Sunday, March 8, 2015

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept. 28/29 2014

17:24] Whiplash: lof has becaome useless
[17:26] GARYM: crector Lee_41 will not answer my messages any more
[17:33] Crector: GARYM:  If we shut down this alliance, then where will we go?  Are there any LOF-affiliated alliances that will take us in?
[17:34] Crector: Assuming that we'd want to stick with LOF for the long term...
[18:07] Crector: Got another incoming attack from ER
[18:26] Crector: We're supposed to be at peace with ER, yet the mment Dianais's supporting troops left, ER launched yet another attack on Outpost Tex.
[18:26] Crector: Trex.
[19:00] Rust_Nail: if you move where will the low level guys go
[19:09] Crector: As a Lvl 32'er, I'm considered a low lvl guy myself.  Mars League is almost completely inactive.  Alaska Pirates seems like strong outfit, but its roster is full.
[19:12] Crector: Of all the non-LOF alliances, in this area, only Smecledors II seems like a good outfit.
[19:13] Crector: Gary's been awfully quiet lately.
[19:14] Crector: Has zicam ever said anything in chat?
[19:18] Rust_Nail: those guys that attacked us seem to be pretty good
[19:18] Rust_Nail: KR
[19:18] Rust_Nail: trigger happy and they dont like you obviously
[19:18] Rust_Nail: but they are strong
[19:19] Rust_Nail: how about the Bounty Hunters
[19:19] Crector: I used to be one fo them and left after finding out that they were a bunch of cheaters and gang-bangers,
[19:19] Rust_Nail: how did they cheat
[19:19] Rust_Nail: and what is a gang banger
[19:20] Crector: Are the Bounty Huntes around you.  Gangbangers are players who attack others en masse su what ER did to me today.
[19:20] Crector: such as
[19:41] Rust_Nail: oh ok
[19:42] Rust_Nail: got to go for awhile
[19:42] Crector: bye
[19:42] Rust_Nail: gonna watch the football game
[19:43] Crector: Bears lost big time.
[20:33] GARYM: crector lee41 kicked out itsnotpersonal as soon as he found out who he was and did not know who let him in
[21:02] Crector: Here's a msg that I got from ItsNotPersonal7:  PLZZ TELL THEM TO LET ME BACK
[21:35] Crector: Another message from ItsNotPersonal7 aka Captain Clueless:   HELP ME IN GETING ATTACKED LEFT AND RIGHT PLZZZZZZ HELP ME
[21:39] Crector: GARYM:  Are you getting any msg's from this idiot as well?
[21:53] GARYM: no but i would ignore them
[22:00] Crector: About when do you plan to shut down this alliance?
[22:04] GARYM: i dont  we will survive
[22:04] GARYM: we have a hardy bunch of members and they will only get stronger as time goes by
[22:06] Crector: Even when you don't have the support of the LOF brass and several senior members have either quit or gone inactive or become useless?
[22:08] GARYM: lof has never been very supportive they always sugest that the alliances being attacked join their allliance but they want to pick our choose who they take and they never send support or help attack your enemies
[22:09] GARYM: the members that went inactive were just wait for dt to quick attacking and now that the tournament is over they will probablly start gettin online again
[22:10] Crector: The likes of sunny007 stopped playing before the DT problem and one of them has the rank of General.
[22:12] Crector: I'd like to nominate DAlex for General if justin smith never returns.
[22:16] GARYM: not a bad idea
[22:19] Crector: Also thank you for the promotion to Sergeant...for some reason, unlike other games, I never received a msg from the game telling me about it and I did not notice it until seeing my name on the roster today,
[22:23] GARYM: your welcome
[22:27] Crector: I don';t want to either leave this alliance as long as Dianais is in it since when I decided to leave the Mars League, you were the only LOF alliance leader who gave me a yes.  The other leaders either fauled to respond or referred me to oth3er leaders who failed to answer.
[22:32] GARYM: dianais has been here  a while and is very loyal and helpful to all members of the alliance
[22:34] Crector: That and the fact that her castle is so close to mine.
[22:40] Crector: Another problem is the fact that most of the non-LOF alliances in my areas such as Anarchy, TNOTAIS & Wolfgang seem to be pretty weak.
[22:43] GARYM: just like the other alliances we used to have a lot of level 70 members and they got bored with the game and bullys like dt MISC and HIVE and quit
[22:43] GARYM: those that remain have been with me a long time
[22:44] GARYM: as some members level up they get bored and want more action so theyt go to an alliamnce that goes to war a lot but some come back
[22:51] Crector: Never come across anyone in MISC or HIVE.  Are those outfits spent forces?
[22:52] GARYM: they were  large alliances like DT who attacked everyone
[22:54] Crector: Of all the alliances in my area, only Smecledors II seems  pretty strong, and thier parent alliance has good website, but have only member in my area.
[22:54] GARYM: and noone could stand up to them they are still around but not as strong as they once were
[22:58] GARYM: look up famous gold he is the king of H.I.V.E
[22:59] Crector: Alert:  the player was not found
[23:00] GARYM: sorry famousgold
[23:01] GARYM: also look up alan82  he is in one of the MISC alliances
[23:02] Crector: FamousGold does not have one of huge castles like the King of Neph does.
[23:03] Crector: Neither does alan82
[23:04] Crector: Grand Duke Anarcia does though.
[23:04] GARYM: i dont thinkg he has been the king long hive had a large war and internal problems so they broke up.  they used to be all around us and wer attacking us all the time they even had a palce near us where they could make kings guard troops
[23:06] GARYM: DT AND KON are top alliances now
[23:07] Crector: How do AOD, LOF & Smecledors compare to them?
[23:07] GARYM: well i am off to bed see you tomorrow
[23:07] Crector: ok...see you around.
[00:36] Crector: Oddly enough there is no evidence of anyone attacking him.

