Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dianais on castle oogie & SnellesPlayer

[23:56] Crector: D.D.:  Hwere's a message I got about 40 minutes ago from the oogie guy:
[23:56] Crector: can you say sabatogiee
[23:58] Dianais: ?
[23:58] Dianais: Can you?
[23:59] Dianais: Is it a dictionary question?
[00:00] Crector: I guess, although I don't know whatt the point fo getting this msg from a guy who hardly ever says anything n chat.
[00:02] Crector: Must be his sense of humor or something...
[00:03] Crector: Also got a thank you msg from SnellesPlayer sent at about the same time.  Interesting how both of them were online and said nothing in chat.  That's what I meant by uncommunicative earlier on.
[00:04] Dianais: I know.
[00:07] Dianais: Maybe they feel intimidated to participate...in time they will. I hope...
[00:08] Crector: Have oogie & Snelles always been like this?
[00:11] slickdave50: i dont talk alot on here so dont hold it against me
[00:11] Dianais: Well, we don't have an history of extroversion here.
[00:12] Crector: You talk far more on chat than most other members do.
[00:12] Dianais: It's more like introspection... say extreme introspection some times.
[00:16] slickdave50: young kids maybe
[00:26] slickdave50: D  have you been playing this game for long
[00:27] Dianais: About 1 1/2 years now.
[00:27] slickdave50: WOW
[00:28] slickdave50: that why your so good
[00:29] Dianais: At times just logging now and then... mode that would be uncommunicative as per Crector...
[00:31] Dianais: Well, I have been thru several alliances and wars. Not an expert, though, it's just that time gives access to more information resources.
[00:31] Dianais: Some hard won...
[00:33] slickdave50: your very good in my book
[00:35] Dianais: Tks...
[00:36] slickdave50: im glad your on my team
[00:37] slickdave50: and crector
[00:40] Dianais: We have good elements here. The important thing, there is room to grow and learn.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 28 2014

[15:57] m20321: SAC - Which alliance did you come from?  SF USAF seems like a good fit with your name
[15:58] klemal: I just follow orders
[15:58] GARYM: hard liquor
[15:58] m20321: Gotcha
[15:58] US AIRFORCE SAC: yes i went to hard liquor after leaving this alliance
[16:00] Crector: M:  What's the point in getting klemal to move northwards?  To attack that anthony creep?  To try to get the likes of Supreme Ruler more active?
[16:01] m20321: No - He's going to take both of bsbarn's developed OP's.  The move is to put him closer to the OP's and closer to alliance members where we can support him when he's under attack.
[16:02] m20321: Okay Klemal.  Next step is to abandone an OP.
[16:02] m20321: Do you know which one you want to abandone first?
[16:03] klemal: Baba Yaga would be the first one...least amount of crap to deal with
[16:03] m20321: okay.  To do that you go to the exact same spot where the move castle suitcase icon was.  Except now you have to be in the OP to do it.
[16:03] ColonelDicJr: you can hold on to them until after you move
[16:04] m20321: When you've released that OP let me know and we'll talk through getting you over to SF SC
[16:05] m20321: It takes 24 hours to complete a capture so you'll be over there for awhile.
[16:08] klemal: it says I will lose all my troops
[16:08] Crector: Well to get him closer for defensive suport, all he'd need to do is move closer to SD50, XXDxX or Outpost Trex.
[16:09] m20321: Have you transferred all of your troops k?
[16:09] klemal: do I have to restation them first?
[16:09] m20321: You can transfer all your troops and your tools to your other OP and yes you have to restation them.
[16:10] m20321: Once you get everything transferred to your other OP you can keep them there until you're ready to get rid of your second OP
[16:10] ColonelDicJr: i wish the game would give me the gift to repair all the fires in my castle
[16:11] US AIRFORCE SAC: me too
[16:11] klemal: okay...will do that now...with both op's
[16:11] m20321: clear your walls of all tools and send them with all of your troops to your other OP.  If you need food let me know.
[16:11] m20321: keep one OP for the time being until you've captured one of bsbarn's.
[16:11] US AIRFORCE SAC: my castle and my ops are all on fire
[16:12] Crector: Do you need any resources?
[16:12] US AIRFORCE SAC: i could use wood at my minuteman and offutt ops
[16:14] ColonelDicJr: bbl
[16:15] Crector: 7,000 wood incoming.
[16:15] US AIRFORCE SAC: thanks
[16:15] Crector: Why aren't you in Ice?
[16:16] US AIRFORCE SAC: i wanted to get stronger here befor i tried to servive there
[16:16] US AIRFORCE SAC: i want the research tower
[16:17] klemal: it is going to take quite awhile...I have more stuff to moe from my op than one trip will allow
[16:23] m20321: Just make sure you leave 1 or 2 troops behind to send with the tools
[16:26] klemal: everything is on the road...what about resources? any way to save them?
[16:26] m20321: Not really unless you want to spend a ton of time trying to transfer them.  You won't really need them over the next few days anyway.
[16:27] m20321: The Op's you capture will have whatever resources bsbarn had.
[16:28] klemal: ok...so I should start abandonment of them
[16:28] m20321: You can do both at the same time or one at a time.  It's up to you.
[16:29] m20321: Let's start with BABA
[16:29] m20321: After that we need to get you over to SF SC so you can start your capture of bsbarn's OP's.
[16:29] klemal: there are resources there...any of our allies in SF want them?
[16:30] m20321: I'm not sure if they disappear after you leave or if there is a castle left behind.
[16:30] m20321: I wouldn't worry about the resources.
[16:30] klemal: maybe later tonite...I have a dinner to go to :o)
[16:31] m20321: Okay.  See you then.
[16:34] klemal: bye bye, op's
[16:37] m20321: Does it take some time to get rid of them klemal?

[22:23] Crector: As long as you did not pay any rubiew on it.
[22:25] fart4fun: didn't
[22:31] Crector: Got 672 Glory today.
[22:32] fart4fun: nice
[22:37] Crector: What's Leopold's Gratitude?
[22:37] fart4fun: any thing big happen while i was gone?
[22:45] Crector: War with Valiant that ended with M forcibly recruited him into this alliance.
[22:45] Crector: War with this herokonstantin guy who attacked misty18 in Ice.7 that's ended after he was properly chastised.
[22:46] Dianais: Not in time for Snelles.
[22:48] Crector: I'm 13 lvls higher than that ServileDanny creep is, but since I won't lose any hor, once I get my attack forces rebuilt, I'll go after him.
[22:51] fart4fun: if you've noticed that im hitting a guy 120 miles away from me its because i was just trying to get rid of my attack troops for the RB attack and after being gone for only 15 mins i can't call them back
[22:52] Crector: Here's the alliance website for the creep:  http://korlac_web.angelfire.com/
[23:08] Dianais: Welcome back damb.
[23:08] damb: night all ):... so sleepy and tyty all :)
[23:08] damb: i might be expecting a attack 2night btw...
[23:09] Crector: SevilDanny is in Ice...has only 4 lvl2 farms...I'll attack him there before i hit the sack.
[23:10] klemal: I'm back from my outing...guess I will do the alliance switch tomorrow
[23:11] Crector: We have a new scumbag who needs to be shmacked:  SevilDanny
[23:13] damb: were?!?!?!
[23:13] klemal: I am still waiting for my armies to get to my new location...they must be coming on the China boat
[23:15] Crector: Just sent spy report on the creep SevilDanny
[23:16] klemal: I saw it...sent firebugs
[23:16] Crector: Since his alliance's desscrition says nothing about hitting OP's being anethema to them, I'll hit those first.
[23:17] klemal: :o)
[23:18] klemal: I want to see if I can still access any resources from my old op's...like food
[23:18] damb: attack on ihim is on its way :D:D
[23:20] damb: on that scum guy :/
[23:20] damb: nite all :)
[23:22] klemal: nite d
[23:23] fart4fun: gtg2 bed. gn
[23:24] klemal: nite f4f
[23:25] klemal: well, aside from starting fires, I'm going to have to watch from the cheaps eats for awhile
[23:29] klemal: I'll let m orchestrate my departure to our allies tomorrow sometime
[23:46] Crector: SnellesPlayer:  Why have you not mass forwarded the battle report of that creep's attack on your castle?
[23:48] Crector: Also, do you need any resources?
[23:51] Crector: Members of this alliance can be so uncommunicative....
[23:57] Crector: Hey Quiet Mercenary, do you have any idea why SnellesPlayer did not mass forward the report on the attack in his castle to the rest of the alliance?
[23:57] klemal: me or snelles?
[23:57] Crector: Snelles.  You are very communicative.
[23:59] klemal: maybe those guys or girls are just shy :o)...or they can't stand trying to message on this snail system
[00:00] Crector: I'm laucnching attacks on both of that creeps OP's and also in Ice.
[00:01] klemal: but forwarding is easy
[00:08] klemal: the system just told me I was rewarded a bunch of those holy terror type troops, but if I was, I can't find them
[00:10] klemal: If I do find them, I will join in the fun
[00:12] Crector: great
[00:12] Dianais: From within the barracks, hit unit overview rather than soldiers.
[00:14] klemal: crap, how could my saboteurs fail oon that guy...I sent them all
[00:15] klemal: that was a expensive undertaking too, it about broke me
[00:16] klemal: no money, no attack troops, and the system is playing me dirty
[00:17] Crector: Just launched what amounts to a 34 hour round trip in Ice.

[00:21] klemal: where do you get all of the resources?..I know, I know, you are ALWAYS raiding. I must get into that mode after this move
[00:21] Crector: Loot is good for the soul
[00:22] Crector: Lots of dwellings and townhouses add up to a strong tax base.
[00:22] Crector: I can get 676 coins every 10 minutes.
[00:24] klemal: double my income
[00:26] Crector: After I let SD50 take over my Solar Empire OP, my income went down to 335 coins every 10 ninutes.  I then did a massive building program and now have higher revenues than ever before.
[00:26] klemal: but I am always working on it. Both of my op's were started from scratch and they were just really getting built up
[00:27] Crector: D.D.:  How many coins do you get every 10 minutes?
[00:27] Crector: All 3 of my op's wwere started from scratch.
[00:28] klemal: I have to look...153
[00:29] Crector: 153 coins every 5 minutes?
[00:30] Crector: Best way is to build as many lvl 1's as you can.  upgradesed dwellings just add 5 new inhabitants at a time.
[00:31] Crector: Also need to build up farms.
[00:32] Crector: Fill up the storage bins with food before you start mass recruiting.
[00:33] klemal: no, that's for ten...and I'm glad u told me about the levels on the dwellings, my farms are all up to par
[00:35] klemal: I need to collect taxes now, for the takeovers
[00:35] Crector: You need to collect taxes all the time.
[00:41] klemal: I had the food situation all balanced out between my mc and op's til this takeover started and I am always taxing, even when I'm sleeping :o)
[00:42] klemal: I must sleep now...nite all
[00:42] Crector: good night
[01:01] xXDemonisXx: good  night

coca cola4 Recruitment Message

I can't send you any more invites for now, but I'd like to recommend the SF group of alliances.  It is not involved in the server war and plans to stay out of it.  If you want to join my alliance, then msg Dianais or m20321 .  If you want ot join SF STONECOLD, then msg Dholl or hacksaw4 .  Both alliances have plenty of Defensive minded  members.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 27 2014

