Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mass Message SF USAF Tigers March 18 2015

As you all know, we are the sub of SF USAF KNIGHTS.  As such, we are honor bound to respect the Pacts & Non-Aggression Pacts made by the main alliance.  Following is a list of the Pacts/NAP's made by klemal who is the Diplomat for both SF USAF alliances:

All SF, SR Hard Liquor, Lions Den, Doom Legion,AOD Dread, All Misc Ki,gs, TMK WarKings, N;E.S.T., All Clan 420, All Clan 350, H.I.V.E. H.L., H.I.V.E. Century 1&2, Purgatory, Legion of Aid, Brother's Pact:  Bloody Conquerer, Blood is Thicker, S and H, Maki Kozji, NeartOineach, Amalgamation, TMK Devils,  Devils Brigade, H.I.V.E. WARGODS, B.N.M.O.V.E., PhoenixForce, A.F.Aliens, ELITEKNIGHTS

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat March 16-17 2015

[19:09] FamousGreyWolf: lets get there then
[19:10] FamousGreyWolf: need a free target
[19:12] Crector: Why not that guy in  the enemy alliance you attacked earlier?
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: elite scouts an enemy
[19:13] Crector: king craig
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: good
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: o them
[19:13] FamousGreyWolf: alright
[19:13] Crector: or E_Z_X_RAMPAGE
[19:14] Crector: 503:389
[19:15] Crector: or mollymylove
[19:17] FamousGreyWolf: alright they are all marked
[19:43] Crector: Foxyman122:  Did you attack black2010hawks's OP without provocation as he alleges?
[19:44] Crector: msg from black2010hawks:
[19:44] Crector: Your player foxyman attacked my  op without provocation.
[19:46] Foxyman122: opps that was me sorry did not know
[19:47] Foxyman122: i am going on vacation for a month so wont be on for a while so dont kick me please
[19:48] Crector: If you are gone for a month, your castle will be rdeuced to ruins.
[19:48] Foxyman122: I will check in onence and a while ok
[19:50] Crector: You'll need to check in at least once a week and do somethiing to stay in this alliance.
[19:58] Foxyman122: Oki will
[20:33] Crector: Hey Colonel, you haven't been getting any boats built lately.
[20:33] ColonelDicJr: computer problems i seem to be ok now
[20:33] Crector: good
[20:34] ColonelDicJr: just started another boat
[20:36] ColonelDicJr: we need more members in the islands
[20:40] Crector: yes
[20:41] Crector: Have to be at least lvl 35 to be in the islands.
[20:44] ColonelDicJr: we need that ruby prize
[20:53] Crector: yes
[21:04] Crector: Msg from maka40 of HL Elite Scout:
[21:04] Crector: i don't know what is going on but if we are at war i would like to know what brought it on one of your players messaged me his name is foxy
[21:06] FamousGreyWolf: guy Im gone for the night
[21:23] Crector: Follow-up msg from maka40:
[21:23] Crector: You will wish you had not made an enemy today we were goig to let you live but we are coming for you so be ready for what yoy asked for. We will show no mercey. I will show no mercey So you wanted war you will get war.Sgt. Foxyman122Let hell decend on you and alince his exact words i copied and paste this
[22:02] Crector: Msg from black2010haw3ks:
[22:02] Crector: thanks for the resources. but Famous Grey Wolf attack the same Op...not trying to be a tough guy but I will instruct my alliance to retaliatiate if this continues
[05:37] Crector: Heres a msg from ghe leader of the Tampant Rangers, an alliance that has never given us any trouble:hello again just saw the reports again and there was 2 hits by foxyman both on out post and one on an out post by graywolf.
[05:37] Crector: Rampant Rangers
[11:37] Crector: Both Foxyman122 and FGW have been demoted to basic member.  If you have any dubt about alliance policy, look up the alliance annnouncement and scroll down.
[12:30] missymae: do we have any connection to casterly rock??
[12:31] missymae: i can attack right?
[12:38] FamousGreyWolf: need wood at my main can someone help
[12:38] Crector: Yes you can attack, but attack their main.
[12:39] missymae: of course
[20:28] sunny007: hello all
[20:36] Crector: helo sunny
[20:38] missymae: hello
[20:40] Crector: Just sent the following to FGW's new alliance leader:
[20:40] Crector: Just wanted to warn you that FamousGreyWolf is a player who violated our rules including not attacking outposts belonging to alliances that we are not at war with.  For this, he was demoted from Sgt. to member and was on very thin ice.

Msg to UltimateCarla March 17 2015 & Reply

Just wanted to warn you that FamousGreyWolf is a player who violated our rules including not attacking outposts belonging to alliances that we are not at war with.  For this, he was demoted from Sgt. to member and was on very thin ice.

UltimateCarla's response:

i thought there was something up with him he mention that he used to belong to SF USA ... i told him i had a friend there he left the chat but i think he is still on spying  so we are just small talking in there i caught him attacking one of our op"s he said mty player had attacked one of his op's which my member has done much of anything since yesterday because he was away on a trip......and only come in for a few min.s to let me know why he hadn't been wolf was lying .....thank you for letting me know

Saturday, March 14, 2015

cantgetenough controversy March 14 2015

msg sent to klemal and Dianais:

Based on the cut and pastes from the Knights's alliance chat, klemal has sent, cantgetenough has crossed the line by accusing klemal of being some sort of traitor and of recruiting secyurity risks.  I've told klemal to ban him, but he won't do it on the grounds that someone higher up needs to do it.

cantgetenough is a cancer.  He needs to be expunged.  Now.

