Tuesday, November 18, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 18 2014

[06:25] zicam: You need a loot warehouse
[06:26] zicam: May as well begin laying it down
[06:26] zicam: Have fun
[06:26] Crector: Got 10+ of every resources production building.....have to expand the castle for that.
[06:36] I am legend: hi
[06:37] Crector: Hello.
[06:50] Crector: http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?125750-charcoal-to-build
[07:03] Crector: Well, this charcoal nonsense is certainly causing me to lose enthusiasm for this game.
[07:16] Whiplash: it sucks
[07:17] Whiplash: you even need olive oil caharcoal and glass to repair fires
[07:18] Crector: I deon't even know how to get glass or olive oil.
[07:19] Whiplash: you get glass in fire kingdom, olive oil in sand kingdom
[07:22] Crector: How can I get that stuff if I can't even access those kingdoms?
[07:26] Whiplash: steal it from those that can
[07:26] fart4fun: WHYYYYYYY charcoal to buil?
[07:26] Whiplash: so you will have to use rubys
[07:26] fart4fun: cant even make it in the great empire
[07:27] Crector: The staff is out of touch with in-game conditions.
[07:43] Crector: The staff is also devoid of common sense....
[07:56] DarkHorse7: there is a poll on the forum to revoke this update
[07:58] Crector: Great....Is it true what I've heard that in the past there was a ruby buyer's boycott tht forced the game staff to reverse an unpopular decision?
[08:09] Crector: Forum petition to revoke this incredibly stupid decision:
[08:09] Crector: http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?125744-Petition-against-the-use-of-other-kingdom-resources-to-repair
[08:21] Crector: ColonelDicJr on the new rules:
[08:21] Crector: they s*ck because i can no longer do repairs
[08:33] Crector: An even better petition:  boycott buying rubies until these rules are dropped:
[08:33] Crector: http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?125754-petition-no-rubby-purchases-till-this-update-is-sorted
[08:33] slickdave50: need help finding a outpost
[08:35] Crector: You will have to msg Dianais about the mechanics of doing this, but if you want, you can have my Solar Empire outpost.
[08:37] slickdave50: you dont need it
[08:39] Crector: I've found some unclaimed Food 6 outposts that are much better from the standopoint of building a war machine.
[08:42] slickdave50: where it at your outpost
[08:43] Crector: Its right by youo...to your west about 3 miles.
[08:45] Crector: SB 17:  How are you coming putting out fires with olive oil?
[08:47] slickdave50: how do u take it over it only ask me to support it
[08:49] Crector: As I said ask Dianais for the specifics of how to take it over....You will need to leave theis alliance temporarily to take it over.
[08:50] Crector: SB 17 must be too busy banging his head against the wall in abject frustration over the new rule changes to respond to my question.....
[08:51] slickdave50: who is diiana
[08:52] Crector: 460:374
[09:12] slickdave50: where is the at i never see him on
[09:12] slickdave50: leader
[09:19] Crector: Have you msg'd Dianais?
[09:23] slickdave50: i did
[09:23] Crector: ok
[09:24] slickdave50: no answer
[09:25] Crector: Give her time....she is a very busy person and might not even be in the game now....she usually is not until lter at night.
[09:26] slickdave50: ok
[09:26] slickdave50: i.ll wait
[09:49] Crector: Just made Post 632 in the Forum thread petition to reverse this awful decision:
[09:49] Crector: This is especially unfair to those of us who are in Everwinter but who chose to hold off getting any RV's until we had a fully built up castle.