[17:04] ColonelDicJr: hey guys i am back
[17:04] m20321: Hey Colonel
[17:05] DarkHorse7: some guy just creamed my cast and i asked to come back the alliance i was in does not support its members
[17:05] DarkHorse7: so i let colonel come back
[17:06] ColonelDicJr: yeah they dont sen resources
[17:06] ColonelDicJr: they dont support for defence
[17:06] ColonelDicJr: they dont even talk
[17:06] ColonelDicJr: they are very inactive
[17:06] m20321: Which one was that?
[17:07] ColonelDicJr: i really missed you guys and when i told darkhorse what it was like he let me back in
[17:07] ColonelDicJr: i sent several of you messages but he is the only one who answered me
[17:07] m20321: How did you end up out of the alliance?
[17:08] DarkHorse7: i know colonel i told them why i let you back in i am sure gary will agree
[17:08] ColonelDicJr: lof mars our sub
[17:09] m20321: klemal - Did you catch all that?
[17:10] ColonelDicJr: my castle is on fire can anyone send me wood
[17:10] Elsie Whiting: How much you need?
[17:12] m20321: Colonel - How did you end up out of the alliance?
[17:13] ColonelDicJr: dream team was attacking us nonstop and when i stood up too them they said the only way they would stop is if i was out of this alliance
[17:13] Crector: [17:06] m20321: Which one was that?   M:  Its called LOF:Mars League.  I was in it for a week before I came to this alliance and it was every bit as bad as he says.
[17:14] ColonelDicJr: it has been long enought that they should not notice
[17:14] m20321: I see.  That sucks.
[17:16] ColonelDicJr: the guy who attacked me this time was JRG6 from Hospitallers have you heard of him
[17:17] Crector: `Not before now...lvl 64 guy.
[17:17] m20321: Not him but Hospitallers is a friend of SF so you probably won't have any issues with him moving forward.
[17:18] DarkHorse7: well welcome back colonel i have to go see you later
[17:21] Crector: Hopefully yoyur retuen will spur your neighbors Chlo-Chlo & SB 17 to become more active.
[17:22] ColonelDicJr: they used to help me once in awhile but we didnt talk much
[17:23] ColonelDicJr: noone in LOF Mars alliance would talk even when you sent them a message
[17:24] Crector: That was my experiene as well...noticed that several of their top members are basically dead.
[17:25] Whiplash: hey colonel welcome back havent talked to you for a long time
[17:26] ColonelDicJr: no i was recently attacked and couldnt get help from the alliance i was in so i asked to come home
[17:26] Whiplash: wrent you in lof mars
[17:27] ColonelDicJr: yeah i had been there for several weeks but never got to know anyone
[17:28] Whiplash: well welcome back i will bbl
[17:28] monkey67: guys the shady lady told me to attack somone and he is active should i attack him
[17:28] monkey67: 509 386
[17:29] Crector: I wouldn't....whenever I did whhat she said to do, it resulted in defeat.
[17:30] m20321: The alliance description for that group says they understand shady lady attacks are part of the game.  I say go for it if you want.  Make sure you send full attacks with tools.
[17:32] Crector: gooddayknight looks pretty good.
[17:35] m20321: afk
[17:38] monkey67: ok
[17:38] monkey67: i will

[17:45] Crector: [17:07] ColonelDicJr: i sent several of you messages but he is the only one who answered me    I never received any messages from you wanting to return.
[18:02] misty18: hey
[18:03] m20321: Hey Misty.  Did you see the report?
[18:03] misty18: yes
[18:03] misty18: ty
[18:03] Crector: We really ahmmered that guy....hopefully he got the message.
[18:04] m20321: No Problem
[18:04] m20321: Incoming
[18:04] slickdave50: i need some help
[18:05] Crector: That Valiant creep you wanted to be merciful has not gotten the message.
[18:05] slickdave50: being attack
[18:05] m20321: Can't make it in time.
[18:06] Crector: I can
[18:06] m20321: spies on the way.
[18:06] m20321: Dianais is right next door to....
[18:08] m20321: I missed by about 15 seconds with rubies.
[18:09] m20321: Dave - You have no defense troops and no tools other than rocks.  I see why he picked you.
[18:10] Crector: Thanks for the wood misty
[18:14] m20321: horrors...
[18:16] m20321: 100% ranged on the right flank.  I still think your going to lose and Crector may lose all his troops...
[18:17] m20321: towers arent fully developed...
[18:17] klemal: would it be scceptable for me to attack Valiant's op's?
[18:18] m20321: I think so.
[18:18] m20321: He's attacking an OP first
[18:18] klemal: I just jumped a rb, when my guys get back I guess I will send some guys up that way
[18:22] klemal: he repaired all the damage to his main...think I'll send some spies
[18:23] m20321: rubies
[18:23] m20321: explains the horrors
[18:24] klemal: be back in a bit
[18:26] slickdave50: thanks crector
[18:27] monkey67: you won
[18:27] monkey67: how did you win!!!
[18:28] monkey67: and you got over 400 glory!!!
[18:28] monkey67: that is amazing!!!
[18:29] Crector: Those horrors aren't what they are cracked up to be....
[18:29] monkey67: i cant belive it!!!!
[18:30] m20321: How many troops did you lose Crector?
[18:31] m20321: Can't make it to Klemal either...
[18:31] m20321: Same guy.
[18:31] monkey67: hey the same guy is attacking klemel
[18:31] m20321: Dave - For all the resources you ask for every single day you need to focus on building up your defenses.
[18:32] Crector: About half my defenders.
[18:32] m20321: You had 17 troops in that OP.  None of them defensive.  If I was Crector I'd be pissed at how many troops I lost because your towers weren't upgraded and you had no defenders of your own.
[18:33] m20321: Not only that but you didn't have your troops set up in the correct defensive position.  Even if I could have made it I'm not sure I would have supported.
[18:34] Crector: Can't reach klemal with anything other than attack troops.
[18:34] m20321: I've got spies on the way.
[18:34] m20321: Klemal - Are you online?
[18:36] Crector: [18:24] klemal: be back in a bit

[20:57] klemal: I farm them every day and after awhile they all quit paying out the rubies
[20:59] m20321: Hahaha.  That I believe.  They get cheap on ya.
[21:00] klemal: sure do...thats why you have to harvest them every day :o)
[21:08] klemal: my equipment shed is full of high dollar stuff from raiding the higher level rb's my little reserve bak acct
[21:08] klemal: bank account
[21:08] m20321: Rainy Day Fund?
[21:16] klemal: a fund for times like now...
[21:19] m20321: good use of tools klemal.  How many waves do they let you send?
[21:22] klemal: I only have enough guys for one wave....I'm going to send some spies there right now
[21:22] klemal: to see if I'm in for a masacre
[21:22] klemal: massacre
[21:22] m20321: I just forwarded a 100% report
[21:23] klemal: ok then....thank you, i'll send sboteurs instead
[21:25] klemal: I am gonna lose with all those demon terrors....someone needs to do a follow up and that will get him
[21:25] m20321: no problem.  I see about 70 defensive troops spread across all 3 fronts.  I think you've got a good shot at it.
[21:25] m20321: Those horror troops are weak on defense.
[21:26] klemal: sabos should get there first if I get them off right away
[21:28] klemal: back in a bit
[21:28] m20321: Who's your shady character castle?
[21:48] m20321: Good Night USAF.  See y'all tomorrow.
[21:50] Dianais: Nite M.
[21:51] klemal: nite m
[21:51] klemal: just got back
[21:51] klemal: all of are shady m :o)
[21:51] klemal: them
[21:52] klemal: unless it says SF UASAF KNIGHTS
[21:53] klemal: I am getting tired too...but I have to see this thru....
[22:36] GARYM: valiant sent me a message asking why all our members are attacking him when he hasnt attacked anyone
[22:43] klemal: he attacked m several times, according to m
[22:44] slickdave50: and me
[22:45] klemal: that was revenge, wasn't it Dave? For our attacking him last night
[22:47] klemal: he should have quit while he could, but he attacked Dave and I tonite...so we figured  to return fire
[22:50] klemal: I was planning a second assault but will call it off if you want Gary. But it is too late to stop my first wave and the saboteurs I sent
[22:52] klemal: the arsonists got caught anyway
[22:53] klemal: drat
[22:57] klemal: What are your orders, sir?
[23:29] klemal: nice going Crector
[23:47] klemal: yikes...Whiplash has quite a horde comimg at him
[00:13] Dianais: Will be waiting there. Defenses should stand.
[00:19] klemal: Well, I got creamed at castle Valiant, but I made Count...so, better to flee and live to fight another day :o)
[00:21] Dianais: I saw the guy complaining of too many attacks...
[00:22] klemal: I have some light, offensive troops left to start over with in the morning No sense throwing them at Valiant...he was waiting for the attack
[00:24] Dianais: Yes, was already waiting for it.
[00:24] klemal: Dave hit his op pretty hard and Crector is going to get his other one
[00:25] klemal: my army was sacrificed    oh well, thats war
[00:26] Dianais: True. On the other hand, he could not defend the 3 targets at the same time. The sacrifice at main probably meant the wins at the outposts.
[00:27] klemal: some other day, at least I can bask in the appointment of my new title...Count Klemal :o)
[00:28] klemal: I better recruit a few defenders before retiring
[00:35] klemal: Good Night all, and good fortune
[00:40] Dianais: nite klemal.

Friday, December 26, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 26 2014

[19:18] klemal: back now
[19:18] m20321: She shows online for me.  I just hit her recruit assist.
[19:19] klemal: I may give him the 3 am treatment...heralded by fire starters
[19:19] m20321: Misty - Are you reading chat?
[19:20] m20321: 3 a.m.'s are hard to defend against :)
[19:23] klemal: It will take me about 5 hours to get there so I figure around 11 - 12  or maybe 10, take off time
[19:23] klemal: he obviously didn't read up on the away defense
[19:23] m20321: lol - clearly not!
[19:23] m20321: Do you have any flags or banners to send with your troops to max your glory?
[19:24] klemal: oh yes
[19:24] klemal: Think I'll parctice a few set ups
[19:25] m20321: I like to mock them up as well
[19:26] klemal: it helps to know the travel time with the troops and tools
[19:26] m20321: I couldn't agree more.  I plan pretty heavily around the travel time.
[19:26] klemal: Thats the other thing rb's are good for...training :o)
[19:27] klemal: and rubies
[19:27] m20321: hahaha. yep
[19:38] klemal: I am on the way...71/2 hours  travel time
[19:39] m20321: that should be pretty good timing
[19:41] klemal: think I could wait tilllater and send the saboteurs? They will travel faster than the army....get there just ahead and weaken him a little
[19:42] klemal: I don't want to send the too early as they could tip him off
[19:43] renush2: whats going on i hear a plan to attack i want in lol
[19:44] klemal: I see Whiplas fended him off...good thing you backed him up m
[19:44] renush2: whats the name of the guy were attacking?
[19:45] klemal: he is a little too much for you as is, but after I take him on you may be able to move in...that is if I win
[19:46] renush2: if you need ressources i have coin.
[19:46] renush2: but believe me im a fighter
[19:46] klemal: he will still have more than you can handle even if I do get the better of him. You should start by taking on nearby robber barons
[19:47] klemal: you grow them by attacking them
[19:47] renush2: im already on that
[19:47] klemal: as you move up in level, so do they...and you can farm them for rubies and loot...I do it every day
[19:48] m20321: Thanks Klemal.  Whips defense was setup perfectly.
[19:49] klemal: You want to take on playesr of the same level as yourself....win and gain honor and glory
[19:50] klemal: Make sure you check on alliances befroe u attack anyone...not sure, ask
[19:50] renush2: will do sir.
[19:50] renush2: goodnight all
[19:50] klemal: I am klemal...not a sir....just a killer
[19:51] klemal: kl   em  al...or be killed
[19:53] klemal: honor 4 u, glory for the alliance
[19:54] misty18: I had a higher lvl attack me and wipe out my troops
[19:54] misty18: if i hit him back can i get some help?
[19:55] klemal: did you see my array, m? I threw in some oddballs...a fe wkhans and silrippers and the like, but mainly 2  h s amd heavy cross...10 glory banners and max tools
[19:56] Crector: Do you mean the guy who hit you today in Ice?  I've already hit him today,  Didn't win, but took a toll.
[19:56] m20321: Misty - He hit you in ice right?
[19:56] misty18: yes
[19:56] m20321: Misty - forward the report.
[19:56] misty18: how?
[19:57] m20321: Open the report.  You'll see an icon with a green arrow in the report.  That will forward the report.
[19:57] misty18: k
[19:57] m20321: I plan on hitting the guy later this evening with full tools and strong troops.  I won't lose especially after Crector's light troops took their toll.