From the SF USAF KNIGHTS Alliance Chat:

20:51] cantgetenough: who joined him klemal
[20:52] klemal: me
[20:52] klemal: I thought anybody with enough stones to spy on our leader deserved a invite :o)
[20:53] klemal: we bombed him 4 it too, and he wasn't fazed...he apologized
[20:54] cantgetenough: were did he come from
[20:54] cantgetenough: wat allce
[20:56] klemal: he wasn't in one
[20:56] klemal: I look for loners
[20:56] klemal: he is lucky he joined when he did...usually they get mauled if they aren't in a alliance by his level
[20:56] cantgetenough: all  allces will check out yur king,wat yu need is to rembr is our leader goes to the board to talk,
[20:57] klemal: he did it as part of a quest
[20:57] klemal: but spying on a leader shouldn't be tolerated
[20:57] cantgetenough: now wat part of this dont yu get
[20:57] klemal: all of it

[21:01] klemal: he is a late blooming novice...and a good one I think
[21:01] cantgetenough: our dputys,gens n our requiter should be the ones to giv an ok on a new mem joing
[21:02] cantgetenough: not yu
[21:02] klemal: ah, but I asked our leader......
[21:03] klemal: I do know protocol
[21:03] cantgetenough: if yu find someone that let our requiter gens or dputys about this
[21:03] klemal: meaning?
[21:03] klemal: I never make a move without approval
[21:04] klemal: even my attacks are screened by a deputy
[21:04] klemal: I know what I'm doing
[21:05] klemal: I was given this position, I didn't lobby for it
[21:05] cantgetenough: who did yu get an ok that this mem was ok to join
[21:05] klemal: I accept all tasks given me by the alliance
[21:05] klemal: I follow orders
[21:06] klemal:

21:06] klemal: ask GaryM
[21:06] cantgetenough: yu hav no orders,who did yu ask to join this this mem
[21:07] klemal: You seem to lack confidence in my abilities
[21:07] GARYM: you two stop fighting i gave klernal approval
[21:07] klemal: okay...for the last time, it was cleared by Gary...satisfied?
[21:08] cantgetenough: yur pmo yu hav no authority at all , who did yu ask
[21:08] GARYM: while you two were fighting dalex was attacked
[21:08] klemal: Yes Gary, I could not reach him in time
[21:08] cantgetenough: im done
[21:11] cantgetenough: i dont fite, i just want to know who approved of this new mem,there is know way in hell a lev 37 just joins a mem without lookn at hi,
[21:12] cantgetenough: him.sorry
[21:12] cantgetenough: this should of been looked at
[21:13] klemal: would you like the position of recruiter? Why not ask for it? Or maybe you'd like to do diplomacy?
[21:13] GARYM: klernal has been discussing this with me for a couple of days

[21:13] cantgetenough: gary i really think yu need to look into this
[21:14] cantgetenough: this is getn sloppy
[21:15] Whiplash: it is safer to bring in low level players and help them build than to bring in high level players who we do not always know that much about
[21:16] Whiplash: that way you cultivate loyalty

Monday, March 9, 2015

SF USAF KNIGHTS Chat March 9 2015

[18:03] cantgetenough: misty wats up w bit
[18:04] misty18: ?
[18:06] cantgetenough: did they attk in green,
[18: 07] cantgetenough: got esp reports on bit, wats up
[18:07] misty18: i am not sure what u are talking about?
[18:08] cantgetenough: dont want ??????????
[18:08] misty18: who is bit
[18:08] misty18: what is green?
[18:10] cantgetenough: bit bountyhunter,497/364
[18:10] cantgetenough: thats from monkey
[18:11] misty18: i still do not know anything
[18:11] cantgetenough: outlands from dianis
[18:12] cantgetenough: thats in ruins,on an  op
[18:13] misty18: u will need to ask someone who knows something
[18:13] misty18: maybe whip or garym
[18:15] cantgetenough: y is monkey sendn spys to bitbounty hunters,pretty good size fam
[18:16] misty18: maybe he is monkeying around, id

18:16] misty18: maybe he is monkeying around, idk
[18:21] cantgetenough: lolol ok just bring it to yur attn
[18:22] cantgetenough: gota build n look
[18:25] cantgetenough: look at 497/364 , wat monkey sped on,lolol,just look at this guys castle
[18:26] cantgetenough: tell me wat yu see n how he builds,just tryn to giv a little advice
[18:26] cantgetenough: im waintn
[18:27] cantgetenough: lolol, this guy has know idea wat hes doin
[18:30] cantgetenough: im waitn this is good exspn for our mems
[18:31] cantgetenough: wat not to do
[18:31] cantgetenough: just tryn to help sum late
[18:35] cantgetenough: to help those on , does anyone know wat po is
[18:36] cantgetenough: just askn ,ill shut up
[19:37] misty18: cant, did u get answers to your questions?
[20:02] cantgetenough: no,lolol i was just tryn to help mems out,Oh, well

[20:03] cantgetenough: i really dont think  they know
[20:05] cantgetenough: if you want your recs to build you need po
[20:05] cantgetenough: plain n simple
[20:08] cantgetenough: the misc just made an attk
[20:09] cantgetenough: a lev 70  attk one of our mems at lev 50,was this set up
[20:11] cantgetenough: lol not snells burn,n
[20:11] cantgetenough: thats now
[20:15] cantgetenough: snells built up wrong,in main n ops  hes feedn alot, n no po ,wow
[20:16] cantgetenough: a lev 50
[20:16] cantgetenough: think deputs better look in to this,late
[20:18] cantgetenough: the misc got through once better be ready
[20:19] cantgetenough: i call it there pickn times,lolol
[20:24] cantgetenough: lolol, well i see gary left, hope hes checkn on this attk
[20:27] cantgetenough: i sent report out YOU CAN NOT BUILD LIKE THIS,

