Tuesday, December 9, 2014

LisaDaisyAnn Conv. December 2014

[00:58] LisaDaisyAnn: hi
[01:04] Crector: hello
[01:04] LisaDaisyAnn: how are you
[01:04] Crector: God..just completed a quest of the Trraveling Knights.
[01:05] Crector: Good
[01:06] LisaDaisyAnn: i suck at the quests. i can barely finish one before they want three more done.
[01:06] Crector: As a writer, what is your favorite kind of fiction?
[01:07] Crector: I often fail to get the building quests done.
[01:10] LisaDaisyAnn: i love teen fiction. its lame, i know but i like how innocent it is and how full of dreams it can be. you don't have to look so deeply for everything an over analyze it. its meant to make the reader think but mostly for the enjoyment
[01:10] LisaDaisyAnn: i always do the building quests just not the attack ones. i'm not in the mood to cause wars with my weak ass troops
[01:13] Crector: YA fiction varies...the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew oare cool while stuff like Danny Dunn & Tom Swift are for the birds.
[01:16] LisaDaisyAnn: i like p.c. cast but her last several books have been a disapointment and Richeal mead's two series are really good but those are both vampire books. what really got me interesting in teen fiction was thirteen reasons why, speak, willow, and such a pretty girl
[01:18] Crector: How about R.L. Stine?  Or the Encyclopedia Brpwm stories?
[01:19] Crector: Brown
[01:28] LisaDaisyAnn: i haven't read those
[01:31] Crector: So what you like to read are fantasy/horror hat are girl oriented with girls as the main characters?
[01:31] LisaDaisyAnn: i like almost anything really but i think your right about the girl oriented part but hey i'm a girl what can i say
[01:33] Crector: Have yu gotten anything published?  Are there any webzines that focus on teen fiction?
[01:36] Crector: http://www.teenink.com/
[01:36] LisaDaisyAnn: there are places where i could upload stories but i haven't yet. i haven't published their yet because i'm still in the process of touching up stories. and it doesn't help i have surgery soon and my senior thesis project
[01:38] Crector: surgery sounds dire...senior thesis...is that a 30 page paper you have to write about a specialized subject?
[01:38] LisaDaisyAnn: it would be a 30 pg paper if i was a normal english major but i'm creative writing so its a 120 pg novella
[01:39] LisaDaisyAnn: and i'm having surgery tuesday on my wrist
[01:39] LisaDaisyAnn: so i might not be on much after this week for a little while
[01:39] Crector: Novellas are hard to get published especially with fictions magazines on decline.
[01:40] Crector: So you'll be gone for about a week or so?  I'll makes sure to tell Diabais so you won't get dumped while you're recuperating.
[01:41] LisaDaisyAnn: i know i don't plan to live just as a writer. i want to be a professor after i do the peace core
[01:42] Crector: I thought you were going to be a librarian,,,or did you get the idea of doing the Peace Corps instead?
[01:43] LisaDaisyAnn: i plan on doing it all. graduate become a librarian and teacher. go to peace corps. go to college again and become a professor
[01:44] LisaDaisyAnn: i decided not to limit myself and do whatever i feel like since who knows what will be my true passion
[01:45] Crector: What do your parents think of your vision?
[01:46] Crector: or ambition rather.
[01:48] Lone_Wolf67: hey all
[01:49] LisaDaisyAnn: morning. and they don't really know much about it. there isn't much time to talk when i'm always working and running around. they know i want to be a teacher but nothing after that
[01:49] LisaDaisyAnn: they would be against peace corps and they would question if being a librarian was a wise money decision.

[01:53] Crector: IU let my parents boss me around and I wounds up with nothing other than a MA in History, a field that employers have no interest in.

[01:55] Crector: LDA:  You probably have  a better sense of what direction to take than your parents do.

[01:58] LisaDaisyAnn: i listen to there advice but i always seem to do my own thing
[01:59] LisaDaisyAnn: sometimes they really are right though. i know my life plan but they know my personality so its nice having them input what would make me happiest
[02:01] Crector: My fathr went to college when liberal arts were the ticket...he could not conceive that businesses would ever mpt hire LA majors.
[02:01] Lone_Wolf67: night guys
[02:01] Crector: night.
[02:02] Crector: Back in my father's day, getting an advanced degree guaranteed a nice living...my experience is that its just something to hang on the wall.
[02:06] LisaDaisyAnn: so many people now have a degree that it isn't as special and now if people continue there education and get masters the jobs can sometimes not hire them because the cost
[02:07] Crector: That's the depressing thing...so may people going into areas where there are not all that many jobs.
[02:10] LisaDaisyAnn: i don't care if i don't get paid well if i'm happy
[02:12] Crector: I'm not paid well, but I've reconciled with it.  As long as I have a decent apartment and computer, I'll be all right.

[02:16] LisaDaisyAnn: thanks have a good night. i have to finish this research paper then i'm heading to bed too.

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