Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Blitz II Chat August 3rd 2014

[02:07] Crector: whaqt did he say?
[02:07] RedBeard: I checked it is too late for me to call them back. Sorry bud. Send over some resources and I will leave you guys alone in the futue.
[02:07] Crector: I'm not paying tribute.
[02:08] RedBeard: not tribute
[02:08] RedBeard: he was wanting resources
[02:08] RedBeard: ill send him some from my outpost
[02:08] Crector: same thing.
[02:08] RedBeard: have lots of wood
[02:08] Crector: Don't do it.
[02:09] RedBeard: you sure? that alliance could beat us.
[02:10] Crector: Don't give in to extortion.  What did you say in your msg to him?
[02:10] Crector: He sure has a lot of elite troos in his army
[02:11] RedBeard: if he would call back our troops cuz we were in war. if he would i would send him resources.
[02:11] RedBeard: *his
[02:11] RedBeard: cuz i figured thats what he was after
[02:11] Crector: send him resources and it gives them the idea that if they need stuff, all they have to do is threaten us.
[02:12] RedBeard: i wont, was just trying to get them off our backs for the time being
[02:13] RedBeard: so we could focus on offense
[02:13] RedBeard: there is not a lot of time if they start to get online
[02:14] RedBeard: THC wants me to tell you that before you hunt for an outpost to take a day and move your castle closer
[02:14] Crector: Its just a lone member making a grab...nothing unusual...he probably did not know that there was a war until you told him.
[02:16] Crector: Not going for an outpost until the war is over.
[02:16] RedBeard: obviously
[02:16] RedBeard: he just wants us to be close so we can defend eachother
[02:17] RedBeard: he said that he could have 50 defensive units at your outpost right now if you were closer
[02:17] Crector: So you offered to give him resources?
[02:17] RedBeard: ill paste the message
[02:18] RedBeard: title was: we are in war
[02:18] RedBeard: if you would be kind enough to call back your army i will give you resources.
[02:18] Crector: Appeasement never wrks.
[02:19] Crector: Now I'm a Baron
[02:19] RedBeard: nice
[02:20] Crector: What did THC think about your offering apeasement to devil's feary?
[02:21] RedBeard: I did't tell him
[02:22] RedBeard: *didn't
[02:22] Crector: Why because you were afraid of his reaction?
[02:23] RedBeard: no, because i didn't think it was that big of a deal?
[02:23] Crector: I should not have listened to you about staying to defend....should have followed my first instinct to pull the army out in another direction...11 buildings are on fire.
[02:24] Crector: It is a bid deal especially if it encourages more attacks from that direction.
[02:24] RedBeard: i'll send him a messahe and tell him otherwise if it makes you feel better
[02:24] Crector: You mean THC?
[02:24] RedBeard: and if you wouldnt have defended you would have a lot more damagae
[02:24] RedBeard: *damage
[02:25] RedBeard: thats why i said you should defend
[02:25] RedBeard: ill send you resources
[02:25] Crector: I would have pereserved my army...
[02:25] Crector: Either you tell THC or I will.
[02:26] RedBeard: calm down
[02:26] RedBeard: ill tell him
[02:26] Crector: So are you going to tell THC?

02:58] Crector: Just looked at the punks'; alliance description  and it now says that it is a sub of something called The Ultra's Team.
[02:59] RedBeard: sucks for them
[03:10] Crector: But the Ultra's description says that they are a sub of the punk's alliance.  I told THC that if he decided to make peace or push the war further on, I'd support him either way.
[03:16] RedBeard: he is talking to their leader
[03:17] RedBeard: devil is fine, he said he didnt realise who we were
[03:17] RedBeard: and now they are talking like old pals
[03:21] Crector: Sio devil forgot who I was?
[03:21] Crector: The game says that I cannot use the name of Hitler in msg's.
[03:26] Crector: Just posted this to the GGE forum:  The game would not let me send a message using the name Hitler explaining to another alliance member how appeasement does not work, and the game would not let me send it because Hitler is a bad word.
[03:27] RedBeard: Dude, will you just drop it, the problem was fixed
[03:28] RedBeard: it was a mistake and i apologize that it ticked you off so bad
[03:46] Crector: Aplogy accepted..I did react overly harshly too so I apologize for that.
[03:47] RedBeard: thank you kind sir
[03:47] Crector: Just got the 10 elite troops bonus for fulfilling the 50 bonus quest points.
[03:55] RedBeard: nice
[03:56] Crector: Would not have made any difference if  I had gotten them before the attack.
[03:58] Crector: Thank you for the stone.  THC says that the deputy is attacking him.
[04:01] RedBeard: yes
[04:03] RedBeard: he must have sent that attack a long time ago
[04:03] RedBeard: its a lot of guys
[04:05] Crector: Too many for THC?
[04:05] Crector: I was wondering why he fell so easily.
[04:06] RedBeard: depends on what kind of guys they are
[04:06] RedBeard: he has about 75 of the strongest defense troops
[04:07] RedBeard: if the number added up from his mens offense dont overtake THCs defensive numbers than THC will win. plus he has a lot of castkle defenses
[04:07] RedBeard: *castle
[04:08] Crector: The General of The Ultras is right by landon's castle.
[04:08] Crector: teean picked up 18 glory points.
[04:08] RedBeard: we could probably use him
[04:11] Crector: My army is now 9 minutes from hitting landon's castle.  If I had kept them at my castle, it would only have increaded the casualties on both sides without changing the outcome.
[04:12] RedBeard: notice that the deputies castle is on fire
[04:14] Crector: Remember I did attack hime earlier
[04:15] RedBeard: THC pulled off sabotage
[04:15] RedBeard: successfully
[04:15] Crector: despite all taverns/guardhouses?
[04:15] RedBeard: yep
[04:16] Crector: great.
[04:21] Crector: My 76 man army took the main castle and gained 1 XP point that was all I needed to reach lvl 25.
[04:25] RedBeard: nice
[04:33] Crector: Just used all of the rubies that i had saved up to fix erverything at the castle.
[04:34] RedBeard: thc was defeated
[04:35] Crector: He seemed to expect it owing to all the elite troops.
[04:38] RedBeard: was a lot lol
[04:38] RedBeard: he took out 80 of them though
[04:39] Crector: He'll be that much of a threat now that his leader has been so ravaged.
[04:40] RedBeard: yea lol
[04:41] Crector: that much less of a threat is what I meant.
[04:47] Crector: Thanks for the wood.
[04:49] RedBeard: your welcome
[04:57] Crector: With the help of your resources, I can now get at levelling up my towers.

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