[18:26] cantgetenough: im waintn
[18:27] cantgetenough: lolol, this guy has know idea wat hes doin
[18:30] cantgetenough: im waitn this is good exspn for our mems
[18:31] cantgetenough: wat not to do
[18:31] cantgetenough: just tryn to help sum late
[18:35] cantgetenough: to help those on , does anyone know wat po is
[18:36] cantgetenough: just askn ,ill shut up
[19:37] misty18: cant, did u get answers to your questions?
[20:02] cantgetenough: no,lolol i was just tryn to help mems out,Oh, well
[20:03] cantgetenough: i really dont think  they know
[20:05] cantgetenough: if you want your recs to build you need po
[20:05] cantgetenough: plain n simple
[20:08] cantgetenough: the misc just made an attk
[20:09] cantgetenough: a lev 70  attk one of our mems at lev 50,was this set up
[20:11] cantgetenough: lol not snells burn,n
[20:11] cantgetenough: thats now
[20:15] cantgetenough: snells built up wrong,in main n ops  hes feedn alot, n no po ,wow

20:16] cantgetenough: a lev 50
[20:16] cantgetenough: think deputs better look in to this,late
[20:18] cantgetenough: the misc got through once better be ready
[20:19] cantgetenough: i call it there pickn times,lolol
[20:24] cantgetenough: lolol, well i see gary left, hope hes checkn on this attk
[20:27] cantgetenough: i sent report out YOU CAN NOT BUILD LIKE THIS,
[20:27] cantgetenough: if i sent 400 sup i would lose all of them
[20:28] cantgetenough: come on people
[20:40] cantgetenough: thegoodguy3,  coor 520/304 is who smacked snells
[20:42] cantgetenough: the misc is wantn something
[20:42] cantgetenough: lolol,n its more power
[20:44] cantgetenough: he smaced a lev 50  mem of ours n i think i know why

know why
[21:05] cantgetenough: misc does not usually make an attk like this unless they found something out on snells getn or talkn to kon,ive sent mesg to my exleader to find out

21:06] cantgetenough: ive sent pm to whom attkd snell n y
[21:08] cantgetenough: this is not even my job,but im really concerned about this

Sunday, March 8, 2015

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 7 2014

[00:18] Dianais: Hi Crector. Coincidence it is.
[00:18] Crector: ok...thanks.
[00:32] Crector: Yesterday, I got 104 Glory Points, the most I've ever gotten in 1 day without ever beng attacked.
[06:34] jimmer777: morning
[06:35] Crector: morning.
[07:47] GARYM: morning
[07:47] Crector: morning
[08:06] DarkHorse7: morning
[08:09] Crector: morning
[08:55] zicam: Hello
[09:57] xXDemonisXx: sall
[10:42] m20321: Crector - I just got hit by an alliance that defeated my defenses.  How do you generally set yours up?
[10:43] Crector: Put everythign on the right flank.
[10:44] Crector: Utilize everything you built in the defense workshop.
[10:46] m20321: what kind of soldiers do you use for defense?  I think I only have access to rocks currently.
[10:46] m20321: Why everything on one flank?
[10:47] m20321: P.S. - Thanks for the tips
[10:52] Crector: archers, halberdiers longbowmen
[10:58] m20321: what if your barracks could only give you archers and swordsman?
[10:59] Crector: archers
[10:59] m20321: randall16 was the castle that beat me.  He's got some troops I haven't seen yet.  Mauraders, pyro's and knights...
[11:01] m20321: I took a shot at another guy in their alliance because they were looting one of the little castles in our alliance.
[11:01] Crector: It used to be that you could get pyromaniacs pretty easy...then they changed it for the worst.
[11:01] m20321: Clearly I wasn't ready for the retaliation!
[11:03] m20321: Could use about 3k in wood if anyone wants to trade for food.
[12:29] Crector: Col Dick Jr asked for food saying that he was about to completely run out  and so I sent him a full load
[12:38] m20321: gotcha.  No worries Crector.
[12:41] m20321: If you need food Crector I can send you plent of that!
[12:42] Crector: Most folksin this alliance have more than enough food.
[16:17] Crector: From ColDicJr:  dream team attacked me while the game locked me out for 24 hours just got back on and am almost out of food.  people stold my rvs while i was off and only a few low level alliances have asked me to join
[18:31] DAlex: that is sad
[18:33] DAlex: sending food
[19:21] Scromithe: hey
[20:03] Crector: Sunny007's castle is now in ruins.
[20:05] m20321: what happens now?  Resources etc....
[20:05] Crector: Ask the leader.
[20:06] m20321: What generally happens?
[20:07] Crector: Depends...I said ask him...message him.
[20:12] Crector: Everything on the Travel Overview right now is my doing.
[21:27] fart4fun: does any1 know of any ops i could take? im getting estate level 2
[21:30] Dianais: All, sunny007 and justin stewart are in ruins. Please take a look into the outposts and let GARYM and myself know  who wants to take which asap.
[21:32] fart4fun: ok
[21:33] jenga123: I'll take justin stewarts ruins when I level up enough to do so
[21:35] fart4fun: could i take sunny's at 461:346 tommarow at about 5:30 pm?
[21:36] Dianais: Jenga: There may not be enough time. We have seen how fast other players from other alliances went for RVs, they will also go for outposts if we don't move for them ourselves...
[21:38] DAlex: dianais, are there any RV's to protect from Justin, Col, or Sunny?
[21:39] Dianais: fart4fun: let us have a minimum time to see who is interested. Let's say tomorrow this hour. From the list of interested people will assign outposts by seniority and /or player level.
[21:42] Dianais: Dalex: justin and sunny have 1 RV left each. Anyone, please plan to take them asap.
[21:54] DAlex: k, will need to leave the allaince for a day.  let me check around
[22:04] fart4fun: ok