20:04] misty18: not been on much, visiting the grandkids and children for xmas
[20:09] Crector: Nothing wrong with that.
[20:09] m20321: No worries.  You were too far for me to get to ice but I'll make that guy feel the pain in grass this evening.  I need the glory and honor anyway ;)
[20:19] misty18: can u abandon a place, once u take it?
[20:21] Crector: If you mean OP's that you've claimed, the answer is yes.
[20:22] misty18: monuments?
[20:23] Crector: Why would you abandon a monument?
[20:24] misty18: have a bunch of troops there
[20:24] misty18: took it for fun
[20:24] misty18: maybe it was a goal
[20:24] Crector: It provides the alliance with a glory bonus on attacks.
[20:25] klemal: she has to feed them...Crector, couldn't all memebers send like five of any kind of troop there to man the plave?
[20:25] klemal: members and place
[20:25] misty18: yes, can i give it to some one?
[20:26] misty18: and how do u abandon out post?
[20:26] Crector: Don't know that much about monuments...if only Dianais was aying attention, she'd know.
[20:26] klemal: we all share in the glory...why shouldn't we share  in manning it?
[20:28] misty18: it says moving in 6 days
[20:28] misty18: what does that mean?
[20:28] klemal: I'd be willing to send five defenders there...if everyone sent five or so it would be spreading the liability which is mainly food
[20:29] Crector: GARYM:  What;s the alliance policy, if any, regarding monuments?
[20:29] misty18: can i move some troops home?
[20:30] klemal: they are your troops
[20:30] klemal: what do you have there?
[20:31] klemal: does it have co ordinates...if so what are they?
[20:31] Dianais: We don't have a policy, but is as klemal says. We could all help manning the monument for defense. Or we could help sending food for misty.
[20:32] Crector: I'll do that right now.
[20:32] klemal: it would be easier to send trroops to post...wouldn't have to keep track of sending Misty food...it would come out of pocket so to speak
[20:33] Crector: Sent 3,500 fod...should last quite some time.
[20:33] klemal: I sure wouldn't miss a few defenders and their supply of grub
[20:33] misty18: 221 troops
[20:33] misty18: but do not know how to recall any
[20:34] Crector: Withdraw 121....221 is a bit too many.
[20:34] klemal: you are shouldering a whole lot....
[20:34] misty18: how?
[20:34] Crector: I've never had a monument, so don't know how.
[20:35] Dianais: Ok. 200 otw.
[20:36] misty18: i see how to send more troops
[20:36] misty18: not how to withdraw any
[20:36] misty18: will troops come home in 6 days?
[20:37] Crector: In about 2 hours, I'll be able to take another shot at the creep who attacked misty in Icwe.
[20:37] klemal: r u low on food at your castles? I can send some now
[20:37] Dianais: Misty: look in "Travel Overview".
[20:38] Dianais: Do you see your troops stationed in the monument?
[20:39] Dianais: In any case, wait until someone get support troops into the monument before trying to retrieve yours... just in case.
[20:39] misty18: no
[20:40] misty18: only low in Outpost 2
[20:40] Dianais: Click in your main in the map, and then in the icon for Station.
[20:40] Dianais: Are you offered the option of moving troops from the monument?
[20:41] Dianais: In 6 days your troops for sure will return home. The thing is how to make them come back earlier.

[21:23] Crector: I have wood...could use some stone at Outpost Trex though.
[21:23] GARYM: where do you want it
[21:23] m20321: Stone at "M20321-1" OP
[21:23] m20321: Thanks Gary
[21:23] m20321: Sorry klemal - I was looking at your attack troops vs. Valiant's spy report.
[21:24] klemal: 5000 wood on the way
[21:25] GARYM: crector when my carts get back i will send you some stone too
[21:25] Crector: thnak you.
[21:25] m20321: Thank you both.
[21:25] m20321: Klemal - It's going to be close on your attack.  If I had attack troops leftover I would take a shot at clearing him out a little bit.
[21:26] klemal: Good Luck to us all
[21:26] klemal: I may send a second wave
[21:26] GARYM: stone on the way crector
[21:26] klemal: if they aren't needed, it's only a loss of travel fees
[21:27] m20321: What do you mean?
[21:28] klemal: if I beat him with my first attack, the system will turn my other army back
[21:28] m20321: nm I understand now
[21:28] m20321: lol - It just clicked in my brain!
[21:28] klemal: or at least it did when I used 2 waves on that nut case
[21:28] Crector: You mean CromwellsWorld?
[21:29] klemal: no...what wass the name of the guy who ranted after  I beat him?
[21:29] m20321: mecha...
[21:29] klemal: ya, that's the guy
[21:30] klemal: Cromwell is looking pretty buff again
[21:30] klemal: like we never touched him...stronger even
[21:31] m20321: He's focusing on his towers.  His defense is getting stronger.
[21:31] klemal: his alliance feels like it's all in the game for him to attack op's and such
[21:32] Crector: As long as he leaves alone...we have other bad guys t deal with.
[21:32] klemal: yes, true, but he is getting BIG
[21:32] m20321: Phoenix Knights is a concern for me.  They have a lot of players popping up all around the North 1/2 of the alliance.
[21:32] klemal: We would do well to keep tabs on him
[21:33] m20321: agreed
[21:33] klemal: I just attacked one of those guys I believe
[21:34] klemal: besides Cromwell I mean
[21:34] klemal: maybe it was before the Cromwell stuff started
[21:36] m20321: Based on that last spy report he still hasn't figured out how to form a defense.
[21:36] klemal: yes, so I see...but he still has more manpower than I do
[21:37] klemal: none of those ruby types tho
[21:38] m20321: The majority of the troops in his castle are offensive troops.  During an attack those troops are nearly worthless for defense.
[21:39] GARYM: i cant attack cromwell but i sent sabs to his castle and both outposts
[21:39] klemal: he had a lot of kings guard troops before
[21:39] klemal: he ate up 2 of my armies and 1 of Crectors
[21:39] m20321: Of the 145 troops he has only 45 are defensive.
[21:40] m20321: Nice Gary
[21:40] klemal: I hope this Valiant isn't that tough
[21:41] m20321: One way or another I'm confident you'll come out on top.
[21:45] klemal: never quit....I have to put wave 2 together...all in
[21:46] Crector: If you can't defeat Valiant tonight, perhaps tomorrow I'll handle him.
[21:48] klemal: I hope you will...IF I get crushed....and there is always that possibility
[21:50] klemal: then, hopefully, you'll save my a$ when the boogy man comes knocking :o)

[23:12] klemal: If my first wave goes under, I'm sending arsonists...Ijust sent my second group
[23:13] klemal: I'll know in fifty minutes...
[23:14] klemal: m's army will be attacking in about half hour
[23:14] klemal: time to make some popcorn
[23:15] Crector: Redenbachers or Jolly Time?
[23:16] klemal: something with cheese on it :o)
[23:17] klemal: only one thing left to do now, besides watch...push the button to send saboteurs if needed
[23:18] klemal: I guess I can keep recruiting...and building for awhile
[23:19] Crector: While doing that, you can watch/listen to somethhig intelligent on YouTube like say Secrets of the Dead.
[23:20] klemal: ugh, I'm close enough to finding that stuff out first hand :o)
[23:20] klemal: the ex hascomedy on the tube...and she's asleep :o)
[23:21] Crector: Your ex-wife is living with you?
[23:22] klemal: no, I drive across the state to visit her on holidays....
[23:22] klemal: I have two others that would like my company too
[23:23] klemal: one in Mesa and the other in Chicago
[23:24] Crector: And she lets you use her comp?
[23:25] klemal: I get  along with all women...they just get tired of my ignorance after awhile and ask me to leave....it was MY computer at one time...she has others
[23:27] klemal: You know the old saying, don't burn your bridges behind you :o)
[23:28] Crector: For the 5th time today, an alliance mate is under attack and I'm sending support.
[23:28] klemal: who now?
[23:28] Crector: Lone Wolf
[23:29] klemal: he's not on much...I sent him a message about snagging a nice op near me but he never replied
[23:30] klemal: I think he'll be okay...he knows the score
[23:30] klemal: doesn't hurt to back him up tho....where do you get all the troops?
[23:31] klemal: as you level up do your resources allow larger armies?
[23:32] klemal: I can barely feed mine now...always scrounging for food and getting by
[23:32] slickdave50: me to
[23:33] klemal: that little creep Playboy 2018 and another one of his alliance got 2 of those 3 op's....so I attacked him
[23:34] slickdave50: i cant keep wood
[23:35] klemal: yeah Dave, just when I think I get a handle on the food situation the stuff starts disappearing again....I can send u wood....where to?
[23:36] slickdave50: m castle
[23:36] slickdave50: yhanks
[23:36] slickdave50: thanks
[23:37] klemal: I'll send it in a minute...show time coming up at castle herokons
[23:39] klemal: Crector, he's already burning...did u sneak a sabo in?
[23:40] Crector: no...is this Valiant you're talking about?
[23:40] klemal: no, herokons
[23:41] klemal: where m is about to hit
[23:41] Crector: M's army is still a minute away...punks like him probably make an eemy a day.
[23:42] klemal: big fire...m got him!
[23:43] Crector: Hey oogie, the Grinches are coming for you.....
[23:43] klemal: the screen froze for a moment and then the whole place went up
[23:48] Crector: M got 104 Glory for trashing that place....
[23:50] klemal: it was so cool to see it ignite
[23:51] klemal: well, that's one down
[00:01] klemal: I remember now, Gary M sent those saboteurs for m
[00:06] Crector: You're now a Viscout...288 Glory.
[00:06] klemal: two down...no second wave needed this time....II'm going to bed.....Good Luck with your attacks Crector...I hope we have a hat trick tonite
[00:06] Crector: Thank you.
[00:08] klemal: Tomorrow....we'll get them again tomorrow, good nite all.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat Christmas 2014

