Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Blitz II Chat July 23-25 2014

[20:32] RedBeard: sounds like this is the place to be lol
[20:40] Crector: For a graphical game, GGE is pretty decent.
[20:41] RedBeard: thats not very impotant to me, i got the xbox one for the better graphics but the machine overall sucks
[20:43] Crector: I remember to days of text based games, wehere the only things that developers had to work on was the game play.  All too many graphical game developers prioritize the eye candy and the gameplay is lacking.
[20:45] RedBeard: yea, it destroys good games :/
[01:12] RedBeard: your gettin busy lol
[03:18] RedBeard: there is someone attacking davi
[03:18] RedBeard: from an extreme distance
[03:18] Crector: From that same alliance it would appear.
[03:19] RedBeard: no, this person has no alliance
[03:20] Crector: Turns out its a Level 6 idiot.
[03:21] RedBeard: lol yep
[10:10] Crector: The war is now over.
[15:28] RedBeard: cool
[18:51] RedBeard: how did the outpost excersion go?
[19:13] Crector: Took it and then 1 hour later, Krieg reich guy took it.
[22:00] RedBeard: that blows man
[22:05] Crector: It was THC's idea.  I would have preferred to go for the robber baron's outpost by my castle.
[22:06] RedBeard: its really a good idea if you can get the right one.  He has one picked out for me with level 9 farmhouses. that would make me almost invincible to people my level.
[22:08] Crector: If you can hold on to it.
[22:09] RedBeard: if i can get t repaired in time i should be ok. hopefully it doesnt get taken. that was messed up for that guy to take yours.
[22:10] Crector: yes
[22:12] RedBeard: THC said he thinks they are mad that we did not sub to them and you and him didnt go to their alliance or something
[22:24] RedBeard: Why are you attacking that landon guy a lot?
[22:39] Crector: He's an easy target and I can get 180+ honor for doing it.  You should attack him too.
[22:40] Crector: eris is not coming...comp problems.
[23:05] RedBeard: ah, i thought he tried to attack you or somethin. hopefully it evens out for eris, maybe we might not even need him?
[00:40] Crector: Perhaps.  Lost to fighterlandon and once again caught that corvette guy trying to sabotage my castle.
[00:55] RedBeard: how did you lose to landon?
[01:02] Crector: He had more defenders than I had attackers.
[01:04] RedBeard: did you put a good dent in him?
[03:25] zsolti554: hy
[03:25] zsolti554: my hungari
[03:57] RedBeard: hungarian?
[09:09] zsolti554: YES
[09:12] zsolti554: hy Davi
[09:17] zsolti554: Davi?
[09:18] zsolti554: ittvagy?
[10:26] Dragon95: hello
[11:06] zsolti554: szia
[11:06] zsolti554: te magyarvagy?
[11:07] zsolti554: Dragon95!
[11:10] zsolti554: you hungarien Dragon95?
[11:11] zsolti554: Yes
[11:11] zsolti554: No
[11:11] zsolti554: ??????
[11:13] zsolti554: hy davi
[11:14] zsolti554: RoaR
[11:14] zsolti554: vaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[11:18] zsolti554: you englis Davi?????

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