Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Message Exchange with Dianais December 16 2014

Her earlier msg:


Lee seems more amiable, he received good references from Blood is Thicker, and even offered to discuss a pact.

He did mention that they are involved in the server war and because of this they have the auto-war set. In case of the auto-war firing against them he asked we checked with him before taking any action to avoid further trouble.


Her msg:

We are not discussing a treatry with IF. But the fact that Lee is bringing it to the table reflects, to my thinking, our more active diplomacy. Which means we need to continue in the track, reviewing our status with other allies, visiting them,etc.


My reply:

When I was in the chat when I was in that alliance, Lee and his minions discussed a great many repulsive things.  For instance, if they had a treaty with another alliance, they would arrange for a member to leave the alliance and atack someone on an alliance that they had the deal with then return to Lee's alliance.  Lee would then claim that the member would be punished to placate the victimized alliance.   You might recall when one of Lee's buddies, Jefferson1776, attacked me while not in the alliance ostensibly because I had attacked a friend of his.. They also ran multis (bojangles, TJ2, .V.) and had infiltrators in other alliances.

I want to make this clear:  If you guys want to make a deal with anyone other than Lee and his associaties, I have no reason to believe that other leaders are like him.  However, in all of my time in online gaming, 1995-present, I have never encountered a leader like Lee nor an alliance that I knew had so many bad apples in it.  Of curse, there were other alliances/leaders that I've ehard bad things about, but never alliances that I was a member of or leaders who I served under where I could see up front and personal just how bad players could be.

Lee is a hard case and so is his alliance.

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