Friday, December 26, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 26 2014

[19:18] klemal: back now
[19:18] m20321: She shows online for me.  I just hit her recruit assist.
[19:19] klemal: I may give him the 3 am treatment...heralded by fire starters
[19:19] m20321: Misty - Are you reading chat?
[19:20] m20321: 3 a.m.'s are hard to defend against :)
[19:23] klemal: It will take me about 5 hours to get there so I figure around 11 - 12  or maybe 10, take off time
[19:23] klemal: he obviously didn't read up on the away defense
[19:23] m20321: lol - clearly not!
[19:23] m20321: Do you have any flags or banners to send with your troops to max your glory?
[19:24] klemal: oh yes
[19:24] klemal: Think I'll parctice a few set ups
[19:25] m20321: I like to mock them up as well
[19:26] klemal: it helps to know the travel time with the troops and tools
[19:26] m20321: I couldn't agree more.  I plan pretty heavily around the travel time.
[19:26] klemal: Thats the other thing rb's are good :o)
[19:27] klemal: and rubies
[19:27] m20321: hahaha. yep
[19:38] klemal: I am on the way...71/2 hours  travel time
[19:39] m20321: that should be pretty good timing
[19:41] klemal: think I could wait tilllater and send the saboteurs? They will travel faster than the army....get there just ahead and weaken him a little
[19:42] klemal: I don't want to send the too early as they could tip him off
[19:43] renush2: whats going on i hear a plan to attack i want in lol
[19:44] klemal: I see Whiplas fended him off...good thing you backed him up m
[19:44] renush2: whats the name of the guy were attacking?
[19:45] klemal: he is a little too much for you as is, but after I take him on you may be able to move in...that is if I win
[19:46] renush2: if you need ressources i have coin.
[19:46] renush2: but believe me im a fighter
[19:46] klemal: he will still have more than you can handle even if I do get the better of him. You should start by taking on nearby robber barons
[19:47] klemal: you grow them by attacking them
[19:47] renush2: im already on that
[19:47] klemal: as you move up in level, so do they...and you can farm them for rubies and loot...I do it every day
[19:48] m20321: Thanks Klemal.  Whips defense was setup perfectly.
[19:49] klemal: You want to take on playesr of the same level as and gain honor and glory
[19:50] klemal: Make sure you check on alliances befroe u attack anyone...not sure, ask
[19:50] renush2: will do sir.
[19:50] renush2: goodnight all
[19:50] klemal: I am klemal...not a sir....just a killer
[19:51] klemal: kl   em  al...or be killed
[19:53] klemal: honor 4 u, glory for the alliance
[19:54] misty18: I had a higher lvl attack me and wipe out my troops
[19:54] misty18: if i hit him back can i get some help?
[19:55] klemal: did you see my array, m? I threw in some oddballs...a fe wkhans and silrippers and the like, but mainly 2  h s amd heavy cross...10 glory banners and max tools
[19:56] Crector: Do you mean the guy who hit you today in Ice?  I've already hit him today,  Didn't win, but took a toll.
[19:56] m20321: Misty - He hit you in ice right?
[19:56] misty18: yes
[19:56] m20321: Misty - forward the report.
[19:56] misty18: how?
[19:57] m20321: Open the report.  You'll see an icon with a green arrow in the report.  That will forward the report.
[19:57] misty18: k
[19:57] m20321: I plan on hitting the guy later this evening with full tools and strong troops.  I won't lose especially after Crector's light troops took their toll.

