Tuesday, December 23, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS December 23 2014 Alliance Chat

[07:26] klemal: Another peace proposal has been sent to M16, with no tribute demand but admonishing the actions of Cromwell and leaving our dealings with him on a open basis. This stipulation per Dianais
[07:26] m20321: Sounds good to me Klemal.  Nice Job
[07:27] m20321: I burned Cromwell today for my Daily Task.
[07:32] klemal: I guess we can farm him at our discretion according to how I understood Dianais feelings about it.
[07:32] klemal: we'll see how mr. multiple personality feels about it
[07:37] klemal: My message to M16:M16 , Our alliance has decided to offer peace without tribute demands from PhoenixKnights as per your desire. It is true that a whole alliance should not be held accountable for the transgressions of one member. We do, however, have issue still, with Cromwell, as he has made no attempt to atone for his mis-step in attacking our outpost. I hope that you, as leader of your alliance, will accept this peace proposal.  Respectfully, klemal
[07:37] m20321: I like it.
[07:38] m20321: The funny thing is I reached out to Cromwell a couple of days ago and got no response.  I see his fixing fires, recruiting troops and upgrading his base but he has remained silent on the issue.
[07:39] klemal: he is ignorant
[07:40] klemal: I guess his leadership  doesn't believe in making amends for errors....they are ignorant too
[07:41] m20321: Oh well.  It is what it is at this point.  We'll move on but keep an eye on him.
[07:42] klemal: If I was closer to him, I would do more than keep an eye on him...when he regroups he will again be a threat
[07:44] m20321: That's okay.  I'm close enought to protect when we need to.  Between you, Sammi, Crector, Demonis, f4f, SlickDave etc...  I'm not too worried about it.  We can put a big hurt on him and deplete his cois, rubies and resources pretty quickly.
[07:44] klemal: Dianais feels that frequent visits by our troops would be acceptable...why I put that line in the proposal about Cromwell in particular
[07:44] m20321: Like Dianais said yesterday.  If nothing else, this was a good training excercise for our relatively young alliance in how to wage war.  As our members continue to grow we will only become stronger and more coordinated.
[07:45] m20321: There's no reason not to farm him.  That will keep him on his toes and prevent him from growing too fast.  The downside is that everytime he wins troops he will more than likely send them our way.
[07:46] m20321: It's the reason I keep harping on building up your defensive troops in all of your locations except 1.
[07:46] m20321: not you as in Klemal but in general.
[07:48] klemal: I can see him coming, it's those he is closest to that have a bigger danger...like Sammi
[07:49] m20321: Sammi's a pretty savvi player.  We will support when we can but I imagine she's working on building up her defenses.  At some point she'll be laughing when she see's he's launched an attack on her.  Then she'll be able to immediately respond from her attack OP and cripple him.  He'll get the idea.
[07:50] klemal: I have a bunch of novices around me now...one attacked me yesterday, not knowing what he was doing...a clan420:o)
[07:51] m20321: I bet it was like batting away a nat :)
[07:51] m20321: I've got to run but I'll be back on later.
[07:51] klemal: I didn't know it happed...c ya later
[07:58] Chlo-Chlo: gm
[07:58] klemal: morning chlo
[07:59] Chlo-Chlo: how are things going
[08:00] klemal: Peace is on the table again...with PhoenixKnights
[08:04] klemal: bbl

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