Friday, October 31, 2014

The Blitz Chat Log July 18th 2014

[07:03] Bleeding THC: now his members will be our members
[07:03] Bleeding THC: he will have our protection and we will have his numbers
[07:03] eris: can he do that
[07:03] Bleeding THC: yes
[07:03] Bleeding THC: we are expanding.
[07:04] Bleeding THC: I plan on having 3 more blitz alliances and about 3 sub alliances.
[07:04] eris: so you are saying his members will our frends
[07:04] Bleeding THC: yes
[07:04] eris: so whos next
[07:04] Bleeding THC: his alliance is now part of us
[07:05] eris: do we any more
[07:05] eris: than he
[07:05] Bleeding THC: later on today i will recruit a bunch of members to his alliance
[07:05] eris: wait do you have any
[07:05] Bleeding THC: when that fills up, i will make another blitz alliance
[07:05] eris: whenw
[07:06] Bleeding THC: when i fill his alliance up
[07:06] eris: can i recruit him other players
[07:06] Bleeding THC: when he runs out of room i will make another one
[07:06] Bleeding THC: no, i had my friend join his alliance
[07:06] Bleeding THC: my friend will recruit for him
[07:07] Bleeding THC: i need you with us
[07:07] eris: why not me
[07:07] Bleeding THC: because I need you
[07:07] eris: im sorry
[07:07] eris: how can i say to them hi guys you should join his alliance is that right
[07:08] Bleeding THC: it woud be too difficult because they would probably try to join this one instead
[07:08] Bleeding THC: they would be confused
[07:08] Bleeding THC: i had my friend join his alliance so he could recruit them straight from there
[07:09] eris: yes so who is with us
[07:09] Bleeding THC: The Lords 1
[07:11] eris: ok
[07:11] eris: i think i done this if i wosent to be frends with him this doesnt be that
[07:13] Bleeding THC: if you want to go to his and help him then you can. But if you plan to be a leader of one of the blitz alliances then i need you to stay with us
[07:14] eris: what i should leave the alliance and join to him to hepl him and come back to blitzz
[07:17] eris: is that
[07:21] Bleeding THC: I will allow it if you want.
[07:21] eris: do you want that   did he know about this did tell him
[07:22] Bleeding THC: Go for it, i just told him
[07:22] Bleeding THC: just try to recruit some good players
[07:22] Bleeding THC: like above level 10
[07:22] eris: whatabout the allance is full and i cant come back
[07:22] Bleeding THC: send me a message and I will make room
[07:23] eris: ok so what it say
[07:23] Bleeding THC: I told him I was sending you to help with recruiting

