Thursday, November 20, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Nov 20 2014

[06:49] Crector:
[06:50] Crector: Key paragraph:
[06:50] Crector: With today's hotfix we would like to remove the needed kingdom resources for building and upgrading buildings in your castles for players under level 70. Only the new buildings for the legend levels will need kingdom resources for building and upgrading from now on.
[07:13] jimmer777: some random person keeps sabotaging me look at my castle and op
[07:13] jimmer777: havent been able to upgrade for a week trying to put out fires
[07:14] Crector: Just fulfilled the quest to defeat RB castles Lvl 13 & higher.
[12:18] Crector: My Equipment storage is full again....
[12:40] GARYM: its all those rbs that you attacked to get traveling knights, i had the same problem
[12:48] Crector: The best thing about the latest quest of the traveling knioghts is that we had a full 24 hours to work with.  The last time before this one, we had only 5 hours to do it in.
[13:57] Crector: Is everyone else relieved that we don't need charcoal to repair or upgrade buildings anymore?
[13:58] GARYM: bbl
[14:00] LisaDaisyAnn: i'm so happy we don't need charcoal otherwise i was doomed
[14:04] Crector: When you attack others in Ice, charcoal always seems to be the thing that you get the smallest quantity of.
[14:42] Crector: Equipment storage is full again....
[14:53] Crector: In half an hour, slickdave50 takes full possession of my Stone 6 outpost Solar Empire while I launch my castellan army to claim abrand spanking  new Food 6 outpost out in the Wild West of The Great Empire.
[14:55] Crector: DarkHorse7:  What's like to have new things to do at Lvl 70?
[14:58] DarkHorse7: not much different i dont have enough charcoal, olive oil or glass to build iron mill and i dont know what to do with the iron that it makes
[14:59] DarkHorse7: there is not really much different
[14:59] Crector: Aren't you in the other kingdoms where charcoal, glass & olive oil is made or where you can steal some?
[15:02] DarkHorse7: it takes 12000 charcoal, 12000 olive oil, 12000 stone and 11000 wood to build 1 iron milll.  the mill produces 1 iron ore per hour and what do you do with the iron ore it makes
[15:03] DarkHorse7: for every 2000 of charcoal oive oil or glass you ship from other kingdoms only about 500 arrives in evergreen.  the rest is the cost of shipping
[15:03] Crector: I heard that there are new buildings in Lvl 70 now called granaries.
[15:04] DarkHorse7: must be at a higer legend level i am only legend 1
[15:04] Crector: There's a guy near my castle who's already at legend 2.
[15:04] DarkHorse7: iit take about 4000 xp to reach legend 2
[15:04] Crector: He's a big time ruby buyer.
[15:05] DarkHorse7: granery is legend level 11
[15:06] DarkHorse7: granery produces 91 food units per hour
[15:07] Crector: Take it that it costs an arm and a leg to build a granary?
[15:08] DarkHorse7: cant tell it wont let you see that until you get to the right level
[15:10] DarkHorse7: i see that garym has built an iron mill.  i hope someone can tell me what to do with the iron ore that it makes
[15:12] Crector: I can't find anything about what to do with iron ore on the GGE Forum, but apparemtly you get to have a Lvl 4 Flour Mill.
[15:16] Crector: GARYM:  What are you going to do with the iron ore that your mine is producing?
[15:16] GARYM: i dont know i havent been able to find out
[15:17] GARYM: it only produce 1 per hour
[15:17] Crector: Can't find any official explanations on the GGE Forum...
[15:18] GARYM: yeah i looke too but now answer
[15:19] Crector: This iron ore stuff seems to be as poorly thought out as the idea of requiring us to use charcoal to put out fires...
[15:22] Crector: slickdave50 now has Solar Empire in a few minutes, my castellan army will be off on an epic adventure....
[15:23] GARYM: ha slick asked to come back yet
[15:23] Crector: nio
[15:26] Crector: He might not even be any event, it will take 64 hours for my castellan army to reach its destination.
[15:27] Crector: 386:385
[15:28] GARYM: you are starting from scratch
[15:29] GARYM: how many miles from your castle is it
[15:29] Crector: 77
[15:30] GARYM: that is a long way if you have to defend it
[15:31] Crector: While tracing back the line of advance, just found another Food 6 outpost that was not there yesterday, about 8 miles closer.
[15:33] Crector: 394:381 Was dplanning on relocating to castle soon to get away from being surrounded by  all of thise Iron Fist guys.
[15:35] Crector: You are aware that BiT is now part of the Iron Fist family of alliances?

