Saturday, December 20, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 20 2014

[15:48] fart4fun: Sammi i responded to him like this : The reason is because you repetedly attacked one of our members castles and OPs. This is our form of retaliation.
[15:49] PowerfullySammi: that was i close one crector !
[15:50] PowerfullySammi: F4F- good :)
[15:50] Crector: yes it was
[15:50] fart4fun: thanks. so are we on for a cordinated attack?
[15:51] klemal: I will join but best make it a 1 or 2 am launch...he'll get hit in the wee hours, that is how I beat him
[15:52] klemal: the first time
[15:52] Crector: If its a 1 or 2 am launch, I could help.
[15:52] klemal: he saw me coming in daylight and got help and it's still there
[15:53] PowerfullySammi: for sure...i sent everything i had at him earlier so it will have to be an early am attack
[15:53] klemal: I should have 100 2 handede sword, give or take and maybe 50 heavy crossbow
[15:54] fart4fun: ill sceduall it for 1:45 am?
[15:55] PowerfullySammi: sounds good
[15:56] Crector: ok
[15:56] klemal: tools, lots of tools too
[15:58] fart4fun: and just announced it
[15:58] fart4fun: so we launch at 1:45 or time it to land then?
[15:59] klemal: I am 5 hours out from him, if I launch at 1am I should get there around 6 am
[15:59] klemal: launch then
[16:00] klemal: I did it that way the first time and he didn't know he was hit till noon the
[16:00] fart4fun: ill launch it at the last minute before i fall asleep
[16:00] fart4fun: so lik 11pm or midnight
[16:00] PowerfullySammi: bbiab guys got some company coming by
[16:00] fart4fun: well i gtg for now too
[16:00] fart4fun: gb
[16:00] klemal: ya, and have pleasant dreams of guts and glory :o)
[16:02] klemal: I hope that witch Bloodstone is thru for today....her alliance sounds like a bunch of them and druids
[16:02] klemal: I can't figuer out why she is toying with me
[16:03] klemal: she could annihilate me if she wanted
[16:05] klemal: back in dogs want to walk
[16:07] klemal: you know something? when I collect my taxes, the system isn't giving them to me...happened last night too
[16:07] klemal: first they took my rubies, now it's taxes
[16:08] klemal: be back later
[16:10] Crector: D.D..:  Are you going to help vs. either Bloodstone or Cromwell?
[16:12] GARYM: bloodstone is also attacking members of sr hard liquor
[16:16] m20321: Gary - Are you able to get spies through on Bloodstone?
[16:17] GARYM: i am sending some at 50% accuracy
[16:18] GARYM: 9 minutes til they get there
[16:19] m20321: look forward to seeing that one
[16:20] Crector: Did someone in SR Hard Liquour ask you for help?
[16:21] GARYM: no a former member of our alliance is there
[16:21] Dianais: Bloodstone is too low, but I can give Cromwell a try.
[16:22] Dianais: Have we communicated diplomatically to Cromwells alliance?
[16:23] Crector: There are more that one Cromwell in this game...I thought that it was the LOF:TLR one at first, but its actually a lvl 38 Phoenix Force guy.
[16:23] Crector: I can barely hit him without losing any honor.
[16:23] Crector: Lvl 28
[16:24] Crector: Actuall name is CromwellsWorld
[16:26] Crector: D.D.:  From what was said in chat when I got back, it sounded like we  had communicated with  him, but very satisfactorly.
[16:27] Dianais: I see... wouldn't be able to help with this Cromwell, it's to low also.
[16:27] Crector: You could try sabotaging him.
[16:30] GARYM: spy spy report sent
[16:32] m20321: looks like an easy win if Crector and I can coordinate against bloodstone.  Gary if we include SR Hard Liquour for an attack at the same time we should be able to really hurt bloodstone.
[16:33] Dianais: Thanks DAlex, I have all my defense supporting someone elsewhere....
[16:33] Dianais: I mean, I had...
[16:33] Dianais: bbl
[16:36] Dianais: Yes, just understood that from Crector... I confused castles....
[16:36] Crector: I've got another attack incoming agianst bloodstone.
[16:39] Crector: When those troops and the troops against RWE get back, I'll combine them against CromwellsWorld
[16:40] Crector: In the meantime rebuilding light attack force at TDZK for one more attack on bloodstone.
[16:46] slickdave50: good to have you back crector
[16:47] Crector: Thank you...its good to be back.
[16:53] slickdave50: whats up fire bug
[16:54] Crector: fire bug?
[17:08] PowerfullySammi: Yes its good to see you back crector :) and dave is refering to klemal as firebug...
[17:16] klemal: I have just returned from my evening constitutional :o)
[17:16] PowerfullySammi: you mean walking your dogs lmao
[17:17] klemal: yep, and a five mile bicycle ride twice a day
[17:17] klemal: gotta stay fit :oi)
[17:18] PowerfullySammi: keep fit and have fun ;)
[17:18] klemal: there's the key to life
[17:18] klemal: I kayak too
[17:19] PowerfullySammi: thats cool, its a desolate ice land here sooooo theres no way im going out here
[17:19] klemal: why I retired to S Florida :o)
[17:20] PowerfullySammi: haha lucky...
[17:21] klemal: ok then, so what's been decided as far as Cromwell?
[17:23] Crector: To launch arttacks on him at 1:45 AM or thereabouts.
[17:24] klemal: I have 100 2 handed sword and over 50 heavy crossbow...and am hatching more
[17:26] klemal: I think I should recruit a few defensive troops for my case that witch tries to smush me
[17:26] PowerfullySammi: im working on 2 handed sword men... running low on funds atm
[17:26] klemal: we have time
[17:27] slickdave50: im ready
[17:27] klemal: Crector, what's the deal with Bloodstone anyway?
[17:28] Crector: Our leader says that she's been attacking members of SR Hard Liquor as well as us.
[17:28] klemal: she has minions that could handle me...why do it herself?
[17:29] Crector: I'm attacking her now and will again soon.
[17:29] klemal: she will lose honor...the witch
[17:31] klemal: should I sabotage her op's? She has too much power for me to take head on
[17:31] Crector: if you want.
[17:32] klemal: I sent my neighbor YummyPuss Christmas Greetings :o)
[17:33] klemal: never, ever bothered me as far as attacks....returned my overture I gave her a Pax Vobiscum
[17:39] PowerfullySammi: I wish my neighbours where more like you klemal lol
[17:40] PowerfullySammi: bbiab
[17:45] monkey67: hi
[17:45] klemal: howdy
[17:56] klemal: Crector, I sent saboteurs to Bloodstones other op
[17:57] Crector: great
[18:00] klemal: it's kinda like pokin' a hornets nest :o)
[18:08] Crector: Just won nobility contest 50 kingsguard attack troops and made Vice Duke...on the downside, lost most of the troops committed to the battle.
[18:15] klemal: Congratulations1 Don't you get a big award for that?
[18:15] klemal: just the troops? or coins too?
[18:16] Crector: 700 rubies  for making Vice Duke
[18:16] Crector: have to gor for a bit.
[18:16] klemal: I got 100 kings guard when I made Baron..
[18:37] Crector: Did I mass forward the battle report with bloodstone's op?
[18:39] Crector: Looks like DAlex hit the jackpot

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