[07:23] Bleeding THC: help him fill his roster with players above level 10
[07:24] eris: yes so tell everybody dont forgot to krrp mesaging me
[07:24] eris: bye
[07:24] Bleeding THC: ok
[07:24] Bleeding THC: have fun
[17:16] Bleeding THC: Crector, we are expanding
[18:10] Crector: So fighterlandon is going to become our ally?
[18:12] Bleeding THC: Better than that.
[18:12] Bleeding THC: His alliance is now our sub alliance
[18:13] Bleeding THC: When I fill him up with recruits I am going to start The Blitz II
[18:15] Crector: You must have had quite the exchange of messages.
[18:18] Bleeding THC: Indeed. He sent us a peace proposal which I denied. He then sent me a message pleading that I cease attacks and declare peace. I then made him the offer of protection, funding, and recruitment if he agreed to sub to us. he agreed
[18:18] Bleeding THC: I have eris working on his recruitment and another friend of mine following my instructions to structure his alliance.
[18:21] Bleeding THC: I have 1200 rubies saved up for funding this expansion.
[18:21] Crector: How do you structure an alliance?
[18:22] Bleeding THC: Making sure his members aren't placed in a rank they do not belong, making sure he is not overly agressive towards competeing alliances, just giving it a kickstart overall
[18:23] Bleeding THC: If he is going to be our sub then he is also representing us aswell as himself
[18:23] Bleeding THC: if he makes the wrong people angry we will have to cut ties early or end up getting attacked simply for the representation
[18:25] Crector: How does this game play on your comp?  When I first got into it a month ago, i could access it on any I can only do so on Google Chrome.
[18:25] Bleeding THC: well I use a chromebook, so thats all i can use is chrome.
[18:26] Bleeding THC: but it works pretty well. no problems so far
[18:27] Crector: I see the Nate guy is attacking Ivan...just sent a spy his way.
[18:27] Bleeding THC: I was attacked by a level 70 for some reason
[18:28] Bleeding THC: i havent had any further attacks, but i have to repair and recruit more men
[18:28] Crector: btw, was eris getting your nerves too?  My army was reduced to 13 after Dwight Jr's attack.
[18:30] Bleeding THC: I will send you a message reguarding that.
[18:30] Crector: Just sent spy report...problem is that I've been building up defensive units, not the kind of units needed to attack him with.
[18:32] Bleeding THC: I will attack him when I get my units back
[18:33] Bleeding THC: how rude, 70 vs 21
[18:34] Crector: I imagine life must get pretty boring after you reach lcl 70
[18:35] Bleeding THC: Ha, got that right
[18:37] Bleeding THC: So there is a choice you have with these new expansions to come.
[18:38] Bleeding THC: You can either stay here with us or lead your own blitz.
[18:38] Bleeding THC: You would be a good leader.
[18:41] Crector: You mean The Blitz 2?
[18:44] Bleeding THC: yes
[18:45] Bleeding THC: The plan is for there to be 1 main alliance, 2 branches, 3 subs
[18:47] Bleeding THC: That way we can make up for our lack in strength towards higher levels with numbers
[18:47] Bleeding THC: eventually the numbers will grow stronger hence, a beautiful force
[18:50] Crector: What is a branch?
[18:51] Bleeding THC: like a second alliance created from the first
[18:56] Crector: What's the difference from a sub alliance?
[18:58] Bleeding THC: A sub alliance is another alliance that is basically recruited from a leader. They retain the power and leadership, we gain their numbers from funding. They gain our protection. When we get them up and running they will be a good source of backup and resources.
[18:58] Bleeding THC: A branch is another alliance created by the primary to expand
[18:58] Bleeding THC: so we triple our numbers without having to go through the alliance funds
[19:00] Bleeding THC: Basically, we get bigger without going broke.
[20:47] Crector: So I should start saving up rubies again?
[22:55] Bleeding THC: Nope
[22:55] Bleeding THC: I have enough
[22:55] Bleeding THC: 1200 exactly