[15:50] fart4fun: Gary if you ever need any food/stone just msg me and ill give you some.
[15:51] GARYM: thanks i will remember that
[15:51] fart4fun: np
[15:52] GARYM: right now i need about 1700 charcoal in my everygreen castle anyone have some to spare
[15:53] Crector: What do you need it for?
[15:53] DarkHorse7: i will send you some when my carts get back because i will never get enough to build an iron mine
[15:54] GARYM: i am going to build another iron mine the quest says i have to build three
[15:55] GARYM: i need 2500 xp points to get to legend level 2
[15:55] Crector: Since I have no idea what to use it for now that we dont need it for repairing/upgrading, I'll send you what I have from that gift.
[15:56] GARYM: thanks
[15:57] Crector: Just sent you 2,500 charcoal from my castle and it will reach you in 27 minutes.
[15:57] GARYM: now find out for me what to use the iron ore for
[15:58] Crector: I've been looking and have sent a private msg to CM Arcanine to find that out.
[16:06] Crector: Here's the msg I sent CM Arcanine earlier today:  Nobody in my alliance has been able to figure out just what iron ore is used for.  There does not seem to be anything in line of official explanation here on the Forum.  Please provide both an explanation of what good is iron ore and why can't sub-Lvl 70 level players have access to it?Thank you for your consideration, Crector
[16:07] Crector: Also sending a copy to Dianais since she always seems to be able to figure these things out.
[16:30] Crector: GARYM:  Just got this message from slickdave50:  do i have to wait to come back to the alliance?
[17:00] GARYM: what does he think he needs to wait for
[17:01] Crector: I think he wants to know how to get back in.  Will the alliacne be open for anyone to join or does he need an invitation?  If the latter, does he have to be out of an alliance?
[17:05] DarkHorse7: he has to leave the alliance he is in before we can invite him back
[17:06] Crector: I'll tell him that.
[17:12] Crector: GARYM:  slickdave50 is no longer in an alliance.
[17:13] GARYM: i sent the invitation
[17:14] slickdave50: im here
[17:15] GARYM: welcome back
[17:15] Crector: Youve got quite a cleanup job on your hands...about 7 dwellings now rubble and fires all over the place.
[17:15] slickdave50: its good to be back
[17:16] slickdave50: i.ll clean it up
[17:16] Crector: I can imagine.  When I weas in LOF:Mars League, it was dead in the water due to all the inactiviity.  Hopefully Deputy ColonelDicJr is making a difference.
[17:17] slickdave50: no one talks in LOF
[17:18] Crector: Some things never change.
[17:27] Crector: Under attack now by a member of Leeeee_4`'s alliance...just donated all reources beyond the 2,100 protected by the lvl 3 Hideout and transferred the troops to Outpost Trex.  They will get but little for their efforts.
[17:37] Crector: Joseac is now under attack by a member fo the Alaska Pirates.
[17:54] Crector: Have to say this is a new tactic for Lee_41's goons.  Ususally, they attack around 5AM when every normal person is sound asleep.
[19:01] sunny007: hello all
[19:01] slickdave50: hey
[19:33] klemal: There is something strange going on lately. I have troops mysteriously disappearing from the ranks and it isn't desertion.
[19:34] klemal: Suppies are plenty adequate
[19:34] klemal: Methinks the system is subversive
[19:40] Crector: Don't know anything about that, but earlier today about 100 rubies disappeared and then a few hours later, they just as mysteriously reappeared.

[19:57] klemal: ;0)
[19:58] slickdave50: did you get your new outpost crector
[19:59] Crector: My castellan army is moving towards it at a glacial pace...will take over 2 days to reach it.
[19:59] slickdave50: ok
[20:00] slickdave50: i like my outpost
[20:01] Crector: You should.  It accounted for 40% of my revenue.
[20:02] slickdave50: sorry
[20:03] Crector: Not your fault...from a standppoint of building a war macjomne, it wad definitely second rate compared to Outpost Trex.
[20:08] slickdave50: i look at it nice
[20:12] Crector: Your making good progress on the fires.
[20:12] slickdave50: yes
[20:13] slickdave50: thanking about buying some rubes
[20:14] Crector: You only need small amounts...say $1.99 worth on at least a 100% bonus deal....use them for townhouses and castle extensions.
[20:17] slickdave50: how much do you get for 1.99
[20:30] fart4fun: 1,700 normally
[20:32] Crector: At a 100% bonus, that would be 3,400.
[20:33] Crector: Hold out for a 100% bonus...don't accept anything less.
[20:34] slickdave50: ok
[20:34] Whiplash: sometimes they offer a 200% bonus
[20:34] Crector: Not for nearly 2 months.
[20:39] slickdave50: its on mine right know 200%
[20:40] Crector: That's the absolute best deal that you will ever get.
[20:41] slickdave50: 300% bonus to
[20:41] Crector: Never seen a 300% bonus offer.
[20:48] slickdave50: buy rubies for 10;00 dollars bonus worth 13.000
[21:06] zicam: what is our stance with nights of honor
[21:06] Crector: Never heard of them before.
[21:07] Crector: Why?  Are they bothering you?
[21:08] zicam: no
[21:08] zicam: looking for honor, thats all
[22:20] GARYM: good night
[22:21] Crector: good night
[22:51] Crector: Weird...I just got informed that I've completed about a dozen or so quests all at once and moved up one full level.
[23:13] Crector: Moved up frm being 200 short of Lvl 39 to being 300 short of Lvl 40.
[23:20] slickdave50: .
[23:28] klemal: There is something very wrong with this system. I am not getting the soldiers that I enlist but they are getting my coins.

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