Monday, December 1, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat December 1, 2014

[20:47] Dianais: That would be perfect.
[20:47] Dianais: Tks Dholl.
[20:47] Dholl: just let me know when you want to go
[20:48] Dianais: Once you sit in the outpost and the outpost passes to your hands after 24 hours, you can come back to USAF.
[20:48] slickdave50: how many troops do i need
[20:48] Dianais: Let me get back in a few minutes on this.
[20:48] slickdave50: ok
[20:49] m20321: I wonder if Sunny left his username/password so we could transfer troops back to his main if needed.
[20:50] fart4fun: is he not playing GGE anymore?
[20:53] m20321: No he retired permanently.
[20:53] fart4fun: retired meaning...?
[20:53] m20321: Quit
[20:53] fart4fun: oh
[20:54] fart4fun: did any1 know him in real life?
[20:54] slickdave50: no
[20:54] m20321: nope...
[20:54] fart4fun: so did he leave his password with Gary or a deputy?
[20:55] fart4fun: dunno how, but 3 days ago had 12k+ coins. now i have 397
[20:59] m20321: I got some good advice from an SF STONECOLD member yesterday that has really "paid off" (pun intended).  Start attacking 5 or 6 robber baron castles and building them up as fast as you can.  As they get stronger the payouts from attacking them get bigger.
[20:59] m20321: Right Dholl?
[20:59] Dholl: hmm that sounds about right lol
[21:00] Dholl: you need to loot and loot alot
[21:01] fart4fun: alright
[21:02] fart4fun: thanks for the spy reports
[21:03] Dholl: np
[21:16] Dianais: So both Sunny food outposts have about the same defense.
[21:16] Dianais: Say the equivalent of about 160 militia.
[21:16] m20321: I can handle that.
[21:17] Dianais: The wood outpost is easier, more troops but for attack rather than for defense.
[21:19] fart4fun: so for that many militia, how many two-handed sword and heavy crossbow?
[21:20] Dianais: As most of the troops are miliitia, sending a preemtive cleaning stroke will create fires but not really help in diminishing defenses. So the attack needs to be strong engough to cope with all the defense in the spy reports.
[21:22] slickdave50: 61 melee soldiers  24 ranged soldiers
[21:22] slickdave50: all i can hold for runing out of food
[21:23] m20321: Good night all.  I'll talk with y'all tomorrow.
[21:24] Dianais: See you then M.
[21:25] Dholl: see ya m
[21:25] fart4fun: bye
[21:26] fart4fun: attacking 6 RBs right now
[21:26] Dholl: cool
[21:27] fart4fun: only have 2 built up
[21:29] klemal: I can't get three out of seven
[21:29] klemal: cryin shame
[21:30] Dholl: try this site - it has all the spy reports and attack suggestions for all rbcs and towers, while there are better formations for some towers the site is pretty solid. might give you some ideas
[21:31] fart4fun: already am using that sight. actually was on it before you mentioned
[21:31] Dholl: cool I quite like it
[21:33] Dholl: sent 591
[21:33] Dianais: 600 otw.
[21:33] fart4fun: Dianais: I can easily conquer with that number of troops
[21:34] Dholl: whats with the op hits
[21:35] Crector: It was always my understandingthat sunny was a she.

