Friday, March 6, 2015

The Blitz Chat Log July 17 2014

16:00] Bleeding THC: War will not be declared unless necessary, which means if proposal to peace does not satisfy them, and their attacks continue afterwards, war will be declared. Do not confuse retaliation with war, that is a big mistake.
[16:07] Bleeding THC: All attacks are to cease on the alliance in question unless attacks continue or further notice is given.
[19:09] Bleeding THC: There seems to be a feature that was added that makes an alliance automatically declare war on an enemy that attacks.
[19:10] Bleeding THC: I have toggled it off, but I must warn the rest of you that some people might not even know this feature sxists, so be careful in attacking. It might automatically cause their alliance to declare war on us.
[21:23] westydecks2: hey guys
[21:32] Crector: In other words, only attack independent players?
[21:43] Crector: I would prefer that we don't dump anyone from this alliance, at least for the next few days.  We have a nice groupd as it stands.
[22:59] Crector: Looked at the GGE Forums and could not find anything about any automatic declaration of war thingy.
[00:02] Bleeding THC: You have to go to the diplomacy menue, its in the lower right hand corner.
[00:27] Crector: Rather doubt that most alliances check that box.  Never noticed it before though.
[00:30] Crector: devils feary is now with Krieg Reich...wonder why he did not join us.
[00:37] Bleeding THC: It was checked when i first looked. I had to un-check it. But they tried to recruit me and him at the same time. i guess he like their offer
[00:42] Bleeding THC: *liked
[04:48] Bleeding THC: As I have said, once again war  was declared due to the new feature.
[07:24] eris: hi
[07:42] eris: he atacked me again
[08:43] manav ganjoo: hey th c so do we attack their members
[09:22] Bleeding THC: who was it, give me a name
[09:42] Crector: I believe he means fighter landon, the 1 man alliance guy.
[09:44] Bleeding THC: i sent the guy a message
[09:44] Crector: I tried attacking him yesterday, but it said that I had to be able to attack with more men.
[09:45] Bleeding THC: i was assured yesterday that it was taken care of.
[09:46] Crector: I was told that if I expanded my army, stuff like that woukld not happen.  A few days ago, I expanded my army to its largest size ever at 145 men and yet most of the time I tried to attack other castles, it said that I still was not able to attack with enough men.
[09:46] Bleeding THC: hmm
[09:47] Bleeding THC: dunno bout that one
[09:47] Bleeding THC: ive never had that problem
[09:47] Bleeding THC: But I have sent him a message telling him that it is his last warning.
[09:47] Bleeding THC: if you feel we must take action then we will do so
[09:49] Crector: If he kept on attacking eris after promising to stop doing so, then we have no choice in the matter.
[09:49] Bleeding THC: then attack him to ruins
[09:49] Bleeding THC: declare on him
[09:50] Crector: As for Shadow Company, I'm all for going after them only if they prosecute the war against us instead of accepting our peace proposal.
[09:51] Crector: This whole automatic declaration of war stuff is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in an online game.
[09:51] Bleeding THC: I have also sent them a message explaining the problem with the new feature
[09:51] Bleeding THC: they should understand, if not then we will deal with it
[09:51] Bleeding THC: I doubt it will last long
[09:52] Bleeding THC: kinda defeats the purpose of declaring war doesnt it?
[09:52] Crector: yes
[09:53] Bleeding THC: can you pull off an espionage?
[09:54] Bleeding THC: i will attack
[09:54] Crector: I just sent a spy his way.
[09:56] Bleeding THC: Good.
[09:58] Bleeding THC: I wish manav didnt attack that guy
[09:58] Bleeding THC: it's gonna cause another war :|
[09:59] Bleeding THC: lvl 64, 53, 46
[09:59] Bleeding THC: ouch
[10:00] Crector: What guy did he attack?
[10:01] Bleeding THC: look at travel overview
[10:01] Bleeding THC: tigerlord500
[10:04] Crector: Says that I just repelled a sabotage attempt by that corvette guy in Krieg Reich.

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