[10:58] Dianais: That's a critical part of the learning curve.
[10:59] m20321: Dianais - I agree!
[10:59] Dianais: iIf the attack force is small a wrong setup isn't a terrible thing regarding support.
[10:59] Dianais: But with strong attacks, a bad setup means a lot of unneeded loses.
[10:59] m20321: You're absolutely right.
[11:00] m20321: f4f had about 175 troops and I had about 250.  The attack was comprised of about 550 troops full of tools.  The troops were spread out on all three fronts with a 50/50 melee ranged split.
[11:01] m20321: He would have been beat on all three walls and we would have had a -30% disadvantage in the courtyard.  I hated to pull my troops back but they would've been slaughtered if I didn't.
[11:02] monkey67: yea his castle is on fire
[11:03] klemal: I thought the away from home defense was to load up one flank and have all walls maxed out with defensive tools?
[11:04] m20321: You're right klemal.  If f4f would have had that setup I would have let me troops stay.
[11:05] m20321: It would've been close if his setup was that way.
[11:06] m20321: I've changed my mind on the ranged/melee ratios.   I'm in line with Dianais now.  The away defense should be 75% melee and 25% ranged while away.
[11:06] klemal: I changed to that defense right after you all brought  it up a week back or so and it has worked very well for me so far.
[11:06] m20321: You can mitigate ranged troops with tools but you can't mitigate the melee troops with tools.
[11:07] m20321: Good!  I'm glad to hear it.  There's nothing better than whiping out an incoming attack.
[11:07] klemal: I just have to remember to replensish my defensive tools after a attack...and check troop strength, of course.
[11:08] m20321: That's what I enjoy about this game.  There's always something to be done.
[11:12] klemal: yep
[12:51] LisaDaisyAnn: hi
[12:57] klemal: Merry Christmas
[13:09] LisaDaisyAnn: merry christmas to you all
[13:11] Crector: Merry Christmas!
[13:14] klemal: Lisa, I see the Grinches are coming t pay you a visit.
[13:21] m20321: Cleaning more troops out for damb
[13:32] Crector: Did you arrange for SF SC to attack bsbarn's op's?
[13:46] m20321: Yes.  They were heavily defended so in order to capture SC is attacking to clear troops.
[15:55] m20321: lol - does anybody else see the 20 troop attack headed towards Sammi's OP?
[16:05] Crector: Sending all defensive troops to support Sammi
[16:07] Crector: Should I attack his castle as wel?
[16:07] m20321: He doesn't land for another 10 hrs...
[16:07] m20321: I don't think you can attack him without losing significant honor.
[16:08] Crector: ok
[16:09] m20321: he's got 0 troops at his main.  I guess he sent everything he had.  I've got spies on the way to Sammi just to make sure she's capable of beating him.
[16:10] Crector: That guy is one sick puppy
[16:10] m20321: lol - I was getting a lot of the same hate mail you were.  For some reason he just quit messaging me.
[16:12] m20321: Sammi's set up bueatifully.  She'll be just fine.  I'd be surprised if she loses more than one or two troops.
[16:23] Crector: Are you going to be watching the Bulls tonight?
[16:26] m20321: No, I'm not really a big NBA fan.  I like NCAA basketball though.
[17:17] monkey67: hey guys i was just deliting my mesages and i notist that there was a note from the same guy who is attaking sammi outpost and it was a freandly letter
[17:18] Crector: Msg from coca cola4:
[17:18] Crector: Good Evening, Crector. : )I just wanted to say, "Hello" and send you some resources. I really appreciate the fact that you didn't send attacks every day like some have-- you allowed me time to try to repair damage and get back on my feet--a very noble and honorable thing, and I appreciate it.Thank you again, and if there is ever anything that I can do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know. : )With regards,Coca cola4(Nancy)
[17:18] Crector: How should I reply?
[17:20] m20321: lol - I don't know.  I guess "You're Welcome"
[17:20] monkey67: say thank you and other nice comments
[20:06] General 313: diid every one hae a good xmas
[20:07] m20321: We had a great one over here General.  How about you?
[20:35] General 313: it was good
[21:23] m20321: Sammi - If you log on and see this the best defense for the capture attack headed your way is 100% ranged defense on the right and 100% melee in the middle.
[00:35] Crector: I replied to coca cola4 by innviting her to join us and got the following reply:
[00:36] Crector: Good Morning, Crector, and Merry Christmas to you. : ) Thank you for the cease fire--I really do appreciate it. I am among the living, but I know that it didn't look like it from the out-of-control BBQ flames over here. You are right, I do need to join an alliance, but I am a Defender and not an Attacker--I would not be any help with glory points.Thank you again for the cease fire, and thank you for your kind message. I hope you enjoy your day. : )Sincerely,Coca cola4(Nancy)

Messages from coca cola4 December 2014

Good Evening, Crector. : )
I just wanted to say, "Hello" and send you some resources. I really appreciate the fact that you didn't send attacks every day like some have-- you allowed me time to try to repair damage and get back on my feet--a very noble and honorable thing, and I appreciate it.
Thank you again, and if there is ever anything that I can do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know. : )

With regards,
Coca cola4

Good Morning, Crector, and Merry Christmas to you. : ) Thank you for the cease fire--I really do appreciate it. I am among the living, but I know that it didn't look like it from the out-of-control BBQ flames over here. You are right, I do need to join an alliance, but I am a Defender and not an Attacker--I would not be any help with glory points.
Thank you again for the cease fire, and thank you for your kind message. I hope you enjoy your day. : )

Coca cola4

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS December 23 2014 Alliance Chat

[07:26] klemal: Another peace proposal has been sent to M16, with no tribute demand but admonishing the actions of Cromwell and leaving our dealings with him on a open basis. This stipulation per Dianais
[07:26] m20321: Sounds good to me Klemal.  Nice Job
[07:27] m20321: I burned Cromwell today for my Daily Task.
[07:32] klemal: I guess we can farm him at our discretion according to how I understood Dianais feelings about it.
[07:32] klemal: we'll see how mr. multiple personality feels about it
[07:37] klemal: My message to M16:M16 , Our alliance has decided to offer peace without tribute demands from PhoenixKnights as per your desire. It is true that a whole alliance should not be held accountable for the transgressions of one member. We do, however, have issue still, with Cromwell, as he has made no attempt to atone for his mis-step in attacking our outpost. I hope that you, as leader of your alliance, will accept this peace proposal.  Respectfully, klemal
[07:37] m20321: I like it.
[07:38] m20321: The funny thing is I reached out to Cromwell a couple of days ago and got no response.  I see his fixing fires, recruiting troops and upgrading his base but he has remained silent on the issue.
[07:39] klemal: he is ignorant
[07:40] klemal: I guess his leadership  doesn't believe in making amends for errors....they are ignorant too
[07:41] m20321: Oh well.  It is what it is at this point.  We'll move on but keep an eye on him.
[07:42] klemal: If I was closer to him, I would do more than keep an eye on him...when he regroups he will again be a threat
[07:44] m20321: That's okay.  I'm close enought to protect when we need to.  Between you, Sammi, Crector, Demonis, f4f, SlickDave etc...  I'm not too worried about it.  We can put a big hurt on him and deplete his cois, rubies and resources pretty quickly.
[07:44] klemal: Dianais feels that frequent visits by our troops would be acceptable...why I put that line in the proposal about Cromwell in particular
[07:44] m20321: Like Dianais said yesterday.  If nothing else, this was a good training excercise for our relatively young alliance in how to wage war.  As our members continue to grow we will only become stronger and more coordinated.
[07:45] m20321: There's no reason not to farm him.  That will keep him on his toes and prevent him from growing too fast.  The downside is that everytime he wins troops he will more than likely send them our way.
[07:46] m20321: It's the reason I keep harping on building up your defensive troops in all of your locations except 1.
[07:46] m20321: not you as in Klemal but in general.
[07:48] klemal: I can see him coming, it's those he is closest to that have a bigger danger...like Sammi
[07:49] m20321: Sammi's a pretty savvi player.  We will support when we can but I imagine she's working on building up her defenses.  At some point she'll be laughing when she see's he's launched an attack on her.  Then she'll be able to immediately respond from her attack OP and cripple him.  He'll get the idea.
[07:50] klemal: I have a bunch of novices around me now...one attacked me yesterday, not knowing what he was doing...a clan420:o)
[07:51] m20321: I bet it was like batting away a nat :)
[07:51] m20321: I've got to run but I'll be back on later.
[07:51] klemal: I didn't know it happed...c ya later
[07:58] Chlo-Chlo: gm
[07:58] klemal: morning chlo
[07:59] Chlo-Chlo: how are things going
[08:00] klemal: Peace is on the table again...with PhoenixKnights
[08:04] klemal: bbl

Monday, December 22, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 22 2014

[05:58] Crector: Good job on the monument zicam.
[06:16] zicam: Need food at my castle please.
[06:16] zicam: Thanks Crector
[06:20] Crector: 3,500 food will arrive in 98 minutes.
[06:23] xXDemonisXx: 6 000  food  will  arive  in  50  minutes
[06:58] GARYM: good morning
[06:59] Dianais: morning
[07:04] GARYM: looks like things are quiet
[07:12] m20321: Good Morning all
[07:13] klemal: good morning
[07:26] m20321: Gary or Whip -  Are you guys able to sneak some spies through the castle at coordinates 451:248
[07:29] Whiplash: be there in 10 minutes  low accuracy tho
[07:30] m20321: I can't get anything through that doesn't have a 95% chance of getting caught
[07:30] Whiplash: i have 10% chance
[07:31] m20321: My guess is that's who was supporting Cromwell
[07:33] m20321: Thanks for sending
[07:39] klemal: m, I am going to keep attacking Cromwells main, they can keep losing troops there if they want. Demonis went in there earlier and carried out more loot.
[07:39] Whiplash: sent the report
[07:40] Whiplash: bbl
[07:57] m20321: Sounds good Klemal - Have you reached out to him to see if he's had enough?  Also, start thinking about what we will require for a tribute to end the war.  If they don't respond or accept we need to start looking at other castles to hit starting with Immogen and M16.
[07:59] klemal: I will send him a message
[07:59] klemal: After he gets this last attack from me....what are we thinking as reparations here?
[07:59] GARYM: bbl
[08:00] m20321: see ya Gary
[08:00] klemal: LaterM
[08:00] m20321: It's all based on percentages of what the alliance has in their "kitty".  I think we should start at 20% and let them talk us down a bit.
[08:01] klemal: I can't figure out why they haven't responded to these attacks...even Castle Gwyllin is still burning.
[08:02] m20321: They're probably afraid of the repercussions of joing the battle.  We have a lot of level 70 players and our "perceived" strength (what they can see when they look at the members list) is much stronger than theirs.
[08:02] Crector: I think that we've banged him enough to make our point and deter him from future aggression.  Let's offer them peace on a zero tribute basis.
[08:03] m20321: I'm not interested in going to war and losing troops to consistently ask for 0% tribute in return.
[08:03] klemal: I know, I looked at it too, but you would think that they'd want to stop the carnage, no?
[08:03] m20321: Remember - He started this by attacking a low ranked players OP.
[08:03] klemal: yep