[21:36] fart4fun: a level 70 member retired from GGE and we're taking his/her OPs. could i go go to your alliance in like 2-3 days as i make the conquer?
[21:36] Dholl: yes when do you want to go
[21:36] m20321: 175 on the way
[21:37] fart4fun: i will try to start the 40hr upgrade of estate @ 7am-ish tomarrow. i'd like to join after that's done
[21:37] Dholl: ok
[21:38] m20321: sabotage sent.  Should have spied Jenga first...
[21:39] m20321: While his main attack troops are out I'll hit him with my attack units.
[21:39] m20321: Nevermind.  He must've got my message.
[21:40] m20321: Hahaha.  He definitely got my message.   Now I'm really going to bed.  Good night all.
[21:40] Dholl: nite m
[21:42] Dianais: Believe Dholl is asking about the incoming... seems to be a low level, maybe still need to learn 'amiable' attack rules...
[21:42] fart4fun: don't even know why people are just sending numbers
[21:43] fart4fun: like 600 otw and 175otw
[21:44] Dianais: f4f: 600 defense On The Way. We had an incoming attack, now gone.
[21:45] fart4fun: ok
[21:45] fart4fun: feel like such a noob
[21:46] fart4fun: do you battle troops in a stronghold?
[21:46] Dholl: no
[21:47] fart4fun: this guy has only armed citizens, but defense troops in a stronghold
[21:47] Dholl: I don't know why people do that
[21:48] fart4fun: me neither
[21:48] fart4fun: do you know how a castle goes into ruins?
[21:48] Dholl: stronghold just takes up space that can be used for other things
[21:48] fart4fun: yes
[21:48] Dholl: Dianais Hack is ready to come over
[21:49] Dianais: Ok ok... Crector, are you there? You have fresh memories of sending the invite...
[21:53] Dianais: Just found how...\
[21:53] Dianais: Sent.
[21:53] hacksaw4: hey guys thanks
[21:53] Dholl: thanks
[21:53] Dholl: hi hack
[21:53] Dianais: Hi hack, welcome.
[21:55] hacksaw4: : ) thanks
[21:58] Dianais: Lisa is too far to our core... We will never be able to support her against attacks, like the one today.
[21:58] Dianais: I am thinking in finding a closer alliance for a relocation.
[21:58] Dholl: what about her free move
[21:59] fart4fun: there're 5 ruins near me
[21:59] Dianais: You r right... will put the option for her decision.
[22:00] Dholl: there is alot of opportunity to get 8 food ups up this way if she goes a little north
[22:00] Dholl: some of our members did that
[22:00] hacksaw4: you talking about lisa from the misc ?
[22:00] fart4fun: all open between 17hr-3.2 days from now for the 5 ruins
[22:02] Dianais: Don't think so... : ) LisaDaisyAnn, one of our members.
[22:02] hacksaw4: oh ok lol
[22:02] Dianais: lol
[22:03] hacksaw4: if you can get her here with her free move i have two outposts to get her started
[22:05] Dianais: That could be a good option. She has 3 outposts, so won't be so easy to move if the outposts need to be left behind. But if she can start with 2 outposts nearby it will be a different thing.
[22:06] Dianais: Tks, will copy Lisa with that.

