Saturday, November 15, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 15 2014

[07:02] sunny007: HELLO ALL
[07:03] Crector: Hello
[07:42] fart4fun: well, i finally got all but my op towers repaired!
[07:43] General 313: i was close to having mine repaired until about 45 min ago now i have 69 new fires
[07:43] Crector: D.D.:  Did you read my msg about Solar Empire?
[07:44] fart4fun: wow. need any stone? if its  a wood op we could trade.
[07:51] General 313: this game is no fun anymore all i do is log on to put out fires and before i finish i get attacked again
[07:52] Dianais: Crector: Did so. We haven't had answer from our members, nor from friendly alliances. If you find potential to develop a food outpost go for it. You will need to abandon Solar Empire.
[07:54] fart4fun: General313: is it people or just robber baron attacking you?
[07:56] Crector: How do you abandon an outpost?
[07:57] Crector: f4f:  RB's could not do that kind of damage.
[07:57] Dianais: Economy-Management-Surender Outpost
[07:57] fart4fun: oh ok
[07:57] m20321: good morning all.  Big crowd logged on this am.
[07:59] m20321: General -  I think the problem is we don't have enough people online at any given time to support the attacks against you.
[07:59] fart4fun: i only get attacked by RBs. boring and i cant get glory well because everyone around me is lvl 40+ or over 12 miles away.
[07:59] fart4fun: m20321: I agree
[08:00] Crector: I think what I'll do is  demolish everything at Solar Emire first and transport the resources elsewhere to give you time to market it and get some benefit out fo giving it up other since Food 6 OP's seem be popping up all over.
[08:01] m20321: We still need to come to a consensus on a new alliance grouping.  I still think joining SF is right for us.  They aren't so much a structured alliance as a Co-Op.  There isn't a lead alliance per say but an agreement to band together when needed.  An alliance with them would allow us to maintain our autonomy while having the protection of a mid size alliance.
[08:01] Crector: f4f:  I routinely attack others who are well over 12 miles away.
[08:02] Crector: I've told Dianais that with the SR's being in the server wars, S-F staying out of them and SR's losing one their strongest alliances in SandH, I'm now all for going with S-F.
[08:13] Crector: Nobody else hee has an opinion on which alliance family to join it seems.
[08:21] Dianais: At this point I agree SF is a best option. We need to have Garym changing the description, though.
[08:21] fart4fun: only prob is that rober baron took out all but 5 of my 90ish troops so now i gotta rebuil army
[08:22] Dianais: If 5k rubies is what's required, then we can do it, we have abour 12k at this point.
[08:23] Crector: We can change the description...Garym alone has the power to change the name to include S-F in front of US Armed Forces.
[08:24] Crector: [07:51] General 313: this game is no fun anymore all i do is log on to put out fires and before i finish i get attacked again
[08:24] fart4fun: wow. just decided to try my luck with the smithy and got lvl 3 gem
[08:26] Crector: I agree that the game is becomeing less fun, but its because the thresholds for gaining bonus points keep going up to the point where you have to put up ungodly amounts of time in order to reach the ever increasing quotas.  With my losing targets every time I gain lin lvls, it becomes harder and harder.
[08:27] Crector: frf:  The only Legendary things that I've ever gotten are all from the alliance smithy.
[08:27] fart4fun: all the people my lvl are never on so they never rebuil armies. can only get about 4-5 glory
[08:28] fart4fun: wow. how rare is it to get legendary?
[08:29] Crector: My suspicion is that a big part of the reason why General 313 never puts out all of his fires is that he does not log in often wnough to do so.
[08:29] Crector: I only have 2 piecves of Legendary.
[08:31] Crector: Normally, to get Legendary, you have to forge 6 pieces of Epic and spend 20,000 gold coins in your smithy.
[09:18] jimmer777: blackwood wouldn't stop sabotaging me for 3 continuous days so i attacked him and he is still sabotaging me
[09:19] m20321: r u sure it's him?
[09:19] Crector: How do you know that he is the one who has been sabotaging you?