The Blitz Chat July 12th 2014

[17:16] Crector: It says that the player was not found.
[17:20] Crector: What is his name that I can find his name on the World Map with?
[17:21] Crector: Also could you please do a spy mission on him and then send to report to the rest of the alliance?
[17:27] Crector: Why don't you respond?
[17:28] Ivan6678: Yeah, ill do it, sorry was aFK
[17:28] Ivan6678: AFK*
[17:28] Crector: Thanks
[17:30] Ivan6678: Ill do it when i can afford it.
[17:30] Ivan6678: xD
[17:31] Crector: Could you give me the name that I can find him on the map with?
[17:32] Ivan6678: jackobgreenidge
[17:32] Ivan6678: No r, sorry.
[17:34] Crector: Even without the r, it sstill says that the layer cannot be found
[17:35] Crector: Went up the map and found him.  I'll do sying right now.
[17:41] Crector: Says that I need 10 soldiers to attack him.  If you really want someone to take him on, you will need to post to the Alliance Notice Board about him.
[18:42] Bleeding THC: I dumped 4 members because they werent even supposed to be recruited to begin with. with our limited space on the roster at the time, we need to make the best out of the space we have with more experienced players rather than new players to the game.
[18:44] Bleeding THC: I mentioned something about needing a recruiter and the members saw that as an opportunity to recruit every new player they saw without an alliance. Noone was above level 7 or 8. Anyway, I think they thought that that was me saying the person who recruits the most members gets the rank, but they misunderstood. I asked them if I were to ask them, what kind of players whould they recruit.
[18:46] Bleeding THC: manav also believed that there was too many members.
[18:51] Crector: If youo have recruiting standards that you want everyone to follow, then you should post it to the alliance notice board.
[18:54] Crector: Also, re you  going to do aything about this guy that Ivan6678 was complaining about earlier?
[18:58] Bleeding THC: Its not standards, its common sense
[18:59] Bleeding THC: Read the message and you will understand
[19:01] Bleeding THC: And give me the guys name/ coordinates, ill take care of it
[19:02] Bleeding THC: his name doesn't exist
[19:02] Crector: Did a spy report on him and sent it to the alliance.
[19:02] Bleeding THC: AH i see that
[19:02] Bleeding THC: sry bout that
[19:03] Crector: I seem to remember you coming into teh LoA lower than a lvl your own standards, you should have been kicked out.
[19:05] Bleeding THC: wanna know why I wasnt?
[19:05] Bleeding THC: Because you knew I knew exactly what I was doing.
[19:05] Crector: Because I chose not to.
[19:06] Crector: Because you were fairly active as opposed to Redder4 who became inacitve almost as soon as he joined us.
[19:06] Bleeding THC: Are you running a social group or an alliance?
[19:07] Crector: I'm not running anything.
[19:07] Bleeding THC: I thought deputy meant second in command
[19:07] Bleeding THC: Unless I am mistaken
[19:08] Crector: In LoA with its inactive leader, being deputy meant de facto leader.  Here, being deputy means running diplomacy.
[19:10] Bleeding THC: You can twist the definition however you like, the color blue will still blue
[19:10] Bleeding THC: You problem was that you had an inactive leader who was (when active) declaring war on random factions. Not to mention this person was 11 years old and you didn't even know it?
[19:11] Crector: You made it clear that you wanted to make the decisions on who is a member and who is not.
[19:11] Bleeding THC: No.
[19:11] Bleeding THC: I never said that
[19:12] Crector: Just because someone who did not like him says that he was 11 years old, does not mean that he was 11 years old.  Also, if he really was 11 years old, how would I know it?
[19:12] Bleeding THC: If you remember I told you that it was insisted to me we had to many members by an ex LoA member. Therefore I took action on the suggestion because I agreed.
[19:13] Bleeding THC: I never made any decision, I agreed upon a suggestion
[19:13] Bleeding THC: THose members werent even in the alliance for 18 hours.
[19:14] Crector: The thing is that once in, they should have been given a chance to prove themselves before being dumped.
[19:17] Bleeding THC: And if I did. After I spoke to this member that is attacking our own, and they are simply sniffing for war. FOR EXAMPLE they outnumber us, outlevel us, and outplay us period in every way. Our highest level is a 26. your gonna throw your 13 members that cant even attack them at all their way?
[19:17] Bleeding THC: good luck
[19:19] Crector: Who is this member?
[19:21] Bleeding THC: The member constantly attacking ivan, and keep in mind i said for example. My point is, It is fine and dandy to give evryone a chance, and i would agree if we werent so limited. 15 members (to me) is nothing. I believe that we should keep at least 5 - 4 spots open to try and get some higher level muscle for insurance.
[19:22] Bleeding THC: it's common warfare tactic, especially with less experienced players