20:04] misty18: not been on much, visiting the grandkids and children for xmas
[20:09] Crector: Nothing wrong with that.
[20:09] m20321: No worries.  You were too far for me to get to ice but I'll make that guy feel the pain in grass this evening.  I need the glory and honor anyway ;)
[20:19] misty18: can u abandon a place, once u take it?
[20:21] Crector: If you mean OP's that you've claimed, the answer is yes.
[20:22] misty18: monuments?
[20:23] Crector: Why would you abandon a monument?
[20:24] misty18: have a bunch of troops there
[20:24] misty18: took it for fun
[20:24] misty18: maybe it was a goal
[20:24] Crector: It provides the alliance with a glory bonus on attacks.
[20:25] klemal: she has to feed them...Crector, couldn't all memebers send like five of any kind of troop there to man the plave?
[20:25] klemal: members and place
[20:25] misty18: yes, can i give it to some one?
[20:26] misty18: and how do u abandon out post?
[20:26] Crector: Don't know that much about monuments...if only Dianais was aying attention, she'd know.
[20:26] klemal: we all share in the glory...why shouldn't we share  in manning it?
[20:28] misty18: it says moving in 6 days
[20:28] misty18: what does that mean?
[20:28] klemal: I'd be willing to send five defenders there...if everyone sent five or so it would be spreading the liability which is mainly food
[20:29] Crector: GARYM:  What;s the alliance policy, if any, regarding monuments?
[20:29] misty18: can i move some troops home?
[20:30] klemal: they are your troops
[20:30] klemal: what do you have there?
[20:31] klemal: does it have co ordinates...if so what are they?
[20:31] Dianais: We don't have a policy, but is as klemal says. We could all help manning the monument for defense. Or we could help sending food for misty.
[20:32] Crector: I'll do that right now.
[20:32] klemal: it would be easier to send trroops to post...wouldn't have to keep track of sending Misty would come out of pocket so to speak
[20:33] Crector: Sent 3,500 fod...should last quite some time.
[20:33] klemal: I sure wouldn't miss a few defenders and their supply of grub
[20:33] misty18: 221 troops
[20:33] misty18: but do not know how to recall any
[20:34] Crector: Withdraw 121....221 is a bit too many.
[20:34] klemal: you are shouldering a whole lot....
[20:34] misty18: how?
[20:34] Crector: I've never had a monument, so don't know how.
[20:35] Dianais: Ok. 200 otw.
[20:36] misty18: i see how to send more troops
[20:36] misty18: not how to withdraw any
[20:36] misty18: will troops come home in 6 days?
[20:37] Crector: In about 2 hours, I'll be able to take another shot at the creep who attacked misty in Icwe.
[20:37] klemal: r u low on food at your castles? I can send some now
[20:37] Dianais: Misty: look in "Travel Overview".
[20:38] Dianais: Do you see your troops stationed in the monument?
[20:39] Dianais: In any case, wait until someone get support troops into the monument before trying to retrieve yours... just in case.
[20:39] misty18: no
[20:40] misty18: only low in Outpost 2
[20:40] Dianais: Click in your main in the map, and then in the icon for Station.
[20:40] Dianais: Are you offered the option of moving troops from the monument?
[20:41] Dianais: In 6 days your troops for sure will return home. The thing is how to make them come back earlier.

[21:23] Crector: I have wood...could use some stone at Outpost Trex though.
[21:23] GARYM: where do you want it
[21:23] m20321: Stone at "M20321-1" OP
[21:23] m20321: Thanks Gary
[21:23] m20321: Sorry klemal - I was looking at your attack troops vs. Valiant's spy report.
[21:24] klemal: 5000 wood on the way
[21:25] GARYM: crector when my carts get back i will send you some stone too
[21:25] Crector: thnak you.
[21:25] m20321: Thank you both.
[21:25] m20321: Klemal - It's going to be close on your attack.  If I had attack troops leftover I would take a shot at clearing him out a little bit.
[21:26] klemal: Good Luck to us all
[21:26] klemal: I may send a second wave
[21:26] GARYM: stone on the way crector
[21:26] klemal: if they aren't needed, it's only a loss of travel fees
[21:27] m20321: What do you mean?
[21:28] klemal: if I beat him with my first attack, the system will turn my other army back
[21:28] m20321: nm I understand now
[21:28] m20321: lol - It just clicked in my brain!
[21:28] klemal: or at least it did when I used 2 waves on that nut case
[21:28] Crector: You mean CromwellsWorld?
[21:29] klemal: no...what wass the name of the guy who ranted after  I beat him?
[21:29] m20321: mecha...
[21:29] klemal: ya, that's the guy
[21:30] klemal: Cromwell is looking pretty buff again
[21:30] klemal: like we never touched him...stronger even
[21:31] m20321: He's focusing on his towers.  His defense is getting stronger.
[21:31] klemal: his alliance feels like it's all in the game for him to attack op's and such
[21:32] Crector: As long as he leaves alone...we have other bad guys t deal with.
[21:32] klemal: yes, true, but he is getting BIG
[21:32] m20321: Phoenix Knights is a concern for me.  They have a lot of players popping up all around the North 1/2 of the alliance.
[21:32] klemal: We would do well to keep tabs on him
[21:33] m20321: agreed
[21:33] klemal: I just attacked one of those guys I believe
[21:34] klemal: besides Cromwell I mean
[21:34] klemal: maybe it was before the Cromwell stuff started
[21:36] m20321: Based on that last spy report he still hasn't figured out how to form a defense.
[21:36] klemal: yes, so I see...but he still has more manpower than I do
[21:37] klemal: none of those ruby types tho
[21:38] m20321: The majority of the troops in his castle are offensive troops.  During an attack those troops are nearly worthless for defense.
[21:39] GARYM: i cant attack cromwell but i sent sabs to his castle and both outposts
[21:39] klemal: he had a lot of kings guard troops before
[21:39] klemal: he ate up 2 of my armies and 1 of Crectors
[21:39] m20321: Of the 145 troops he has only 45 are defensive.
[21:40] m20321: Nice Gary
[21:40] klemal: I hope this Valiant isn't that tough
[21:41] m20321: One way or another I'm confident you'll come out on top.
[21:45] klemal: never quit....I have to put wave 2 together...all in
[21:46] Crector: If you can't defeat Valiant tonight, perhaps tomorrow I'll handle him.
[21:48] klemal: I hope you will...IF I get crushed....and there is always that possibility
[21:50] klemal: then, hopefully, you'll save my a$ when the boogy man comes knocking :o)

