Sunday, March 8, 2015

U.s. Armed Forces Chat October 4th/5th 2014

[00:28] Crector: For the first time ever, this alliance's Travel Overview is completely blank.  Guess I'm going to have to remedy that.
[08:29] DAlex: morning
[09:29] jimmer777: morning
[11:48] Crector: One of my outposts is under attack by a guy in Elite Scout.
[11:56] Crector: The War Marshal for Elite Scout is noc who used  to be in our alliance...
[12:24] Crector: Unfortunately, I have to go now...hopefully our leadership can strike back at this Umon attack forces are all in the field so can't retal right away.
[14:52] Crector: Here's the message that I just got from the Umon guy inElite Scout why he attacked my outpost Solar Empire:  i am also  Bonnie3  why do attack and sabotage my outposts? you don't even attack the castle ... whats up with that?  I notified  your leader that i was doing it as retaliation
[14:59] Crector: That's som,ething I've noticed about this game:  How many multi's there are and how little care they take to cover their actions.  Does the staff even enforce the rules against multis?
[14:59] m20321: Hey Crector.  I've been watching your battle reports in the notifications.  A couple of days ago I posted a question in the Alliance Notice Board.  I was hoping you could take a look and shed some light on how you setup your attacks.
[15:01] Crector: Put your forces on the flanks for a possible double envelopment as at Cannae or the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg.
[15:04] m20321: when do you use your ladders, gate rams etc...?
[15:05] Crector: Not against robber barons...use them only when you think you are up against a strong garrison.
[15:09] m20321: gotcha.  How do you address the rocks or other defenses?
[15:09] Crector: What do you mean?
[15:10] m20321: You seem to take low losses when you attack but I've been losing quite a few guys.  I just didn't know if it was from the rocks or the way I was attacking.
[15:12] Crector: Mostg of he places I attack are outposts belonging to players whose castles are in ruins or independent players who are severely battered from other playes....
[15:13] m20321: Cool.  Thanks for the advice
[15:13] Crector: 431:374 is a good poorly defended target you can hit repeatedly every day.
[15:27] Crector: Another message from Bonnie3 aka Umon:  i did not declare war ... someone in our group left  declared war on everyone & threw out several members lower level to him . i sent out declarations of peace immediately several groups  responded  i never heard back from you guys.... And suddenly my outposts are being repeatedly  attacked ... we  are a small training group for elite scout ..peace  would be great!!!
[15:30] Crector: Yet another messagefrom the multi enemy:  i tried to sensd another piece offering I hope you will accept it
[15:40] Crector: SB 17 or GARYM:  Are there any staff members who you can report multi's to who will actually do something to keep out cheaters?
[15:57] legus: Hey I just joined.
[16:02] Crector: Great
[16:03] Crector: Any questions?
[16:04] m20321: So I just attacked a guy that was part of an alliance that has now declared war.  He wasn't part of an alliance when I bookmarked him.  How do I make it right?
[16:06] legus: Do you guys have like any rules?
[16:06] Crector: Its a stupid rule that if an alliance leader leaves a box checked, whenever a member of that alliance is attacked, there is an automatic declaration of war.  Hopefully, GARYM can fix things and bring the war to a swift end.
[16:07] m20321: GARYM - I apologize.  Guess I should've double checked.  Lesson learned...
[16:08] Crector: Read the Alliance Description by hitting the Management button for the rules.
[16:09] legus: thanks
[16:33] Crector: Now the multi Umon/Bonnie3 is attacking my castle while the defense troops are still en route....
[16:36] m20321: Is there a rule against attacking outpost in ruins?
[16:38] Crector: If itis still ina aan alliance, you can't hit it.  Only can hit it if it is not in an alliance.
[16:42] m20321: gotcha.  Thanks again.
[16:43] DAlex: sorry Crector, cant make it in time, but sent spys to Umon.  lets see what he has
[16:44] m20321: Wish I was big enough to help...
[16:59] Crector: Thanks for the spy report General DAlex....175 troops at his castle.
[17:03] DAlex: no prob, will check his outposts also
[17:10] Crector: Just got spy report on Bonnie3's casstle expected considerably weaker than Umon's.  As soon as my heavy attack troops get back from raiding acer1's outpost, I'm going to attack the multi's castle down south.
[17:13] jimmer777: thanks for the report
[17:13] Crector: Hatrd to believe that he attacked with archers...
[17:17] DAlex: no veterans at Umon, so you should be fine when your attack troops get back.
[17:19] Crector: Here's the multi's lame excuse for the attack:  i atacked  before we talked sorry it was right after you  attacked and sabotaged  my outposts  repeatedly .. it took a while to get there  :)   I wont attack anymore if you don't
[17:21] DAlex: your call.  sounds like they want it to end.
[17:22] Crector: He could have retreated if he wanteed to.  That and the fact that he's a multi won't save him now.  Only question is that since neither Gary or the deputies seem to be around, should I contact folks outside this alliance for help?
[17:27] DAlex: waht do you mean by multi?  He's playing multiple castles
[17:28] Crector: He said in that message that I posted to Chat that he is both Bonnie3 & Umon...multiple accounts are banned in  every online game that I nknow of although all too many game staffs are pretty lazy when it comes to enforcing the rules.
[17:29] Crector: In other words, the players have todo the policing.
[17:29] DAlex: ahh, missed it.  now understand the Bonnie connection.

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