[19:27] Crector: I haver never quit an alliance simply because I disagreed with an active  leader's decision...and I've been in online gaming since 1996 .
[19:29] Crector: That's weird...he left the allaince simply because I disagreed with him.
[19:56] Ivan6678: YOu talking about Bleeding?
[19:57] Crector: Yes.
[19:58] Ivan6678: Ah, Brb
[20:17] Bleeding THC: That is not correct.
[20:18] Bleeding THC: If it doesn't have structure then I don't want to participate.
[20:19] Crector: Thanks for coming back!
[20:19] nwb123: hi
[20:19] Bleeding THC: ^Your welcome.
[20:20] Bleeding THC: So, I have been thinking.
[20:21] nwb123: when i got on i had 1.346 rubies
[20:21] Bleeding THC: I will invite these players back and send them an explanation, to show you that I am not a monster ;)
[20:21] Crector: In any event, I've gotten a msg while you were gone from the Deputy of the Hell Hawks asking if we wanted war with them because I hit one of his member's castles.
[20:22] Bleeding THC: What is his name
[20:22] Crector: From Tikvath :  you looking for a war?
[20:23] Crector: He's Lvl 48...I sent his alliance a NAP proposal.
[20:23] Bleeding THC: What do you think?
[20:23] Bleeding THC: ok
[20:23] Bleeding THC: good.
[20:23] Crector: I want to avoid war as much as possible.
[20:23] Bleeding THC: Agreed.
[20:24] Crector: Every war decision made by LoA since I became deputy was made by gamermax5
[20:24] Bleeding THC: You won't have that with me, That I can promise you.
[20:25] Bleeding THC: I am also trying to evade war.
[20:26] Bleeding THC: I sent the player attacking ivan a message asking why he was attacking.
[20:26] Bleeding THC: no response yet
[20:27] Crector: During the years 1999-2005 when I was a team leader in online games, the only times we got in a war with anther team was because they made war on us.
[20:28] Crector: Back in LoA, that same player also attacked one of our recruits to the point where that recruit quit playing.  He never responded to my messages wither.
[20:29] Bleeding THC: What do you suggest we do about this if he does not quit?
[20:32] Crector: He's with LOF...proceed cautiously.  Probably best to take it up with his alliance leader.
[20:32] nwb123: thanks
[20:33] Bleeding THC: I can do that.
[20:33] Bleeding THC: Ivan should keep us posted.
[20:34] Bleeding THC: If another attack occurs I will talk to their leader and see if i cant come to some agreement of sorts.
[20:34] Bleeding THC: in the mean time do you need any resources?
[20:34] Crector: No.
[20:35] Bleeding THC: is ivan afk?
[20:35] Crector: Apparently
[20:36] Bleeding THC: ok well ill send him some food
[20:36] Crector: When you get into the game, your name appears in chat irregardless if you are actually in chat or not.
[20:36] Bleeding THC: i noticed
[20:36] Crector: Its a bad setup.
[20:36] Bleeding THC: lol
[20:36] Bleeding THC: Ill brb
[20:37] Crector: AFK myself.
[20:51] nwb123: i have 30 guards
[20:56] Crector: Hell Hawks has just refused my offer of a NAP.
[20:57] Crector: Should I post to the Alliance Notice Board asking everyone to refrain from hitting Hell Hawks's member castles?
[21:05] Crector: AFK

The Blitz Chat Log July8th/9th 2014

[15:32] Crector: Awway From Keyboard...I'm going AK right now too.
[15:33] eris: ok
[15:33] eris: im sorry but i dont very good this things
[16:48] Crector: geckobomb12 looks like an interesting candidate for recruitment.
[17:44] Crector: another candidate:  inragedpuffin
[17:45] Crector: also calaen
[23:07] tristenuscg: hey
[23:08] Crector: hello
[23:08] tristenuscg: whats up
[23:09] Crector: You are our first recruit who was not in the Legion of Aid first.
[23:11] tristenuscg: yea i went there at first and i read the thong you posted so i searched up this alliance
[23:12] Crector: At least you know how to read.
[23:12] tristenuscg: lol yea
[23:13] Crector: Too many others there have not come over including at least one guy who promised to come once this alliance was started.
[23:15] tristenuscg: yea that sucks
[23:34] Crector: Got my best loging bonus ever... 10 rubies, 760 gold coins & 5 macemen.
[00:04] Crector: Another potential recruit:  mohsen068
[02:20] westydecks2: wuz up
[02:27] Crector: Did you get the Food I sent you?
[02:27] westydecks2: yes
[02:27] westydecks2: thank you
[02:28] Crector: no problem.
[02:28] westydecks2: can you give me a promotion?
[02:28] westydecks2: trust me I can do good for this alliance
[02:29] westydecks2: on my other account i am level 36
[02:29] Crector: I can, but the leader would rather make these decisions himself.  I will recommmend you to him though.
[02:30] Crector: What do you mean your other account?  I was under the impression that having more than one account simultaneously is forbidden under the rules of this game.
[02:31] westydecks2: ya
[02:31] westydecks2: i just used my other email
[02:36] Crector: You're playing with fire.  A lot of the admins of games that I've played in the past had zero tolerance for  simultaneous  accounts.  The same goes for a lot of the alliance leaders I've known as well.
[02:37] westydecks2: ya idc
[02:37] westydecks2: i mainly use my other account
[02:39] Crector: In any event, I'm following up your 2 attacks with attacks of my own.
[02:39] westydecks2: y
[02:41] Crector: Why not?  If they are good targets for you, they should work for others as well.
[02:42] Crector: Castle awsome looks pretty pathetic.
[02:43] westydecks2: pathetic?
[02:43] Crector: Did you not see the spy report?
[02:44] westydecks2: wha does pathetic mean?
[02:44] westydecks2: what*
[02:47] Crector: From
[02:47] Crector: pathetic  [puh-thet-ik]  Show IPAadjective1.causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.2.affecting or moving the feelings.3.pertaining to or caused by the feelings.4.miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for our investment we get a pathetic three percent interest.
[02:49] westydecks2: o
[02:52] eris: hi
[02:52] Crector: hello
[03:21] westydecks2: so where are you from cretor
[03:21] westydecks2: crector*
[03:22] Crector: Illinois...have to go for a while.
[03:23] westydecks2: what do u mean
[03:23] westydecks2: where r u going