U.s. Armed Forces Chat October 4th/5th 2014

[00:28] Crector: For the first time ever, this alliance's Travel Overview is completely blank.  Guess I'm going to have to remedy that.
[08:29] DAlex: morning
[09:29] jimmer777: morning
[11:48] Crector: One of my outposts is under attack by a guy in Elite Scout.
[11:56] Crector: The War Marshal for Elite Scout is noc who used  to be in our alliance...
[12:24] Crector: Unfortunately, I have to go now...hopefully our leadership can strike back at this Umon attack forces are all in the field so can't retal right away.
[14:52] Crector: Here's the message that I just got from the Umon guy inElite Scout why he attacked my outpost Solar Empire:  i am also  Bonnie3  why do attack and sabotage my outposts? you don't even attack the castle ... whats up with that?  I notified  your leader that i was doing it as retaliation
[14:59] Crector: That's som,ething I've noticed about this game:  How many multi's there are and how little care they take to cover their actions.  Does the staff even enforce the rules against multis?
[14:59] m20321: Hey Crector.  I've been watching your battle reports in the notifications.  A couple of days ago I posted a question in the Alliance Notice Board.  I was hoping you could take a look and shed some light on how you setup your attacks.
[15:01] Crector: Put your forces on the flanks for a possible double envelopment as at Cannae or the 1914 Battle of Tannenberg.
[15:04] m20321: when do you use your ladders, gate rams etc...?
[15:05] Crector: Not against robber barons...use them only when you think you are up against a strong garrison.
[15:09] m20321: gotcha.  How do you address the rocks or other defenses?
[15:09] Crector: What do you mean?
[15:10] m20321: You seem to take low losses when you attack but I've been losing quite a few guys.  I just didn't know if it was from the rocks or the way I was attacking.
[15:12] Crector: Mostg of he places I attack are outposts belonging to players whose castles are in ruins or independent players who are severely battered from other playes....
[15:13] m20321: Cool.  Thanks for the advice
[15:13] Crector: 431:374 is a good poorly defended target you can hit repeatedly every day.
[15:27] Crector: Another message from Bonnie3 aka Umon:  i did not declare war ... someone in our group left  declared war on everyone & threw out several members lower level to him . i sent out declarations of peace immediately several groups  responded  i never heard back from you guys.... And suddenly my outposts are being repeatedly  attacked ... we  are a small training group for elite scout ..peace  would be great!!!
[15:30] Crector: Yet another messagefrom the multi enemy:  i tried to sensd another piece offering I hope you will accept it
[15:40] Crector: SB 17 or GARYM:  Are there any staff members who you can report multi's to who will actually do something to keep out cheaters?
[15:57] legus: Hey I just joined.
[16:02] Crector: Great
[16:03] Crector: Any questions?
[16:04] m20321: So I just attacked a guy that was part of an alliance that has now declared war.  He wasn't part of an alliance when I bookmarked him.  How do I make it right?
[16:06] legus: Do you guys have like any rules?
[16:06] Crector: Its a stupid rule that if an alliance leader leaves a box checked, whenever a member of that alliance is attacked, there is an automatic declaration of war.  Hopefully, GARYM can fix things and bring the war to a swift end.
[16:07] m20321: GARYM - I apologize.  Guess I should've double checked.  Lesson learned...
[16:08] Crector: Read the Alliance Description by hitting the Management button for the rules.
[16:09] legus: thanks
[16:33] Crector: Now the multi Umon/Bonnie3 is attacking my castle while the defense troops are still en route....
[16:36] m20321: Is there a rule against attacking outpost in ruins?
[16:38] Crector: If itis still ina aan alliance, you can't hit it.  Only can hit it if it is not in an alliance.
[16:42] m20321: gotcha.  Thanks again.
[16:43] DAlex: sorry Crector, cant make it in time, but sent spys to Umon.  lets see what he has
[16:44] m20321: Wish I was big enough to help...
[16:59] Crector: Thanks for the spy report General DAlex....175 troops at his castle.
[17:03] DAlex: no prob, will check his outposts also
[17:10] Crector: Just got spy report on Bonnie3's casstle expected considerably weaker than Umon's.  As soon as my heavy attack troops get back from raiding acer1's outpost, I'm going to attack the multi's castle down south.
[17:13] jimmer777: thanks for the report
[17:13] Crector: Hatrd to believe that he attacked with archers...
[17:17] DAlex: no veterans at Umon, so you should be fine when your attack troops get back.
[17:19] Crector: Here's the multi's lame excuse for the attack:  i atacked  before we talked sorry it was right after you  attacked and sabotaged  my outposts  repeatedly .. it took a while to get there  :)   I wont attack anymore if you don't
[17:21] DAlex: your call.  sounds like they want it to end.
[17:22] Crector: He could have retreated if he wanteed to.  That and the fact that he's a multi won't save him now.  Only question is that since neither Gary or the deputies seem to be around, should I contact folks outside this alliance for help?
[17:27] DAlex: waht do you mean by multi?  He's playing multiple castles
[17:28] Crector: He said in that message that I posted to Chat that he is both Bonnie3 & Umon...multiple accounts are banned in  every online game that I nknow of although all too many game staffs are pretty lazy when it comes to enforcing the rules.
[17:29] Crector: In other words, the players have todo the policing.
[17:29] DAlex: ahh, missed it.  now understand the Bonnie connection.

