Saturday, February 21, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat February 21/22 2015

[23:54] Crector: He has 71 on the right side and 46  in the courtyard 8 minutes ago.
[23:54] klemal: he isn't using spies...he's just blowing in with ruby troops
[23:55] bmarocks: hes going all out
[23:58] klemal: probably some drunk using his wife's credit card or a kid who stole his parent's card
[23:58] klemal: fun to think about all the possibilities, isn't it
[23:58] missymae: :)
[23:59] klemal: I better scrounge up a few defenders for my southern most op...the one closest to the creep
[00:03] klemal: mm, I hope my defenders get to you before this goon decides to attack you again
[00:05] missymae: me and you both...
[00:07] klemal: I just collected taxes, and received only half of what was due me.....
[00:07] klemal: this game is full of bugs
[00:09] Crector: Such as/
[00:09] klemal: this guy is over 1500 in honor now
[00:10] klemal: such as my assets disappearing on occasion
[00:10] Crector: Since origamifarmer does nothing but whine and complain, I don't have any sympathy for him.  All he needs to do is commit to either alternative that I've spelled out to him.
[00:10] klemal: he's like a cancer
[00:10] klemal: not OF, this moron
[00:11] Crector: From jtorres1990 of the S.F. Lionhearts:
[00:11] Crector: this player is becoming a well known threat
[00:11] klemal: we all better figure out what to do with this turd before it's too late
[00:13] klemal: nice to know our main alliance is so attentive to our messages and current events
[00:13] Crector: Who did you msg over there?  frf?
[00:14] missymae: im about to hit him....hope i do some damage
[00:14] klemal: I am going to message my girlfriend indianwoman...who is now with another alliance....yes, f4f
[00:15] missymae: you see now he is looking for an alliance
[00:15] klemal: whats this little ahole's cords?
[00:15] Crector: You suppose he was auditoning to get into an aliance?
[00:15] missymae: 471.311
[00:16] klemal: he needs a ass kicking
[00:17] missymae: agreed
[00:17] missymae: got some of his troops... can anyone do a sneak attack????
[00:18] Crector: From jtorr3s1990:
[00:18] Crector: knight templars , sf usaf tigers and the sf lionhearts are going to have to form a coalition with each alliance recieving updates and espionage results from time to time at the same time each alliance setting specific coordinated attacks to keep giving him pressure until he realizes he has reached a deadend thats my opinion
[00:18] Crector: jtorres1990
[00:20] Crector: mm:  How many of his troops did you get?
[00:20] Crector: Could you send the battle report to the alliance?
[00:20] missymae: 51
[00:24] missymae: did you get it
[00:24] Crector: yes...he had 154 trops
[00:24] Crector: Fro jtorres1990:
[00:24] Crector: he is under pressure !!! now he seeks an alliance its exactly what i was saying eariler to the knight templars .... the more attacks the more he will be under pressure
[00:29] klemal: he is a pariah
[00:30] klemal: anyone who takes him in will be marked by all our alliances
[00:31] klemal: whoever takes him in will get a statement from me and I hope the diplomats and leaders of the other alliances do the same
[00:33] Crector: Don't threaten them
[00:34] bmarocks: We dont know who is them yet
[00:34] klemal: no...just let them know the guy they have taken in is a creep
[00:36] Crector: From jtorres1990:
[00:36] Crector: he needs an alliance because he knows hes been hit multiple times and cant do it all by himself and feels the pressurehe just needs an alliance to hide behind one so they can protect him while he does his dirty tactics attacking ops

[00:36] klemal: so you're saying he should be allowed to continue with this abberant behavior?
[00:37] klemal: that guy has it right on
[00:38] bmarocks: who will protect him though?
[00:38] Crector: Are you asking me if I sympathize with him or some thing?
[00:38] bmarocks: who would go to war for someone who just joined
[00:38] klemal: mm, I hope he comes after you when my troops are there
[00:39] missymae: agreed
[00:39] bmarocks: they will know hes up to know good
[00:39] missymae: ima attack him a wave.  just as soon as my troops get back from the other attack
[00:41] missymae: bbl
[00:41] klemal: make sure you do it from your main castle
[00:48] bmarocks: whats the reasoning behind flooding your enemy with low quality men
[00:48] bmarocks: men with 26 attack power
[00:48] bmarocks: its like a army of peasants
[00:49] bmarocks: saw a alot of people do it
[00:49] missymae: its what i had at the time.. all my good attackers were attacking the one that attacked another member..
[00:50] bmarocks: i see
[00:51] missymae: allsfair's main castle was under attack so i attacked him and won!! whoop whoop
[00:51] missymae: 506.332
[00:54] klemal: nice win too
[00:55] missymae: thanks
[00:56] missymae: what level for a shadow attack?
[00:57] klemal: well it looks as though the mergatroid has eased off for awhile...but I'm sure the tumor will have grown much larger by daylight. I am going to hit the sack and hope he doesn't maul me. nite all
[00:58] missymae: nite
[00:58] bmarocks: good night

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