Saturday, November 29, 2014

sunny007 Leaves GGE After Reaching Lvl 70 November 29 2014

Msg from sunny007:

hello crector,
just to let you know that i'm living the game 4 good.
anyone can take my main castle, my castle in ice, in sand and fire, including my 3 outpost.
it was a pleasure to play with you guys


Msg to Dianais:

Why do you delete stuff without reading it?  I had sent you the msg in which sunny007 said that she was quitting the game.  I had posted it to chat, yet that did not stop our glorious leader from making a fool out of himself on chat tonight:

[19:16] slickdave50: i need op
[19:17] slickdave50: what about sunny op
[19:18] slickdave50: graym
[19:20] GARYM: hi what up
[19:21] slickdave50: can i have one of sunny op
[19:23] GARYM: what does sunny say about that
[19:24] slickdave50: she lelt alliance
[19:24] GARYM: sunny07 is still a member of this alliance
[19:25] GARYM: and has been on in the last 12 hours
[19:25] GARYM: check the membership list

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Message to Dianais & m20321 November 27 2014 "GARYM"

Has there been a problem with communicating with GARYM?  If so, remember that I'm supposed to be the contact person and that I can and often have send invitations.  So don't let that be your excuse for staying in SF STONECOLD and not sending over someone in that alliance.

Monday, November 24, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 24 2014

[10:14] Crector: xXDemonisXx is the one whho's been stgealing the RV's.  Nextg time he's online, we need to get on his case.
[10:17] GARYM: i sent him a message and he signed off.  if he doesnt give those rvs back before 3pm we had better prepare for a pounding by dream team
[10:19] Crector: How do  you go about giving back RV's?
[10:20] GARYM: either abandon them or leave only 1 troop behind so the owner can recapture them
[10:21] GARYM: when dream team goes to war they steal all your rvs
[10:23] Crector: That didn't happen the last war with them.
[10:24] Crector: You could ask them is expelling him would solve the problem like it did with ColonelDicJr.
[10:28] xXDemonisXx: ok  abandon  them
[10:34] Crector: Post on the Alliance Notice Board by Deputy Whiplash:   Our members do not steal Outposts or RVs.   Even if the castle is in ruins you will ask the alliance leader before attacking or capturing an outpost or RV.  If the ruins are not in an alliance you will ask GaryM or Whiplash.
[10:39] GARYM: Done it is on the board
[10:39] GARYM: now if we can just get everyone to read the board
[10:45] Crector: Have you heard back from the DT guy saying that the RV's have ben given back?  When I look at xXDenonisXx's castle, it has the same number of lines sticking out of it before he said that he would abandon them.
[13:01] Rust_Nail: denonX is always causing trouble
[13:01] Rust_Nail: lol
[13:09] poot11: CAN i go to one of the lowest subs to give some tip mybe be leader for a little bit to give them some tips and info
[13:12] poot11: marion king should be booted he has not donated anything and has not been on in over a week
[14:13] Crector: I informed nartali of he DT alliance about xXDemonisXx's saying that he has abandones the RV's and this is his reply:
[14:13] Crector: tell him or her i said if he do that and someone else take it hes able to give back one of his, this is for him/her to learn that rvs theft dosnt allowed,, best he take it back leave one man in it so they can take it or else you all will lose more nap
[14:59] Sexy Beast 17: hey crector are we going to war
[15:14] slickdave50: so are we at war
[16:03] slickdave50: thanks
[16:11] Crector: The 3PM deadline has passed and they have not declared war.
[16:11] slickdave50: ok
[17:22] Whiplash: good lets hope it stays that way
[17:22] Crector: According to GARYM, DT had set a deadline of 3PM or else.  Since they have not declared war, then things must be going well.
[17:26] Crector: Been a long time since DAlex last put in a lot fo troop help requests.
[17:26] Whiplash: did they get their rvs back
[17:27] Crector: Don't know...imagine it takes time to recover them.
[17:27] DAlex: Evening Crector
[17:28] Crector: Hello
[17:29] DAlex: fingers crossed DT doesnt hit again.  My main castle is still burning
[17:30] Crector: You didn't get in the game in time for the present that put out all fires in your main castle?
[17:32] DAlex: was out of order on that one.  last time I saw the present had fires at outposts
[18:12] Dave Trites: under atack by playboy2018
[18:12] Dave Trites: send help
[18:13] Crector: Eoo far away to send defense troops...what kind of resources do you need?
[18:33] General 313: did we go to war withe dream team
[18:36] Crector: They have not declared war on us.
[18:45] General 313: Good
[21:13] fart4fun: who was capturing the RVs?
[21:16] Crector: xXDemonisXx
[21:24] fart4fun: has he stopped?
[21:26] Crector: Why can't read what transpuired earlier in the chat?
[22:11] Crector: Been a long time since Chlo-Chlo last put in a lot of recruitment help requests.....
[22:12] Whiplash: has she been attacked
[22:13] Crector: Not that I know of.

Crisis with Dream Team Nov 24 2014

Mass Message to the U.S. Armed Forces by GARYM:

the leader of SPARTAN 17-DT says that a member of this alliance has been stealing there rvs.  they are a member of Dream Team alliances and he says if the rvs are not given back Dream Team will declare war on us at 3pm

Message from GARYM:

Find out who stole the rvs from Spartan 17-DT and have them give them back we do not need another war with Dream Team.

My reply to GARYM:

I've been noticing xXDemonisXx launching a number of Capture Attacks in Everwinter on the Travel Overview the past few days .  I just assumed that perhaps he bought them or someting since until now there was no negative fallout.

You need to pay more attention to what's going on.  You are the alliance leader right?

Response from GARYM:

i didnt see any rv captures but i will watch closer.  if you see anything like this in future let me know

Further Message from GARYM:

naptali ws one of those who sent me the warning and i told him to tell me who did it but he will start attacks at 3pm so i hope we can get those rvs back to them before that.

Message from GARYM:

i have to take the wife to the store so keep and eye on things while i am gone.  If you can get those rvs back to SPARTAN 17-dt

Message to xXDemonisXx:

Are you abandoning the RV's or are you simply leaving 1 troop in each one for the owner to reclaim them?  I need to know since now that the leader is offline for a while, I 'm the one who has  to deal with the DT leader.

Response from xXDemonisXx:

yes  i  abandoned  the  RV S

The end result of all this?  War was averted.

Messages from Dianais November 2014


They obviously decided to cut lines with our alliance and other branches, but the example you sent is not reflecting that. It's more a self defense line that we also had when the higher levels showed more activity.

Facing the DT assault they would have been smashed, same as we were. With BIT they wouldn't, but then we shouldn't have. We suffered BIT because of the low activity of high levels, which precluded defensive coordination.



We found the guys here active and with contacts with other alliances, which means active diplomacy. This is not unusual, meaning typically more involvement in wars, but it's ok on my view. There are good experienced players, with rotation to other alliance branches, and experience in warfare.

Overall I like this SF family alliance representative. I think they may find our alliance a little too quiet, but I found them alike in many things.

We will stay some more days, the invitation was for about a week to feel the alliance and make our mind. I guess I will be back next weekend.


Just checked with a few fires I have in one my outposts. Whiplash is right. I guess the fires will stay on for longer now...Plus, if you have fires is because you were defeated, if you were defeated chances are the attacker looted these special resources of charcoal, olive oil, glass...


Hi Crector,

Not really. I have been traveling, but I saw that M has been doing a good job participating in chat and all. My first impression holds.


I believe you can abandon it, but I don't remember. You will learn that back before I do.


Message to Dianais Nov 24 2014 "Moving"

Don't know if you've notived, but both Egghead & Lee_41 have recently moved their castles.  I've gotten to thinking that it would be best if I moved my castle to be both closer to my outposts and closer to other alliance members.  However, I don't want to leave you behind in a weakened defensive position.

What do you think of my moving my castle and if I moved, would you also move your castle so we can have a new, improved defensive configuration?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Nov. 22nd 2014

[03:34] xXDemonisXx: hi
[06:39] Crector: Why does joseac persist in attacking mdembers of he Alaska Pirates when he's been told not to?
[07:12] I am legend: hi
[07:39] GARYM: bbl
[07:41] sunny007: morning all
[07:44] Whiplash: i just receive an offer for 200% ruby bonus if i buy now but no
[08:37] Whiplash: bbl
[09:00] General 313: gm
[09:56] Chlo-Chlo: bbl
[10:13] Crector: Never knew that there were so many folks reading my battle reportss until now....
[10:17] xXDemonisXx: BANANAS ARE LIFE BANANAS ARE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:17] klemal: match, even at my scale of attack....worth studying.
[10:17] xXDemonisXx: xD
[10:18] klemal: Crector, you suffer far fewer casualties........that is why I study your reports.
[10:19] klemal: I have learned a few things from them.
[10:19] Crector: Yjank upi...I go after inactives and players in ruins...that's why my casualties are so low.
[10:20] fart4fun: casuallities = more glory though
[10:21] Crector: Ywes, but they cost a lot to replace.
[10:21] fart4fun: very true
[10:22] fart4fun: i literally always have my tax collector out
[10:23] fart4fun: and when i send troops to battle, i start recruiting more right away
[10:25] fart4fun: how does a castle go into ruins?
[10:25] Crector: My approach has always been to act as if  I'm a real life medieval lord and thet the soldiers and such are real people
[10:30] klemal: I observe how you match troops against the opposition and attack weak spots with strength, often overpowering strength. It seems to minimize your losses.
[10:32] fart4fun: any1 else notice that our member is being attacked by a member of an alliance we have a non-aggression agrement with?
[10:32] Crector: Yes...If possibl look at previos battle reports against the same opponent..see how they place their troops.
[10:37] fart4fun: ???
[10:39] fart4fun: is that something we should retaliate to?
[10:39] Crector: First t ime I can recall we've had a lot of military activity going on in Ice since when the miscreant wyman stole Chlo-Chlo's RV.
[10:41] fart4fun: Well?
[10:42] klemal: f4f, who is and who is doinjg it?
[10:42] Crector: This is also the longest Travel Overview that I've had to go through since I joined this alliance...
[10:42] fart4fun: jkaiz from us navy seals
[10:43] klemal: No one from that alliance near me that I can harass
[10:44] fart4fun: msg him and he said he didn't know/couldn't retreat/would send resources
[10:46] klemal: I hope he has a stout defense....I am 101 miles away and the enemy is one mile from him.
[10:48] Crector: Msg sent to the leader of the U.S. Navy Seals:  Right now, your member jkaiz is  attacking manav ganjoo in violation of theNAP between our two alliances.  What are you going to do about it?Crector, Diplomat U.S. Armed Forces
[10:48] Crector: Fort Apache is a pretty neat name for an outpost.
[10:50] fart4fun: jkaiz basically said you've been spying on him so he attacked guy from same alliance
[10:50] fart4fun: Crector
[10:51] Crector: I spied on him only after he launched that attack.
[10:51] Crector: It failed, btw.
[10:52] fart4fun: yes thats how he knows