The Blitz Chat Log July 8, 2014

[09:31] Bleeding THC: Didn't like him either
[09:34] Crector: Do you ever send resources to players you attack?  What if they are inactive abds their alaince does not care?
[09:35] Crector: I keep on misspelling "alliance"
[09:44] Bleeding THC: I do
[09:44] Bleeding THC: If they are inactive, then at least i was still nice enough to do so
[09:45] Bleeding THC: If you are going to attack players for sheer experience and honor, i think it is only right to send them resources so they can continue to enjoy and play the game.
[09:45] Bleeding THC: As you do.
[09:51] manav ganjoo: i have joined the alliance too
[09:51] Bleeding THC: awesome
[09:52] Bleeding THC: time to shoot you that rank then :)
[09:52] manav ganjoo: thanks
[09:53] Bleeding THC: I'm confident that you will enjoy this a lot better.
[09:53] Bleeding THC: Lot more activity, fairness, and control
[09:54] manav ganjoo: yeah for  sure
[09:56] Bleeding THC: So do you have any ideas for this alliance?
[09:57] Bleeding THC: Anything you would like to see that wasn't available in LoA
[09:59] manav ganjoo: well in loa the leader wasnt surely active as you are
[10:00] Bleeding THC: I will be mainly active during the evening and early mornings
[10:00] Crector: Actually gamermax5 only showed up 10 minutes of so a week.
[10:00] Crector: or so
[10:01] Bleeding THC: I will be a lot more active once I get over some personal issues.
[10:02] manav ganjoo: thats good
[10:02] Bleeding THC: I do hold a very demanding job and am also dealing with my grandmother who was just diagnosed with cancer. which will put a dent in my day activity but at night is fair game.
[10:03] manav ganjoo: but i ll be not active  as u r because  i  m busy
[10:04] manav ganjoo: good luck  for  your  grandmother
[10:04] Bleeding THC: many thanks, and very understandable
[10:04] Bleeding THC: Personal life comes first
[10:06] Bleeding THC: I have to hop off for a bit but ill be back later
[10:09] Crector: AFK
[10:56] Bleeding THC: This espionage, are you planning to attack or would you like me to?
[11:04] manav ganjoo: hey bleeding i have attacked  see if u can help
[11:04] Bleeding THC: Alright
[11:05] Crector: I'm planning on attacking KK later today.
[11:06] Bleeding THC: did you pull an espionage on this person manav?
[11:09] manav ganjoo: yeah
[11:09] Bleeding THC: me too lol
[11:09] Bleeding THC: attacking
[11:10] manav ganjoo: i have  attack  him with all soldiers so if there is attack  on my castle cover up for me too
[11:10] Crector: I need to be able to attack with 14 soldiers to do it.
[11:11] Bleeding THC: will do
[11:11] Bleeding THC: you need reinforcements crector?
[11:11] Crector: No.
[11:12] Crector: mrrocks141 is a great target  who keeps on giving.
[11:13] manav ganjoo: bye
[11:40] Bleeding THC: The guy didn't even survive one attack :|
[11:45] Crector: The Partweis guy?
[11:45] Bleeding THC: ya
[11:45] Bleeding THC: i defeated him with my first shot
[11:45] Bleeding THC: im sending him resources
[12:02] Bleeding THC: afk

