Saturday, December 13, 2014

Msg to Dianais December 13 2014

As you may recall I forgot what those earlier msg's I sent to you were about,  Here's a couple I do remember now:

1:  That instead of sending DH7 over to SFC in order to "recover" him as a player, you should send someone like Supreme Ruler who isn't on all that much and is even less chatty than Laura, but yet whose castle always sems to be well maintained no matter how often attacked it is.

2:  What levi73 said about how somebody in Alaska Pirates was promoted to a position where he/she could issue multiple declartations of war that led to the downfall of the AP's.  SF USAF KNIGHTS has an awful lot of folks in sgt and over all of whom have the power to declare war onanyone.    We need to be careful in deciding promotions in the future.

Would appreciate it if you would reply before my week in SFC is up.

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