U.S. Armed Forces Chat Sept. 28/29 2014

17:24] Whiplash: lof has becaome useless
[17:26] GARYM: crector Lee_41 will not answer my messages any more
[17:33] Crector: GARYM:  If we shut down this alliance, then where will we go?  Are there any LOF-affiliated alliances that will take us in?
[17:34] Crector: Assuming that we'd want to stick with LOF for the long term...
[18:07] Crector: Got another incoming attack from ER
[18:26] Crector: We're supposed to be at peace with ER, yet the mment Dianais's supporting troops left, ER launched yet another attack on Outpost Tex.
[18:26] Crector: Trex.
[19:00] Rust_Nail: if you move where will the low level guys go
[19:09] Crector: As a Lvl 32'er, I'm considered a low lvl guy myself.  Mars League is almost completely inactive.  Alaska Pirates seems like strong outfit, but its roster is full.
[19:12] Crector: Of all the non-LOF alliances, in this area, only Smecledors II seems like a good outfit.
[19:13] Crector: Gary's been awfully quiet lately.
[19:14] Crector: Has zicam ever said anything in chat?
[19:18] Rust_Nail: those guys that attacked us seem to be pretty good
[19:18] Rust_Nail: KR
[19:18] Rust_Nail: trigger happy and they dont like you obviously
[19:18] Rust_Nail: but they are strong
[19:19] Rust_Nail: how about the Bounty Hunters
[19:19] Crector: I used to be one fo them and left after finding out that they were a bunch of cheaters and gang-bangers,
[19:19] Rust_Nail: how did they cheat
[19:19] Rust_Nail: and what is a gang banger
[19:20] Crector: Are the Bounty Huntes around you.  Gangbangers are players who attack others en masse su what ER did to me today.
[19:20] Crector: such as
[19:41] Rust_Nail: oh ok
[19:42] Rust_Nail: got to go for awhile
[19:42] Crector: bye
[19:42] Rust_Nail: gonna watch the football game
[19:43] Crector: Bears lost big time.
[20:33] GARYM: crector lee41 kicked out itsnotpersonal as soon as he found out who he was and did not know who let him in
[21:02] Crector: Here's a msg that I got from ItsNotPersonal7:  PLZZ TELL THEM TO LET ME BACK
[21:35] Crector: Another message from ItsNotPersonal7 aka Captain Clueless:   HELP ME IN GETING ATTACKED LEFT AND RIGHT PLZZZZZZ HELP ME
[21:39] Crector: GARYM:  Are you getting any msg's from this idiot as well?
[21:53] GARYM: no but i would ignore them
[22:00] Crector: About when do you plan to shut down this alliance?
[22:04] GARYM: i dont  we will survive
[22:04] GARYM: we have a hardy bunch of members and they will only get stronger as time goes by
[22:06] Crector: Even when you don't have the support of the LOF brass and several senior members have either quit or gone inactive or become useless?
[22:08] GARYM: lof has never been very supportive they always sugest that the alliances being attacked join their allliance but they want to pick our choose who they take and they never send support or help attack your enemies
[22:09] GARYM: the members that went inactive were just wait for dt to quick attacking and now that the tournament is over they will probablly start gettin online again
[22:10] Crector: The likes of sunny007 stopped playing before the DT problem and one of them has the rank of General.
[22:12] Crector: I'd like to nominate DAlex for General if justin smith never returns.
[22:16] GARYM: not a bad idea
[22:19] Crector: Also thank you for the promotion to Sergeant...for some reason, unlike other games, I never received a msg from the game telling me about it and I did not notice it until seeing my name on the roster today,
[22:23] GARYM: your welcome
[22:27] Crector: I don';t want to either leave this alliance as long as Dianais is in it since when I decided to leave the Mars League, you were the only LOF alliance leader who gave me a yes.  The other leaders either fauled to respond or referred me to oth3er leaders who failed to answer.
[22:32] GARYM: dianais has been here  a while and is very loyal and helpful to all members of the alliance
[22:34] Crector: That and the fact that her castle is so close to mine.
[22:40] Crector: Another problem is the fact that most of the non-LOF alliances in my areas such as Anarchy, TNOTAIS & Wolfgang seem to be pretty weak.
[22:43] GARYM: just like the other alliances we used to have a lot of level 70 members and they got bored with the game and bullys like dt MISC and HIVE and quit
[22:43] GARYM: those that remain have been with me a long time
[22:44] GARYM: as some members level up they get bored and want more action so theyt go to an alliamnce that goes to war a lot but some come back
[22:51] Crector: Never come across anyone in MISC or HIVE.  Are those outfits spent forces?
[22:52] GARYM: they were  large alliances like DT who attacked everyone
[22:54] Crector: Of all the alliances in my area, only Smecledors II seems  pretty strong, and thier parent alliance has good website, but have only member in my area.
[22:54] GARYM: and noone could stand up to them they are still around but not as strong as they once were
[22:58] GARYM: look up famous gold he is the king of H.I.V.E
[22:59] Crector: Alert:  the player was not found
[23:00] GARYM: sorry famousgold
[23:01] GARYM: also look up alan82  he is in one of the MISC alliances
[23:02] Crector: FamousGold does not have one of huge castles like the King of Neph does.
[23:03] Crector: Neither does alan82
[23:04] Crector: Grand Duke Anarcia does though.
[23:04] GARYM: i dont thinkg he has been the king long hive had a large war and internal problems so they broke up.  they used to be all around us and wer attacking us all the time they even had a palce near us where they could make kings guard troops
[23:06] GARYM: DT AND KON are top alliances now
[23:07] Crector: How do AOD, LOF & Smecledors compare to them?
[23:07] GARYM: well i am off to bed see you tomorrow
[23:07] Crector: ok...see you around.
[00:36] Crector: Oddly enough there is no evidence of anyone attacking him.