[14:50] eris: hi guys how are you               you see now crector
[14:51] Crector: You got the food?
[14:51] Crector: AFK
[14:52] eris: yes how do you need
[14:52] eris: im sending
[14:53] eris: hi thc
[14:59] Bleeding THC: hello :)
[14:59] eris: how are you
[14:59] Bleeding THC: very tired but in good health. yourself?
[15:01] eris: im tired but good can i be a deputy please
[15:05] Bleeding THC: Well that is a sensitive issue. I have not been in LoA to determine which rank you are seeing as I have only communicated with the most active so far. Therefore I cannot just give you the rank until I learn more about you, your character, and the way you play the game. The deputy position carried over from the old clan to crector.
[15:05] Bleeding THC: I was instructed based on his experience to place you as a sargeant until further notice, but it wouldnt hurt to step up and prove yourself :)
[15:06] Bleeding THC: clan = alliance
[15:07] Bleeding THC: But also on the other hand, it also would not hurt for both of us to talk this over with the other members of the alliance to get their input.
[15:09] eris: but i also was to make this alliance  i took to crector and i very trying my best im activ every day i was on alliance with gamermax5 with you i leava the alliance and i come here
[15:11] Bleeding THC: The control and construction of this alliance is important. The only way to maintain a fair order amongst it is to let the alliance itself decide, not it's leader. It is not my decision, it would be all of the main members decisions. I am simply the individual who funded the alliance finacially. They are the ones who run it.
[15:14] Bleeding THC: We did not give any members a rank they did not already have in the old alliance, we simply restored it to the order it was in before the rest decided their leader was no longer adequate to meet his alliances demands.
[15:14] Bleeding THC: Therefore we simply moved it from his power and it is now maintained by the alliance as a whole
[15:15] Bleeding THC: I'm sure that if you were to explain why you think you deserve this rank to crector and manav they will give you the answer you seek.
[15:18] eris: ok i will give all body on this game and i will proved to you
[15:20] Bleeding THC: But I will warn you, Deputy is probably something that will take a while. a jump from sargeant to deputy is a pretty large leap
[15:21] eris: oh yes i can do it
[15:22] Bleeding THC: I like your attitude, ill give you that
[15:22] Crector: Let's see how well you do as Sergeant before we promote you.
[15:23] Crector: Also, there whould only be one Deputy just as there should only be one War Marshal.
[15:24] Bleeding THC: Unless the allaince is extremely large
[15:24] Bleeding THC: *alliance
[15:24] Crector: As it happens, we do not have a General, Recruiter or Treasurer, so if you do well as Sergeant and deserve promotion, there are other positins that you could be promoted to.
[15:25] Bleeding THC: But you would of course have to show that you meet the responsibilities to that specific rank
[15:25] eris: oh you dont know what can i do i will do my bestttttttttttt
[15:26] Bleeding THC: And that's why im confident you have the ability to pull it off :)
[15:27] eris: thanks guys but you know me too i think it is right
[15:31] Bleeding THC: I know I don't know you too well but I think you have a great future here
[15:31] Bleeding THC: afk
[15:31] eris: what is afk
[15:32] Crector: Awway From Keyboard...I'm going AK right now too.
[15:33] eris: ok
[15:33] eris: im sorry but i dont very good this things
[16:48] Crector: geckobomb12 looks like an interesting candidate for recruitment.
[17:44] Crector: another candidate:  inragedpuffin
[17:45] Crector: also calaen