Saturday, December 20, 2014

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 21 2014

[00:00] klemal: Sammi needs to be in on this and it takes more than weak troops against this guy
[00:01] klemal: I lost a whole army of 2 handed sword and heavy cross to him yesterday
[00:01] fart4fun: i was weakened when i was defeated earlier today. sorry if i can't be helpful
[00:01] klemal: if you don't send maximum number of troops and tools it won't work
[00:02] fart4fun: 203 troops lost. all atleast as good as lvl 4-5 barracks troops
[00:02] klemal: the idea is to obliterate this guy, thats why we all need to be in on it and synchronized
[00:04] klemal: I am not going to go it alone, it would be folly as he has twice the number of troops as I can muster or am allowed to attack with
[00:04] klemal: I think he has more than the report shows
[00:05] klemal: that is why I lost the second time and why you lost...he bulked up with rubies or something
[00:05] klemal: he needs to be eliminated
[00:07] klemal: there was no apology or offer by him to make amends for attacking our op...he is arrogant and will eventually start mayhem on us up there
[00:08] fart4fun: could we rescedual his oblideration?
[00:08] fart4fun: let him try to feed those troops for a while
[00:08] klemal: better than sending armies to doom
[00:09] klemal: or we need more confederates
[00:09] fart4fun: ill rebuild hopfully by mon.
[00:10] klemal: If thats the case, I will keep sabotaging him...his buddy's castle is still burning...been burning all day since I torched it
[00:10] fart4fun: ill sab him too
[00:11] klemal: but he repaired his castle every time it got flamed today and that takes rubies so he is probably buying them and will only get stronger
[00:13] fart4fun: well if he's got nothing better to spend his money on than a game then he needs to get a life
[00:13] fart4fun: in real life
[00:13] klemal: I have another problem, this witch, Bloodstone has attacked me twice already, lucky there was no damage....but she is becoming a real threat and I haven't the power to stop her from smashing me if she really wants to
[00:14] fart4fun: ,aybe nobody attack and she'll stop
[00:14] fart4fun: noticed crector's been hitting her a lot
[00:14] klemal: so, we make him melt a little more plastic
[00:15] fart4fun: cromwell? yes
[00:15] klemal: you will never stop Crector from hitting anyone...he's a pit bull :o)
[00:15] fart4fun: ya
[00:16] klemal: he saved my bacon a couple of times
[00:16] klemal: anyway, she started it
[00:16] klemal: I sabotaged her and he did too and she fixed all of it already....rubies
[00:17] fart4fun: hate how op the can easily make you
[00:18] klemal: then I have these little punks from SWORD starting to infiltrate around me...have been attacked by that alliance too...and won all of them
[00:19] klemal: it seems that when you are at a certain level, everyone wants a piece of you
[00:35] klemal: Cromwell is building another guardhouse...he can be sabotaged again in a half hour and I'll send the firebugs
[00:37] klemal: Looks like Sammi is a no show...
[00:52] klemal: Dave, do you have enough heavy troops and tools to move on Cromwell with me?
[01:02] slickdave50: 124 troops
[01:05] klemal: not enough...we all have to have the maximum number allowed and they have to be heavy troops and we need to have maximum use of tools, otherwise we will lose
[01:06] klemal: I guess it's best we hold off
[01:07] klemal: I need to move some food around to feed all these troops I have waiting around :o)
[01:10] klemal: Crector...I am going to join in if you don't mind
[01:11] Crector: Which one...the attack on bloodstone or the attack on Cromwells World?
[01:13] klemal: either one...I have max troops for Cromwells, don't know about Bloodstone
[01:13] klemal: are u doing her main castle?
[01:14] Crector: Outposts...going for CromwellsWorld castle will take 7 hours to reach there.
[01:15] Crector: Hey castle oogie long time no see.
[01:16] klemal: Ill try and sync with Cromwells and I'll sabotage Bloodstones other op
[01:16] Crector: Recruiting troops to hit bloodstone right now.
[01:25] Crector: Are you guys backing out?  Should I recall my army against CromwellsWorld and redirect to another of bloodstone's outposts?
[01:26] slickdave50: im in
[01:26] slickdave50: 5 mins
[01:26] klemal: I am gonna get to Cromwell first.....probably get beat but he won't have time to recover
[01:27] klemal: my guys are on the way...be there in 4 hours or so
[01:28] klemal: which op do u want me to sabotage of Bloodstones, Crector?
[01:30] Crector: I'm attacking the easternmost at the moment and concentrating troops to attack the westernmost one...go for the OP in the middle.
[01:30] klemal: ok
[01:32] klemal: I can't burn that one again for another five hours...want to switch?
[01:33] klemal: she sure has plenty of guard houses
[01:33] klemal: she put out all those fires we started too
[01:34] Crector: Go for any of the OP's that are convenient for yo then.
[01:36] slickdave50: i.ll be there in 1;30
[01:37] klemal: ok...I'll light the way for your army at the western op then, hopefully
[01:38] klemal: going to sleep now...may we all be successful...Good Luck Guys
[02:52] slickdave50: i need and stone
[03:11] slickdave50: hey this guy sent me a message this is wat he said
[03:11] slickdave50: Lay off the attacks or I will bring my alliance into it.
[06:27] Crector: Given that we have bloodstone to contend with, laying off attacking him is probably the best course of action.
[06:29] Crector: xXDemonisXx:  Why don't you help against bloodstone?
[06:35] xXDemonisXx: ok  attacks
[06:35] Crector: Thank you.
[06:49] klemal: lay off  who? Cramwell? No guts no glory...he beat me but I made viscount...and he is the one who started it. I ain't gonna lay off til he makes amends or goes up in smoke...or I go up in smoke
[06:51] Crector: As it happens, we have a 2 front war with him & bloodstone to contend with.  Better to eliminate bloodstone as a threat before going after CromwellsWorld.
[06:51] klemal: Crector, I hope you beat him.....I had him once but he dug deep and has bottomless dupport it would seem
[06:52] klemal: I will regroup and attack her then if thats the plan
[06:52] Crector: Its my lan.
[06:54] Crector: Also, its my impression that the main problem wityh CromwellsWorld is that he went after Sammi while I was gone, but she didn't even show up last night/early morning.
[06:56] klemal: She sent her army earlier and got crushed...don't know what she was thinking
[06:57] klemal: Dianais thought that we should keep that op at all costs
[06:58] klemal: are you going to recall your army or is it too late?
[06:59] Crector: What op is this?  Did Dianais send any support?
[06:59] Crector: Too late.
[07:00] klemal: there is no way his alliance is going to back him...they already messaged m that we can do what we must as they can't keep all of their people in line
[07:01] Crector: Remember I was gone for a week....what op are we talking about?  Did CromwellsWorld try to take it?
[07:01] klemal: and for all her guardhouses, Bloodstone couldn't stop me saboteurs from getting in
[07:02] klemal: Sammi acquired a food8 op and Dianais and m occupied it with troops because it was constantly being attacked...so was Sammi's main
[07:05] klemal: m stopped just short of declaring war before you returned
[07:07] Crector: Isn't declaring war the leader's perogative or at least that of the deputies?
[07:08] klemal: m holds such authority, doesn't he?
[07:09] Crector: If he does, then this game is more screwed up than I thought.
[07:10] klemal: anyway, Dianais knew about i
[07:11] klemal: attacking a op is an act of war, I thought...a unprovoked attack
[07:13] klemal: oh, and we had a dual account player join while you were gone....i exposed the creep and he left, or was banished
[07:14] Crector: Who was he?
[07:14] klemal: his statement was "rules are made to be broken." HArry/ harrikesh
[07:14] Crector: Over at S.F. STONECOLD, they don't seem to see anything wrong with multis on the grounds that everybody does it.
[07:15] klemal: cheaters love to cheat
[07:15] Crector: and brag about it.
[07:16] klemal: to them it isn't the game that's the thrill, it's cheating that's the thrill
[07:17] Whiplash: who do you want to declare war on
[07:17] klemal: cheat at a stupid game and they cheat at everything in life
[07:19] klemal: take your pick....Bloodstone or Cromwells alliances...m wanted to declare against Cromwell yesterday
[07:20] klemal: but their leader sent a message disavowing the actions of some of it's members
[07:20] DarkHorse7: war on bloodstone
[07:21] Whiplash: which cromwell do we declare war on
[07:22] klemal: I'm for that too...she came out of nowhere and attacked me twice...unprovoked and unsuccessful
[07:23] klemal: Phoenix Knights Cromwell
[07:25] Whiplash: so be it a war with phoenix knights
[07:25] klemal: I can't figure out that witch, Bloodstone...she just toyed with me
[07:26] klemal: I have a .333 average with Cromwell...ever since the first victory he seens to have bottomless reserves
[07:29] klemal: cool,  their name banners turned red
[07:29] Whiplash: that means we are at war with them
[07:29] Whiplash: bbl
[07:30] klemal: ya, I know....let the blood flow:o)
[07:51] Chlo-Chlo: we now have two more wars
[07:52] klemal: Nice victories at Bloodstone Crector....who is Gaviston? And why does he get attacked every day by us?
[07:53] klemal: Talk about a steady stream of blood....that guy must be dry by now
[07:53] Crector: Hop3efully, we'll score enough successes against bloodstone to get them to stop being bad and we'll be able to make eace with them without looking like a bunch of appeasers.
[07:53] Crector: Gaviston is this inactive in Ice who you can get lots of loot and glory from.
[07:54] klemal: I am recruiting for another go at Cromwell...think I'll try a sabotage treatment on him in the meantime
[07:55] Crector: If you go for him, hit oen of his outposts.
[07:55] klemal: Ya, but I've seen multiple attacks by everyone on this guys stuff everywhere, by the likes of Whip and Gary M
[07:56] klemal: And, Gary M did a recon on The Lady Bloodstone yesterday
[07:56] Crector: Even Whip & GaryM want  loot and glory at least soem of the time.
[07:56] klemal: :o)
[07:57] klemal: wonder where m and Sammi are?
[07:58] klemal: wish recriting went faster, guess I'll send some arsonists up to Cromwells.....how did that turn out/?
[07:58] Crector: My army has not reached him yet.
[07:59] Crector: In 27 minutes, 148 troops and 35 tools hit him.
[07:59] klemal: I see them now, just sent saboteurs...worth the expense
[08:01] klemal: I sent that hours ago and got crushed....he is hiding something there and I hope you slam him
[08:02] klemal: I beat him good my first attack and he was weak, so I sent a follow up but because of the distance he was able to come up with a huge amount of support
[08:03] klemal: That is why I torched that guy gwyillin, who is still burning, by the way....he probably sent Cromwell support
[08:07] Crector: How's it going, SB 17?
[08:09] Sexy Beast 17: i cant attacke any of these guys but i sent a sab on cromwell
[08:09] Crector: Thank you.
[08:10] Sexy Beast 17: hey can someone send me some wood to my castle
[08:10] Crector: Sure thing.
[08:11] Sexy Beast 17: thanks
[08:11] Crector: 3,500 wood in 83  minutes.
[08:13] Sexy Beast 17: gtg be back later
[08:17] Crector: zicam's got something brewing...
[08:27] Crector: Defeated at CromwellsWorld focusing on bloodstone now

[11:57] klemal: Crector has probably solved my growing problem with Bloodstone...she is close, and came out of nowhere with her aggression
[11:58] klemal: but you can't let up on these types til they cave to pressure
[11:59] Crector: After  I hit 2 more of her OP's, I'll offer her peace.
[11:59] klemal: I suspect that both use their credit cards regularly, but that's what keeps the game going...Iam tooo cheap :o)
[12:00] klemal: That Cromwell is a tough nut to crack
[12:01] klemal: I may have to send 2 waves, like I did with Mecha
[12:03] klemal: BIG blaze aqt Moucatar, Crector...nice work
[12:05] klemal: Too bad the Colossus of Moucatar doesn't have a fire extinguisher
[12:07] Dave Trites: im away for football folks ill check in
[12:08] klemal: f4f, maybe Cromwell should consider moving
[12:08] fart4fun: ye thats true
[12:09] klemal: I have another dog to give a bath to...be back in awhile
[12:30] Crector: Going to a sports bar...back in a few hours.
[12:30] fart4fun: gtg2. bbl
[12:31] slickdave50: drink 1 for me
[13:13] slickdave50: i need stone
[13:19] klemal: I can't get any to you till I make some coins
[13:19] slickdave50: ok
[13:21] klemal: waging war takes a lot of money:o)
[13:28] slickdave50: crector being attacked
[13:30] klemal: in ice, I have nothing there
[13:31] slickdave50: you need 1
[13:39] klemal: can't afford it right now, some stone on the way
[13:39] slickdave50: thanks
[13:40] slickdave50: it would be more coins
[13:55] slickdave50: bbl
[14:21] klemal: u c it misty?
[14:25] klemal: Castle Sherwood was about to hit your op...he must have recalled his army....good thing too, or we would have another war. Watch that guy.
[14:58] slickdave50: i cant keep wood or stone
[14:59] Dianais: Sending.
[15:01] slickdave50: ty D
[15:13] General 313: hows the wars going
[15:21] klemal: We are keeping the heat on
[15:24] Crector: I need help in Ice against this Stryker7813 independent player.
[15:27] klemal: I have nothing there yet, or I would
[15:29] klemal: still learning the ropes, I've only been in this game about 7 weeks
[15:31] DAlex: Crector, sending spies on ice to Styker.  +600 clicks away
[15:31] Crector: Thanks.
[15:43] Crector: Launched 2 more attacks on bloodstone and allies.
[15:46] GARYM: they are all too low level for me but you guys are doing a great job
[16:05] klemal: I can't figure this Cromwell out, he loses troops when we attack, but he always seems to have the sam amount, and they are troops I have no access to and we are the same level
[16:07] klemal: I have lost 2 out of 3 to him and I would like to even the score, and then some.
[16:07] Whiplash: someone is sending him support
[16:08] Dianais: EIther Crom or someone else there is buying the troops with rubies.
[16:08] m20321: I've got spies on the way to Cromwell to see what his current troops are
[16:09] klemal: Setting fire to his castle seems to be more cost effective at the moment
[16:20] klemal: I sabotaged Gwyllin yesterday, figuing he was supporting, but thye guy hasn't put out his fires yet...while Cromwell usually does... Cromwell is using his credit card
[16:20] m20321: I'm gonna try a technique I've been thinking about.  I'm going to send three waves of light troops at Cromwell to burn tools.  Then I'm gonna follow with heavy troops.
[16:21] m20321: I might get some boulders to slow the light troops down so the heavy and light hit around the same time.
[16:21] klemal: sorry, I can't type