[09:44] Crector: Why is everyone in this alliance so far apart in Everwinter?
[09:50] DarkHorse7: we all wnt over at different times the ones that went together are closer together
[11:08] Whiplash: going to eat bbl
[15:24] Sexy Beast 17: whats up i am just making repairs
[15:25] Crector: Doing the same and building up the igloo in Everwinter where only Barbarians ever attack anyone.
[15:28] Crector: Also just over 4 hours until the army with the castellan reaches the still intact luvrative outpost.
[15:28] ColonelDicJr: DT hit me in sands 3 hours ago
[15:29] Crector: Thanks again SB 17 for the resources that sped up upgrading the Estate  by about 12 hours or so.
[15:31] ColonelDicJr: your welcome
[15:32] Crector: Are yoou SB 17 as well?
[15:32] ColonelDicJr: oh i thought you were talking to me
[15:33] Crector: Here's a question for you:  Are you an officer in the Air Force?
[15:33] ColonelDicJr: no
[15:34] Crector: So its just a coincidence that this alliance's initials are U.S.A.F.?
[15:35] ColonelDicJr: i think so you will have to ask garym
[15:37] ColonelDicJr: sorry for butting in sexy i didnt know you wer on line
[15:37] Sexy Beast 17: thats ok i thought you might have given him resources too
[15:38] Sexy Beast 17: hey crector do you need anymore resources
[15:38] Crector: No, thank you very much.
[15:40] Sexy Beast 17: how are the fires going i have a few to put out
[15:40] Crector: The only other players who sent resources were Rust_Nail and Dianais, the latter of whom sent 12,100 bread.
[15:40] ColonelDicJr: bbl
[15:41] Crector: Its going to take more than a day to put themm all out....have a building with 100% damage.
[15:41] Sexy Beast 17: i have never seen that
[15:42] Crector: Wonder why its still standing....have you ever been mass attacked?
[15:43] Sexy Beast 17: yes but not that high damage on 1 building
[15:45] Sexy Beast 17: well let me know if you need any resources i have lots of food but no troops
[15:45] Sexy Beast 17: bye
[15:45] Crector: bye
[16:59] DarkHorse7: no just in ice
[17:01] Crector: Didn't you know that I already sdent you a load of food in Ice and why did you sceam in ALL CAPS in your msg tlo me?
[17:04] DarkHorse7: dream team can attack you any where and they hammered me there in ice
[17:22] General 313: i talked to other alliances and they say they have been attacked by DT.  they attack you for about a week until they get no more glory and then they move on to another alliance
[17:40] Crector: 439:375  I'm sabotaging this punk who's attacking frailmas and would like to ask everyone to do the same.
[18:04] Crector: Just successfully sabotaged him,
[18:26] fart4fun: I need as much of 6000 wood and stone at my castle for my upgrades. if you dont help i understand
[18:45] Crector: I'll help eventually...important thing is that my advanced force softened up the target for my castellan army to take permanently.
[19:23] fart4fun: cool. thanks for the help
[19:27] fart4fun: GaryM ddo  you have stuff to spare?
[19:45] Crector: I captured the lucrative outpost with my castellan army.  However, the defensive troops that I sent to reinforce the place are aparently being treated by the game as an enemy force comlete with the horn for "time until enemy attack" on my screen.
[19:47] Crector: And on the Travel Overview it even treats the reinforcing army as an "attack."
[19:49] General 313: call back your second group it is counted as an attack
[19:50] General 313: you cant  reinforce until occupation is over
[19:50] Crector: I can't.
[19:51] General 313: hope the second group loses or you will have to start all over again
[19:52] Crector: Its smaller than the occupying force and the 3nd group is composed of archers for the most part.
[21:15] fart4fun: I really need resources for upgrades. only have 200 of each
[21:16] Crector: Now being attacked at the outpost by shadow mecenaries....over 400 of them.
[21:17] Crector: f4f:  You can wait for your plants to generate new resources....patience is a virtue.
[22:31] Crector: Castellan army wiped out by shadow mercenaries....all that work for nothing.