[10:36] Crector: Was going to tell ColonelDicJr, but it looks as if he already figured it out.
[10:37] xXDemonisXx: thanks  for  defenders
[11:05] Crector: On the forum, there's talk about a new iron mine.  What's that all about?
[11:07] GARYM: level 70s in everygreen have a new level system called legend and in legend 1 level 70s can build a iron mine if they have enought olive oil, coal and glass at theircastle because it can only be built in the castle
[11:10] slickdave50: crector ask garym about the outpost
[11:28] Crector: Can't you wait for Dianais's reply?
[11:29] GARYM: what is the question
[11:31] GARYM: well think about it and i will be back later
[13:18] klemal: Who might be behind the setting of all these fires against our alliance members? I just had to put out some from a recent sabotage. I want REVENGE!
[14:17] Crector: The question was how I can transfer my stone outpost to slickdave50.  I said I'd msg Dianais abut it since she seems to be the expert on it and I guess slickdave50 here is impatient to get it.
[14:18] slickdave50: im waiting
[14:19] Crector: Patience is a virtue.
[14:22] GARYM: you have to reduce your forces in the outpost and then slickdave50 must leave the alliance and capture it.  he would have to be gone almost 30 hours depending on how long the capture takes to get to the op and then 24 hours for occupation
[14:23] Crector: Are any of oyur alliedd alliances opeb for somone to leave this alliance and join the other outfit?
[14:24] Crector: our allied
[14:24] GARYM: the one that coloneldicjr is in would be
[14:26] Crector: LOF: Mars League
[14:27] GARYM: yes and coloneldic is on now and said he would kick out a inactive low level to let slick in
[14:28] GARYM: but crector i would not pull your troops out until just before slicks capture is about to arrive
[14:29] Crector: All right, slickdave50, right after you're through dealing with that robber baron, move in on that outpost to capture it.
[14:31] slickdave50: ok
[14:33] GARYM: slick you will have to leave the alliance to start your capture
[14:33] Crector: You'll be taking over an OP with 41,000food and lots of wood and stone.
[14:34] GARYM: the colonel said to let him know when you leave so he can send you an invitation
[14:35] Crector: 450:293
[14:36] slickdave50: ok
[14:42] Crector: Robber Baron defeated.  You may now leave the alliance and then  launch the capture of Solar Empire.
[14:43] Crector: While waiting for you, I'll see about doing some building for you.
[14:49] Crector: He's launching the attack now...will reach Solar Empire in 2 hrs 32 minutes, not in the other alliance yet.
[14:50] GARYM: the colonel sent him invitation
[14:51] Crector: Now he's in there.
[14:54] GARYM: so he should be able to come back tomorrow after the occupation is over
[14:55] GARYM: remember to pull your troops out before he gets there
[14:55] Crector: Yes.  How soon will I be able to take an unclaimed Food 6 outpost?  24 hurs from now?
[14:57] GARYM: now untils slicks occupation is complet  about 26 hours from now
[14:57] Crector: ok
[15:22] Crector: Based on past experience, about how long will it be until the staff reverses its decisions of the past 24 hours?
[16:00] GARYM: I dont know that they will reverse it.
[16:03] Crector: Havn't there been player boycotts of ruby buying in the past that worked?
[16:04] GARYM: not that i know of this is the first time taht they have gotten this must resistance to an update
[16:06] GARYM: they really mad people mad this time
[16:12] fart4fun: Good to have you back GaryM! If you're debating if this update sucks i strongly agree. How can i get charcoal at my castle?
[16:14] Crector: I tried transporting some from my igloo in Ice to my castle here in The Great Empire and lost 75% in transit.
[16:15] fart4fun: I have 1 lvl 1 charcoal burner. This game is begining to become really bad as they try to make it good
[16:16] fart4fun: getting a whooping 3 per hour and not nearly enough resources to make another. Do you think they might undo it?
[16:17] Crector: They aretrying to sput ruby buying...A lot of the other games from this company are pretty bad.
[16:18] Crector: How are you able to build a charcoal burner in the first place?  Do you need to build a loot warehouse first?
[16:18] fart4fun: no
[16:18] fart4fun: sput?
[16:18] GARYM: yeah every update they do keeps giving more opportunities to spend rubys and this time they really made people mad

[16:24] fart4fun: Is there like a GGE forum where we could like set up a online petition or something?
[16:25] Crector: Thee is one asnd there are several petitions.
[16:26] fart4fun: links?
[16:26] fart4fun: wanna do whatever possible to possible get this undone
[16:27] Crector: http://en.board.goodgamestudios.com/empire/showthread.php?125744-Petition-against-the-use-of-other-kingdom-resources-to-repair
[16:27] Crector: 83 pages
[16:28] Crector: 52 minutes left until his troops arrive, so pulled out the rest of my troops.
[16:29] fart4fun: what are the chances of them listening?
[16:45] Crector: Baaased on my experiences with the staffs of other games, not very good.
[16:45] Crector: I'm having connectivity problems right now.
[16:51] fart4fun: this sucks. guess ill spend my 525 rubies from wheel o fortune on coal from travling merchant
[16:55] Crector: Here's a good point from the GGE Fiorum:
[16:55] Crector: Also the Foreign invasion goes against all logic. Myself and my team makes friends in our area of EMPIRE. We use diplomacy to survive. Foreign invasion offer no chance of friendships or diplomacy.
[16:57] fart4fun: thats a great thought
[17:22] Crector: Turns out that I had 124 armed citizens at Solar Empire.
[17:29] GARYM: So how many troops did sllick lose
[17:30] Crector: 16 out of 108
[17:30] Crector: Thought I hsd mass forwarded the battle report.
[18:15] sunny007: hello all
[18:15] Crector: hello
[18:58] sunny007: goodnight all
[22:21] castle oogie: So how do I get glass & olive oil. & can I make charcol in the main kingdom.
[22:25] General 313: You have to get them from the other kingdoms or from someone who has castles in those kingdoms and you lose a lot shipping it back from those kingdoms
[22:49] SnellesPlayer: so im only in this & the ice kingdom . which others do i need to enter & can I land by people in this alliance?

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