Monday, December 22, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 22 2014

[05:58] Crector: Good job on the monument zicam.
[06:16] zicam: Need food at my castle please.
[06:16] zicam: Thanks Crector
[06:20] Crector: 3,500 food will arrive in 98 minutes.
[06:23] xXDemonisXx: 6 000  food  will  arive  in  50  minutes
[06:58] GARYM: good morning
[06:59] Dianais: morning
[07:04] GARYM: looks like things are quiet
[07:12] m20321: Good Morning all
[07:13] klemal: good morning
[07:26] m20321: Gary or Whip -  Are you guys able to sneak some spies through the castle at coordinates 451:248
[07:29] Whiplash: be there in 10 minutes  low accuracy tho
[07:30] m20321: I can't get anything through that doesn't have a 95% chance of getting caught
[07:30] Whiplash: i have 10% chance
[07:31] m20321: My guess is that's who was supporting Cromwell
[07:33] m20321: Thanks for sending
[07:39] klemal: m, I am going to keep attacking Cromwells main, they can keep losing troops there if they want. Demonis went in there earlier and carried out more loot.
[07:39] Whiplash: sent the report
[07:40] Whiplash: bbl
[07:57] m20321: Sounds good Klemal - Have you reached out to him to see if he's had enough?  Also, start thinking about what we will require for a tribute to end the war.  If they don't respond or accept we need to start looking at other castles to hit starting with Immogen and M16.
[07:59] klemal: I will send him a message
[07:59] klemal: After he gets this last attack from me....what are we thinking as reparations here?
[07:59] GARYM: bbl
[08:00] m20321: see ya Gary
[08:00] klemal: LaterM
[08:00] m20321: It's all based on percentages of what the alliance has in their "kitty".  I think we should start at 20% and let them talk us down a bit.
[08:01] klemal: I can't figure out why they haven't responded to these attacks...even Castle Gwyllin is still burning.
[08:02] m20321: They're probably afraid of the repercussions of joing the battle.  We have a lot of level 70 players and our "perceived" strength (what they can see when they look at the members list) is much stronger than theirs.
[08:02] Crector: I think that we've banged him enough to make our point and deter him from future aggression.  Let's offer them peace on a zero tribute basis.
[08:03] m20321: I'm not interested in going to war and losing troops to consistently ask for 0% tribute in return.
[08:03] klemal: I know, I looked at it too, but you would think that they'd want to stop the carnage, no?
[08:03] m20321: Remember - He started this by attacking a low ranked players OP.
[08:03] klemal: yep

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