Friday, October 31, 2014

The Blitz Chat July 12th 2014

[17:16] Crector: It says that the player was not found.
[17:20] Crector: What is his name that I can find his name on the World Map with?
[17:21] Crector: Also could you please do a spy mission on him and then send to report to the rest of the alliance?
[17:27] Crector: Why don't you respond?
[17:28] Ivan6678: Yeah, ill do it, sorry was aFK
[17:28] Ivan6678: AFK*
[17:28] Crector: Thanks
[17:30] Ivan6678: Ill do it when i can afford it.
[17:30] Ivan6678: xD
[17:31] Crector: Could you give me the name that I can find him on the map with?
[17:32] Ivan6678: jackobgreenidge
[17:32] Ivan6678: No r, sorry.
[17:34] Crector: Even without the r, it sstill says that the layer cannot be found
[17:35] Crector: Went up the map and found him.  I'll do sying right now.
[17:41] Crector: Says that I need 10 soldiers to attack him.  If you really want someone to take him on, you will need to post to the Alliance Notice Board about him.
[18:42] Bleeding THC: I dumped 4 members because they werent even supposed to be recruited to begin with. with our limited space on the roster at the time, we need to make the best out of the space we have with more experienced players rather than new players to the game.
[18:44] Bleeding THC: I mentioned something about needing a recruiter and the members saw that as an opportunity to recruit every new player they saw without an alliance. Noone was above level 7 or 8. Anyway, I think they thought that that was me saying the person who recruits the most members gets the rank, but they misunderstood. I asked them if I were to ask them, what kind of players whould they recruit.
[18:46] Bleeding THC: manav also believed that there was too many members.
[18:51] Crector: If youo have recruiting standards that you want everyone to follow, then you should post it to the alliance notice board.
[18:54] Crector: Also, re you  going to do aything about this guy that Ivan6678 was complaining about earlier?
[18:58] Bleeding THC: Its not standards, its common sense
[18:59] Bleeding THC: Read the message and you will understand
[19:01] Bleeding THC: And give me the guys name/ coordinates, ill take care of it
[19:02] Bleeding THC: his name doesn't exist
[19:02] Crector: Did a spy report on him and sent it to the alliance.
[19:02] Bleeding THC: AH i see that
[19:02] Bleeding THC: sry bout that
[19:03] Crector: I seem to remember you coming into teh LoA lower than a lvl your own standards, you should have been kicked out.
[19:05] Bleeding THC: wanna know why I wasnt?
[19:05] Bleeding THC: Because you knew I knew exactly what I was doing.
[19:05] Crector: Because I chose not to.
[19:06] Crector: Because you were fairly active as opposed to Redder4 who became inacitve almost as soon as he joined us.
[19:06] Bleeding THC: Are you running a social group or an alliance?
[19:07] Crector: I'm not running anything.
[19:07] Bleeding THC: I thought deputy meant second in command
[19:07] Bleeding THC: Unless I am mistaken
[19:08] Crector: In LoA with its inactive leader, being deputy meant de facto leader.  Here, being deputy means running diplomacy.
[19:10] Bleeding THC: You can twist the definition however you like, the color blue will still blue
[19:10] Bleeding THC: You problem was that you had an inactive leader who was (when active) declaring war on random factions. Not to mention this person was 11 years old and you didn't even know it?
[19:11] Crector: You made it clear that you wanted to make the decisions on who is a member and who is not.
[19:11] Bleeding THC: No.
[19:11] Bleeding THC: I never said that
[19:12] Crector: Just because someone who did not like him says that he was 11 years old, does not mean that he was 11 years old.  Also, if he really was 11 years old, how would I know it?
[19:12] Bleeding THC: If you remember I told you that it was insisted to me we had to many members by an ex LoA member. Therefore I took action on the suggestion because I agreed.
[19:13] Bleeding THC: I never made any decision, I agreed upon a suggestion
[19:13] Bleeding THC: THose members werent even in the alliance for 18 hours.
[19:14] Crector: The thing is that once in, they should have been given a chance to prove themselves before being dumped.
[19:17] Bleeding THC: And if I did. After I spoke to this member that is attacking our own, and they are simply sniffing for war. FOR EXAMPLE they outnumber us, outlevel us, and outplay us period in every way. Our highest level is a 26. your gonna throw your 13 members that cant even attack them at all their way?
[19:17] Bleeding THC: good luck
[19:19] Crector: Who is this member?
[19:21] Bleeding THC: The member constantly attacking ivan, and keep in mind i said for example. My point is, It is fine and dandy to give evryone a chance, and i would agree if we werent so limited. 15 members (to me) is nothing. I believe that we should keep at least 5 - 4 spots open to try and get some higher level muscle for insurance.
[19:22] Bleeding THC: it's common warfare tactic, especially with less experienced players