[11:01] Dianais: And of course, level up flour mill and farmhouses.
[11:02] Dianais: On the other side, you can leverage food and resource production by adding decorative items. The more decorative items, the more public orders and resource produciton
[11:03] Dianais: But you shouldn't spend too much in decorative items in the first stages of the game, as the ones that are available later are better.
[11:11] fart4fun: ok. thanks
[11:22] fart4fun: any1 active in ice world that i could move closer to?
[11:26] Crector: I'm active there.
[11:28] Crector: Have to go nwo...back in 6 hours or so.
[11:29] fart4fun: ok. byr
[11:51] m20321: I've just started a castle in ice
[12:00] Dianais: Poot1 under attack. Support will arrive just in time.
[12:04] m20321: I just looked at that and he's too far away for me to support at 90 miles away.  I woudn't have made it in time.
[12:08] m20321: Demonis - Looking at your attack troops it looks like you took advantage of the ruby deals this morning.  I'd hate to be on the receiving end of some of those attack troops.
[12:10] m20321: Dianais - How do you assign a gem to a commander or castellan?  I've been trying to figure that out for about a week now.
[12:11] fart4fun: pick up gem then click on equipment you want to apply it to. will cost coins
[12:13] m20321: So it applies to a specific piece of equipment instead of the commander/castellan...  Got it.  Thanks f4f.
[12:13] fart4fun: np
[12:13] fart4fun: what is look?
[12:16] fart4fun: couldn't find anything on web
[12:25] m20321: what do you mean "look"?
[12:26] fart4fun: the other equipment space on top besides helmat
[12:27] m20321: Gotcha.  I've been wondering the same thing.  I'm assuming it's a banner of sorts that is available at later levels.
[12:28] zicam: For anyone who is farming, this may be helpful.
[12:28] zicam:
[12:28] zicam: It is helpful to me in controling resources needed to attack
[12:29] fart4fun: not sure. people said that GGE hasn't really said. 1 guy said  that it may be something that makes your troops look a lot stronger. like macemen looking like demon horrers
[12:30] fart4fun: zicam - is it always like that?
[12:30] zicam: Yes
[12:30] fart4fun: cool
[12:31] fart4fun: thanks for the help
[12:31] fart4fun: m20321 - asking the most glorious guy bout the look thing. if anyone has one its most likly him.
[12:46] m20321: zicam - That site is awesome.  Let me know what you find f4f.  I'm getting really curious now.
[12:47] zicam: I like it. Got it from King Jimmy about 5 months back.
[13:01] slickdave50: hello
[13:22] m20321: Apparently Jimmer and this Blackwood guy haven't agreed to terms.  They're back at it again...
[14:57] slickdave50: thanks for your help
[15:56] fart4fun: k m20321. waiting on reply
[17:02] fart4fun: just spent about 5000 coins recruiting and yet my army is still smaller than I would like it to be :( any way to really fastly get coins?
[17:04] Crector: stay on for 10 minutes at a time.
[17:04] fart4fun: good point
[17:07] fart4fun: Population icrease = more tax revenue, right? so if i build lots of dwellings ill get a lot more taxes, right? Is it wiser to build dellings for tax revenue or stone quarries to make up for lost ones?
[17:08] m20321: what do you mean by lost ones?
[17:09] fart4fun: ???
[17:09] m20321: If you're looking for coins dwellings will increase your coins.
[17:09] m20321: You'll have to watch your public order though.
[17:10] m20321: I've had more luck getting coins from robber barons and barbarion attacks.
[17:10] fart4fun: oh, that. when i took over op a bout 6 lvl 10 stone quarries were destroyed. Ok.
[17:11] m20321: gotcha.
[17:11] fart4fun: well my op increased pop so i get 3477 coins in 6 hours or 363 per 10 mins
[17:12] m20321: what's your public order look like?
[17:13] fart4fun: +1,785

[17:19] fart4fun: how many two hand sword and heavy crossbowmen to send at that forwarded spy report from me? also how would i arrange them?
[17:22] m20321: how many crossbow men do you have?
[17:24] m20321: How many troop slots are available for your attack and what do the wall defenses look like? ie the number under the little picture of the wall when setting up your attack.
[17:32] fart4fun: i have 29 heavy crossbowmen. cheking other stuff
[17:32] fart4fun: slots available are 26/96/26
[17:33] fart4fun: wall defensese 70/85/70%
[17:35] m20321: I would send as many ranged soldiers as possible against the left and right flanks.  I would send 7  ladders against each flank as well.  do you have any other ranged troops?
[17:35] fart4fun: attack: no
[17:36] fart4fun: nor at my ops besides crosbowmen  (normal) would they make any difference?
[17:37] m20321: I'm not sure 29 is enough.  I would try to max both slots if you can.
[17:39] fart4fun: k. in bout 4 hours ill have 41 heavy crossbowmen and 25 two handed sword. plus 50 swordsmen I could send from my stone op. should I include them?
[17:39] m20321: they would definitely help.  you'd have to transfer to your castle and sernd them all together.
[17:39] fart4fun: k
[17:40] m20321: almost all the troops located there are weak in defense against ranged troops.
[17:42] fart4fun: got it
[17:44] m20321: I would set the attack up with two waves.  First wave all ranged.  Second Wave 75/25 Melee/Ranged with another 7 ladders on each flank.
[17:45] fart4fun: what do you mean 75/25? troops. I dont have that many after first wave
[17:47] m20321: the troops in the middle have some strong range defense so you'll want your melee troops to meet them in the courtyard.  75% of the 2nd wave would be 2 handed swords with any ranged attackers you have left.
[17:51] fart4fun: ok. thanks for help. ill probably attack aroun 9pm
[19:28] fart4fun: need wood for stone.
[21:37] fart4fun: sent the attack. you can probably see it in travle overview.
[23:22] jenga123: writing in here to get a bonus
[23:46] fart4fun: dianais- do you need any stone in return?
[23:46] Dianais: Don't, thanks.
[23:47] fart4fun: alright. thanks for wood. should hold me off till i can further upgrade my wood op.

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