[23:12] klemal: If my first wave goes under, I'm sending arsonists...Ijust sent my second group
[23:13] klemal: I'll know in fifty minutes...
[23:14] klemal: m's army will be attacking in about half hour
[23:14] klemal: time to make some popcorn
[23:15] Crector: Redenbachers or Jolly Time?
[23:16] klemal: something with cheese on it :o)
[23:17] klemal: only one thing left to do now, besides watch...push the button to send saboteurs if needed
[23:18] klemal: I guess I can keep recruiting...and building for awhile
[23:19] Crector: While doing that, you can watch/listen to somethhig intelligent on YouTube like say Secrets of the Dead.
[23:20] klemal: ugh, I'm close enough to finding that stuff out first hand :o)
[23:20] klemal: the ex hascomedy on the tube...and she's asleep :o)
[23:21] Crector: Your ex-wife is living with you?
[23:22] klemal: no, I drive across the state to visit her on holidays....
[23:22] klemal: I have two others that would like my company too
[23:23] klemal: one in Mesa and the other in Chicago
[23:24] Crector: And she lets you use her comp?
[23:25] klemal: I get  along with all women...they just get tired of my ignorance after awhile and ask me to was MY computer at one time...she has others
[23:27] klemal: You know the old saying, don't burn your bridges behind you :o)
[23:28] Crector: For the 5th time today, an alliance mate is under attack and I'm sending support.
[23:28] klemal: who now?
[23:28] Crector: Lone Wolf
[23:29] klemal: he's not on much...I sent him a message about snagging a nice op near me but he never replied
[23:30] klemal: I think he'll be okay...he knows the score
[23:30] klemal: doesn't hurt to back him up tho....where do you get all the troops?
[23:31] klemal: as you level up do your resources allow larger armies?
[23:32] klemal: I can barely feed mine now...always scrounging for food and getting by
[23:32] slickdave50: me to
[23:33] klemal: that little creep Playboy 2018 and another one of his alliance got 2 of those 3 op' I attacked him
[23:34] slickdave50: i cant keep wood
[23:35] klemal: yeah Dave, just when I think I get a handle on the food situation the stuff starts disappearing again....I can send u wood....where to?
[23:36] slickdave50: m castle
[23:36] slickdave50: yhanks
[23:36] slickdave50: thanks
[23:37] klemal: I'll send it in a time coming up at castle herokons
[23:39] klemal: Crector, he's already burning...did u sneak a sabo in?
[23:40] Crector: this Valiant you're talking about?
[23:40] klemal: no, herokons
[23:41] klemal: where m is about to hit
[23:41] Crector: M's army is still a minute away...punks like him probably make an eemy a day.
[23:42] klemal: big fire...m got him!
[23:43] Crector: Hey oogie, the Grinches are coming for you.....
[23:43] klemal: the screen froze for a moment and then the whole place went up
[23:48] Crector: M got 104 Glory for trashing that place....
[23:50] klemal: it was so cool to see it ignite
[23:51] klemal: well, that's one down
[00:01] klemal: I remember now, Gary M sent those saboteurs for m
[00:06] Crector: You're now a Viscout...288 Glory.
[00:06] klemal: two second wave needed this time....II'm going to bed.....Good Luck with your attacks Crector...I hope we have a hat trick tonite
[00:06] Crector: Thank you.
[00:08] klemal: Tomorrow....we'll get them again tomorrow, good nite all.

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