[11:19] Crector: Just won 110 rubies as an achievement award.
[11:28] Crector: Msg sent to my former neighbor Eggjead of the D8thRegs:  Woke up this morning to find out that one of my neighbor's castles was no longer there, although his outposts were still around.  Take it that you are in search of peace and quiet and if so, have you found it?
[11:30] Rust_Nail: Those IF guys messaged me and said I can have a couple of thier OPs
[11:30] Rust_Nail: I need them
[11:30] Crector: is characteristically quick response:  more like war for KON's metro! lol no peace or quiet here bro
[11:30] Rust_Nail: we dont have a beef with them do we
[11:31] Crector: Not now we don't.
[11:31] Rust_Nail: am I allowed to take the OP
[11:31] Rust_Nail: if they give it to me
[11:31] Rust_Nail: Laurres or something
[11:31] Rust_Nail: said he would give me one of his
[11:31] Rust_Nail: Laurres
[11:31] Rust_Nail: yep that it
[11:32] Crector: Laureus
[11:32] Rust_Nail: yeah
[11:33] Rust_Nail: do you know that guy?
[11:33] Rust_Nail: he ok
[11:33] Crector: Laurreus
[11:33] Rust_Nail: yep
[11:33] Crector: He's near Dianais
[11:33] Rust_Nail: giving me a stone op
[11:33] Rust_Nail: I wanted food but they are hard to find
[11:33] Crector: I'm getting one right now.
[11:33] Rust_Nail: cool
[12:06] Crector: Back at nightfsall.
[13:11] fart4fun: hate how progress in everwinter is mandtory. it sould be optional
[16:20] GARYM: hey crector have you found out what thie iron ore is used for yet
[16:20] Crector: no
[16:21] Crector: frf:  What do you mean "progress in everwinter is mandatory"?
[17:26] Crector: GARYM:  Some time after I sent the castellan army off, a new Food 6 popped up that's about 20 miles closer than the one I'm taking, but too late to recall the castellan army.  Can I abandon the outpost as soon as I take it or do I have to wait 24 hours before abandoning it?
[17:40] GARYM: i think that you can leave but it has been so long i am not sure
[17:56] fart4fun: what i mean is that ifyou dont do everwinter quests, you can't get enough xp to lvl up
[18:01] Crector: I hardly ever do everwinter quests and I've gained 2 levels in the past week.
[18:02] fart4fun: i tried, but no empire quests showed up untill i did th others in everwinter
[18:05] Crector: You don't have amarketplace in everwinter.
[18:06] fart4fun: no. why?
[18:06] Crector: I thought everyone had marketplaces in their castles.
[18:07] fart4fun: i dont. is tha bad?
[18:07] Crector: Makes it possible to send and receive market barrows.
[18:08] fart4fun: ok. i accidently clicked on my castle upgrade so waiting for that. then i gtta get expensive extensions.

[18:23] Crector: Looks like you already extended it and those extensions aren't aall that costly.
[19:03] Crector: From ARRose, leder of the U.S. Navy Seals:
[19:03] Crector: Hello CRector,My apologies for the jkaiz attack, I'm sure it was a mistake.  I have not had any trouble at all from him in the past, so I will be anxious to hear what his response is.  In any case, we fully intend to keep our NAA strong, so we will do whatever is necessary to make it right.I am sending Manav an apology myself next.  I've already got resources on the way to each of his castles.Thanks for bringing this to my attention, please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of our officers if you need anything.ARRose
[19:15] GARYM: good job crector
[19:16] Crector: Thank you.
[20:07] klemal: Crector, thank you for the support. I am on it and hope my defenses are up to par
[20:12] Crector: no problem
[20:14] GARYM: i still cant find out what to do with iron ore
[20:15] Crector: I msg'd Dianais about it and she hads not replied .  Btw, when isnshe and the M guy sopposed to return?
[20:17] GARYM: last time i talked to hier this weekend some time
[20:29] klemal: A superior force definitely means mimimal losses.....Don't know how you got here so fast but you did save me a lot of my men. I'm sure I would have had higher losses without the back-up
[20:31] Crector: When you send support troops, they travel faster than normal.
[20:33] GARYM: on our alliance board we paid to increase travel speed of support troops
[20:34] GARYM: support travel speed is +320%
[20:46] klemal: Another thing I have learned....I have a slow connection, these messages take forever.
[20:54] klemal: I am going to have to log off and is terribly slow.
[21:35] slickdave50: lev 16
[21:58] slickdave50: wake up help recruit plz
[23:51] slickdave50: .

Friday, November 21, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 21st 2014

[13:26] slickdave50: hello all
[13:27] Crector: hello
[14:06] klemal: My world map is on auto pilot, I just keep orbiting the planet. It makes me dizzy looking at it so I guess I'll log off for awhile and see if their merry-go-round stops.
[14:07] Crector: Your map is going herky jerky on you?
[14:56] Crector: All of a sdden, I'm finding all sorts of neat targets in Ice while the list of good targets in Evergreen shrinks.
[15:30] slickdave50: i need some wood at my outpost
[15:30] slickdave50: plz
[15:33] Crector: How much more?
[15:34] slickdave50: dont worry about it
[15:36] Crector: 3,500 Wood coming in 7 minutes.
[15:37] Crector: Looks like you've been doing some rearranging the buildings....
[15:38] slickdave50: do you like it
[15:40] Crector: Its ok.
[15:43] slickdave50: it, a mess right now
[15:44] Crector: It will look a lot better when all the rubble is cleared away.
[15:45] slickdave50: thz for the wood i,ll pay you back
[15:46] Crector: no need to.
[15:46] fart4fun: tip: organize by size not so much building type. i mean put buildings of same buildings in rows, but all same sized (eg. production plants, dwellings, and stables) in one area (storehouse is as big as two of those i listed so can go with them) best accomplished in blueprint mode
[15:47] fart4fun: look at my castle if you dont know what i mean
[17:07] Crector: Just achieved the 70 activity point bonus.
[17:30] sunny007: hello all
[17:32] Crector: hello
[18:48] Crector: GARYM:  No word from CM Arcanine about what Iron Ore is good for.  Nothing on the forums.  Earlier today, DarkHorse7 was speculating that its an intentional mystery update to keep the game interesting for players by making them figure it out for themselves.
[18:54] GARYM: i am buiding mines to go to next level of legend but i wish i knew shat it was used for maybe it is needed for building at hight legend level
[18:56] Crector: Is it true that there are 150+ levels at Legend?
[18:57] GARYM: i dont know
[18:57] GARYM: in 3 hours i should reach legend 2
[19:01] Crector: When I click to upgrade my Lvl 3 flour mill, it says it is available at legendary level 150 and that it will require over 50,000 units of stone, wood, olive oil and what I'm guessing is the symbol for glass.
[19:01] GARYM: wow
[19:03] Crector: Wonder jsut how many players will even reach  legendary level 150.
[19:04] GARYM: the flour mill goes up to level 6
[19:05] Crector: Why can't flour mills go up that high for us sub-70 players?
[19:05] Crector: Are barracks the same?
[19:27] Crector: See zicam's mass recruiting for some new offensive in the nether regions.
[19:36] zicam: Hello
[19:37] Crector: Hello master recruiter.
[19:39] zicam: Hello activity master
[19:40] Crector: Thank you.
[19:51] GARYM: barracks did not go up they stop at 5
[19:52] GARYM: taverns go up to 7
[19:53] GARYM: guardhouse goes up to 7
[19:54] GARYM: dwelling goes to 12
[19:55] GARYM: encampment goes to 7
[19:55] Crector: All that should make things really interesting for you Lvl 70'ers.
[19:56] GARYM: like the tavers dont start until legend 18
[19:56] GARYM: taverns
[19:57] GARYM: encampment doesnt change until level 15
[19:58] GARYM: guardhouse changes at level 21
[19:59] GARYM: bbl
[20:27] Crector: AFK

Thursday, November 20, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Nov 20 2014

[06:49] Crector:
[06:50] Crector: Key paragraph:
[06:50] Crector: With today's hotfix we would like to remove the needed kingdom resources for building and upgrading buildings in your castles for players under level 70. Only the new buildings for the legend levels will need kingdom resources for building and upgrading from now on.
[07:13] jimmer777: some random person keeps sabotaging me look at my castle and op
[07:13] jimmer777: havent been able to upgrade for a week trying to put out fires
[07:14] Crector: Just fulfilled the quest to defeat RB castles Lvl 13 & higher.
[12:18] Crector: My Equipment storage is full again....
[12:40] GARYM: its all those rbs that you attacked to get traveling knights, i had the same problem
[12:48] Crector: The best thing about the latest quest of the traveling knioghts is that we had a full 24 hours to work with.  The last time before this one, we had only 5 hours to do it in.
[13:57] Crector: Is everyone else relieved that we don't need charcoal to repair or upgrade buildings anymore?
[13:58] GARYM: bbl
[14:00] LisaDaisyAnn: i'm so happy we don't need charcoal otherwise i was doomed
[14:04] Crector: When you attack others in Ice, charcoal always seems to be the thing that you get the smallest quantity of.
[14:42] Crector: Equipment storage is full again....
[14:53] Crector: In half an hour, slickdave50 takes full possession of my Stone 6 outpost Solar Empire while I launch my castellan army to claim abrand spanking  new Food 6 outpost out in the Wild West of The Great Empire.
[14:55] Crector: DarkHorse7:  What's like to have new things to do at Lvl 70?
[14:58] DarkHorse7: not much different i dont have enough charcoal, olive oil or glass to build iron mill and i dont know what to do with the iron that it makes
[14:59] DarkHorse7: there is not really much different
[14:59] Crector: Aren't you in the other kingdoms where charcoal, glass & olive oil is made or where you can steal some?
[15:02] DarkHorse7: it takes 12000 charcoal, 12000 olive oil, 12000 stone and 11000 wood to build 1 iron milll.  the mill produces 1 iron ore per hour and what do you do with the iron ore it makes
[15:03] DarkHorse7: for every 2000 of charcoal oive oil or glass you ship from other kingdoms only about 500 arrives in evergreen.  the rest is the cost of shipping
[15:03] Crector: I heard that there are new buildings in Lvl 70 now called granaries.
[15:04] DarkHorse7: must be at a higer legend level i am only legend 1
[15:04] Crector: There's a guy near my castle who's already at legend 2.
[15:04] DarkHorse7: iit take about 4000 xp to reach legend 2
[15:04] Crector: He's a big time ruby buyer.
[15:05] DarkHorse7: granery is legend level 11
[15:06] DarkHorse7: granery produces 91 food units per hour
[15:07] Crector: Take it that it costs an arm and a leg to build a granary?
[15:08] DarkHorse7: cant tell it wont let you see that until you get to the right level
[15:10] DarkHorse7: i see that garym has built an iron mill.  i hope someone can tell me what to do with the iron ore that it makes
[15:12] Crector: I can't find anything about what to do with iron ore on the GGE Forum, but apparemtly you get to have a Lvl 4 Flour Mill.
[15:16] Crector: GARYM:  What are you going to do with the iron ore that your mine is producing?
[15:16] GARYM: i dont know i havent been able to find out
[15:17] GARYM: it only produce 1 per hour
[15:17] Crector: Can't find any official explanations on the GGE Forum...
[15:18] GARYM: yeah i looke too but now answer
[15:19] Crector: This iron ore stuff seems to be as poorly thought out as the idea of requiring us to use charcoal to put out fires...
[15:22] Crector: slickdave50 now has Solar Empire in a few minutes, my castellan army will be off on an epic adventure....
[15:23] GARYM: ha slick asked to come back yet
[15:23] Crector: nio
[15:26] Crector: He might not even be any event, it will take 64 hours for my castellan army to reach its destination.
[15:27] Crector: 386:385
[15:28] GARYM: you are starting from scratch
[15:29] GARYM: how many miles from your castle is it
[15:29] Crector: 77
[15:30] GARYM: that is a long way if you have to defend it
[15:31] Crector: While tracing back the line of advance, just found another Food 6 outpost that was not there yesterday, about 8 miles closer.
[15:33] Crector: 394:381 Was dplanning on relocating to castle soon to get away from being surrounded by  all of thise Iron Fist guys.
[15:35] Crector: You are aware that BiT is now part of the Iron Fist family of alliances?