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Blitz Chat July 7th 2014

[21:28] Tj2: just let me know
[21:29] Tj2: im out
[21:29] Bleeding THC: Have a good one
[21:29] SainsVSinners: I M HI
[21:29] Tj2: see ya
[21:29] Bleeding THC: Hello kind sir
[21:29] Tj2: I see your getting your guys here
[21:29] Tj2: good deal
[21:29] SainsVSinners: were so close its funny
[21:30] Bleeding THC: yes, we already have it planned out
[21:30] Bleeding THC: most of the members agreed with our movement
[21:30] Tj2: we didnt know why you declared on us
[21:30] Bleeding THC: also got majority of our resources back
[21:30] Bleeding THC: Neither did we
[21:30] Tj2: but
[21:30] SainsVSinners: with a nice todaloo my sirs and ma damns
[21:30] Tj2: we have had a long standing dislike for Gammer
[21:30] Bleeding THC: He also declared war on another alliance this morning for no reason
[21:31] Tj2: was goober guy ever in your alliance
[21:31] Tj2: that was gammers buddy a few months ago
[21:31] Bleeding THC: yes I believe so
[21:31] Tj2: they are both 12 year old kids
[21:31] Tj2: so I dont hold a lot against them
[21:32] Bleeding THC: lol
[21:32] Tj2: we have an 11 year old in our alliance now and he is pretty salty
[21:32] Tj2: you didnt know gammer was 11
[21:32] Tj2: LOL
[21:32] Bleeding THC: Ive never even talked to the guy
[21:32] Bleeding THC: never seen him online
[21:32] Tj2: yep
[21:32] Tj2: 11 years old
[21:32] Bleeding THC: Thats just sad really
[21:32] Tj2: we have a guy in his 80s in our alliance
[21:32] Tj2: Corvette
[21:32] Bleeding THC: lol
[21:33] Tj2: he is around Crector
[21:33] Tj2: My guys are hoping for some good news
[21:33] Tj2: so I better really get back to them
[21:33] Bleeding THC: We will let you know
[21:33] Tj2: the only reason I am not in the alliance right now is that I gave up an OP to a lower level guy
[21:33] Tj2: so I got out while he is capturing
[21:34] Tj2: anyway
[21:34] Tj2: I hope we can work together in the future
[21:34] Tj2: bye
[21:34] Bleeding THC: same here, goodbye brother
[21:34] Tj2: and nice meeting you
[21:34] Bleeding THC: You aswell

Legion of Aid ChatLog July 4th 2014

[15:06] GreatAustin: hey crector i'm upgrading my keep to level 2 is will that help us in a war or no
[15:07] Crector: Yes it will.
[15:08] GreatAustin: how will that help
[15:09] Crector: Improves your defenses.
[15:51] GreatAustin: i still have 8 hours left till my keep is done upgrading
[15:52] Crector: You don't need to stay online while that is happening.
[15:52] GreatAustin: i know
[16:45] GreatAustin: i like this alliance dude i never wanna leave it
[17:22] Crector: Then why did you leave?
[17:23] GreatAustin: i was getting bored
[18:15] Crector: And this jerk left yet again.
[18:16] Crector: What happened was that our absentee "leader" came out of retirement long enough to screw things up.   I got demoted from Deputy so that our leader cold appoint some idiot friend of his in my place.  And then what did his friend do?  He declared war on  Krieg Reich for no apparent reason and then once doing so, he quit this alliance.
[22:59] Ivan6678: Hey, Samuel, tell me if Jtgamer attacked you.
[00:24] Crector: Do you have any idea why gamermax5 acted as he did?
[00:30] Ivan6678: Nupe.
[00:34] Crector: I;ve been attacked 4 times today and once by sabotage agents as well as by a non-Krieg reich member.
[00:35] Crector: SAre you short of Food?  I've got a huge surplus that I can send you.
[01:08] Crector: There is some good news:  camile80's castle has ben reduced to ruins.
[01:59] Bleeding THC: Pretty confused, are ranks earned or handed out?
[02:00] Bleeding THC: i been gone for like 4 hours and 5 people get promoted, most of which i have never even seen say a word in chat let alone anything else
[02:36] Crector: gamermax5 showed up out of nowhere and handed out promotions like it was going out of style.
[02:37] Crector: He's a moron and we're paying the price for it.
[02:37] Crector: AFK
[02:58] Bleeding THC: Well maybe we should make our own deal? I like the alliance, but not all the disorder, kinda unpredictable.
[03:05] Crector: How would we do that?  Create our own alliance?
[03:09] Crector: Actually, I've ben thinking about that myself.  I've been hit 4 times by Krieg Reich today and once by sabotage agents.  We are just outmatched by them.
[03:12] Crector: 18:16] Crector: What happened was that our absentee "leader" came out of retirement long enough to screw things up.   I got demoted from Deputy so that our leader cold appoint some idiot friend of his in my place.  And then what did his friend do?  He declared war on  Krieg Reich for no apparent reason and then once doing so, he quit this alliance.
[03:17] Crector: Just went through the alliance Chronicle and it turns out that I was mistaken.  It was gamermax5 who declared war on Krieg Reich.'
[03:20] Bleeding THC: well im all for it if you have the rubies, i dont even know whats going on half the time cuz its so unorganized and noone fills anyone in on anything just does it
[03:20] Bleeding THC: i just dont much care for insolence
[03:20] Crector: Do you need rubies to form an alliance?
[03:21] Bleeding THC: yeah
[03:21] Bleeding THC: like 350 or 375
[03:21] Bleeding THC: somethin  like that
[03:21] Crector: It would take days to accumulate that many.
[03:22] Bleeding THC: well it would be worth it
[03:22] Bleeding THC: i wouldnt mind but im just lvl 15
[03:22] Bleeding THC: *16
[03:23] Crector: I'll see what I can do.  Only have 18 at the moment.
[03:23] Bleeding THC: well let me know something by tomorrow, ill go buy some if you can figure somethin out
[03:23] Bleeding THC: *if you cant
[03:27] Bleeding THC: how much are rubies anyway
[03:29] Crector: Too much.  I;ve layed a god game without ever buying any and don't want you buying any either.
[03:34] Bleeding THC: To be quite honest, if it is for creating a new alliance it seems a bit worth it
[03:34] Bleeding THC: I'm not the person you have to worry about gaining an unfair advantage, im pretty skilled at just about anything i set my mind to
[03:35] Bleeding THC: Therefore, if i were to but rubies the rest would be placed into alliance funds
[03:35] Bleeding THC: *buy
[03:37] Bleeding THC: I think that is possible
[03:40] Crector: Sounds Like a plan.
[03:40] Crector: If you were to form a new alliance, what would you name it?

