Saturday, October 18, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 18 2014

[03:44] Crector: you have 24 hours to remove LOF and all references to LOF on your description, you are not in LOF and you have no claim to use our name, we protect it and guard it from poseurs, if you dont change your description immediately we will all war on you til you change it, fair warningHermLOF X
[03:45] Crector: All right, guys and gals, what do we do about this?
[03:57] Crector: Forgot to mention it, but this guy is the leader of LOF Legion X
[06:03] sunny007: hello all,
[06:06] xXDemonisXx: hello
[07:25] m20321: good morning
[07:27] m20321: I got the same notice as Crector.  Not sure what he
[07:27] m20321: 's referencing...
[07:30] m20321: nevermind.  I found the reference.  It does say we are Legion of the Free in the Alliance Description.
[08:23] Dianais: Hi. Seems we all got the same threat...
[08:42] Dianais: Summary. LOF, or at least some in the core of LOF family, wants us out of the family.
[08:43] Dianais: I am not knowing our diplomatic history myself, but I have tested that I can change the description.
[08:44] Dianais: Cons of changing description: a big alliance referenced there is a deterrent to some attacks.
[08:45] Dianais: Not that LOF has helped when we did have attacks or wars from big alliances...
[08:46] jimmer777: what is LOF
[08:46] Dianais: ... to my knowledge. But they were in the alliance description at least.
[08:46] jimmer777: i got a threat also
[08:47] Dianais: LOF is Legion of the free, a big family of alliances in the game. There are several big families, changing with time.
[08:48] jimmer777: so why is that guy gettin mad
[08:49] Dianais: We were LOF when I entered our alliance. I know LOF reorganized a couple of times since, but I was not involved in diplomacy so don't know details, seems that at this point they want us out.
[08:50] jimmer777: weird
[08:53] Dianais: I we had GARYM or the deputies in the next hours we will put this to them. If not I will change description eliminating references to LOF.
[08:55] m20321: Seems to me that if we are concerned with having associations with a big alliance we should start looking as a group to identify one to associate with.  I'm curious what Gary's thoughs are as well.
[09:04] Dianais: Agree with you. We need to move as a group, rather sooner than later. And we need at least one diplomat...
[09:08] m20321: Dianais, Where do these conversations take place?  How is diplomacy managed in the game?  I've not been around long enough to wrap my head arounds some of the nuances of the game.
[09:11] jimmer777: same
[09:14] Dianais: You wrought a good point. The capability of the game features to convey discussions and negotiations is limited. So you will find that many alliances, all the big included, have either a forum out of the game, or meet thru skype with members intra or extra alliance to discuss strategies and diplomacy.
[09:15] Dianais: Within the game, I guess it's just messaging. But maybe diplomats have access to something else.
[09:16] fart4fun: won those renegrades from the nobility contest. getting -200 food/hour my op can hold  70 food consumption. should i send my weker troops there?
[09:17] Dianais: My permissions allow only to level our members to sargeant... we need to wait for our deputies to have someone leveled to diplomat and test what can be done from there.
[09:17] jimmer777: can i attack the pheonix force alliance? i will get a lot of stuff
[09:17] jimmer777: his name is Hard Luck
[09:17] fart4fun: lost 7 food since lat post. thats how fast its going
[09:19] Dianais: f4f: I can help for food for a couple of days. Meanwhile go for active attacks, both to renew food stock and to level down your forces to what you can sustain.
[09:20] fart4fun: ok. sending my 40 crossbow men to op which can hold 130 food consumption actually. I have 21800 food between op and castle. once troops return from last attack ill tell you how many days till its gone in my castle
[09:22] Dianais: jimmer: you r 14 and HL is 16, so I gess it's fair game. Do not attack an outpost, though, as the alliance may decide it qualifies for war or revenge.
[09:22] fart4fun: is it ok for me to attack the op of an alliance of 1?
[09:23] jimmer777: i'll foward the battle report now
[09:24] jimmer777: you get the report yet?
[09:27] Dianais: f4f: our chosen constraint is never to attack a level 10 levels or more below you. Never steal RVs our outpost unless already in war. Never attack an alliance that is in our alliance list or neutral with us. Never attack an alliance listed in our description as friend.
[09:27] jimmer777: wait we can't attack an outpost?????????????
[09:27] Dianais: In case of doubt, ask leadership, or if not available, the highe levels.
[09:28] Dianais: You can not CAPTURE an outpost if there is not a war on-going.
[09:28] jimmer777: what if we just attack them
[09:29] Dianais: Attacking an outpost depends more on what the other alliance is likely to do, and we in turn later. If they are not likely to react badly, or if we don't care, then you can attack an outpost. But it must be checked FIRST. If you look in the alliance description of Hard Luck, it says they do not allow outpost attacks.
[09:30] jimmer777: oh
[09:35] jimmer777: ok
[09:38] fart4fun: ok.the guy in question is level 24 but has a pathetic army
[09:38] fart4fun: last that i cheked anyway
[09:56] jimmer777: Hey crector whats up