[15:50] fart4fun: Gary if you ever need any food/stone just msg me and ill give you some.
[15:51] GARYM: thanks i will remember that
[15:51] fart4fun: np
[15:52] GARYM: right now i need about 1700 charcoal in my everygreen castle anyone have some to spare
[15:53] Crector: What do you need it for?
[15:53] DarkHorse7: i will send you some when my carts get back because i will never get enough to build an iron mine
[15:54] GARYM: i am going to build another iron mine the quest says i have to build three
[15:55] GARYM: i need 2500 xp points to get to legend level 2
[15:55] Crector: Since I have no idea what to use it for now that we dont need it for repairing/upgrading, I'll send you what I have from that gift.
[15:56] GARYM: thanks
[15:57] Crector: Just sent you 2,500 charcoal from my castle and it will reach you in 27 minutes.
[15:57] GARYM: now find out for me what to use the iron ore for
[15:58] Crector: I've been looking and have sent a private msg to CM Arcanine to find that out.
[16:06] Crector: Here's the msg I sent CM Arcanine earlier today:  Nobody in my alliance has been able to figure out just what iron ore is used for.  There does not seem to be anything in line of official explanation here on the Forum.  Please provide both an explanation of what good is iron ore and why can't sub-Lvl 70 level players have access to it?Thank you for your consideration, Crector
[16:07] Crector: Also sending a copy to Dianais since she always seems to be able to figure these things out.
[16:30] Crector: GARYM:  Just got this message from slickdave50:  do i have to wait to come back to the alliance?
[17:00] GARYM: what does he think he needs to wait for
[17:01] Crector: I think he wants to know how to get back in.  Will the alliacne be open for anyone to join or does he need an invitation?  If the latter, does he have to be out of an alliance?
[17:05] DarkHorse7: he has to leave the alliance he is in before we can invite him back
[17:06] Crector: I'll tell him that.
[17:12] Crector: GARYM:  slickdave50 is no longer in an alliance.
[17:13] GARYM: i sent the invitation
[17:14] slickdave50: im here
[17:15] GARYM: welcome back
[17:15] Crector: Youve got quite a cleanup job on your hands...about 7 dwellings now rubble and fires all over the place.
[17:15] slickdave50: its good to be back
[17:16] slickdave50: i.ll clean it up
[17:16] Crector: I can imagine.  When I weas in LOF:Mars League, it was dead in the water due to all the inactiviity.  Hopefully Deputy ColonelDicJr is making a difference.
[17:17] slickdave50: no one talks in LOF
[17:18] Crector: Some things never change.
[17:27] Crector: Under attack now by a member of Leeeee_4`'s alliance...just donated all reources beyond the 2,100 protected by the lvl 3 Hideout and transferred the troops to Outpost Trex.  They will get but little for their efforts.
[17:37] Crector: Joseac is now under attack by a member fo the Alaska Pirates.
[17:54] Crector: Have to say this is a new tactic for Lee_41's goons.  Ususally, they attack around 5AM when every normal person is sound asleep.
[19:01] sunny007: hello all
[19:01] slickdave50: hey
[19:33] klemal: There is something strange going on lately. I have troops mysteriously disappearing from the ranks and it isn't desertion.
[19:34] klemal: Suppies are plenty adequate
[19:34] klemal: Methinks the system is subversive
[19:40] Crector: Don't know anything about that, but earlier today about 100 rubies disappeared and then a few hours later, they just as mysteriously reappeared.

[19:57] klemal: ;0)
[19:58] slickdave50: did you get your new outpost crector
[19:59] Crector: My castellan army is moving towards it at a glacial pace...will take over 2 days to reach it.
[19:59] slickdave50: ok
[20:00] slickdave50: i like my outpost
[20:01] Crector: You should.  It accounted for 40% of my revenue.
[20:02] slickdave50: sorry
[20:03] Crector: Not your fault...from a standppoint of building a war macjomne, it wad definitely second rate compared to Outpost Trex.
[20:08] slickdave50: i look at it nice
[20:12] Crector: Your making good progress on the fires.
[20:12] slickdave50: yes
[20:13] slickdave50: thanking about buying some rubes
[20:14] Crector: You only need small amounts...say $1.99 worth on at least a 100% bonus deal....use them for townhouses and castle extensions.
[20:17] slickdave50: how much do you get for 1.99
[20:30] fart4fun: 1,700 normally
[20:32] Crector: At a 100% bonus, that would be 3,400.
[20:33] Crector: Hold out for a 100% bonus...don't accept anything less.
[20:34] slickdave50: ok
[20:34] Whiplash: sometimes they offer a 200% bonus
[20:34] Crector: Not for nearly 2 months.
[20:39] slickdave50: its on mine right know 200%
[20:40] Crector: That's the absolute best deal that you will ever get.
[20:41] slickdave50: 300% bonus to
[20:41] Crector: Never seen a 300% bonus offer.
[20:48] slickdave50: buy rubies for 10;00 dollars bonus worth 13.000
[21:06] zicam: what is our stance with nights of honor
[21:06] Crector: Never heard of them before.
[21:07] Crector: Why?  Are they bothering you?
[21:08] zicam: no
[21:08] zicam: looking for honor, thats all
[22:20] GARYM: good night
[22:21] Crector: good night
[22:51] Crector: Weird...I just got informed that I've completed about a dozen or so quests all at once and moved up one full level.
[23:13] Crector: Moved up frm being 200 short of Lvl 39 to being 300 short of Lvl 40.
[23:20] slickdave50: .
[23:28] klemal: There is something very wrong with this system. I am not getting the soldiers that I enlist but they are getting my coins.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Nov 19 2014

[05:11] xXDemonisXx: sory,sory,sory,sory,sory im sory
[05:13] Crector: Thanks for the charcoal xXDXx...rememvber read the chat first before doing anyting or else stuff like this will happen again.
[05:25] Crector: Now he's sent troops to guard Solar Empire fr 12 hours.  Given that's how long slickdave50 will likely need to raise the troops needed to overcome the armed citizens of Solar Empire, its probably just as well.
[05:29] xXDemonisXx: 1 hors?
[05:29] xXDemonisXx: hours
[05:29] xXDemonisXx: defender
[05:31] Crector: The amount of time you have them there now is sufficient.
[05:44] Crector: Guess he misunderstood what I said, so now I have to raise some troops or else Solar Empire will go defenseless....
[05:55] Crector: Good news:
[05:55] Crector:
[05:57] Crector: Although as far as upgrading buildings, you'll still need charcoal.  And lvl 70's still get all sorts of special beaks, so the update still has not been completely repealed.
[06:15] Crector: And if you want to add decorative items, you need charcoal for that too.
[08:08] GARYM: gm
[08:43] LisaDaisyAnn: hi
[08:43] LisaDaisyAnn: how do i get charcoal at my main castle
[08:45] Whiplash: you have to ship it from your castle in ice
[08:45] LisaDaisyAnn: i don't really have any there either
[10:25] Crector: Guess that means that LIsaDaisyAnn, like myself, never got around to building a loot warehuse...
[11:03] Crector: Judging from the Travel Overview, I'm the only one in this alliance going after Robber Barons when the the Traveling Knights are here.
[11:55] klemal: Actually I have lost all of my traveling knights but one in fights with those BIG robber baron castles. I just got my butt kicked by another one yesterday and am still trying to recover ;O)
[11:58] Crector: Just found my 3rtd relic fragment fo the day...just need 8 more.
[11:59] Crector: Just found a rare artifact.
[12:02] klemal: I sold a lot of mine off to replace troops. Now I know better and use them to fortify my commanders.......a learning process for me.
[12:23] Crector: Just found another relic fragment.
[12:25] Crector: Just got 2,200 gold coins for nobility or whatever and found a map fragment for something or the other.
[12:29] GARYM: click on the map in the lower right hand corner and you will see what your map piece is for
[13:17] Crector: slickdave50's making another attempt...hope nothing goes wrong this time.
[13:19] Crector: Just found a 6th piece fo the relic....over half way there.
[14:09] GARYM: i still need 6 relic pieces
[14:12] Crector: So attacks on RB's by other players do not show up on either the Travel Overview or on the map?
[14:13] GARYM: no
[14:38] Crector: Just got 2 relic fragments in a row...just need 3 now.
[14:39] klemal: five spies to five different RB castles.....all failed    what's up with that?
[14:40] Crector: Why would yu spy on those things?
[14:41] GARYM: if you spy you can send just enought troops to each rb and attack more at the same time
[14:42] GARYM: i have 7 attacks right now
[14:46] klemal: I don't have the manpower to just attack them blind....I have been crushed three times by the bigger RB castles with the strongest force I threw at them. I have multiple attacks going right now but I have a smaller army.
[15:01] klemal: I also get a system message telling me that I must first use a spy before I can send my army against some of the RB castles.
[15:01] GARYM: it is not telling you that you must spy but it is a recommendation
[15:10] klemal: Sometimes the spies get it all wrong and I get a whuppin :o). The battle reports just show a bunch of question marks for the opposition troop strength
[15:11] GARYM: the number of spies you send determines the accuracy of the report
[15:12] GARYM: an you must slide the bar to 100%
[15:13] GARYM: the larger the number of spies the less chance of failure
[15:23] klemal: okay, I will look for that. I thought I was sending the maximum.....and believe me, I need the max.
[15:25] Crector: Never really noticed the dlider thingy until you just mentioned it...thanks GARYM
[15:26] klemal: DITTO!
[15:27] Crector: Solar Empire just got captured again.
[15:38] GARYM: i need 5 more pieces of relic
[15:48] GARYM: found another map piece

