Sunday, March 8, 2015

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 15th 2014

20:31] Crector: What a time for our Glorious Leader and his Deputy Duo to be AWOL.....
[20:32] Crector: Does Dianais have anything to say about this?
[20:34] Dianais: Just reading... will write to the attacked outpost owner and alliance to disclose the problem.
[20:35] Dianais: I believe cool just found he/she does have a castellan and didn't realize the requirement to avoid war actions...
[20:38] Crector: All of a sudden, the Travel Overview is a whole lot busier now than it normaly is....
[20:40] Crector: Turns out that he's trying to tak that OP with just 12 soldiers...don't know if one should laugh or cry over this....
[20:47] m20321: not much I can do about it but the new OP i just captured is about to get smoked by  Erikthered
[20:48] m20321: any help would be appreciated...  Or maybe a slap on the wrist from one or two of the more more experienced players?
[20:51] Crector: 3 player alliance with only one guy over Lvl 10...perhaps we could declare war on them?  All of my piers &  heavy attack troops are tied up,but later on I'll see what I can do.
[20:51] m20321: This guys got barbarians, deathly horrors and demon horrors whatever those are....   I just shipped my main body of troops back to the castle because I didn't have enough food to support them.
[20:51] Dianais: The attack is from too close,  come too fast to support, sorry.
[20:51] Dianais: We need players to the level answering in kind.
[20:52] m20321: Thanks Crector and Dianais.  I'll definitely be logging this one in my notebook to return the favor when I get built up a little more.
[20:53] Crector: Attacking the bad guy's OP with Light attack troops....
[20:55] Dianais: Seems that cooliest is going for a second attempt, and was previously warned.
[20:56] Dianais: By the other side. They may make amends.
[20:56] Crector: Erik the Red has a Wood 8 outpost....surely someone in this alliance could use one of those....
[21:00] Crector: Do you have any previous experience with teh Paradigm leadership?  Should we start preparing for a declaration of war by their side?
[21:03] m20321: Small damage.  No losses (nothing to steal yet).  Crector - thanks for the shot over his bow.
[21:03] Dianais: There won't be war with them, they may just send a couple of strokes for cooliest. That we will allow, at least until we can speak with cooliest.
[21:04] Crector: Great...Moving on....does a Sergeant have the power to declare war on somebody?  That erick miscreant needs corporal punishment in the worst way.
[21:07] Dianais: Is this Erik the Red part of the alliance that just attacked m20321?
[21:07] Crector: The leader.
[21:07] Crector: The other 2 are Lvl 8's.
[21:08] Dianais: Ok. We declare war now, I think. When someone here is ready to go for the outpost we support.
[21:09] Crector: Castle:  422:290
[21:09] m20321: I've got to hit the sack.  He's got some interesting troops that I don't recognize.   They seem to be bought or somehow won...
[21:09] Dianais: Crector: I believe you are only waiting to have someone interested in your stone outpost?
[21:09] jimmer777: cool
[21:10] m20321: He's got barbarians, deathly horrors and demon horrors
[21:10] Crector: OP:  422:292
[21:10] Crector: 425:294
[21:11] Crector: That was his other Op.
[21:11] Rust_Nail: any close Ops
[21:11] Rust_Nail: maybe I can take one
[21:12] Dianais: Wait, 422:292 is a wood outpost. He can have up to 8 Woodcutters working 100%.
[21:12] Crector: Wood 8 is the best Lumberyard available in the game.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: too far away
[21:13] Rust_Nail: looking for a food anyway
[21:13] m20321: How can I help.  My main body of troops are out of pocket.  I've got some light troops I can support with.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: I just gave up an 8 stone
[21:13] Dianais: I believed it was an 8 food outpost. Anyway, if anyone is interested in this one we can go for it.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: 8 wood
[21:13] Rust_Nail: long way off
[21:14] m20321: Rust Nail - We can be neighbors
[21:14] Rust_Nail: I could move my castle that way
[21:14] Rust_Nail: but I really want food ops
[21:15] Crector: Just sent the returned spies to his castle...hopefuuly when all of my heavy attack troops return to Outpost Trex, I'll be able to hammer that place.
