Sunday, November 16, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 17 2014

[07:04] General 313: gm
[07:08] m20321: good morning alll
[07:08] m20321: Hey Gary.  How are things for you?
[07:10] Crector: GARYM:  When can you change the alliance name to reflect our being aligned with S-F?
[07:12] GARYM: is that who dianis wants to go with
[07:14] Crector: [08:21] Dianais: At this point I agree SF is a best option. We need to have Garym changing the description, though.
[07:14] GARYM: it will cost 10000 rubys to change name so we want to be sure
[07:15] Crector: You can ask her yourself if you don't believe me.
[07:16] m20321: Gary - Is there another alliance you are thinking of?
[07:17] GARYM: no i was thinking of jimmys alliance but that doesnt sound good so i asked dianis to look into others .  i should be on more starting this week. things are better
[07:18] GARYM: should be on later
[07:19] Crector: We strongly considered the SR's, but it turned out that got themselves caught up in the server wars so much so that their SandH opted out to become an independnent alliance since they kept on getting "wasted" as a result of the SR affiliation.
[07:23] m20321: Crector - You should look into trying to bring SandH into the SF fold.  They would maintain their independence but have an affiliation with a bigger group as well.
[08:49] sunny007: hello all
[08:53] Crector: hello
[09:04] Crector: SB 17:  What happened to the food at your castle?
[09:06] Sexy Beast 17: too many fires
[09:07] Sexy Beast 17: i have over 62 major fires
[09:09] Crector: You're in luck, 2 of my outposts have food at the max.
[09:09] Sexy Beast 17: thanks
[09:13] sunny007: 7700 food on the way sexy
[09:14] m20321: 6500 on it's way
[09:18] m20321: Hey Sexy - I could use some stone/wood in ice if you could help me out over there.
[09:20] Sexy Beast 17: how much do you need
[09:20] m20321: just getting started over there so I'm in buid mode.  I'll take whatever you can spare.
[09:20] m20321: *build
[09:20] Sexy Beast 17: how much can you hold
[09:21] m20321: gotcha.  6,800 of ea.  only have about 1,000 on hand
[09:21] m20321: next upgrade is my storehouse which requires about 3,300 of each resource.
[09:22] Sexy Beast 17: 3200 of each is on the way
[09:23] m20321: Thanks.  I generally keep my food maxed out in all my OP's and Castle.  I can only send 6,500 at a time but I'll keep sending as I refill.
[09:30] sunny007: m20321 i just send 550 of each
[09:31] m20321: Thanks Sunny!  It's appreciated.
[09:32] sunny007: i will upgrade my market to be able to send more
[09:33] m20321: Really appreciated.
[09:41] Crector: For the first time in this game, all 4 of my market barrows are in action.
[09:42] Whiplash: hey m20321 do you need any more stone and wood in ice
[09:45] Crector: I could use some more stone/wood in Ice.
[09:45] m20321: Hey Whip - I don't think I could store anymore yet but I might take you up on that offer in the next day or two.  I just saw your request and I'll be sending stone your way.
[09:45] sunny007: 7700 stone on the way  whiplash
[09:46] Whiplash: thanks
[09:47] Whiplash: hey m20321 i could send it so that it would take 5.5 hours to get there
[09:48] m20321: 5000 on it's way.  Let me take a look real quick.
[09:50] m20321: Whip that would work perfect if you don't mind sending it slow
[09:52] Whiplash: 3200 of each is on the way
[09:53] m20321: just got my barrows back from Sexy so another 1500 stone coming your way.
[10:09] sunny007: 369 ty in advance
[10:10] sunny007: sorry out post 469 369, need stone ty in advance
[10:12] Crector: Dianais:  Can you help Sunny out?  All of my market barrows are tied up.
[10:12] m20321: all my barrows are out for about 2 hrs.

[13:14] klemal: A Good days work! Thanks again :o)
[13:15] Crector: No problem.
[13:22] klemal: What is that plague doctor about? Anybody get into biological warefare yet? Lokks like it would be a  devastating weapon.
[13:22] Crector: Not really.
[13:23] klemal: It sure looks creepy enough ;O)
[13:23] Crector: Yes, its annoying.
[13:29] klemal: How does one aquire it's use or services?
[13:36] Crector: Click on espionage and click on the plague doctors button.
[13:38] Crector: Sometimes plague doctors appear before your castle foryou to hire them out...I've never used them.
[13:46] klemal: I never have many Rubies to spend on that sort of stuff and I'm not going to buy them. Now, I have just been challenged to defeat some new, super robber baron. The last time I went against one of these guys I lost a whole lot of my army and had to attack multiple times til I got it right.
[14:24] klemal: Geez, Castle Patty 1 is a blazing inferno..not much left to pick over.
[14:58] xXDemonisXx: hi
[15:19] klemal: Hi, compatriot.
[15:51] slickdave50: hi all
[16:03] klemal: Slickdave, ever think about sending a spy to that monument just to the East of you to see what it's all about?
[16:04] fart4fun: Finnaly finished recruiting from last RB attack and now here they come again. Literally just finished yesterday.
[16:04] klemal: I wonder what they would do to us if we tried to occupy it?
[16:05] fart4fun: who owns it?
[16:07] fart4fun: dont you try. 1) pretty sure that might be against the rules 2) owned by the fight team. 58 members, most are all 70s
[16:07] klemal: the fight team....I just sent a spy on a epic journey
[16:10] klemal: I recalled the spy, better not to poke a hornets nest I guess ;O)
[16:11] fart4fun: I've gotten 2 lvl 3 gems in the last 3 uses of smithy. only prob is they cost 5,000 coins each to apply to equipment. :l
[16:11] fart4fun: ya
[19:54] Crector: How do you get veteran macemen?  All of a sudden, I've got 2 of them at my castle and I've got no idea how or why  I got them.
[19:57] klemal: None of the macemen in my armies live long enough to be veterans.....they are the hammer of the force.
[21:16] fart4fun: thought it had something to do with the reserch tower
[21:21] fart4fun: Crector I have a suggestion; maybe organize the buildings in your castle. Mine looked kind of like yours. I took all the decor. items out and rearanged buildins with space from missing items. then I added them back in. find buildings of same size and put them together. saves a ton o space
[22:28] Crector: I'll think about it.  Only problem is that the dcor items really boost prodution so taking them out even for a few days would really mess things up.

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