[16:24] I am legend: hi
[16:24] I am legend: can i be a sergent
[17:36] sunny007: hello all
[17:36] Crector: hello sunny
[18:03] Crector: Just found another relic fragment...just 2 more to go.
[18:22] Crector: Found so much equipment today, that my inventory became full and I had to do some extra forging.
[18:34] Crector: Just one more relic fragment to go....
[18:58] Crector: Just did it.  Completed the holy relic.
[19:36] Crector: GARYM:  Are the other 2 kingdoms like Everwinter with all the alliance members scattered all over the place?
[19:44] GARYM: yes except for the ones that went at the same time
[19:47] Crector: What do you mean go at the same time?
[19:51] GARYM: i me they cooordinated when they went across to the new kingdom
[19:53] Crector: So if were to go oe of the 3 kingdoms that I'm not in, due to too lowlevel, with another member, then our 2 castles would not be too far apart?
[19:53] Crector: Actually, its 3 kingdomws.
[19:53] GARYM: as long as you go at the same time and go the same direction such as east or west
[19:54] Crector: I meant 2...Burning Sands and Fire Peaks...not in Stormy Islands since I've heard nothing but bad things about it.
[19:55] GARYM: you still have to choose to go east west north or south once you are on the other side
[19:56] Crector: In which direction are most of the alliance members?
[19:57] GARYM: i think most of us went west
[19:57] Quiet Mercenary: in all of them
[19:57] GARYM: relic is complete
[19:59] Crector: In Ice, I can't remember which direction I went.
[21:09] Crector: GARYM:  When you hit that Epicbraybray guy, could you please send the Battle Report?
[22:20] fart4fun: got 81k food at stone op. need wood. also got bout half that stone
[22:21] fart4fun: +need charcoal if at all possible.would give 1000 stone/food for bout 20+ charcoal
[22:32] fart4fun: if u give me anything please msg me if u want something back. I'll be on @ bout 4:00pm tommarrow. can send 3500 at a time. gtg2 bed. goodnight all

Mass Message to the U.S. Armed Forces Alliance: "Read Chat First!" Nov. 19 2014

What just happened show just how important it is to read the alliance chat before doing anything.  GARYM  spent a lot of time advising slickdave50 how to take an unwanted outpost from another member (Solar Empire from myself so I could take an unclaimed Food 6 outpost) .

And what happened after slickdave50, acting as a temporary member of the LOF: Mars League aka ColonelDicJr's new alliance, took Solar Empire?  xXDemonisXx, without even bothering to read the alliance chat first, attacked Solar Empire so now I've got an unwanted outpost with alll sorts of fires on my hands.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 18 2014

[06:25] zicam: You need a loot warehouse
[06:26] zicam: May as well begin laying it down
[06:26] zicam: Have fun
[06:26] Crector: Got 10+ of every resources production building.....have to expand the castle for that.
[06:36] I am legend: hi
[06:37] Crector: Hello.
[06:50] Crector:
[07:03] Crector: Well, this charcoal nonsense is certainly causing me to lose enthusiasm for this game.
[07:16] Whiplash: it sucks
[07:17] Whiplash: you even need olive oil caharcoal and glass to repair fires
[07:18] Crector: I deon't even know how to get glass or olive oil.
[07:19] Whiplash: you get glass in fire kingdom, olive oil in sand kingdom
[07:22] Crector: How can I get that stuff if I can't even access those kingdoms?
[07:26] Whiplash: steal it from those that can
[07:26] fart4fun: WHYYYYYYY charcoal to buil?
[07:26] Whiplash: so you will have to use rubys
[07:26] fart4fun: cant even make it in the great empire
[07:27] Crector: The staff is out of touch with in-game conditions.
[07:43] Crector: The staff is also devoid of common sense....
[07:56] DarkHorse7: there is a poll on the forum to revoke this update
[07:58] Crector: Great....Is it true what I've heard that in the past there was a ruby buyer's boycott tht forced the game staff to reverse an unpopular decision?
[08:09] Crector: Forum petition to revoke this incredibly stupid decision:
[08:09] Crector:
[08:21] Crector: ColonelDicJr on the new rules:
[08:21] Crector: they s*ck because i can no longer do repairs
[08:33] Crector: An even better petition:  boycott buying rubies until these rules are dropped:
[08:33] Crector:
[08:33] slickdave50: need help finding a outpost
[08:35] Crector: You will have to msg Dianais about the mechanics of doing this, but if you want, you can have my Solar Empire outpost.
[08:37] slickdave50: you dont need it
[08:39] Crector: I've found some unclaimed Food 6 outposts that are much better from the standopoint of building a war machine.
[08:42] slickdave50: where it at your outpost
[08:43] Crector: Its right by your west about 3 miles.
[08:45] Crector: SB 17:  How are you coming putting out fires with olive oil?
[08:47] slickdave50: how do u take it over it only ask me to support it
[08:49] Crector: As I said ask Dianais for the specifics of how to take it over....You will need to leave theis alliance temporarily to take it over.
[08:50] Crector: SB 17 must be too busy banging his head against the wall in abject frustration over the new rule changes to respond to my question.....
[08:51] slickdave50: who is diiana
[08:52] Crector: 460:374
[09:12] slickdave50: where is the at i never see him on
[09:12] slickdave50: leader
[09:19] Crector: Have you msg'd Dianais?
[09:23] slickdave50: i did
[09:23] Crector: ok
[09:24] slickdave50: no answer
[09:25] Crector: Give her time....she is a very busy person and might not even be in the game now....she usually is not until lter at night.
[09:26] slickdave50: ok
[09:26] slickdave50: i.ll wait
[09:49] Crector: Just made Post 632 in the Forum thread petition to reverse this awful decision:
[09:49] Crector: This is especially unfair to those of us who are in Everwinter but who chose to hold off getting any RV's until we had a fully built up castle.

[10:36] Crector: Was going to tell ColonelDicJr, but it looks as if he already figured it out.
[10:37] xXDemonisXx: thanks  for  defenders
[11:05] Crector: On the forum, there's talk about a new iron mine.  What's that all about?
[11:07] GARYM: level 70s in everygreen have a new level system called legend and in legend 1 level 70s can build a iron mine if they have enought olive oil, coal and glass at theircastle because it can only be built in the castle
[11:10] slickdave50: crector ask garym about the outpost
[11:28] Crector: Can't you wait for Dianais's reply?
[11:29] GARYM: what is the question
[11:31] GARYM: well think about it and i will be back later
[13:18] klemal: Who might be behind the setting of all these fires against our alliance members? I just had to put out some from a recent sabotage. I want REVENGE!
[14:17] Crector: The question was how I can transfer my stone outpost to slickdave50.  I said I'd msg Dianais abut it since she seems to be the expert on it and I guess slickdave50 here is impatient to get it.
[14:18] slickdave50: im waiting
[14:19] Crector: Patience is a virtue.
[14:22] GARYM: you have to reduce your forces in the outpost and then slickdave50 must leave the alliance and capture it.  he would have to be gone almost 30 hours depending on how long the capture takes to get to the op and then 24 hours for occupation
[14:23] Crector: Are any of oyur alliedd alliances opeb for somone to leave this alliance and join the other outfit?
[14:24] Crector: our allied
[14:24] GARYM: the one that coloneldicjr is in would be
[14:26] Crector: LOF: Mars League
[14:27] GARYM: yes and coloneldic is on now and said he would kick out a inactive low level to let slick in
[14:28] GARYM: but crector i would not pull your troops out until just before slicks capture is about to arrive
[14:29] Crector: All right, slickdave50, right after you're through dealing with that robber baron, move in on that outpost to capture it.
[14:31] slickdave50: ok
[14:33] GARYM: slick you will have to leave the alliance to start your capture
[14:33] Crector: You'll be taking over an OP with 41,000food and lots of wood and stone.
[14:34] GARYM: the colonel said to let him know when you leave so he can send you an invitation
[14:35] Crector: 450:293
[14:36] slickdave50: ok
[14:42] Crector: Robber Baron defeated.  You may now leave the alliance and then  launch the capture of Solar Empire.
[14:43] Crector: While waiting for you, I'll see about doing some building for you.
[14:49] Crector: He's launching the attack now...will reach Solar Empire in 2 hrs 32 minutes, not in the other alliance yet.
[14:50] GARYM: the colonel sent him invitation
[14:51] Crector: Now he's in there.
[14:54] GARYM: so he should be able to come back tomorrow after the occupation is over
[14:55] GARYM: remember to pull your troops out before he gets there
[14:55] Crector: Yes.  How soon will I be able to take an unclaimed Food 6 outpost?  24 hurs from now?
[14:57] GARYM: now untils slicks occupation is complet  about 26 hours from now
[14:57] Crector: ok
[15:22] Crector: Based on past experience, about how long will it be until the staff reverses its decisions of the past 24 hours?
[16:00] GARYM: I dont know that they will reverse it.
[16:03] Crector: Havn't there been player boycotts of ruby buying in the past that worked?
[16:04] GARYM: not that i know of this is the first time taht they have gotten this must resistance to an update
[16:06] GARYM: they really mad people mad this time
[16:12] fart4fun: Good to have you back GaryM! If you're debating if this update sucks i strongly agree. How can i get charcoal at my castle?
[16:14] Crector: I tried transporting some from my igloo in Ice to my castle here in The Great Empire and lost 75% in transit.
[16:15] fart4fun: I have 1 lvl 1 charcoal burner. This game is begining to become really bad as they try to make it good
[16:16] fart4fun: getting a whooping 3 per hour and not nearly enough resources to make another. Do you think they might undo it?
[16:17] Crector: They aretrying to sput ruby buying...A lot of the other games from this company are pretty bad.
[16:18] Crector: How are you able to build a charcoal burner in the first place?  Do you need to build a loot warehouse first?
[16:18] fart4fun: no
[16:18] fart4fun: sput?
[16:18] GARYM: yeah every update they do keeps giving more opportunities to spend rubys and this time they really made people mad

