. I dont know if negotiations with other alliance groups were established, or if we were haeading to a local network of smaller alliances. Or if we were just hopping for passing with our description unnoticed. 

I bet we didn't do much else as alliance after that warning, I at least didn't have more information until the one last night...


Yes,  if we don't have answer I will do the changes in about a couple of hours just in case.



I have just tested, I can change the alliance description. I am not aware of the status of diplomatic relations... in fact at this point we dont have a diplomat. Obviously LOF, or some of LOF core alliances, want to have us out of LOF.

It will be ok if you contact this Lady, you can ask what would it take to stay in LOF, or if this  turns out not an option just promise the change in the description.


We need to push our more active players to the higher positions  When this is not the arrangement we have exactly our current problem, no timely decisions and uncertainties in what's the direction we are going to follow.

The thing is that in the higher positions you also need to have higher levels, in this way the expectation is having more sure support of decisions with strength, either in defense or ofense or resources.

One thing at least we should implement is a turnover in the higher positions. Whenever there is knowledge that for any reason a player will not be active for a time, the position needs to be passed on for this time at least to an active player. This goes for all upper positions, ranging from leadership to general.


BTW, not related to the previous... The same BIT that is attacking us is asking if we would pass to be members of BIT...


I am writing to them right now. I believe they will understand.


I think you have shown you deserve a higher grade already on account of your activity and proactivity. 

I think DAlex preferes to go on the line of General / War Marshall, I can ask him.

I was thinking for second diplomat in m20321, who is also showing a record of activity. He/she may need to level up a little, though.


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