[12:01] Crector: Last week you said that someone was coming over to fix it.
[12:06] sunny007: fix the computer?, i can log in only in week end, in the week i cannot play, do homework with kids,  so when i want to get on the computer i'm to tired to play.
[12:07] sunny007: before  i was on the game every single night not anymore
[14:59] jimmer777: hey guys
[15:14] fart4fun: hi
[17:37] Crector: Both our gloriously AWOL leader and XxDemonis  are under attack by members of the so-called BiT WElite.
[17:48] Crector: Just heare from Depputy Darkn Lady of the main LOF alliance:
[17:48] Crector: contact supabepa i think we have an opening for a brigade or a legion we can put u in and if u hear from herm again refer him to me ok? lets see what we can do. contact supa asap. he is on inermitttently on weekends so may take a bit of time to get back to u
[18:09] m20321: Seems to me that with the current problems we're having with BIT Elite and the majority of our upper level players not participating often that a firm Alliance with LOF would be a good option for us.  I'm open to hearing other opinions...
[18:11] Crector: That's what Dianais and I are trying to work on.
[18:13] m20321: I've been following the back and forth.  Just letting everyone know where I stand.
[18:15] Rust_Nail: thats the alliance that gave me the rubies for my outpost
[18:15] Rust_Nail: why are they attacking us
[18:16] Crector: Might be individual members acting on their own volition.
[18:16] Rust_Nail: ok
[18:51] m20321: going after sexy beast now as well.  Sure looks and feels like war...
[18:51] m20321: Dianais have we reached out to them?
[19:19] fart4fun: could someone summirize whats going on and if i can help?
[19:21] m20321: From what I can tell XxDemonis tried to capture an OP held by an alliance called "The Alliance".  As a result of his capture it appears that BIT Elite took offense and either supported or attacked the same OP.  Shortly after they launced attacks on GaryM and Sexy Beast.  I haven't heard why or what the reasoning is yet.
[19:23] fart4fun: i see attack to garym crossing right over me. i can't help because its hundreds of veterans
[19:26] Dianais: I was off for a while. There has been an attack on sexy beast, before this one on GARYM?
[19:27] m20321: GARYM launched first but Sexy Beast was launched on by a closer member of the BIT Elite alliance.  His castle has significantly more damage than it did prior to the attack.
[19:34] fart4fun: i asked and guy attacking garym said it was just a glory hit
[19:36] fart4fun: he said other people being hit is personal because we've been "protecting Crector for some time now". don't know what he means
[19:38] m20321: I won a bunch of heavy troops today from the nobility contest that are eating me out of my castle.  I'm going to launch against that ericthered guy who hit my OP a few days back.  He's got way too many gaurdhouses for me to spy on.  Does anyone else have the capability of peeking in on his castle for me?
[19:39] m20321: Crector is there something we should know?
[19:49] fart4fun: I was wondering the same thing.
[19:55] Dianais: Changed alliance description. Eliminated mentions to LOF. The alliance description requires a much more thourough edition, though. I suspect half of the named alliances are outdated.
[19:57] Dianais: m20321: by Crector communication, I believe Eric The Read recognized his error, he is not longer launching on us nor us on him.
[19:57] Dianais: Crector to correct there if needed.
[20:02] fart4fun: drpepper who is attacking GaryM believes I am an account of Crector.
[20:13] Scromithe: hey
[20:27] m20321: Thanks Dianais.  I need to send these guys after someone.  Can't afford to keep them.
[20:28] fart4fun: same thing happened to me. I picked two fair armied people my level and attacked them over and over every 3 hours. also focused on getting food
[20:44] m20321: BIT Elite - Hitting us again.  This time they're hitting Zicam
[20:46] m20321: Level 70 FoxWarden doing the attacking.  Dianais, I'm relatively new to the alliance.  Have a lot of the upper level players stopped playing?
[20:48] Dianais: Garym is off for a while for medical reasons. All other, can't say, would think they are playing but can login every few days.
[20:53] m20321: I see.  I launched those troops at randall16.  He spends a fair amount of time hitting our lower level guys.  Hopefully, this attack will convince him to hit other players.  We'll see.
[20:55] m20321: Also, thank you for the delivery.  It is a welcomed sight.
[20:58] Dianais: No problem.
[21:00] sunny007: GOOD NIGHT ALL
[22:25] fart4fun: i got a lot of wood/stone if any1 needs any
[22:45] SnellesPlayer: S
[23:10] Crector: Have no idea what that guy meant by this alliance proteting me.
[23:15] Crector: Here's the mesage I sent a few hours ago to Deputy SupaBepa of the main LOF alliance:
[23:16] Crector: Earlier today, many of us in our alliance received a threat from the leader of LOF Legion X,  The Herrmannator, telling us that if we did not change our alliance description  to remove all references to LOF, then all of LOF was going to make war on us until we do change it.  This comes as a shock since this alliance originated as LOF Blood and we all felt secure as members of the LOF family.  I messaged Deputy Darkn Lady about this and her response was that I should message you about an opening within LOF as a Brigade or Legion.  Thank you for your consideration,Charles Rector aka Crector Sergeant U.S. Armed Forces.
[23:16] Crector: Here is his response:
[23:17] Crector: I sent your leader a message yesterday giving him directives, but possibly he is not active or something.The bottom line is that we do have spots open but sincerely do not want to bring alliances that  just want protection, as opposed to busting their butts to be active and proactive.Looting heavily and attacking  day in and day out.Where do you stand?
[23:17] Crector: Here is my response to his response:
[23:18] Crector: The leader of the U.S. Armed Forces alliance, formerly known as LOF Blood, has a medical problem so he has not been on for the past week.  Both of his deputies are on Fall Break at their college.  Please send a copy a copy of the message you sent our leader to either myself or War Marshal Dianais.  As for your question about what kind of alliance this is, this is an outfit whose members engage in plenty fo looting off inactive players & players who are in ruins, but not an alliance that goes around picking fights with others.  Yours, Crector Sergeant of the U.S. Armed Forces alliance

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