[16:24] fart4fun: Is there like a GGE forum where we could like set up a online petition or something?
[16:25] Crector: Thee is one asnd there are several petitions.
[16:26] fart4fun: links?
[16:26] fart4fun: wanna do whatever possible to possible get this undone
[16:27] Crector:
[16:27] Crector: 83 pages
[16:28] Crector: 52 minutes left until his troops arrive, so pulled out the rest of my troops.
[16:29] fart4fun: what are the chances of them listening?
[16:45] Crector: Baaased on my experiences with the staffs of other games, not very good.
[16:45] Crector: I'm having connectivity problems right now.
[16:51] fart4fun: this sucks. guess ill spend my 525 rubies from wheel o fortune on coal from travling merchant
[16:55] Crector: Here's a good point from the GGE Fiorum:
[16:55] Crector: Also the Foreign invasion goes against all logic. Myself and my team makes friends in our area of EMPIRE. We use diplomacy to survive. Foreign invasion offer no chance of friendships or diplomacy.
[16:57] fart4fun: thats a great thought
[17:22] Crector: Turns out that I had 124 armed citizens at Solar Empire.
[17:29] GARYM: So how many troops did sllick lose
[17:30] Crector: 16 out of 108
[17:30] Crector: Thought I hsd mass forwarded the battle report.
[18:15] sunny007: hello all
[18:15] Crector: hello
[18:58] sunny007: goodnight all
[22:21] castle oogie: So how do I get glass & olive oil. & can I make charcol in the main kingdom.
[22:25] General 313: You have to get them from the other kingdoms or from someone who has castles in those kingdoms and you lose a lot shipping it back from those kingdoms
[22:49] SnellesPlayer: so im only in this & the ice kingdom . which others do i need to enter & can I land by people in this alliance?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 17 2014

[07:04] General 313: gm
[07:08] m20321: good morning alll
[07:08] m20321: Hey Gary.  How are things for you?
[07:10] Crector: GARYM:  When can you change the alliance name to reflect our being aligned with S-F?
[07:12] GARYM: is that who dianis wants to go with
[07:14] Crector: [08:21] Dianais: At this point I agree SF is a best option. We need to have Garym changing the description, though.
[07:14] GARYM: it will cost 10000 rubys to change name so we want to be sure
[07:15] Crector: You can ask her yourself if you don't believe me.
[07:16] m20321: Gary - Is there another alliance you are thinking of?
[07:17] GARYM: no i was thinking of jimmys alliance but that doesnt sound good so i asked dianis to look into others .  i should be on more starting this week. things are better
[07:18] GARYM: should be on later
[07:19] Crector: We strongly considered the SR's, but it turned out that got themselves caught up in the server wars so much so that their SandH opted out to become an independnent alliance since they kept on getting "wasted" as a result of the SR affiliation.
[07:23] m20321: Crector - You should look into trying to bring SandH into the SF fold.  They would maintain their independence but have an affiliation with a bigger group as well.
[08:49] sunny007: hello all
[08:53] Crector: hello
[09:04] Crector: SB 17:  What happened to the food at your castle?
[09:06] Sexy Beast 17: too many fires
[09:07] Sexy Beast 17: i have over 62 major fires
[09:09] Crector: You're in luck, 2 of my outposts have food at the max.
[09:09] Sexy Beast 17: thanks
[09:13] sunny007: 7700 food on the way sexy
[09:14] m20321: 6500 on it's way
[09:18] m20321: Hey Sexy - I could use some stone/wood in ice if you could help me out over there.
[09:20] Sexy Beast 17: how much do you need
[09:20] m20321: just getting started over there so I'm in buid mode.  I'll take whatever you can spare.
[09:20] m20321: *build
[09:20] Sexy Beast 17: how much can you hold
[09:21] m20321: gotcha.  6,800 of ea.  only have about 1,000 on hand
[09:21] m20321: next upgrade is my storehouse which requires about 3,300 of each resource.
[09:22] Sexy Beast 17: 3200 of each is on the way
[09:23] m20321: Thanks.  I generally keep my food maxed out in all my OP's and Castle.  I can only send 6,500 at a time but I'll keep sending as I refill.
[09:30] sunny007: m20321 i just send 550 of each
[09:31] m20321: Thanks Sunny!  It's appreciated.
[09:32] sunny007: i will upgrade my market to be able to send more
[09:33] m20321: Really appreciated.
[09:41] Crector: For the first time in this game, all 4 of my market barrows are in action.
[09:42] Whiplash: hey m20321 do you need any more stone and wood in ice
[09:45] Crector: I could use some more stone/wood in Ice.
[09:45] m20321: Hey Whip - I don't think I could store anymore yet but I might take you up on that offer in the next day or two.  I just saw your request and I'll be sending stone your way.
[09:45] sunny007: 7700 stone on the way  whiplash
[09:46] Whiplash: thanks
[09:47] Whiplash: hey m20321 i could send it so that it would take 5.5 hours to get there
[09:48] m20321: 5000 on it's way.  Let me take a look real quick.
[09:50] m20321: Whip that would work perfect if you don't mind sending it slow
[09:52] Whiplash: 3200 of each is on the way
[09:53] m20321: just got my barrows back from Sexy so another 1500 stone coming your way.
[10:09] sunny007: 369 ty in advance
[10:10] sunny007: sorry out post 469 369, need stone ty in advance
[10:12] Crector: Dianais:  Can you help Sunny out?  All of my market barrows are tied up.
[10:12] m20321: all my barrows are out for about 2 hrs.

[13:14] klemal: A Good days work! Thanks again :o)
[13:15] Crector: No problem.
[13:22] klemal: What is that plague doctor about? Anybody get into biological warefare yet? Lokks like it would be a  devastating weapon.
[13:22] Crector: Not really.
[13:23] klemal: It sure looks creepy enough ;O)
[13:23] Crector: Yes, its annoying.
[13:29] klemal: How does one aquire it's use or services?
[13:36] Crector: Click on espionage and click on the plague doctors button.
[13:38] Crector: Sometimes plague doctors appear before your castle foryou to hire them out...I've never used them.
[13:46] klemal: I never have many Rubies to spend on that sort of stuff and I'm not going to buy them. Now, I have just been challenged to defeat some new, super robber baron. The last time I went against one of these guys I lost a whole lot of my army and had to attack multiple times til I got it right.
[14:24] klemal: Geez, Castle Patty 1 is a blazing inferno..not much left to pick over.
[14:58] xXDemonisXx: hi
[15:19] klemal: Hi, compatriot.
[15:51] slickdave50: hi all
[16:03] klemal: Slickdave, ever think about sending a spy to that monument just to the East of you to see what it's all about?
[16:04] fart4fun: Finnaly finished recruiting from last RB attack and now here they come again. Literally just finished yesterday.
[16:04] klemal: I wonder what they would do to us if we tried to occupy it?
[16:05] fart4fun: who owns it?
[16:07] fart4fun: dont you try. 1) pretty sure that might be against the rules 2) owned by the fight team. 58 members, most are all 70s
[16:07] klemal: the fight team....I just sent a spy on a epic journey
[16:10] klemal: I recalled the spy, better not to poke a hornets nest I guess ;O)
[16:11] fart4fun: I've gotten 2 lvl 3 gems in the last 3 uses of smithy. only prob is they cost 5,000 coins each to apply to equipment. :l
[16:11] fart4fun: ya
[19:54] Crector: How do you get veteran macemen?  All of a sudden, I've got 2 of them at my castle and I've got no idea how or why  I got them.
[19:57] klemal: None of the macemen in my armies live long enough to be veterans.....they are the hammer of the force.
[21:16] fart4fun: thought it had something to do with the reserch tower
[21:21] fart4fun: Crector I have a suggestion; maybe organize the buildings in your castle. Mine looked kind of like yours. I took all the decor. items out and rearanged buildins with space from missing items. then I added them back in. find buildings of same size and put them together. saves a ton o space
[22:28] Crector: I'll think about it.  Only problem is that the dcor items really boost prodution so taking them out even for a few days would really mess things up.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat November 15 2014

[07:02] sunny007: HELLO ALL
[07:03] Crector: Hello
[07:42] fart4fun: well, i finally got all but my op towers repaired!
[07:43] General 313: i was close to having mine repaired until about 45 min ago now i have 69 new fires
[07:43] Crector: D.D.:  Did you read my msg about Solar Empire?
[07:44] fart4fun: wow. need any stone? if its  a wood op we could trade.
[07:51] General 313: this game is no fun anymore all i do is log on to put out fires and before i finish i get attacked again
[07:52] Dianais: Crector: Did so. We haven't had answer from our members, nor from friendly alliances. If you find potential to develop a food outpost go for it. You will need to abandon Solar Empire.
[07:54] fart4fun: General313: is it people or just robber baron attacking you?
[07:56] Crector: How do you abandon an outpost?
[07:57] Crector: f4f:  RB's could not do that kind of damage.
[07:57] Dianais: Economy-Management-Surender Outpost
[07:57] fart4fun: oh ok
[07:57] m20321: good morning all.  Big crowd logged on this am.
[07:59] m20321: General -  I think the problem is we don't have enough people online at any given time to support the attacks against you.
[07:59] fart4fun: i only get attacked by RBs. boring and i cant get glory well because everyone around me is lvl 40+ or over 12 miles away.
[07:59] fart4fun: m20321: I agree
[08:00] Crector: I think what I'll do is  demolish everything at Solar Emire first and transport the resources elsewhere to give you time to market it and get some benefit out fo giving it up other since Food 6 OP's seem be popping up all over.
[08:01] m20321: We still need to come to a consensus on a new alliance grouping.  I still think joining SF is right for us.  They aren't so much a structured alliance as a Co-Op.  There isn't a lead alliance per say but an agreement to band together when needed.  An alliance with them would allow us to maintain our autonomy while having the protection of a mid size alliance.
[08:01] Crector: f4f:  I routinely attack others who are well over 12 miles away.
[08:02] Crector: I've told Dianais that with the SR's being in the server wars, S-F staying out of them and SR's losing one their strongest alliances in SandH, I'm now all for going with S-F.
[08:13] Crector: Nobody else hee has an opinion on which alliance family to join it seems.
[08:21] Dianais: At this point I agree SF is a best option. We need to have Garym changing the description, though.
[08:21] fart4fun: only prob is that rober baron took out all but 5 of my 90ish troops so now i gotta rebuil army
[08:22] Dianais: If 5k rubies is what's required, then we can do it, we have abour 12k at this point.
[08:23] Crector: We can change the description...Garym alone has the power to change the name to include S-F in front of US Armed Forces.
[08:24] Crector: [07:51] General 313: this game is no fun anymore all i do is log on to put out fires and before i finish i get attacked again
[08:24] fart4fun: wow. just decided to try my luck with the smithy and got lvl 3 gem
[08:26] Crector: I agree that the game is becomeing less fun, but its because the thresholds for gaining bonus points keep going up to the point where you have to put up ungodly amounts of time in order to reach the ever increasing quotas.  With my losing targets every time I gain lin lvls, it becomes harder and harder.
[08:27] Crector: frf:  The only Legendary things that I've ever gotten are all from the alliance smithy.
[08:27] fart4fun: all the people my lvl are never on so they never rebuil armies. can only get about 4-5 glory
[08:28] fart4fun: wow. how rare is it to get legendary?
[08:29] Crector: My suspicion is that a big part of the reason why General 313 never puts out all of his fires is that he does not log in often wnough to do so.
[08:29] Crector: I only have 2 piecves of Legendary.
[08:31] Crector: Normally, to get Legendary, you have to forge 6 pieces of Epic and spend 20,000 gold coins in your smithy.
[09:18] jimmer777: blackwood wouldn't stop sabotaging me for 3 continuous days so i attacked him and he is still sabotaging me
[09:19] m20321: r u sure it's him?
[09:19] Crector: How do you know that he is the one who has been sabotaging you?