U.S. Armed Forces Chat October 15th 2014

20:31] Crector: What a time for our Glorious Leader and his Deputy Duo to be AWOL.....
[20:32] Crector: Does Dianais have anything to say about this?
[20:34] Dianais: Just reading... will write to the attacked outpost owner and alliance to disclose the problem.
[20:35] Dianais: I believe cool just found he/she does have a castellan and didn't realize the requirement to avoid war actions...
[20:38] Crector: All of a sudden, the Travel Overview is a whole lot busier now than it normaly is....
[20:40] Crector: Turns out that he's trying to tak that OP with just 12 soldiers...don't know if one should laugh or cry over this....
[20:47] m20321: not much I can do about it but the new OP i just captured is about to get smoked by  Erikthered
[20:48] m20321: any help would be appreciated...  Or maybe a slap on the wrist from one or two of the more more experienced players?
[20:51] Crector: 3 player alliance with only one guy over Lvl 10...perhaps we could declare war on them?  All of my piers &  heavy attack troops are tied up,but later on I'll see what I can do.
[20:51] m20321: This guys got barbarians, deathly horrors and demon horrors whatever those are....   I just shipped my main body of troops back to the castle because I didn't have enough food to support them.
[20:51] Dianais: The attack is from too close,  come too fast to support, sorry.
[20:51] Dianais: We need players to the level answering in kind.
[20:52] m20321: Thanks Crector and Dianais.  I'll definitely be logging this one in my notebook to return the favor when I get built up a little more.
[20:53] Crector: Attacking the bad guy's OP with Light attack troops....
[20:55] Dianais: Seems that cooliest is going for a second attempt, and was previously warned.
[20:56] Dianais: By the other side. They may make amends.
[20:56] Crector: Erik the Red has a Wood 8 outpost....surely someone in this alliance could use one of those....
[21:00] Crector: Do you have any previous experience with teh Paradigm leadership?  Should we start preparing for a declaration of war by their side?
[21:03] m20321: Small damage.  No losses (nothing to steal yet).  Crector - thanks for the shot over his bow.
[21:03] Dianais: There won't be war with them, they may just send a couple of strokes for cooliest. That we will allow, at least until we can speak with cooliest.
[21:04] Crector: Great...Moving on....does a Sergeant have the power to declare war on somebody?  That erick miscreant needs corporal punishment in the worst way.
[21:07] Dianais: Is this Erik the Red part of the alliance that just attacked m20321?
[21:07] Crector: The leader.
[21:07] Crector: The other 2 are Lvl 8's.
[21:08] Dianais: Ok. We declare war now, I think. When someone here is ready to go for the outpost we support.
[21:09] Crector: Castle:  422:290
[21:09] m20321: I've got to hit the sack.  He's got some interesting troops that I don't recognize.   They seem to be bought or somehow won...
[21:09] Dianais: Crector: I believe you are only waiting to have someone interested in your stone outpost?
[21:09] jimmer777: cool
[21:10] m20321: He's got barbarians, deathly horrors and demon horrors
[21:10] Crector: OP:  422:292
[21:10] Crector: 425:294
[21:11] Crector: That was his other Op.
[21:11] Rust_Nail: any close Ops
[21:11] Rust_Nail: maybe I can take one
[21:12] Dianais: Wait, 422:292 is a wood outpost. He can have up to 8 Woodcutters working 100%.
[21:12] Crector: Wood 8 is the best Lumberyard available in the game.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: too far away
[21:13] Rust_Nail: looking for a food anyway
[21:13] m20321: How can I help.  My main body of troops are out of pocket.  I've got some light troops I can support with.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: I just gave up an 8 stone
[21:13] Dianais: I believed it was an 8 food outpost. Anyway, if anyone is interested in this one we can go for it.
[21:13] Rust_Nail: 8 wood
[21:13] Rust_Nail: long way off
[21:14] m20321: Rust Nail - We can be neighbors
[21:14] Rust_Nail: I could move my castle that way
[21:14] Rust_Nail: but I really want food ops
[21:15] Crector: Just sent the returned spies to his castle...hopefuuly when all of my heavy attack troops return to Outpost Trex, I'll be able to hammer that place.
[21:15] Crector: RN:  You could get that Wood 8 place and then later on get 2 Food 6 Op's.
[21:16] Crector: First we have to make nice with Paradigm before we declare war on Reik the Red Neck or whatever his name is,
[21:18] m20321: Rust Nail - There's a food OP at 416:293 right next to the wood 8
[21:21] Dianais: If there is something with Paradigm alliance, it will be by the lower levels and up to cooliest.
[21:22] m20321: I've got to go for the night.  Maybe we get this setup tonight and nail this guy tomorrow.  Won't hurt my feelings to read about our glorious victory in the morning either.  Good night all.
[21:23] Dianais: By the time being I will wait until I have a discussion with cooliest. If there is any attack on cooliest by Paradigm let it be without sending support. Is the cost to avoid an unnecessary war.
[21:24] Crector: Good idea...especially wghen there's an opportunity to grab a Lvl 8 Wood OP from a miscreant.
[21:28] COOLIEST: ok you guys i stopped so yall can stop trying to gane up on me
[21:30] Crector: NOt trying to gang up on you...just trying to prevent a war.....especially when there's a miscreant named Erik the Red who attacked the the OP belonginng to  one of our m, act of war andisince the punk has a Wood 8 that could be especially lucrative for our side.
[21:32] Dianais: Cooliest: starging = starting ...
[21:32] Crector: i cant stop my troops because they gone to far and cannot stop now
[21:32] COOLIEST: oh i am sorry
[21:33] Crector: That's whgat COOLIEST msg'd my you have not halted your attempt?
[21:33] Dianais: Cooliest: so you do have a free castellan after all. Either you start a new outpost from zero, or you get one of one of our members, or you take one from an alliance in war with us.
[21:33] Crector: From theway I type, you'd never suspect that I have a MA...
[21:34] COOLIEST: wht i am sorry i didnt qeit ungerstand what u just said
[21:34] Crector: There are such things as unclaimed outosts...
[21:34] COOLIEST: how do i start at zero
[21:35] Crector: By attac,ing unclaimed outposts.
[21:35] Dianais: Cooliest: Or from player in ruins. Taking outpost from another alliance is an act of war, and means expulsion from most alliances.
[21:36] COOLIEST: can u tell me where i can find a unnclaimed outposts
[21:36] Dianais: Cooliest: example in 416:293.
[21:36] Crector: Look at the map
[21:36] Dianais: See that this one does not have an owner yet.
[21:37] Dianais: Whenever you find something like this - resource tag without owner - you can launch on it. It means starting from zero, though.
[21:37] Crector: 435:400
[21:37] Crector: Food 6 Outpost
[21:37] COOLIEST: i cant rigt now
[21:38] COOLIEST: because mine troops are captring a outposts and remember cant stop them
[21:39] Dianais: Yup. After your current capture attempt fails - Paradigm will support - you will have the choice.
[21:39] Crector: Pull the  out if ou win and then send them to that Food 6 OP I just ID'd.
[21:48] Crector: Just wondering, but why did you attempt the capture with just 12 troops?
[21:50] Crector: Would Laura or Lisa or SnellesPlayer like to add anything to this conversation?
[21:54] Crector: Earler on during our conv with COOLIEST, my spies failed on the operation on the miscreant's Wood 8 OP, so am trying to spy on js other OP.
[22:03] jimmer777: goodnight
[22:13] Crector: LisaDaisyAnn:  Are you aware that the alliance fo the player whose Outpost you are attacking considers all attacks on OP's to be an act of war?
[22:16] Crector: Gone for a bit...
[22:21] Crector: Just unleashed 133 heavy attack troops on the miscreant's Wood 8 lumberyard....
[22:24] Crector: AFK
[22:41] Crector: Failed the first time, following it up with 59 heavy attack trops & 10 tools....
[22:56] Crector: All three spy attempts on the miscreant failed.
[23:19] Crector: Dianais:  Do you think that the problem with Paradigm will be solved peacefully?
[23:27] Dianais: I believe so.
[23:34] Crector: Great...should I declare war on that miscreant's 3 man alliance?  Its your call since you're the defacto leader.
[23:53] Dianais: Only if we have someone going for the outpost. If not, we can as well attack them with no war.
[00:02] Crector: ok