[19:27] Crector: I haver never quit an alliance simply because I disagreed with an active  leader's decision...and I've been in online gaming since 1996 .
[19:29] Crector: That's weird...he left the allaince simply because I disagreed with him.
[19:56] Ivan6678: YOu talking about Bleeding?
[19:57] Crector: Yes.
[19:58] Ivan6678: Ah, Brb
[20:17] Bleeding THC: That is not correct.
[20:18] Bleeding THC: If it doesn't have structure then I don't want to participate.
[20:19] Crector: Thanks for coming back!
[20:19] nwb123: hi
[20:19] Bleeding THC: ^Your welcome.
[20:20] Bleeding THC: So, I have been thinking.
[20:21] nwb123: when i got on i had 1.346 rubies
[20:21] Bleeding THC: I will invite these players back and send them an explanation, to show you that I am not a monster ;)
[20:21] Crector: In any event, I've gotten a msg while you were gone from the Deputy of the Hell Hawks asking if we wanted war with them because I hit one of his member's castles.
[20:22] Bleeding THC: What is his name
[20:22] Crector: From Tikvath :  you looking for a war?
[20:23] Crector: He's Lvl 48...I sent his alliance a NAP proposal.
[20:23] Bleeding THC: What do you think?
[20:23] Bleeding THC: ok
[20:23] Bleeding THC: good.
[20:23] Crector: I want to avoid war as much as possible.
[20:23] Bleeding THC: Agreed.
[20:24] Crector: Every war decision made by LoA since I became deputy was made by gamermax5
[20:24] Bleeding THC: You won't have that with me, That I can promise you.
[20:25] Bleeding THC: I am also trying to evade war.
[20:26] Bleeding THC: I sent the player attacking ivan a message asking why he was attacking.
[20:26] Bleeding THC: no response yet
[20:27] Crector: During the years 1999-2005 when I was a team leader in online games, the only times we got in a war with anther team was because they made war on us.
[20:28] Crector: Back in LoA, that same player also attacked one of our recruits to the point where that recruit quit playing.  He never responded to my messages wither.
[20:29] Bleeding THC: What do you suggest we do about this if he does not quit?
[20:32] Crector: He's with LOF...proceed cautiously.  Probably best to take it up with his alliance leader.
[20:32] nwb123: thanks
[20:33] Bleeding THC: I can do that.
[20:33] Bleeding THC: Ivan should keep us posted.
[20:34] Bleeding THC: If another attack occurs I will talk to their leader and see if i cant come to some agreement of sorts.
[20:34] Bleeding THC: in the mean time do you need any resources?
[20:34] Crector: No.
[20:35] Bleeding THC: is ivan afk?
[20:35] Crector: Apparently
[20:36] Bleeding THC: ok well ill send him some food
[20:36] Crector: When you get into the game, your name appears in chat irregardless if you are actually in chat or not.
[20:36] Bleeding THC: i noticed
[20:36] Crector: Its a bad setup.
[20:36] Bleeding THC: lol
[20:36] Bleeding THC: Ill brb
[20:37] Crector: AFK myself.
[20:51] nwb123: i have 30 guards
[20:56] Crector: Hell Hawks has just refused my offer of a NAP.
[20:57] Crector: Should I post to the Alliance Notice Board asking everyone to refrain from hitting Hell Hawks's member castles?
[21:05] Crector: AFK

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