[22:21] slickdave50: two handed sword 38   swoodman 19  archer  12
[22:21] fart4fun: and what is the look item/ what are they in general?
[22:22] Dholl: they change the way you castle appears on the world map
[22:23] Dholl: check out 629/359 in green
[22:25] fart4fun: the underworld opponants are too op
[22:25] Dholl: its a pretty rough event
[22:25] Dholl: the cave archers are the bomb though
[22:26] Dholl: 200 attack power
[22:26] Crector: Here's a annliance wide msg I put oyut 5 days ago:
[22:26] Crector: Arre you one of those upper level players who sits around griping about the lack of targets?  If so, then I have just the right kind of target for you:  Nakamichi a Lvl 68 player who is without an alliance and whose castle is in flames.  You can find him at 518:407  Happy pillaging.
[22:28] fart4fun: do your buildings in the underworld reset fo next time?
[22:28] Dholl: yep everything is wiped out
[22:29] fart4fun: have you ever beat it?
[22:29] Dholl: yes just the regular level I won't do the masters
[22:30] fart4fun: what is the masters?
[22:30] Dholl: one you complete the regular level you can do it agian with increased difficulty but I think it is way too imbalanced
[22:31] Dholl: and thats where you get gold coins
[22:31] fart4fun: ok
[22:32] Dholl: you know there is really no shortage of targets in this game, I find it pretty easy to keep terrible
[22:35] General 313: hello dholl and hacksaw, i promoted you to the highest level i can so your visit will be more pleasant
[22:36] Dholl: Hi General, Thanks much appreciated
[22:36] hacksaw4: glad to be here thanks for letting us come to visit
[22:37] General 313: we are an old allince with a few older members and a lot of players new to the game
[22:38] slickdave50: when do someone get promted
[22:39] hacksaw4: yeah this alliance has been around about as long as STONECOLD,lol
[22:40] hacksaw4: i was trying to think of who the leader was before garym?
[22:40] General 313: the previous leader was skull and he founded this alliance
[22:41] hacksaw4: ahhh yea,we used to chat alot
[22:41] General 313: i think he got tired of the game because one day he just left and made garym the leader
[22:42] fart4fun: well i gtg2 bed. bbl like @ late pm tommarrow if at all. Good night!
[22:42] hacksaw4: yeah i know we was chating one day and seemed like he was gone the next
[22:42] Dianais: slickdave: you will have to overcome at least the militia. Say 78 x 27 = 2106 defense approx. The other troops we can manage to wipe out for you... you will need to put down more fires, though.
[22:43] Dholl: nite f4f
[22:45] slickdave50: i cant hold that many troops for runing out of food
[22:46] Dianais: We can help with food.
[22:46] hacksaw4: yeah i have to get in the bed also work tomarrow,and i will be on late in the evening my son has a basketball game tomarrow evening
[22:47] Dholl: nite hack
[22:47] Dianais: nite.
[22:47] General 313: will talk you later
[22:49] Dianais: slickdave: 38 2 handed sword + 19 swordman would be something close to 38 x 109 + 19 x 61 = 5301 attack.
[22:50] slickdave50: recruiting now
[22:51] Dianais: slickdave: how much food could you hold?
[22:51] slickdave50: 13.500
[22:52] Dianais: Ok. Sending to your main and outpost.
[22:53] General 313: well i think i need to get to bed see everyone tomorrow
[22:53] Dianais: Will send food again tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will remember : ).
[22:53] Dianais: Nite general.
[22:53] General 313: nite
[22:54] slickdave50: my op is full
[22:55] slickdave50: it holds 41.000

[22:56] Dianais: slickdave: Ok. I would go on building more attack, and then jump off the alliance and launch the capture tomorrow evening.
[22:56] slickdave50: ok
[22:56] slickdave50: thank you
[22:56] Dianais: I believe you have enough attack, assuming the non militia forces are cleared before for you. But it won't be bad having an extra safety factor.
[22:56] Dianais: Np.
[23:04] slickdave50: will you be on tom
[23:08] Dianais: About evening.
[23:09] Whiplash: see you in a few hours
[23:09] Dianais: See you.
[23:11] slickdave50: i have 52    2 handed sword at my op i can send to my castle
[23:15] Crector: Well, this has certainly been a memorable evening.
[23:20] Dianais: slickdave: then you will have 90 two handed swords, right? That should be more than enough.
[23:20] Sexy Beast 17: hello whats happening
[23:20] Crector: We have visitors from SF STONECOLD,
[23:21] Dholl: hi sexy beast
[23:21] Crector: They are checking us out to see if we are worthy of joining the SF family aof alliances.
[23:22] Crector: This is King Dholl the Merciless.
[23:22] Dholl: more like to see if you are interested
[23:23] Sexy Beast 17: hello we are glad to have you visit us
[23:23] Dholl: thanks
[23:24] Dianais: slickdave: do you have tools, aka scaling ladders and mantlets?
[23:25] slickdave50: alot of them
[23:26] Crector: SB 17:  Have you been doing a lot of recruiting lately?
[23:26] Dianais: Ok, then you are already good. Let's stay put for tomorrow evening.
[23:26] slickdave50: ok
[23:36] Dianais: Nite all, see yall tomorrow.
[23:36] Crector: Good night.
[23:36] slickdave50: ty
[23:36] slickdave50: good night
[23:37] Dholl: nite dianais
[23:44] Dholl: nite all
[23:45] slickdave50: good night  all
[23:48] Sexy Beast 17: good night
[23:52] Crector: Yes, these are lvl 70 visitors.

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