U.S. Armed Forces Chat September 26th 2014

[21:46] GARYM: who took it
[21:47] Crector: I said if someone took it...
[21:47] GARYM: depends on who it is and what alliance they are in
[21:50] Crector: The major alliances  with members in the vicinity are KRAKEN, Justice Legacy and Greek Warlords.  Are any of them friend,ly with us?
[21:52] Sexy Beast 17: almost all of greek warlords members are inactive dont worry about them
[21:53] GARYM: kraken may be a problem but we will deal with it if it happens
[21:56] Crector: Also, the other outpost at 547:332 has been found by somebody since several of its buildings.  My suggeston is that since there does not seem to be anybody in this alliancce interested in taking that place, that we should treat it like we do paladinepeet's outposts:  loot the hell out of it.
[21:57] Crector: are on fire.
[21:59] GARYM: it up to you if you want to capture it you can try
[22:01] Crector: I have 2 outposts already and trying to capturew a 3rd one.  Don't believe that you can have a 4th outpost, at least not in this realm.
[22:03] GARYM: ok but if you dont get the one you are trying for then this one is an option
[22:05] DAlex: evening.  was away for a few days.  miss any drama?
[22:05] Crector: Assuming that it has not been burned down to the ground...
[22:05] Crector: No drama.
[22:08] DAlex: no war, all must have worked out on hte diplomatic front
[22:08] GARYM: you can repair any building that does not get destroyed
[22:09] Crector: There are 2 unclaimed outposts with 6 Food near the outpost that I'm trying to capture.
[22:10] fart4fun: GaryM should i try to conquer a built op or a brand new food one
[22:11] GARYM: it would be better to get one that is built up because it takes a long time to build from scratch
[22:12] DAlex: GaryM, any reason not to attack SF-Blood Hawks?  a sub of Angle Crusaders.  hit when I was away
[22:12] Crector: According to Dianais, 6 Food outpsosta are the best.
[22:13] fart4fun: ok. do you know of any? i only know of one that has 300 troops and the leader of alliance said that someone else may want it but if not he would let me take it
[22:13] Crector: I've got one of those and it produces amore food than the other one and sustains a stronger military.
[22:14] GARYM: they are but it would be better if you could find one that is already started
[22:14] Crector: There's an unclaimed 6 food outpost right by xstevex1
[22:15] fart4fun: built up?
[22:15] Crector: Like 547:332 even if its far. far away.
[22:16] fart4fun: do you have a guess how many troops that place has?
[22:16] GARYM: you want to try to keep your op as closed as possible for support
[22:16] fart4fun: its 60 away from me
[22:17] fart4fun: i have two  unbuilt food 6 righ next to me
[22:18] GARYM: you could take one of those and try for a built up one when you upgrade your castellan
[22:18] Crector: Guess DAlex just found 2 built up outposts that are pretty much unscathed..
[22:19] GARYM: estate
[22:19] fart4fun: ok
[22:19] GARYM: if they dont have fires then they will have troops
[22:19] Crector: 477:393 and 478:392
[22:20] Crector: Once DAlex finishes with them, then there will just be armed farmers there.
[22:20] fart4fun: is he not conqering them?
[22:21] Crector: I believe he already has 3 outposts.
[22:21] GARYM: how far are they from your castle
[22:22] fart4fun: let me check
[22:22] fart4fun: oh. 47 miles
[22:23] GARYM: dalex already has 3 op he is just attacking
[22:23] fart4fun: ok. is 47 too ureasonible
[22:24] GARYM: you should try to keep it under 20
[22:24] fart4fun: ok
[22:25] Crector: Are barbarin attacks in the Ice Realm just as ineffective as RB attacks in our realm?
[22:26] GARYM: pretty much
[22:28] Crector: How strong is our relationship with the S.F. Stone Cold?
[22:30] GARYM: why
[22:31] Crector: Count Scarmantica's castle is in ruins and he has 5 RV's.
[22:32] fart4fun: what are rvs?
[22:33] GARYM: if he is still in the alliance ask the leader if you can have them
[22:33] GARYM: we dont steal rvs even from ruins if the are still in an alliance
[22:34] Crector: Resiource Villages.
[22:34] fart4fun: are they in the kingdoms at level 26?
[22:35] GARYM: stealing resourcce village is like stealing outpost
[22:38] fart4fun: oh. should i just take those unbuilt ops?
[22:38] Crector: You never did answer DAlex's question about doing a retal against S.F. Blood Hawks.
[22:41] Crector: f4f:  I'd go for a 6 Food unclaimed outpost.  I've got one and it sworked out very well.
[22:41] GARYM: we dont have any agreements with them so dalex can launch a retal attack againt the one who attacked him
[22:42] fart4fun: should i?
[22:42] GARYM: no only the member who was attack launches the retal attack
[22:43] GARYM: launches
[22:43] fart4fun: should I take an unbuilt op I mean
[22:44] GARYM: you need to get a good food outpost fast so if it is close to your castle get an unbuilt one
[22:44] GARYM: we can help you with resource to build it up
[22:45] fart4fun: ok. its only 5.4 miles away
[22:45] GARYM: there will still be some defenders there
[22:45] GARYM: so send a spy mission
[22:46] fart4fun: i know. 13 unidentified soldiers and 56 armed citizan. should I send my 36 swords men?
[22:46] GARYM: yes send the strongest you have and as many as you can
[22:46] fart4fun: ok
[22:47] GARYM: it is better to have too many than not enought
[22:47] GARYM: well guys i have to get to bed i need to get up early
[22:48] DAlex: nite all
[22:48] Crector: See you around.
[22:49] fart4fun: sent every troop i have(attakers) and left 9 bowmen at castle. i have to get up at 6ish tomarrow so gnight