Friday, November 21, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 21st 2014

[13:26] slickdave50: hello all
[13:27] Crector: hello
[14:06] klemal: My world map is on auto pilot, I just keep orbiting the planet. It makes me dizzy looking at it so I guess I'll log off for awhile and see if their merry-go-round stops.
[14:07] Crector: Your map is going herky jerky on you?
[14:56] Crector: All of a sdden, I'm finding all sorts of neat targets in Ice while the list of good targets in Evergreen shrinks.
[15:30] slickdave50: i need some wood at my outpost
[15:30] slickdave50: plz
[15:33] Crector: How much more?
[15:34] slickdave50: dont worry about it
[15:36] Crector: 3,500 Wood coming in 7 minutes.
[15:37] Crector: Looks like you've been doing some rearranging the buildings....
[15:38] slickdave50: do you like it
[15:40] Crector: Its ok.
[15:43] slickdave50: it, a mess right now
[15:44] Crector: It will look a lot better when all the rubble is cleared away.
[15:45] slickdave50: thz for the wood i,ll pay you back
[15:46] Crector: no need to.
[15:46] fart4fun: tip: organize by size not so much building type. i mean put buildings of same buildings in rows, but all same sized (eg. production plants, dwellings, and stables) in one area (storehouse is as big as two of those i listed so can go with them) best accomplished in blueprint mode
[15:47] fart4fun: look at my castle if you dont know what i mean
[17:07] Crector: Just achieved the 70 activity point bonus.
[17:30] sunny007: hello all
[17:32] Crector: hello
[18:48] Crector: GARYM:  No word from CM Arcanine about what Iron Ore is good for.  Nothing on the forums.  Earlier today, DarkHorse7 was speculating that its an intentional mystery update to keep the game interesting for players by making them figure it out for themselves.
[18:54] GARYM: i am buiding mines to go to next level of legend but i wish i knew shat it was used for maybe it is needed for building at hight legend level
[18:56] Crector: Is it true that there are 150+ levels at Legend?
[18:57] GARYM: i dont know
[18:57] GARYM: in 3 hours i should reach legend 2
[19:01] Crector: When I click to upgrade my Lvl 3 flour mill, it says it is available at legendary level 150 and that it will require over 50,000 units of stone, wood, olive oil and what I'm guessing is the symbol for glass.
[19:01] GARYM: wow
[19:03] Crector: Wonder jsut how many players will even reach  legendary level 150.
[19:04] GARYM: the flour mill goes up to level 6
[19:05] Crector: Why can't flour mills go up that high for us sub-70 players?
[19:05] Crector: Are barracks the same?
[19:27] Crector: See zicam's mass recruiting for some new offensive in the nether regions.
[19:36] zicam: Hello
[19:37] Crector: Hello master recruiter.
[19:39] zicam: Hello activity master
[19:40] Crector: Thank you.
[19:51] GARYM: barracks did not go up they stop at 5
[19:52] GARYM: taverns go up to 7
[19:53] GARYM: guardhouse goes up to 7
[19:54] GARYM: dwelling goes to 12
[19:55] GARYM: encampment goes to 7
[19:55] Crector: All that should make things really interesting for you Lvl 70'ers.
[19:56] GARYM: like the tavers dont start until legend 18
[19:56] GARYM: taverns
[19:57] GARYM: encampment doesnt change until level 15
[19:58] GARYM: guardhouse changes at level 21
[19:59] GARYM: bbl
[20:27] Crector: AFK

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