Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat March 16-17 2015

[19:09] FamousGreyWolf: lets get there then
[19:10] FamousGreyWolf: need a free target
[19:12] Crector: Why not that guy in  the enemy alliance you attacked earlier?
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: elite scouts an enemy
[19:13] Crector: king craig
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: good
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: o them
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: alright
[19:13] Crector: or E_Z_X_RAMPAGE
[19:14] Crector: 503:389
[19:15] Crector: or mollymylove
[19:17] FamousGreyWolf: alright they are all marked
[19:43] Crector: Foxyman122:  Did you attack black2010hawks's OP without provocation as he alleges?
[19:44] Crector: msg from black2010hawks:
[19:44] Crector: Your player foxyman attacked my  op without provocation.
[19:46] Foxyman122: opps that was me sorry did not know
[19:47] Foxyman122: i am going on vacation for a month so wont be on for a while so dont kick me please
[19:48] Crector: If you are gone for a month, your castle will be rdeuced to ruins.
[19:48] Foxyman122: I will check in onence and a while ok
[19:50] Crector: You'll need to check in at least once a week and do somethiing to stay in this alliance.
[19:58] Foxyman122: Oki will
[20:33] Crector: Hey Colonel, you haven't been getting any boats built lately.
[20:33] ColonelDicJr: computer problems i seem to be ok now
[20:33] Crector: good
[20:34] ColonelDicJr: just started another boat
[20:36] ColonelDicJr: we need more members in the islands
[20:40] Crector: yes
[20:41] Crector: Have to be at least lvl 35 to be in the islands.
[20:44] ColonelDicJr: we need that ruby prize
[20:53] Crector: yes
[21:04] Crector: Msg from maka40 of HL Elite Scout:
[21:04] Crector: i don't know what is going on but if we are at war i would like to know what brought it on one of your players messaged me his name is foxy
[21:06] FamousGreyWolf: guy Im gone for the night
[21:23] Crector: Follow-up msg from maka40:
[21:23] Crector: You will wish you had not made an enemy today we were goig to let you live but we are coming for you so be ready for what yoy asked for. We will show no mercey. I will show no mercey So you wanted war you will get war.Sgt. Foxyman122Let hell decend on you and alince his exact words i copied and paste this
[22:02] Crector: Msg from black2010haw3ks:
[22:02] Crector: thanks for the resources. but Famous Grey Wolf attack the same Op...not trying to be a tough guy but I will instruct my alliance to retaliatiate if this continues
[05:37] Crector: Heres a msg from ghe leader of the Tampant Rangers, an alliance that has never given us any trouble:hello again just saw the reports again and there was 2 hits by foxyman both on out post and one on an out post by graywolf.
[05:37] Crector: Rampant Rangers
[11:37] Crector: Both Foxyman122 and FGW have been demoted to basic member.  If you have any dubt about alliance policy, look up the alliance annnouncement and scroll down.
[12:30] missymae: do we have any connection to casterly rock??
[12:31] missymae: i can attack right?
[12:38] FamousGreyWolf: need wood at my main can someone help
[12:38] Crector: Yes you can attack, but attack their main.
[12:39] missymae: of course
[20:28] sunny007: hello all
[20:36] Crector: helo sunny
[20:38] missymae: hello
[20:40] Crector: Just sent the following to FGW's new alliance leader:
[20:40] Crector: Just wanted to warn you that FamousGreyWolf is a player who violated our rules including not attacking outposts belonging to alliances that we are not at war with.  For this, he was demoted from Sgt. to member and was on very thin ice.

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