Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Blitz II Chat August 9th 2015

22:43] Crector: We have suitable enemies already:  Melissa Jones, MadeineL & bryanlam
[22:44] RedBeard: pretty soon you won't be able to get anything from them after they have been depleted
[22:44] teean: yea i hit melissa jones that's why i'm waiting for my general to come home
[22:45] Crector: Wfrong...they ares till producing all sorts of stuff to loot...bryanlam is still active, but outclassed as long as he is in a 1 player alliance.
[22:45] RedBeard: me and thc were talking about about finding a suitable alliance that can easily fall, hence we would obtain their outposts and maybe gain their members that could possibly fuel a 3rd branch.
[22:45] Crector: N.  Just stick with independent players.
[22:46] RedBeard: when a players building become damage, the output of their resources and funds are dwindled to the point to where those buildings will be completely destroyed
[22:46] RedBeard: you wont be able to gain from them forever
[22:46] Crector: Way too early to be talking about a 3rd branch...between the 2 Blitzes, we have hjust enough active players to constitute 1 good alliance.
[22:47] RedBeard: We arent speaking of short term
[22:47] RedBeard: we are planning for long term
[22:47] RedBeard: this is something that won't fgo into effect for a long time, but we will be ready when it does.
[22:47] RedBeard: I'm not saying this is somethin that will happen tomorrow, this is months in the planning
[22:47] Crector: Its too early to be talking about iot period.
[22:48] Crector: it
[22:48] RedBeard: reguardless of what you think, we are continuing to plan ahead because that is the reason we have expanded so quickly
[22:49] Crector: Expanded with lots of players who have quit so quickly.
[22:49] RedBeard: Do you expect to grow rto a huge force overnight?
[22:49] RedBeard: we need a reputaion first
[22:49] RedBeard: and that takes time
[22:49] Crector: You guys talk like you do.
[22:50] RedBeard: If you would have read what i said, I told you this is a long term plan
[22:50] RedBeard: Which of course is the reason I said it, so you would read it and know
[22:50] teean: i just got a new title all
[22:50] RedBeard: nice
[22:51] teean: i am now a chevalier
[22:51] RedBeard: what was your reward for it.
[22:51] teean: gold wood and xp
[22:52] RedBeard: your doing good in resources now eh?
[22:52] teean: was yes i was
[22:52] Crector: Do you guys need any resources?
[22:52] teean: upgrades are expensive lol
[22:52] teean: i can use both if ya got extra
[22:53] RedBeard: indeed, and no thank you crector, im good at the moment.
[22:53] RedBeard: THC would appreciate them though
[22:53] teean: crector i was ladled with thc and red thankyous for the donation but as i said upgrades are murder on materials
[22:54] teean: sdne them to THC for me and say thanks for the sending he did to me
[22:54] Crector: ok...going to try to capture and unclaimed stone outpost right now.
[22:55] teean: man my neighborhood is in flames lol
[22:55] Crector: Bewcause of you?
[22:55] teean: yea lol
[22:56] RedBeard: did you get the message i sent you about that player with outposts that would benefit you?
[22:56] teean: haven't seen it
[22:57] RedBeard: to crector
[22:57] Crector: I believe those were wood outposts...I need stone badly.
[22:57] RedBeard: ah ok
[22:57] teean: check the defeat i just took
[22:57] RedBeard: i think that guy's alliance sent him support teean
[22:57] Crector: 477 man garrisonn
[22:58] teean: i think so too lol a little worried were th

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