[11:01] Dianais: And of course, level up flour mill and farmhouses.
[11:02] Dianais: On the other side, you can leverage food and resource production by adding decorative items. The more decorative items, the more public orders and resource produciton
[11:03] Dianais: But you shouldn't spend too much in decorative items in the first stages of the game, as the ones that are available later are better.
[11:11] fart4fun: ok. thanks
[11:22] fart4fun: any1 active in ice world that i could move closer to?
[11:26] Crector: I'm active there.
[11:28] Crector: Have to go nwo...back in 6 hours or so.
[11:29] fart4fun: ok. byr
[11:51] m20321: I've just started a castle in ice
[12:00] Dianais: Poot1 under attack. Support will arrive just in time.
[12:04] m20321: I just looked at that and he's too far away for me to support at 90 miles away.  I woudn't have made it in time.
[12:08] m20321: Demonis - Looking at your attack troops it looks like you took advantage of the ruby deals this morning.  I'd hate to be on the receiving end of some of those attack troops.
[12:10] m20321: Dianais - How do you assign a gem to a commander or castellan?  I've been trying to figure that out for about a week now.
[12:11] fart4fun: pick up gem then click on equipment you want to apply it to. will cost coins
[12:13] m20321: So it applies to a specific piece of equipment instead of the commander/castellan...  Got it.  Thanks f4f.
[12:13] fart4fun: np
[12:13] fart4fun: what is look?
[12:16] fart4fun: couldn't find anything on web
[12:25] m20321: what do you mean "look"?
[12:26] fart4fun: the other equipment space on top besides helmat
[12:27] m20321: Gotcha.  I've been wondering the same thing.  I'm assuming it's a banner of sorts that is available at later levels.
[12:28] zicam: For anyone who is farming, this may be helpful.
[12:28] zicam:
[12:28] zicam: It is helpful to me in controling resources needed to attack
[12:29] fart4fun: not sure. people said that GGE hasn't really said. 1 guy said  that it may be something that makes your troops look a lot stronger. like macemen looking like demon horrers
[12:30] fart4fun: zicam - is it always like that?
[12:30] zicam: Yes
[12:30] fart4fun: cool
[12:31] fart4fun: thanks for the help
[12:31] fart4fun: m20321 - asking the most glorious guy bout the look thing. if anyone has one its most likly him.
[12:46] m20321: zicam - That site is awesome.  Let me know what you find f4f.  I'm getting really curious now.
[12:47] zicam: I like it. Got it from King Jimmy about 5 months back.
[13:01] slickdave50: hello
[13:22] m20321: Apparently Jimmer and this Blackwood guy haven't agreed to terms.  They're back at it again...
[14:57] slickdave50: thanks for your help
[15:56] fart4fun: k m20321. waiting on reply
[17:02] fart4fun: just spent about 5000 coins recruiting and yet my army is still smaller than I would like it to be :( any way to really fastly get coins?
[17:04] Crector: stay on for 10 minutes at a time.
[17:04] fart4fun: good point
[17:07] fart4fun: Population icrease = more tax revenue, right? so if i build lots of dwellings ill get a lot more taxes, right? Is it wiser to build dellings for tax revenue or stone quarries to make up for lost ones?
[17:08] m20321: what do you mean by lost ones?
[17:09] fart4fun: ???
[17:09] m20321: If you're looking for coins dwellings will increase your coins.
[17:09] m20321: You'll have to watch your public order though.
[17:10] m20321: I've had more luck getting coins from robber barons and barbarion attacks.
[17:10] fart4fun: oh, that. when i took over op a bout 6 lvl 10 stone quarries were destroyed. Ok.
[17:11] m20321: gotcha.
[17:11] fart4fun: well my op increased pop so i get 3477 coins in 6 hours or 363 per 10 mins
[17:12] m20321: what's your public order look like?
[17:13] fart4fun: +1,785

[17:19] fart4fun: how many two hand sword and heavy crossbowmen to send at that forwarded spy report from me? also how would i arrange them?
[17:22] m20321: how many crossbow men do you have?
[17:24] m20321: How many troop slots are available for your attack and what do the wall defenses look like? ie the number under the little picture of the wall when setting up your attack.
[17:32] fart4fun: i have 29 heavy crossbowmen. cheking other stuff
[17:32] fart4fun: slots available are 26/96/26
[17:33] fart4fun: wall defensese 70/85/70%
[17:35] m20321: I would send as many ranged soldiers as possible against the left and right flanks.  I would send 7  ladders against each flank as well.  do you have any other ranged troops?
[17:35] fart4fun: attack: no
[17:36] fart4fun: nor at my ops besides crosbowmen  (normal) would they make any difference?
[17:37] m20321: I'm not sure 29 is enough.  I would try to max both slots if you can.
[17:39] fart4fun: k. in bout 4 hours ill have 41 heavy crossbowmen and 25 two handed sword. plus 50 swordsmen I could send from my stone op. should I include them?
[17:39] m20321: they would definitely help.  you'd have to transfer to your castle and sernd them all together.
[17:39] fart4fun: k
[17:40] m20321: almost all the troops located there are weak in defense against ranged troops.
[17:42] fart4fun: got it
[17:44] m20321: I would set the attack up with two waves.  First wave all ranged.  Second Wave 75/25 Melee/Ranged with another 7 ladders on each flank.
[17:45] fart4fun: what do you mean 75/25? troops. I dont have that many after first wave
[17:47] m20321: the troops in the middle have some strong range defense so you'll want your melee troops to meet them in the courtyard.  75% of the 2nd wave would be 2 handed swords with any ranged attackers you have left.
[17:51] fart4fun: ok. thanks for help. ill probably attack aroun 9pm
[19:28] fart4fun: need wood for stone.
[21:37] fart4fun: sent the attack. you can probably see it in travle overview.
[23:22] jenga123: writing in here to get a bonus
[23:46] fart4fun: dianais- do you need any stone in return?
[23:46] Dianais: Don't, thanks.
[23:47] fart4fun: alright. thanks for wood. should hold me off till i can further upgrade my wood op.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Diplomatic Messages November 2014

From LordShawn of Bloody Conquerors:

we are open to taking subs and remember days passed when we were very friendly.

what do you offer to join us?


From SirLoinOfBeef or SandH:

Nothing really bad. Just getting destroyed in the server war was getting old. Anybody with SR in their name was getting wasted.

To D.D. & M. November 13 2014

Copy of my msg to the leader of the alliance that was until just now known as SR SandH:

Just wondering, but what happened to the SR in front of your name?  Are you no longer with the Storm Reapers?

Reason why I'm asking is that my alliance got kicked out of LOF over a week ago as part of their reorganization we've been talking with other alliance families about joining them.  If there is anything bad about the SR's, we'd like to know.

Thank you for consideration,

Crector, Diplomat US Armed Forces.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mass Message to the U.S. Armed Forces alliance "Alaska Pirates" Nov. 7 2014

Yesterday, joseac put out a Battle Report of his attack on  a member of the Alaska Pirates.  Stuff like this shoud not happen.  The Alaska Pirates are our sub/allies.  If you have a problem with one of their members, then yu need to bring it to the attention of one of the officers such as Dianais or myself.

As Dianais put in the alliance chat yesterday:

Our members needs to review our alliance description before planning attacks. There is no sense in impairing friendly relations.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Nov. 5th/6th 2014

[23:55] Dianais: Don't fully understand Paradigm... And effectively BC wants some sort of commitment, I guess.
[23:55] Crector: My defensve forces wee destroyed defending xXdemonisXx's castle against attackers from an alliance I subsequently made a Non-Aggression Pact with.
[23:58] Crector: Actually, one of his attackers was from the Alaska Pirates....are they not a sub of ours?
[00:00] Dianais: I am writing to Garym tonight. From your contact with SR and from M contact with SF, they have doors open already.
[00:00] Dianais: My first preference is SR because they are closer.
[00:01] Crector: Do you have his email address?  He's hardly been online at all lately.
[00:02] Dianais: Garym has the prerrogative to change alliance name, and he did change the name once at least. The only constraint at this point might be ruby availability... I still don't know how much is required to change name.
[00:02] Dianais: Will try to search in the forum.
[00:02] Dianais: No e-mail.
[00:07] Crector: In other games I've been in, it was common for player teams to have outside of game means of communicatin such as email lists and passwored protected forums...not so in this game.
[00:09] Dianais: Lee is complaining you spied him/her...
[00:09] Crector: From the leader fo the BiT "Elite": I was kinda leaving you alonebut I caught the spy so now your next
[00:10] Dianais: Also already attacking... also still inviting me to change allegiance...
[00:10] Crector: I almost always spy on those attacking us and sometimes sabo them as well.
[00:11] Crector: He must think you're a hot date......
[00:12] Dianais: My bet is Lee will need to rebuild the attack force... But if Lee attack you about this time one of the next days, it's likely you will not have online players able to support your defense.
[00:13] Crector: Can you send support troops to someone not in our alliance or allied to us?
[00:13] Dianais: No.
[00:14] Crector: A friend of mine in another alliance who's also under attack just asked if I could support him...I replied that I was helping someone else.
[00:14] Dianais: But a common thing when a friendly alliance is under attack is to temporarily switch there, both to attack and support defense as good as possible.
[00:15] Dianais: Explain to your friend that the game does not allow this.
[00:16] Crector: ok
[00:22] Crector: Vice Duke...does that come with any special privilileges such as Count Palatime getting Crossbowmen 30% off the regular price?
[00:24] Crector: He lost 1,280 troops....will cost him a bundle to replace them.
[00:27] Dianais: Don't think Vice Duke has any special privileges yet.
[00:27] Dianais: He may have a second army already. If he has to rebuild it, you will safe at least for a couple of days.
[00:28] Dianais: From him, but he may send someone else.
[00:29] Crector: Arthelan has attacked bsbarn twice lately.
[00:31] Crector: Does being online help you defense apart from being able to transfer troops fropm the outposts?
[00:32] Dianais: This time I found that given the attack, I could win both sides. Then I changed from 100% at one side to 50% at each side.
[00:33] Dianais: I also noticed the lack of tools against ranged defense. Then I put 70% ranged at both sides.
[00:33] Crector: Because you outnumbered the attackers?
[00:36] Dianais: Two sides won mean 30% extra defense in the keep. Which were in favor of reinforcements from the outposts and from you guys.
[00:37] Dianais: Of course the more the troops in the keep, the more the damage in the enemy attack. Past the critical number allowing victory, the more the troops in the keep the less damage you sustain from the enemy attack.
[00:39] Crector: What is more helpful tar r pitch kettle of machiolation?
[00:42] Dianais: So he had some guys ready...
[00:46] Dianais: I have most of my in transit, I am recalling a contingent that could make it in time.
[00:47] Dianais: I can send about 600.
[00:48] Dianais: Do you have tools available?
[00:49] Crector: Don't send anything.
[00:50] Dianais: 650 on the way, but I can recall if you confirm.
[00:50] Crector: Recall...I havve hardly and defense troops available.
[00:51] Crector: Do have 75 Flaming Arrows and 56 defense rocks and other tuff, but not enough to make a difference.
[00:52] Dianais: Recalling.
[00:54] Dianais: Also, hee is sending ruby tools against your resource tools.
[00:55] Crector: What's ruby tools?
[00:56] Crector: From the same OP from where he attacked you...why did he not send those troops against you?
[00:57] Dianais: He already sent the max the game allowed.
[00:57] Dianais: Given a player level you have a max attack allowed.
[01:00] Dianais: 1280 is the max against my level, assuming no gems are part of the equipment of the commander.
[01:05] Crector: Too bad you can't send fremen...
[01:06] Dianais: Ruby tools, example: stones are resource tools, you build them with stone and wood, they give 25% extra defense at the walls.
[01:07] Dianais: Tar pit kettles are ruby tools, you build them with rubies once you have the proper barrack level, they give 40% extra defense at the walls.
[01:09] Dianais: Machicolations are ruby tools, you only got to buy them from an armorer with rubies, the armorer staying at your castle yard for a couple of days each month or so, they give 50% extra defense at the walls.
[01:10] Dianais: Ruby tools have a definite advantage against resource tools, there are ruby tools in each category, both for attack and defense. I bet they provide much of the income for GGE. I mean, players buying rubies to buy ruby tools and the like.
[01:13] Dianais: Non ruby players get the rubies the hard way... thru quests, and attacks to robber barons, and the like.
[01:24] Crector: I kniow that by experience
[01:27] Crector: Actuallt, there are a growing number of online games that thget their income through the sale of in-game items.
[01:53] Dianais: Desert attack to sunny... too far for support.
[02:03] Dianais: Nite.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Messages to Dianais & m20321 Nov. 2nd 2014