Legion of Aid ChatLog July 2nd 2014

[19:08] Bleeding THC: he will kthen attack you if it fails
[19:09] Ivan6678: Im counting on it.
[19:09] Bleeding THC: get 3 taverns
[19:09] Ivan6678: If he attacks me he will have less troops at his castle
[19:10] Bleeding THC: 3so will you
[19:10] Bleeding THC: *so
[19:10] Ivan6678: Yes.
[19:11] Ivan6678: Unless i use the other army.
[19:11] Ivan6678: At my outpost.
[19:11] Bleeding THC: make him attack your outpost
[19:11] Bleeding THC: then attack him with overkill while his army is out
[19:12] Bleeding THC: juat recruit out the butt
[19:12] Bleeding THC: before you do anything ^
[19:12] Ivan6678: He is preety far away.
[19:13] Ivan6678: 74ish
[19:13] Bleeding THC: dang
[19:13] Bleeding THC: what is his name
[19:14] Ivan6678: Red Ruckus
[19:14] Bleeding THC: he is just 42 from me
[19:15] Bleeding THC: he is the one attacking you?
[19:15] Ivan6678: Yeah.
[19:15] Ivan6678: He attacked not long ago.
[19:15] Ivan6678: Few days.
[19:17] Bleeding THC: just once or multiple time?
[19:18] Ivan6678: Multiple
[19:18] Bleeding THC: ohhh i know this guy
[19:19] Ivan6678: Ah?\
[19:19] Bleeding THC: i have noticed him attacking
[19:19] Bleeding THC: i was looking at his castle a few days ago
[19:20] Bleeding THC: he is littered with guardhouses
[19:20] Ivan6678: Yeah.
[19:20] Ivan6678: I will be back eventually
[19:21] Bleeding THC: do you recall attacking any of his alliance members or their outposts either on purpose or for looting purposes, because that would probably explain why he is targeting you
[19:23] Bleeding THC: devils, you should probably send him a message and find out his intentions?
[19:24] Bleeding THC: hes close to your level :/
[20:09] Ivan6678: I do not recall attacking any of his alliance members.
[20:36] jowi5000000: Hi im new I am jowi5000000 and I would like to meat you
[22:06] Ivan6678: Yo Crector
[22:06] Ivan6678: Vaybar?
[22:07] Ivan6678: Want me to attack him too?
[22:08] Ivan6678: Thanks for the help
[22:21] Crector: Yes.  He looks like a nice target.
[22:32] Ivan6678: I am attacking his main castle.
[22:32] Ivan6678: I send results of espionage to you.
[22:35] Crector: Got it.  Thank you.
[22:36] Crector: What have you done in regards to camile80?
[22:48] Ivan6678: Nothing.
[22:48] Crector: why?
[22:49] Ivan6678: If I attack her I dont gain anything, infact I will loose things.
[00:19] Ivan6678: And there is no need for me to attack her, you guys can handle it.