Sunday, March 8, 2015

U.S. Armed Forces Chat September 26th 2014

[21:46] GARYM: who took it
[21:47] Crector: I said if someone took it...
[21:47] GARYM: depends on who it is and what alliance they are in
[21:50] Crector: The major alliances  with members in the vicinity are KRAKEN, Justice Legacy and Greek Warlords.  Are any of them friend,ly with us?
[21:52] Sexy Beast 17: almost all of greek warlords members are inactive dont worry about them
[21:53] GARYM: kraken may be a problem but we will deal with it if it happens
[21:56] Crector: Also, the other outpost at 547:332 has been found by somebody since several of its buildings.  My suggeston is that since there does not seem to be anybody in this alliancce interested in taking that place, that we should treat it like we do paladinepeet's outposts:  loot the hell out of it.
[21:57] Crector: are on fire.
[21:59] GARYM: it up to you if you want to capture it you can try
[22:01] Crector: I have 2 outposts already and trying to capturew a 3rd one.  Don't believe that you can have a 4th outpost, at least not in this realm.
[22:03] GARYM: ok but if you dont get the one you are trying for then this one is an option
[22:05] DAlex: evening.  was away for a few days.  miss any drama?
[22:05] Crector: Assuming that it has not been burned down to the ground...
[22:05] Crector: No drama.
[22:08] DAlex: no war, all must have worked out on hte diplomatic front
[22:08] GARYM: you can repair any building that does not get destroyed
[22:09] Crector: There are 2 unclaimed outposts with 6 Food near the outpost that I'm trying to capture.
[22:10] fart4fun: GaryM should i try to conquer a built op or a brand new food one
[22:11] GARYM: it would be better to get one that is built up because it takes a long time to build from scratch
[22:12] DAlex: GaryM, any reason not to attack SF-Blood Hawks?  a sub of Angle Crusaders.  hit when I was away
[22:12] Crector: According to Dianais, 6 Food outpsosta are the best.
[22:13] fart4fun: ok. do you know of any? i only know of one that has 300 troops and the leader of alliance said that someone else may want it but if not he would let me take it
[22:13] Crector: I've got one of those and it produces amore food than the other one and sustains a stronger military.
[22:14] GARYM: they are but it would be better if you could find one that is already started
[22:14] Crector: There's an unclaimed 6 food outpost right by xstevex1
[22:15] fart4fun: built up?
[22:15] Crector: Like 547:332 even if its far. far away.
[22:16] fart4fun: do you have a guess how many troops that place has?
[22:16] GARYM: you want to try to keep your op as closed as possible for support
[22:16] fart4fun: its 60 away from me
[22:17] fart4fun: i have two  unbuilt food 6 righ next to me
[22:18] GARYM: you could take one of those and try for a built up one when you upgrade your castellan
[22:18] Crector: Guess DAlex just found 2 built up outposts that are pretty much unscathed..
[22:19] GARYM: estate
[22:19] fart4fun: ok
[22:19] GARYM: if they dont have fires then they will have troops
[22:19] Crector: 477:393 and 478:392
[22:20] Crector: Once DAlex finishes with them, then there will just be armed farmers there.
[22:20] fart4fun: is he not conqering them?
[22:21] Crector: I believe he already has 3 outposts.
[22:21] GARYM: how far are they from your castle
[22:22] fart4fun: let me check
[22:22] fart4fun: oh. 47 miles
[22:23] GARYM: dalex already has 3 op he is just attacking
[22:23] fart4fun: ok. is 47 too ureasonible
[22:24] GARYM: you should try to keep it under 20
[22:24] fart4fun: ok
[22:25] Crector: Are barbarin attacks in the Ice Realm just as ineffective as RB attacks in our realm?
[22:26] GARYM: pretty much
[22:28] Crector: How strong is our relationship with the S.F. Stone Cold?
[22:30] GARYM: why
[22:31] Crector: Count Scarmantica's castle is in ruins and he has 5 RV's.
[22:32] fart4fun: what are rvs?
[22:33] GARYM: if he is still in the alliance ask the leader if you can have them
[22:33] GARYM: we dont steal rvs even from ruins if the are still in an alliance
[22:34] Crector: Resiource Villages.
[22:34] fart4fun: are they in the kingdoms at level 26?
[22:35] GARYM: stealing resourcce village is like stealing outpost
[22:38] fart4fun: oh. should i just take those unbuilt ops?
[22:38] Crector: You never did answer DAlex's question about doing a retal against S.F. Blood Hawks.
[22:41] Crector: f4f:  I'd go for a 6 Food unclaimed outpost.  I've got one and it sworked out very well.
[22:41] GARYM: we dont have any agreements with them so dalex can launch a retal attack againt the one who attacked him
[22:42] fart4fun: should i?
[22:42] GARYM: no only the member who was attack launches the retal attack
[22:43] GARYM: launches
[22:43] fart4fun: should I take an unbuilt op I mean
[22:44] GARYM: you need to get a good food outpost fast so if it is close to your castle get an unbuilt one
[22:44] GARYM: we can help you with resource to build it up
[22:45] fart4fun: ok. its only 5.4 miles away
[22:45] GARYM: there will still be some defenders there
[22:45] GARYM: so send a spy mission
[22:46] fart4fun: i know. 13 unidentified soldiers and 56 armed citizan. should I send my 36 swords men?
[22:46] GARYM: yes send the strongest you have and as many as you can
[22:46] fart4fun: ok
[22:47] GARYM: it is better to have too many than not enought
[22:47] GARYM: well guys i have to get to bed i need to get up early
[22:48] DAlex: nite all
[22:48] Crector: See you around.
[22:49] fart4fun: sent every troop i have(attakers) and left 9 bowmen at castle. i have to get up at 6ish tomarrow so gnight

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