[09:44] Crector: Why is everyone in this alliance so far apart in Everwinter?
[09:50] DarkHorse7: we all wnt over at different times the ones that went together are closer together
[11:08] Whiplash: going to eat bbl
[15:24] Sexy Beast 17: whats up i am just making repairs
[15:25] Crector: Doing the same and building up the igloo in Everwinter where only Barbarians ever attack anyone.
[15:28] Crector: Also just over 4 hours until the army with the castellan reaches the still intact luvrative outpost.
[15:28] ColonelDicJr: DT hit me in sands 3 hours ago
[15:29] Crector: Thanks again SB 17 for the resources that sped up upgrading the Estate  by about 12 hours or so.
[15:31] ColonelDicJr: your welcome
[15:32] Crector: Are yoou SB 17 as well?
[15:32] ColonelDicJr: oh i thought you were talking to me
[15:33] Crector: Here's a question for you:  Are you an officer in the Air Force?
[15:33] ColonelDicJr: no
[15:34] Crector: So its just a coincidence that this alliance's initials are U.S.A.F.?
[15:35] ColonelDicJr: i think so you will have to ask garym
[15:37] ColonelDicJr: sorry for butting in sexy i didnt know you wer on line
[15:37] Sexy Beast 17: thats ok i thought you might have given him resources too
[15:38] Sexy Beast 17: hey crector do you need anymore resources
[15:38] Crector: No, thank you very much.
[15:40] Sexy Beast 17: how are the fires going i have a few to put out
[15:40] Crector: The only other players who sent resources were Rust_Nail and Dianais, the latter of whom sent 12,100 bread.
[15:40] ColonelDicJr: bbl
[15:41] Crector: Its going to take more than a day to put themm all out....have a building with 100% damage.
[15:41] Sexy Beast 17: i have never seen that
[15:42] Crector: Wonder why its still standing....have you ever been mass attacked?
[15:43] Sexy Beast 17: yes but not that high damage on 1 building
[15:45] Sexy Beast 17: well let me know if you need any resources i have lots of food but no troops
[15:45] Sexy Beast 17: bye
[15:45] Crector: bye
[16:59] DarkHorse7: no just in ice
[17:01] Crector: Didn't you know that I already sdent you a load of food in Ice and why did you sceam in ALL CAPS in your msg tlo me?
[17:04] DarkHorse7: dream team can attack you any where and they hammered me there in ice
[17:22] General 313: i talked to other alliances and they say they have been attacked by DT.  they attack you for about a week until they get no more glory and then they move on to another alliance
[17:40] Crector: 439:375  I'm sabotaging this punk who's attacking frailmas and would like to ask everyone to do the same.
[18:04] Crector: Just successfully sabotaged him,
[18:26] fart4fun: I need as much of 6000 wood and stone at my castle for my upgrades. if you dont help i understand
[18:45] Crector: I'll help eventually...important thing is that my advanced force softened up the target for my castellan army to take permanently.
[19:23] fart4fun: cool. thanks for the help
[19:27] fart4fun: GaryM ddo  you have stuff to spare?
[19:45] Crector: I captured the lucrative outpost with my castellan army.  However, the defensive troops that I sent to reinforce the place are aparently being treated by the game as an enemy force comlete with the horn for "time until enemy attack" on my screen.
[19:47] Crector: And on the Travel Overview it even treats the reinforcing army as an "attack."
[19:49] General 313: call back your second group it is counted as an attack
[19:50] General 313: you cant  reinforce until occupation is over
[19:50] Crector: I can't.
[19:51] General 313: hope the second group loses or you will have to start all over again
[19:52] Crector: Its smaller than the occupying force and the 3nd group is composed of archers for the most part.
[21:15] fart4fun: I really need resources for upgrades. only have 200 of each
[21:16] Crector: Now being attacked at the outpost by shadow mecenaries....over 400 of them.
[21:17] Crector: f4f:  You can wait for your plants to generate new resources....patience is a virtue.
[22:31] Crector: Castellan army wiped out by shadow mercenaries....all that work for nothing.

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