Heard from the Crazy Ones and they are merely a sub of a larger alliance called TFT that I have never heard of before and it sounds like they are a warmongering bunch bent on death or glory.   Also heard back from Paradigm and they are interested, but want to talk more.  On the other hand, only the S.R.'s have accepted us as an unit on equal basis with the other "direct subs."  All we have to do is change our alliance name to get into their fold.

As you both know, I'm all for the SR's although I'm willing to wait a bit to hear from other alliances, most notably Bloody Conquerors & Dream Team.  

M:  What makes you think that S-F is such a good idea since from what you've cut and pasted from them, it sounds like they want to wait a month before making a decision? 

D.D.:  Did you ever write Jimmy?  If so, have you heard back from him?

Message to Dianais:

You wrote:

Thanks Crector. If I am not mistaken (maybe I am confusing it with posts in the alliance chat), at this point M just sent a message stating that in principle SF would be as good an option as SR. I M did sent such message, I no longer have it.


Thar makes two of us.  M ssems to be basing his analysis on stuff neither of us have seen.  Also, you look at the rosters if the SR alliances that I know f and the SF alliances that I know of and the SR's are much closer to us than SF's.  Distance plays a part in how well/able/willing allies are to help you.  Thwee also seems be a lot of empty roster spots at SF STONECOLD.

In any event.  Its your decision ultimately.  If you chosse SF, I will go along with it even though it seems like the weeaker option.  However, I'm willing to wait until mid-week to hear from the other alliances, esp. BC & Dream Team.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Messages to and from Dianais Nov. 1st 2014

To Dianais:

Saw our leader just now in Chat and asked him this question:

[19:01] Crector: GARYM:  How do you change the alliance name and how many rubies does it take to do so?

His answer?  He left Chat without saying a word.  And you wonder why I have zero use for him.  You just do not know how tempting it is to msg another alliance about leaving this alliance.  Guess we're going to have do things the hard way by looking through the GGE Forum and the Help Pages and find out for ourselves.

Right now the only thing keeping me in this alliance is the idea that I'm doing  good and am on the path towards solving the alliance grouping problem.

In any event, I have to take a nap for a few hours or so.  Hopefully, there will be more replies from other alliances.

The favor of a reply is requested.

From Dianais:


I have been looking thru the conf menus, turns out that I can't change alliance name. It is a leader prerrogative, so it will need to be Garym. I am confident that he will agree once we settled for one.

BTW I can understand your feelings with the  game dynamic of the high level players in the alliance. They will not shine in activity, other things claiming attention besides the game, and I don't think it will change short term.

So, though I believe you are helping in a critical point, and useful to the alliance players doing so, I will understand if you choose to change allegiance, will not take it bad. I have done it myself, and in time I will surely do it again.


U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 31st/Nov. 1st 2014

[17:16] Crector: This sounds good:
[17:16] Crector: Hi Crector,I am with  SR and I understand you all want to become a Direct sub for us?in order to  become a direct sub you must carry the SR in your name please.let me know when your ready and we will add you to are list of subs.Take Care, Jim
[17:16] Crector: Hopfully Dianais can do this...
[17:17] m20321: Are we ruling out SF then?
[17:18] Crector: If we becoem a direct sub of SR's, yes we are.
[17:21] m20321: Why are we only talking to SR and not both.  We could just as easily be given the opportunity to become a direct sub of SF...  I was waiting to hear from Dianis before reaching out to them but I think it's in our interests to evaluate both as discussed yesterday.
[17:21] m20321: I'll reach ou to SF tonight and see what they offer.
[17:23] jimmer777: i lost 500 honor whichh is hard for me to get back
[17:26] Crector: Don't you underatand, all Dianais or GARYM has to change our name and we're part of SR's.
[17:28] m20321: I understand.  I'm just not as excited about SR as you are.
[17:30] m20321: I also thought we were reaching out to Jimmy at Bloody Conquerors
[17:32] Crector: You can't become affiliated to more than one grouping at a time.
[17:32] m20321: I know.
[17:32] Crector: My rank is too low to change the alliance name.
[18:19] m20321: Jimmer - I heard from Blackwood.  He's willing to stop his attacks if you don't initiate anymore against him.  His level is too low and would cost me honor points to attack,
[19:41] m20321: Message from SF - Talked to the bosses and they would love to have you guys join the family. We will set up a meeting after islands. We move a lot of plyers around to get the top aqua points and allow our subs and and allies to get in on the bonuses
[19:44] Crector: Why would you msg SF after we were accepted by SR's?
[19:45] m20321: Why would you assume that the alliance you presented is the only option available to the group?
[19:46] m20321: My point is that this should be a group decision not a Crector/M20321 decision
[19:46] Crector: I thought that I made it clear that SR's turned us doiwn then we would next approach SF or Bloody Conquerors.
[19:47] m20321: You assumed that your opinion took a bigger priority than anyone else in the group.
[19:47] m20321: I disagree
[19:48] m20321: It isn't your decision alone to decide the fate of the alliance
[19:48] Crector: Ithoughtg tht we had agrred onn that, including for the rest of the group, only a very few others have expressed any sort of interest.  Since Dianis probably won't even be on until 11PM CST if at all on Hallwoeen, then we still have plenty of time to talk about it.
[19:49] m20321: I agree.  We need to agree as a group.  I also agree that a bunch of the group won't have an opinion but it only seems right to give everyone a chance to voice their opinion
[19:54] Crector: We'll see what Dianais says when she gets back from trick or treating or from the hangover....She may have the power to change the alliance name.  If she does n0t, tghen we will have to wait upon the whims of the leader.
[20:07] jenga123: ok
[21:42] Crector: Just reached 70 activity points again....
[23:26] jenga123: nice
[00:22] Crector: So thee's a place called Castle BAD?
[03:11] Crector: Thus far no attacks from the BiT "Elite".  Knock on wood.....
[04:10] Crector: Pretty interesting reading:
[04:10] Crector:
[07:12] General 313: it takes rubys to change the name
[07:17] Crector: How many?
[07:19] Crector: General 313:  What's yur take on affiliatin with another alliance group:  Are you OK with the SR's or not?
[07:19] General 313: dont remember but it is a lot because skull the previouly leader was joining other alliances all the time and we had to change our name a lot
[07:19] Crector: Same question goes for the rest of you vagabonds as wel.
[07:36] Crector: I remember bck when Bleeding THC & I founded The Blitz alliance after we left the Legion of Aid back in July, the price for starting a new alliance was 375 rubies.  If that's the price for changing the name, then I have more than that on hand and could donate it to the alliance for that purpose.
[07:37] sunny007: morning all
[07:38] Crector: Morning
[07:40] m20321: Good morning all
[07:40] m20321: Note from the leader of SF Stonecold - hello m20321,im hacksaw4 leader of S.F.STONECOLD one of my members told me you guys were looking for a new family i hope you would consider ours.were not the biggest family out there but were growing ,if you have any questions please contact me i will do my best to answer them .
[07:41] Chlo-Chlo: i think it is like 5000
[07:41] m20321: Sounds like they are excited at the possibility of us joining with them.  This is the second note I've received from them.
[07:42] Crector: Is that the main alliance?
[07:42] Chlo-Chlo: would we be a sub or an equal part of the family
[07:43] Crector: With the SR's, we would be a "direct sub" putting us on a par with our allies in SR:SandH
[07:44] Crector: [19:41] m20321: Message from SF - Talked to the bosses and they would love to have you guys join the family. We will set up a meeting after islands. We move a lot of plyers around to get the top aqua points and allow our subs and and allies to get in on the bonuses
[07:44] Crector: What is this islands business and when does it happen?