[16:30] m20321: This will be an easy win for us.
[16:30] GARYM: i cant sab cromwell again for another 5 hours
[16:31] Crector: GARYM:  How do you liek the Legendary Levels?
[16:32] Whiplash: i just sent a sab arrives in 4 minutes
[16:32] Dianais: 600 otw.
[16:34] GARYM: they didnt change much.  i did the first two levels and now i need a lot of xp points before i can work on the nect level
[16:36] GARYM: that bloodstone is a tough cookie but she ask me to stop you guys ganging up on her
[16:37] Crector: What I don't yunderstand is why they didn't move up the number of levels to 100 instead of all this legendary levels stuff.
[16:38] Whiplash: they i trying to keep all the level 70 players from leaving the game
[16:38] m20321: Gary - What's the Tribute we should ask for from Bloodstone?
[16:39] GARYM: i dont know that she will ask for peace she hasnt yet
[16:41] GARYM: bb in just a minute
[16:53] Crector: D.D.:  Why have you not been responding to my msg's?
[16:57] Dianais: I usually have several messages in the to-do stack... sorry for the ones waiting there... I try to answer the urgent ones, though, and also try to avoid losing messages waiting for answer.
[16:58] PowerfullySammi: Hey everyone, sorry for my absence. I had an unexpected visitor show up last night and she just left.... gotta love the holidays :)
[17:03] Crector: AFK
[17:04] GARYM: how are the two new wars going
[17:05] Crector: Very well against bloodstone...don't know about CromwellsWorld.
[17:13] GARYM: all i can do to help is send sabs
[17:15] Crector: What I don't get about his game is that if you use a workshop to build 2 types of tools, you can't use the other workshop to do the same.
[17:16] GARYM: one is a workshop for attack tools and one is for defence tools
[17:17] GARYM: we have 9 open member slost
[17:18] Crector: What I meant is that if you build 2 types of tools at the defense workshop, you can't simultaneously build two types of tools at the attack workshop.
[17:20] m20321: I've got my main attack force headed to Cromwell's world
[17:20] Crector: Castle or OP?
[17:21] m20321: In about 20 minutes I'll send my sacrificial troops.  If anyone wants to follow my attack the tools at his castle should be gone.
[17:21] m20321: main castle
[17:21] Crector: OP's probably would be easier.
[17:22] DarkHorse7: i sent a sab on cromwell castle
[17:22] m20321: I'm looking to make a point by hitting his main.
[17:22] m20321: These are all heavy attack troops.
[17:22] m20321: With ruby tools I've been winning
[17:23] PowerfullySammi: I can follow up your attack if my troops make it back to my castle in time... trying to make some money atm
[17:44] klemal: I am too far away to make a difference, m...but I have 72 2 handed sword and 50 heavy cross....takes me hours to get there
[17:44] klemal: I think you'll take him with that army you have
[17:46] m20321: I hope so.  I missed sending my lite troops in time by about 13 seconds...
[17:46] m20321: dang it...
[17:46] klemal: I could never muster more than 148 troops in one attack
[17:47] Dianais: USAF, have just been contacted by hack from SF SC.
[17:47] Dianais: A branch of SF got attacked and may end in war.
[17:47] klemal: oh boy
[17:47] Dianais: Hack is recluting SF members willing to help if this happens.
[17:48] Crector: Which alliance did the attacking?
[17:49] Dianais: I will go, given that I can't help here in our current wars more than sabbotaging. But unless you have a high level I guess the bet is to stay here...
[17:49] Crector: Believe it or not, as of right now, our alliance Travel Ocverview is busier than it ever was when I was at S.F. STONECOLD.
[17:49] Dianais: as we have a couple of ongoing wars of our own.
[17:49] klemal: I need some popcorn :o)
[17:50] Crector: I thought you meant helping them out as an alliance instead of as individual members joining them.
[17:50] Dianais: I will inquire with hack what's the SF branch with problems.
[17:51] Dianais: No, what's needed is some players able to jump if required while the war lasts. Which is ok, I don't think we should go to a third war at this moment.

[18:44] m20321: Just forwarded what's left of Cromwell's defense.
[18:45] klemal: ok then, I'll continue to man up and as soon as the taxes come in I'll send saboteurs to his main again
[18:48] klemal: looks like you cleansed him of all those demon troops and other oddball stuff
[18:48] m20321: As long as we are looting his main castle and burning his buildings rebuilding will be harder and harder.  I took about 7k in food when I looted which limits his ability to store troops at his main.  Now we need to be as constant and consistent as we can be with hitting him.  His alliance will get tired of supporting and losing their troops.
[18:50] klemal: these defenders are manageable...his closest ally is still burning...he isn't giving much support
[18:50] m20321: Crector - You are losing so many troops because your commander doesn't have any equipment assigned to him.  You also need to start sending tools with your attacks to mitigate wall defenses, gate defenses and defense tools.
[18:50] klemal: Sammi, are you in?
[18:50] PowerfullySammi: yup im back
[18:50] m20321: These few things will give you a significant advantage moving forward.
[18:52] klemal: when do you plan on your assault, Sammi?
[18:53] klemal: I am gonna have to reboot again, this program is terrible
[18:53] PowerfullySammi: well i still have about an hour on a batch of two handed but i might just send what i have over in 20 mins... while his defenses are still down
[19:01] klemal: allright...I am waiting for a last batch too and will take off as soon as they hatch...but I will be a hour behind you probably....but it's best not to wait
[19:02] klemal: I wanted to send sbos again, but I need the coins for the attack
[19:02] Chlo-Chlo: here is a spy report on his outpost
[19:03] PowerfullySammi: Im penny pinching here too
[19:03] klemal: Thanks chlo
[19:04] m20321: I just sent the spy report on the other OP
[19:05] klemal: he's weak at his op's
[19:05] klemal: but his main is too right now
[19:06] PowerfullySammi: he doesnt expect attacks on his outposts
[19:06] m20321: I need to burn some of my weaker troops.  I'll take the opposite of whichever OP someone wants.  I can't hit his main for another 2 hrs.
[19:06] klemal: I don't want his op's, I want the head of the snake
[19:07] m20321: PS - my theory didn't work.  My weak troops bounced after my attack troops hit.  Not sure if it would've worked if my weak troops hit first and were slaughtered.
[19:08] klemal: It took me two, full armies spaced about a hour apart to take down Mecha.....at like 4:30 am
[19:08] GARYM: yes when you have a successful attack there is a time limit before you can attack again
[19:09] klemal: the first weakened him badly and the second one walked over him
[19:10] klemal: the time is the key...as to whether they are aware of the attack
[19:10] PowerfullySammi: My attack on cromwell has been launched
[19:10] Crector: It appears that bloodstone's chief ally mouctar has quit playing.
[19:11] m20321: Just launched on Cromwell's Charleston OP
[19:11] klemal: this guy is different tho...he can reman with the swipe of a credit card and not have to wait for his troops
[19:12] klemal: should be a cake walk for you m
[19:14] klemal: Crector I want to thank you for keeping Bloodstone off my back. She could have had me anytime she wanted, don't know why she picked these past two days
[19:16] Crector: No problem.
[19:21] klemal: boy, I am cleaning out the barracks for this next assault
[19:24] klemal: over 70 2 handed and 50 heavy cross, plus some assorted geeks like sail rippers  and some ogreish looking dudes
[19:24] PowerfullySammi: lol nice
[19:25] klemal: barrek scraping at it's best, or worst, if you will :o)
[19:25] klemal: Barrel, ecuse my typo
[19:25] klemal: excuse :o)
[19:26] PowerfullySammi: LOL are you drinking and gaming ?
[19:26] klemal: should be ready in 1.5 hours
[19:26] Crector: AFK
[19:27] klemal: no, but it's a good idea
[19:28] PowerfullySammi: haha its dangerous... people tend to get cocky when they drink
[19:29] PowerfullySammi: I really thought about coming on last night but it would have been rude to my guest..... had nothing to do with fact i could hardly see straight ;)
[19:29] GARYM: sent a sab on charleston op
[19:30] klemal: :o)
[19:30] PowerfullySammi: light it up :)

[20:37] m20321: Cromwell has to be buying rubies.  All of his farms are no longer burning and they are all upgraded.
[20:38] klemal: and I sent my last army up there....yikes!
[20:39] PowerfullySammi: gotta love ruby buyers
[20:39] m20321: have spies on the way
[20:39] PowerfullySammi: lmao me too
[20:40] m20321: :)
[20:42] klemal: his food op is still burning
[20:42] klemal: as is his main
[20:42] m20321: you beat me there Sammi
[20:42] fart4fun: man cromwell is low on troops
[20:42] fart4fun: think ill pay him a visit
[20:43] m20321: I had an 11% chance of getting caught with 100% accuracy and you had a 41% chance of getting caught with 100% acccuracy and I got busted and you didn't - lol
[20:43] PowerfullySammi: guess my spies are just a bit stealthier ;)
[20:43] m20321: I guess so!
[20:43] klemal: his other op is still in flames too
[20:44] klemal: this guy must be dracula
[20:44] klemal: nice fire at his stone op
[20:47] klemal: mmmmm, this egg nog sure is good...and it isn't spiked Sammi
[20:48] PowerfullySammi: LOL but you gotta spike the nog....
[20:48] klemal: I have some Amaretto
[20:49] PowerfullySammi: that works ;)
[20:49] Dianais: Hey klemal, this will be an assignment soon... I would think that this pounding will make Cromwell give thought to armistice conditions. He is using rubies, which means money, surely will pay attention to terms.
[20:49] klemal: only too well :o)
[20:50] klemal: you would think that he would quit...sure, we have lost troops, but he has yet to breach any of our op's or castles
[20:51] klemal: hard head...testa dura
[20:51] m20321: If they aren't agreeable to terms we need to look at focusing on Immogen and M16.  PMJ has said he is only in the alliance because that's who accepted him when he first started playing.
[20:52] fart4fun: has he even attacked any1 since we started on him?
[20:52] PowerfullySammi: I havent been bothered by him
[20:52] fart4fun: cromwell that is
[20:52] fart4fun: oh so were keeping him busy
[20:52] klemal: no, but he will want to, that's why he is building up
[20:52] fart4fun: and sucking his real cash
[20:53] klemal: well, that's his problem
[20:53] klemal: he is a danger tho
[20:53] fart4fun: wonder how many bucks he's blown
[20:53] fart4fun: definently
[20:53] klemal: maybe a kid with his parents card...or better yet, a stolen card or cards :o)
[20:54] klemal: the plot thickens, doesn't it?
[20:54] klemal: I say we keep pounding him
[20:54] fart4fun: most surly
[20:55] klemal: his own alliance seems not too interested in coming to his aid
[20:55] m20321: I think they were in the beginning but got tired of losing their troops.
[20:56] m20321: Can anyone get a spy in on Immogen?
[20:56] fart4fun: i would boot him
[20:56] fart4fun: have we branched out and attacked his allies?
[20:57] klemal: I sabotaged that Gwyillin dude near him...the guy does not respond
[20:58] klemal: he probably wants no part of this war
[20:58] Crector: Haven't heard from TheLordDraconis in a while.  For a time, he was sending me all these msg's with images of a middle finger stuck up about what a loser I am and the like.
[20:58] klemal: his place has been burning for almost two days now
[20:59] Dianais: Their alliance is not attacking for sure, buy probably they were supporting defense as per M. While they remain uncommitted I would keep focus on Cromwell. I mean, make sure Cromwell gets a hard hand even if branching.