[21:15] Crector: RN:  You could get that Wood 8 place and then later on get 2 Food 6 Op's.
[21:16] Crector: First we have to make nice with Paradigm before we declare war on Reik the Red Neck or whatever his name is,
[21:18] m20321: Rust Nail - There's a food OP at 416:293 right next to the wood 8
[21:21] Dianais: If there is something with Paradigm alliance, it will be by the lower levels and up to cooliest.
[21:22] m20321: I've got to go for the night.  Maybe we get this setup tonight and nail this guy tomorrow.  Won't hurt my feelings to read about our glorious victory in the morning either.  Good night all.
[21:23] Dianais: By the time being I will wait until I have a discussion with cooliest. If there is any attack on cooliest by Paradigm let it be without sending support. Is the cost to avoid an unnecessary war.
[21:24] Crector: Good idea...especially wghen there's an opportunity to grab a Lvl 8 Wood OP from a miscreant.
[21:28] COOLIEST: ok you guys i stopped so yall can stop trying to gane up on me
[21:30] Crector: NOt trying to gang up on you...just trying to prevent a war.....especially when there's a miscreant named Erik the Red who attacked the the OP belonginng to  one of our m, act of war andisince the punk has a Wood 8 that could be especially lucrative for our side.
[21:32] Dianais: Cooliest: starging = starting ...
[21:32] Crector: i cant stop my troops because they gone to far and cannot stop now
[21:32] COOLIEST: oh i am sorry
[21:33] Crector: That's whgat COOLIEST msg'd my you have not halted your attempt?
[21:33] Dianais: Cooliest: so you do have a free castellan after all. Either you start a new outpost from zero, or you get one of one of our members, or you take one from an alliance in war with us.
[21:33] Crector: From theway I type, you'd never suspect that I have a MA...
[21:34] COOLIEST: wht i am sorry i didnt qeit ungerstand what u just said
[21:34] Crector: There are such things as unclaimed outosts...
[21:34] COOLIEST: how do i start at zero
[21:35] Crector: By attac,ing unclaimed outposts.
[21:35] Dianais: Cooliest: Or from player in ruins. Taking outpost from another alliance is an act of war, and means expulsion from most alliances.
[21:36] COOLIEST: can u tell me where i can find a unnclaimed outposts
[21:36] Dianais: Cooliest: example in 416:293.
[21:36] Crector: Look at the map
[21:36] Dianais: See that this one does not have an owner yet.
[21:37] Dianais: Whenever you find something like this - resource tag without owner - you can launch on it. It means starting from zero, though.
[21:37] Crector: 435:400
[21:37] Crector: Food 6 Outpost
[21:37] COOLIEST: i cant rigt now
[21:38] COOLIEST: because mine troops are captring a outposts and remember cant stop them
[21:39] Dianais: Yup. After your current capture attempt fails - Paradigm will support - you will have the choice.
[21:39] Crector: Pull the  out if ou win and then send them to that Food 6 OP I just ID'd.
[21:48] Crector: Just wondering, but why did you attempt the capture with just 12 troops?
[21:50] Crector: Would Laura or Lisa or SnellesPlayer like to add anything to this conversation?
[21:54] Crector: Earler on during our conv with COOLIEST, my spies failed on the operation on the miscreant's Wood 8 OP, so am trying to spy on js other OP.
[22:03] jimmer777: goodnight
[22:13] Crector: LisaDaisyAnn:  Are you aware that the alliance fo the player whose Outpost you are attacking considers all attacks on OP's to be an act of war?
[22:16] Crector: Gone for a bit...
[22:21] Crector: Just unleashed 133 heavy attack troops on the miscreant's Wood 8 lumberyard....
[22:24] Crector: AFK
[22:41] Crector: Failed the first time, following it up with 59 heavy attack trops & 10 tools....
[22:56] Crector: All three spy attempts on the miscreant failed.
[23:19] Crector: Dianais:  Do you think that the problem with Paradigm will be solved peacefully?
[23:27] Dianais: I believe so.
[23:34] Crector: Great...should I declare war on that miscreant's 3 man alliance?  Its your call since you're the defacto leader.
[23:53] Dianais: Only if we have someone going for the outpost. If not, we can as well attack them with no war.
[00:02] Crector: ok

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