[07:45] m20321: It is the main alliance.  They have several training alliances below them.  The initial note I sent was very clear that we were looking to be a "direct sub".
[07:45] m20321: Island is one of the other kingdoms in the map.
[07:46] Chlo-Chlo: i would rather be part of the family than a sub have we checked with jimmy
[07:46] m20321: aka the Storm Islands
[07:47] Chlo-Chlo: it is a temporary kingdom
[07:47] m20321: I was also waiting to hear from Jimmy before reaching out to SF.  There was a big push last night to change us to SR so I reached out to SF to see what our options are.  I'm also curious about Jimmy and BC.
[07:48] Chlo-Chlo: jimmy was a level 4 when he jjoined us and rose in our alliance fast he is still loyal to this alliance but needed more action
[07:53] Crector: Thought Dianais was going to contact him.  If yuwant, we could also contact Paradigm.  Dream Team is another family that includes such well known alliances as Masters of Chaos.  However, I'm afraid  that GaryM would have have a heart attack if we even consiered them.
[07:59] Crector: Another problem with Dream Team is that hardly any of their castles are in our area.  When they hit our senior members, those marches must have taken forever.
[08:03] Crector: Here's another idea that GarM would freak out over:  KON
[08:03] Crector: GaryM
[08:06] Crector: 534:348 Burning castle of independnet Lvl 53 player.  Might be too far away for most of you though.
[08:07] Crector: 542:342 burning independent Lvl 35
[08:22] Crector: Here's the msg I just sent the Diplomat of Dream Team:
[08:22] Crector: Originally, this alliance, formerly known as LOF: Blood, was part of the LOF family of alliances.  However, last week as part of a reorganization, we were dropped by LOF.  Since we prefer to be part of an alliance group, we have decided to ask you if we may join your alliance family as a direct branch/sub.Thank you for your consideration,Crector Diplomat U.S. Armed Forces
[08:23] Crector: If we can become one their direct branches, then I'm alll for DT since they are stronger than SR's and they have also driven the leader of BiT Elite, Lee_41, right up a wall.
[08:26] Crector: m20221 is obviously too shocked to offer any sort of opinion.  Imagine DAlex & Whiplash will be similarly numbstrck.
[08:27] Crector: m20321
[08:32] m20321: Why would I be too shocked?
[08:33] m20321: Nothing you've said is all that interesting.  You sent the same letter to Dream Team that you sent to SR.
[08:34] m20321: Most of use have families and life's to attend to and aren't waiting on baited breath for your next diatribe.
[08:37] Crector: You obviously do not have a sense of humor.....
[08:40] Crector: Speaking of humor, I'll msg Uma777 of Plum Crazy and find out who to contact to join the Crazy People aliance family.
[08:47] Crector: Here's their website:
[08:47] Crector:
[08:47] Crector: Crazy Ones
[08:52] Crector: Actually, because I found their website, can msg their leader direcly and bypass Uma777.
[09:19] Crector: Msg sent to the Diplomat of The Crazy Ones:Originally, this alliance, formerly known as LOF: Blood, was part of the LOF family of alliances.  However, last week as part of a reorganization, we were dropped by LOF.  Likewise, the alliance formerly known as LOF Legion VIII decided to bolt LOF and become Plum Crazy.  That being the case, we have decided to ask you if we may join your alliance family as a direct branch.Thank you for your consideration,Crector Diplomat U.S. Armed Forces
[09:33] Crector: m20321:  Did you contact Bloody Conquerors?  Reason why I'm asking is that I just received a shipment of Wood from a guy in BC 2 that I've never even heard of before.
[09:34] m20321: Nope...
[09:44] poot11: i need men for support
[09:46] Crector: For how long?
[09:47] poot11: maybe 1 hour
[09:47] poot11: they arrive in 26 minutes
[09:50] fart4fun: sorry, your 94 miles away from me
[09:50] Crector: Its just a Lvl 1 Robber should have problem defeating it...In any event, it would take 52 minutes for defensive troops from Outpost Trex to reach you.
[09:50] poot11: ok thanks
[09:55] Crector: Lvl 32 independent player that someone  might want want to prey on at 551:348
[10:01] Crector: Shalavee is in ruins...her OP's are up fior grabs.
[10:15] cool kid4: i had fun last night
[10:19] Crector: Weird:  There is a tent symbol right by my castle that when you run the cursor over it, says "Support requested."  Did not put it thee and have now idea how to put something liek that up.
[10:21] cool kid4: i did that
[10:23] Crector: How did you do it?
[10:23] Crector: Also, please undo it.  I'm not under attack.
[10:25] cool kid4: i kent
[10:32] Crector: If you can't undo it, then why did you do it in the first place?
[10:33] cool kid4: ?

[11:07] Crector: However, its not important now given that he is attacking the monutment belonging to Kingdom of Neph2 a move that will almost certainly lead to war if you don't get him to recall that army right now.
[11:09] Crector: cool kid4:  Why are you attacking that monument?  Don't you know that is one of the single most powerful alliances in the game?  Or don't you care?
[11:10] Crector: D.D.:  Why are you not doing something about this?  Or are you in a state of shell shock?
[11:12] Dianais: Crector: in the map on your castle I see an attack symbol. When I run my cursor over it says "coordinated attack".
[11:12] Crector: Evenb worse, its a Capture Attack according to the Travel Overview.
[11:13] Crector: I see it now...he's not in Chat he did it.
[11:13] Dianais: Crector: is it a fact that CK4 is still a multi after our warning?
[11:15] Crector: Turns out that I have the power to kicj him out and just did it.  His other 2 accounts are still in the game.  Don't know if he's been playing them for sure, but given his immature behavior, can't rule it out.
[11:18] Dianais: Crector: he is a kiddo... immature behavior is included in that condition. But we warned him about multi, if he still around with the other accounts is a risk for us all.
[11:19] Crector: Found the austin778 account still in the game.  Caouldn't remember the other one and neglected to write them down in the notebook.
[11:21] Crector: ok...but defacing a castle, not undoing it and attacking the monument belonging to a powerhouse alliance are deal breakers as far as I'm concerned.
[11:24] Dianais: Yes they are.  We don't need to discuss it, being a Multi is reason for expulsion, continue on that condition after the warning is an aggravating fact. It's ok.
[11:24] Crector: Good news:  Storm Reapers approved us as a "direct sub" making us the equal of SR:SandH and the like.  Problem is that we have to change the alliance name to include SR: in front of it.  According to Gemeral 313, that consts a lot of rubies.  Do you have the poer to change it and if so how much will it cost?
[11:25] Dianais: Let me check... I yet have 60 messages in green, I think you already sent one with subject the change of the name.
[11:26] Crector: Also, the M guy does nto like it, says that we're acting too hastily so I've been spending msgn't other alliance groupings including Dream Team.  None have replied.
[11:29] Crector: Should I also msg Kingdom of Neph about affiliating with them?  Or would that be too radical a move?
[11:32] Crector: The M guy contacted S-F and says that they are "excited" by the idea of our joining them, but want to wit until the Storm Islands are over with.
[11:47] Dianais: Crector: your message on Bit Elite. There are all sorts of relationships in the server, I guess is the natural thing to expect... I don't  disapprove a militaristic profile, it is a war game after all. But personally don't approve / won't be part of an alliance preying in small targets. Or launching massive attacks with no reason against smaller alliances.
[11:50] Crector: I have not even so much as considered asking them for affiliation.
[11:50] Dianais: Now, the game is not only a war game, there is a lot depending in diplomacy, the more the higher the alliance is ranked. Massive attacks agaisnt equally sized alliances are all common, and part of the game. They are not fair when against an alliance that is growing or with many new recruits, as neither the alliance nor the recruits are readied for it. But when most of the player are above 60,  it's something that will happen.
[11:51] Dianais: Then again the importance of a network of alliances where you can get support. Massive attacks against your alliance should mean retaliation from the bigger network of alliances.
[11:51] Crector: Why are yu saying this?  Did I write something that made you think that I want us to be like BiT "Elite"?
[11:52] Dianais: ??
[11:52] Dianais: No.
[11:53] Crector: That was themsg to another player that I snt a copy to you.
[11:54] Dianais: Just clarifying: there is a to be expected the grow of militaristic profiles in a war game, as for a war game a militaristic profile is an advantage.
[11:55] Crector: That clears things up.
[11:56] Dianais: Still need to test whether I can change name of the alliance... but we better test it with the new preferred name, if it will cost rubies let's not waste them.
[11:57] Crector: Do you want to change it for Storm Reapers or wait for what the other alliances say?  That is what the M guy would advocate if he were here.
[11:59] Crector: D.D.:  In any event,  do you want me to write Kingdom of Neph about affilation or not?
[12:00] Crector: My only guess is that cool kid4 bookmarked my castle....if wo it would explain why there's a red skull over a robber baron castle near my place.
[12:00] Crector: so
[12:06] Dianais: We already have a picture. As I read it, SR is ready, a second option is to wait for about 30 days for consideration.
[12:07] Dianais: Let's discuss along today and tomorrow to give the opportunity for other members to catch up on what's going on. At this point I would go for SR  tomorrow  night.
[12:08] Dianais: Assuming I could change name and we have enough rubies for it.
[12:10] Crector: Only problem is that earlier this morning and last night, the M guy had tantrums obver the idea of affiliating with the SR's without exploring all the possibilities.  As for myself, I'm all for going with the SR's.
[12:12] Crector: [19:41] m20321: Message from SF - Talked to the bosses and they would love to have you guys join the family. We will set up a meeting after islands. We move a lot of plyers around to get the top aqua points and allow our subs and and allies to get in on the bonuses[19:44] Crector: Why would you msg SF after we were accepted by SR's?[19:45] m20321: Why would you assume that the alliance you presented is the only option available to the group?[19:46] m20321: My point is that this should be a group decision not a Crector/M20321 decision[19:46] Crector: I thought that I made it clear that SR's turned us doiwn then we would next approach SF or Bloody Conquerors.[19:47] m20321: You assumed that your opinion took a bigger priority than anyone else in the group.[19:47] m20321: I disagree[19:48] m20321: It isn't your decision alone to decide the fate of the alliance
[12:13] Crector: [19:48] Crector: Ithoughtg tht we had agrred onn that, including for the rest of the group, only a very few others have expressed any sort of interest.  Since Dianis probably won't even be on until 11PM CST if at all on Hallwoeen, then we still have plenty of time to talk about it.[19:49] m20321: I agree.  We need to agree as a group.  I also agree that a bunch of the group won't have an opinion but it only seems right to give everyone a chance to voice their opinion
[12:16] Dianais: There is a lot in there, I will not be able to parse now. Will be back later. As it is, we all agree in not taking an action until tomorrow night. If we feel that some more time is needed we can discuss it.
[12:16] Crector: My city guards just caught cool kid4 trying to spy on my castle.
[12:17] Dianais: We don't have a problem on my view, we do need to explore options, and you have been working on that side.
[12:18] Crector: Now the label on my castle reads Free to attack.
[12:18] Dianais: Having two diplomats make for more options, more options is just we need at this time. But my thinking is that we need also to avoid delaying if we can reach consensus.
[12:19] m20321: Your last comment Dianais has been my point all along.
[12:20] m20321: bbl
[12:20] Crector: Given the state of uninterest with only General 313 & Chlo-Chlo expressing any inteest this morning, consensus would be pretty hard to come by.
[12:22] Dianais: Let's qualify consensus between those who have formed opinion, and the possibility to be informed on what's going on for the rest.
[12:22] Crector: [07:47] m20321: I was also waiting to hear from Jimmy before reaching out to SF.  There was a big push last night to change us to SR so I reached out to SF to see what our options are.  I'm also curious about Jimmy and BC.
[12:23] Dianais: Leaving, back later.
[12:23] Crector: I have to go now too.