[21:30] Crector: Caught Stryker7813 at home with only 28 defenders....DAlex's spy report earlier today showed a whole lot more than that.
[21:31] klemal: my army will be getting to Cromwell's main in about 1.5 hours...I hope this ends it
[21:32] klemal: maybe he used those stupid dummies
[21:33] fart4fun: so those ranks aren't the least bit level related?
[21:33] Crector: No.
[21:33] fart4fun: do you just have to prove your potential?
[21:34] Crector: Yes.
[21:34] PowerfullySammi: Klemal- the dragons are of the bearded variety
[21:36] fart4fun: how's that done?
[21:36] klemal: whattaya feed em, hamburger?
[21:37] PowerfullySammi: they have these things called beardie bites they are little meat cubes... or crickets
[21:38] klemal: is your neighbor related to Bloodstone? I knew a coven of witches once...In Oak Brook Terrace
[21:39] PowerfullySammi: lmao i dont think so...
[21:39] klemal: as long as they don't mistake the pink stuff holding the "crickets"
[21:39] fart4fun: sent an attack of mace and standard crossbow to arrive in 27 mins
[21:40] Crector: Just sent attack force after Charleston SC
[21:40] klemal: I hate to tell you what those witches wanted to do to  yours truly
[21:40] PowerfullySammi: haha no hasnt happened yet
[21:40] klemal: ya, lets finish this guy
[21:40] PowerfullySammi: well now you have me curious.... are you cursed ?
[21:41] klemal: no, i was going to be sacrificed in a sort of way
[21:42] PowerfullySammi: ....OH my
[21:43] klemal: these were all, middle age, proffesional women...all drove big , black cars and lived in a house withh a tower on a hill
[21:43] PowerfullySammi: seems legit....
[21:44] Crector: Probably lesbians...
[21:44] PowerfullySammi: hahahah you wish
[21:44] klemal: I stumbled across a fire ring in the woods near their place one day....I think they were watching
[21:45] PowerfullySammi: they're always watching ;)
[21:46] klemal: They had a huge flagstone terrace and they would all lay out there in bikinis in the summer
[21:46] fart4fun: so how do you prove your worth to get promoted past seargent?
[21:47] klemal: like they were trying to draw bees...or in this case, a unsuspecting male :0)
[21:47] Crector: Prove it to GARYM or one of the deputies.
[21:47] PowerfullySammi: bait in the trap and you fell for it
[21:47] klemal: no, I didn't
[21:48] klemal: I was on to them
[21:48] slickdave50: i bet you was
[21:48] klemal: seriously, this really happened
[21:49] PowerfullySammi: I belive you... i have a few family members who practice wicca
[21:50] PowerfullySammi: some dabble in the darker side of witchcraft, some dont...
[21:50] klemal: a real estate lady I knew was privy to their conversations and they told her what they wanted to do to me
[21:51] fart4fun: yes crector but what do you mean by "prove it"? like what has to be done?
[21:51] klemal: ever go to a drum circle?
[21:51] Crector: Its up to the leader and his deputies.
[21:52] fart4fun: k
[21:52] PowerfullySammi: no i havent gotten involved myself...
[21:53] PowerfullySammi: have you?
[21:53] klemal: people, mainly women, stand in a huge circle and beat drums with fires blazing in the middle...everyone gets into a trance...even the dogs are mesmerized....spooky
[21:53] fart4fun: what do the generals, treasurers, and war marshels do?
[21:54] Crector: I don't know.

[21:54] GARYM: klernal bloodstone is asking for peace talke to her
[21:55] Crector: He alreadyt accepted peace....ead the alliance chronicle.
[21:55] klemal: yeah. does she want me to message her?
[21:56] Crector: GARYM:  Why don't yu explain to frf about the officer positions.
[21:57] klemal: see what I mean, Sammi?

[22:13] PowerfullySammi: what happened last night ?
[22:13] klemal: if you want as u are close, why not finish off his op's?
[22:14] klemal: he ate my AND Crectors armies
[22:14] PowerfullySammi: lol i will
[22:14] Crector: After we trash his OP's, we should offer peace without any tribute demanded,,,,prolonging things will only rub things in and lead to future conflict.
[22:15] klemal: and that big army of m's tonight....this guy has got to go
[22:16] klemal: I want him to move away from here....
[22:16] Crector: Just attack hi op's a few more times and we've made our point.
[22:17] klemal: hopefully
[22:17] Crector: We don't know if the SWORD creeps are plotting  against us and IF Elite is always a threat.
[22:19] klemal: the sword ARE creeps to be sure
[22:21] monkey67: what creeps and isnt if elite our alies
[22:28] Crector: No.  They've attacked us in the past.  They are caught up in the server war, so for the most part they have left us alone...for now.
[22:29] monkey67: oh i was thinking of if bit
[22:29] fart4fun: is GaryM AFK?
[22:30] Crector: or not paying attention
[22:31] Crector: Did not lose anyone at Charleston SC
[22:33] klemal: I should find his main castle empty when I get there
[22:35] klemal: wooden stake and mallet time
[22:59] fart4fun: well gn team
[22:59] PowerfullySammi: good night f4f
[23:01] PowerfullySammi: bbiab, i should go wash this day off
[23:09] Crector: AFK
[23:10] slickdave50: .
[23:25] PowerfullySammi: Back... nice win against cromwell klem :)
[23:27] klemal: Thanks, I hope he throws the towel in soon...I am going to keep coming back otherwise
[23:27] PowerfullySammi: that depends on how hard headed he is
[23:28] klemal: "why can't we all just get along"
[23:28] klemal: :0)
[23:29] PowerfullySammi: bahaha, i just loled for real :D
[23:30] klemal: the danger with Cromwell is that he was powerful beyond his level....signs of a true tyrant
[23:30] PowerfullySammi: indeed
[23:31] klemal: it is amazing that not one ally helped him or responded
[23:31] klemal: yet
[23:31] klemal: it ain't over til it's over
[23:32] PowerfullySammi: we'll just have to wait and see
[23:32] klemal: feel free to loot his op's if Crector left anything
[23:33] PowerfullySammi: my troops will be back shortly, I intend on doing just  that..
[23:33] klemal: he really knows how to finish a battle
[23:34] Whiplash: gn
[23:34] PowerfullySammi: that he does.... good night Whip
[23:34] klemal: I won't be back til tomorrow....hopefully he will ask for terms
[23:34] klemal: gnite, Whip
[23:35] klemal: I want to aftten up on the robber barons I've been cultivating :o)
[23:36] klemal: fatten
[23:36] PowerfullySammi: agreed, it would be nice not wondering if im going to wake up to a looted castle or op
[23:39] klemal: yeh, I know, I always check first thing...well, time to summon the sand man...see ya'll tomorrow, hopefully. Have a good night.
[23:40] PowerfullySammi: good night klemal
[23:47] Sexy Beast 17: gn
[23:47] Chlo-Chlo: yeah me too

SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat December 20 2014

[15:48] fart4fun: Sammi i responded to him like this : The reason is because you repetedly attacked one of our members castles and OPs. This is our form of retaliation.
[15:49] PowerfullySammi: that was i close one crector !
[15:50] PowerfullySammi: F4F- good :)
[15:50] Crector: yes it was
[15:50] fart4fun: thanks. so are we on for a cordinated attack?
[15:51] klemal: I will join but best make it a 1 or 2 am launch...he'll get hit in the wee hours, that is how I beat him
[15:52] klemal: the first time
[15:52] Crector: If its a 1 or 2 am launch, I could help.
[15:52] klemal: he saw me coming in daylight and got help and it's still there
[15:53] PowerfullySammi: for sure...i sent everything i had at him earlier so it will have to be an early am attack
[15:53] klemal: I should have 100 2 handede sword, give or take and maybe 50 heavy crossbow
[15:54] fart4fun: ill sceduall it for 1:45 am?
[15:55] PowerfullySammi: sounds good
[15:56] Crector: ok
[15:56] klemal: tools, lots of tools too
[15:58] fart4fun: and just announced it
[15:58] fart4fun: so we launch at 1:45 or time it to land then?
[15:59] klemal: I am 5 hours out from him, if I launch at 1am I should get there around 6 am
[15:59] klemal: launch then
[16:00] klemal: I did it that way the first time and he didn't know he was hit till noon the
[16:00] fart4fun: ill launch it at the last minute before i fall asleep
[16:00] fart4fun: so lik 11pm or midnight
[16:00] PowerfullySammi: bbiab guys got some company coming by
[16:00] fart4fun: well i gtg for now too
[16:00] fart4fun: gb
[16:00] klemal: ya, and have pleasant dreams of guts and glory :o)
[16:02] klemal: I hope that witch Bloodstone is thru for today....her alliance sounds like a bunch of them and druids
[16:02] klemal: I can't figuer out why she is toying with me
[16:03] klemal: she could annihilate me if she wanted
[16:05] klemal: back in awhile....my dogs want to walk
[16:07] klemal: you know something? when I collect my taxes, the system isn't giving them to me...happened last night too
[16:07] klemal: first they took my rubies, now it's taxes
[16:08] klemal: be back later
[16:10] Crector: D.D..:  Are you going to help vs. either Bloodstone or Cromwell?
[16:12] GARYM: bloodstone is also attacking members of sr hard liquor
[16:16] m20321: Gary - Are you able to get spies through on Bloodstone?
[16:17] GARYM: i am sending some at 50% accuracy
[16:18] GARYM: 9 minutes til they get there
[16:19] m20321: look forward to seeing that one
[16:20] Crector: Did someone in SR Hard Liquour ask you for help?
[16:21] GARYM: no a former member of our alliance is there
[16:21] Dianais: Bloodstone is too low, but I can give Cromwell a try.
[16:22] Dianais: Have we communicated diplomatically to Cromwells alliance?
[16:23] Crector: There are more that one Cromwell in this game...I thought that it was the LOF:TLR one at first, but its actually a lvl 38 Phoenix Force guy.
[16:23] Crector: I can barely hit him without losing any honor.
[16:23] Crector: Lvl 28
[16:24] Crector: Actuall name is CromwellsWorld
[16:26] Crector: D.D.:  From what was said in chat when I got back, it sounded like we  had communicated with  him, but very satisfactorly.
[16:27] Dianais: I see... wouldn't be able to help with this Cromwell, it's to low also.
[16:27] Crector: You could try sabotaging him.
[16:30] GARYM: spy spy report sent
[16:32] m20321: looks like an easy win if Crector and I can coordinate against bloodstone.  Gary if we include SR Hard Liquour for an attack at the same time we should be able to really hurt bloodstone.
[16:33] Dianais: Thanks DAlex, I have all my defense supporting someone elsewhere....
[16:33] Dianais: I mean, I had...
[16:33] Dianais: bbl
[16:36] Dianais: Yes, just understood that from Crector... I confused castles....
[16:36] Crector: I've got another attack incoming agianst bloodstone.
[16:39] Crector: When those troops and the troops against RWE get back, I'll combine them against CromwellsWorld
[16:40] Crector: In the meantime rebuilding light attack force at TDZK for one more attack on bloodstone.
[16:46] slickdave50: good to have you back crector
[16:47] Crector: Thank you...its good to be back.
[16:53] slickdave50: whats up fire bug
[16:54] Crector: fire bug?
[17:08] PowerfullySammi: Yes its good to see you back crector :) and dave is refering to klemal as firebug...
[17:16] klemal: I have just returned from my evening constitutional :o)
[17:16] PowerfullySammi: you mean walking your dogs lmao
[17:17] klemal: yep, and a five mile bicycle ride twice a day
[17:17] klemal: gotta stay fit :oi)
[17:18] PowerfullySammi: keep fit and have fun ;)
[17:18] klemal: there's the key to life
[17:18] klemal: I kayak too
[17:19] PowerfullySammi: thats cool, its a desolate ice land here sooooo theres no way im going out here
[17:19] klemal: why I retired to S Florida :o)
[17:20] PowerfullySammi: haha lucky...
[17:21] klemal: ok then, so what's been decided as far as Cromwell?
[17:23] Crector: To launch arttacks on him at 1:45 AM or thereabouts.
[17:24] klemal: I have 100 2 handed sword and over 50 heavy crossbow...and am hatching more
[17:26] klemal: I think I should recruit a few defensive troops for my main....in case that witch tries to smush me
[17:26] PowerfullySammi: im working on 2 handed sword men... running low on funds atm
[17:26] klemal: we have time
[17:27] slickdave50: im ready
[17:27] klemal: Crector, what's the deal with Bloodstone anyway?
[17:28] Crector: Our leader says that she's been attacking members of SR Hard Liquor as well as us.
[17:28] klemal: she has minions that could handle me...why do it herself?
[17:29] Crector: I'm attacking her now and will again soon.
[17:29] klemal: she will lose honor...the witch
[17:31] klemal: should I sabotage her op's? She has too much power for me to take head on
[17:31] Crector: if you want.
[17:32] klemal: I sent my neighbor YummyPuss Christmas Greetings :o)
[17:33] klemal: never, ever bothered me as far as attacks....returned my overture I gave her a Pax Vobiscum
[17:39] PowerfullySammi: I wish my neighbours where more like you klemal lol
[17:40] PowerfullySammi: bbiab
[17:45] monkey67: hi
[17:45] klemal: howdy
[17:56] klemal: Crector, I sent saboteurs to Bloodstones other op
[17:57] Crector: great
[18:00] klemal: it's kinda like pokin' a hornets nest :o)
[18:08] Crector: Just won nobility contest 50 kingsguard attack troops and made Vice Duke...on the downside, lost most of the troops committed to the battle.
[18:15] klemal: Congratulations1 Don't you get a big award for that?
[18:15] klemal: just the troops? or coins too?
[18:16] Crector: 700 rubies  for making Vice Duke
[18:16] Crector: have to gor for a bit.
[18:16] klemal: I got 100 kings guard when I made Baron..
[18:37] Crector: Did I mass forward the battle report with bloodstone's op?
[18:39] Crector: Looks like DAlex hit the jackpot

Thursday, December 18, 2014

S.F. STONECOLD Alliance Chat December 18 2014

[21:23] Dholl: nite haver
[21:57] DaveSe: who do I jump to to get an rv
[21:59] DaveSe: scythe?
[22:00] avrage: earners, contact aacre
[22:01] DaveSe: okay ty I will be back tomorrow
[22:02] avrage: make contact with aacre before you drop
[22:04] DaveSe: I am now if he answers
[22:08] avrage: if she does not answer one of the other officers should be online
[22:09] DaveSe: Okay I will try
[22:23] avrage: gn all, dave i should be on all day tomorrow when you want back in do not drop until you get intouch with someone your safer here than alone
[22:26] DaveSe: I am in going now
[22:26] DaveSe: ty gtg
[05:49] DaveSe: Honey Im home
[05:50] avrage: gm successful mission?
[05:51] DaveSe: yup all is good
[05:51] avrage: gm renanman
[05:52] RenanMan: hi.
[05:52] DaveSe: can somone put my back as sergent
[05:54] avrage: done
[05:55] avrage: bbiab, afk
[05:55] DaveSe: ty
[06:32] soul170: .
[07:04] Mike ph: Morning Dholl.
[07:19] J l Sparks: gm sc
[08:56] Crector: Hello everyone.
[08:57] Mike ph: You've been busy this morning crector.  Have a great day/
[08:57] Crector: Thank you.
[09:06] avrage: How long you been playing?
[09:07] Crector: If you mean today, 7 hours.
[09:08] Khan dHar: Good Morning!
[09:08] Crector: good morning.
[09:10] avrage: no I see from your reports you been on 7 hours, do you ever sleep, lol
[09:13] Crector: Y3es.  I do other things during those 7 hours.  Just set a timer for when I need to get back to the computer.
[09:17] avrage: have you been playing for a long time?
[09:23] Crector: Since mid-June.
[09:34] jesse483: mornin yall
[09:38] avrage: gm jesse how are you?
[09:49] jesse483: im doin great thanxs
[09:51] avrage: bbl
[10:44] jonathan166: food rv in ice at 513:408
[10:55] Khan dHar: Ice Wood rv at 559:592
[11:00] Khan dHar: (crickets)
[12:31] Khan dHar: That Ice Food rv is still there at 513:408 and there's another one near it at 509:406
[12:32] Khan dHar: And another at 477:395
[12:33] Khan dHar: and 433:388
[12:34] Khan dHar: Crector, these are all next to you
[12:40] Crector: Do these just pop up right out of nowherre?
[12:41] Khan dHar: Yes!
[12:42] Crector: I'll have to build a loot warehouse first....get that done later today.
[13:46] Mike ph: launching after food RV.  Thank you Khan

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Message Exchange with Dianais December 16 2014

Her earlier msg:


Lee seems more amiable, he received good references from Blood is Thicker, and even offered to discuss a pact.

He did mention that they are involved in the server war and because of this they have the auto-war set. In case of the auto-war firing against them he asked we checked with him before taking any action to avoid further trouble.


Her msg:

We are not discussing a treatry with IF. But the fact that Lee is bringing it to the table reflects, to my thinking, our more active diplomacy. Which means we need to continue in the track, reviewing our status with other allies, visiting them,etc.


My reply:

When I was in the chat when I was in that alliance, Lee and his minions discussed a great many repulsive things.  For instance, if they had a treaty with another alliance, they would arrange for a member to leave the alliance and atack someone on an alliance that they had the deal with then return to Lee's alliance.  Lee would then claim that the member would be punished to placate the victimized alliance.   You might recall when one of Lee's buddies, Jefferson1776, attacked me while not in the alliance ostensibly because I had attacked a friend of his.. They also ran multis (bojangles, TJ2, .V.) and had infiltrators in other alliances.

I want to make this clear:  If you guys want to make a deal with anyone other than Lee and his associaties, I have no reason to believe that other leaders are like him.  However, in all of my time in online gaming, 1995-present, I have never encountered a leader like Lee nor an alliance that I knew had so many bad apples in it.  Of curse, there were other alliances/leaders that I've ehard bad things about, but never alliances that I was a member of or leaders who I served under where I could see up front and personal just how bad players could be.

Lee is a hard case and so is his alliance.

Monday, December 15, 2014

S.F. STONECOLD Alliance Chat December 15 2014

[23:20] Dholl: crector is visiting us from SF USAF Knights
[23:20] Mike ph: anything special I need to know?  Will just be putting out fires and rebuilding for a while.
[23:20] Mike ph: Howedy crector.  Welcome to SC.
[23:20] Mike ph: *Howdy
[23:21] Dholl: I don't think so we've been pretty good of late
[23:21] Dholl: did you meet dianais or m2?
[23:21] Dholl: they were visiting last week the are in crectors alliance
[23:22] Crector: hello
[23:22] Mike ph: Nope.  I'm just now getting Mike back up and running.  Sorry I missed them.
[23:22] Dholl: I think they'll be back they are pretty cool
[23:23] Mike ph: Great, look forward to it.  Hope you enjoy your visit Crector.
[23:24] Crector: I am so far.
[23:24] Dholl: we have davese (aka chef dave) and Imforth from masters of chaos recently as well
[23:24] Crector: Its certainly a lot more enjoyable than watching the Chicago Bears....
[23:25] Mike ph: Feeling unpopular, gone for a month and only one castle on fire.
[23:25] Mike ph: Must not have pestered some people enough.
[23:25] Dholl: thats a good thing mike :)
[23:27] Mike ph: My D is weak, so if I get attacked don't support.  Should get things up in gear in a few days.
[23:28] Dholl: do you have any tools?
[23:28] applesauc3: yaygot the horrors and the title
[23:28] Dholl: woohoo congrats apple
[23:29] applesauc3: theres goes my food production xD
[23:29] applesauc3: putting them in my op
[23:30] Dholl: I am -2.3k in green lol
[23:30] applesauc3: i was like that when i was holding my monument
[23:30] Dholl: was it ever attacked?
[23:30] applesauc3: no only when i first captured it
[23:31] applesauc3: hits don't bounce on monuments
[23:31] Dholl: I think we are lucky KON must have dibs on us cuz I haven't seen much in the way of glory hits come our way
[23:32] Dholl: just one on me when I went to the earners
[23:32] Mike ph: KoN is pretty busy right now.
[23:32] Dholl: good :)
[23:32] Mike ph: Dholl:  Yes I do have tools, weak cast and not deep at main in green.
[23:33] Mike ph: If anyone sees a food 8 laying around. . .  could use one.
[23:33] Dholl: check out duchess I think she still has one
[23:34] Dholl: And I am not sure how much jessiemessie is playing anymore she logged in once in the last month, went to ruins recently too
[23:34] Dholl: duchess pacem
[23:35] Mike ph: 256 away.  I'll talk to Jessie.
[23:36] Dholl: or we can work something out with ziggy too
[23:36] Mike ph: Sad to hear that.  He's one of the last of our Foundry group.  Very nice gentleman
[23:37] Dholl: I am too I liked him
[23:38] Mike ph: He brought us to you guys if I remember.  That was one heck of a transfer.
[23:38] Dholl: I remember, that was when PR came back too
[23:39] Dholl: it'll be real nice when you guys come back with bri and triad coming back too
[23:39] Mike ph: Is triad coming back.
[23:40] Dholl: yep he will be back next month I think he finally finished the house I chatted with him at earners a few days back
[23:40] Mike ph: nice.  I'm traveling this week then off for the next too.  Looking forward to catching up.  Evening everyone.
[23:40] Mike ph: *two
[23:41] Dholl: later mike
[23:42] Dholl: I'm out too good night everyone