Original post by Matthew Benson aka Bleeding THC August 10th 2014:
The Blitz Empire
Hello all!I am the leader of The Blitz Empire. We are a semi new Alliance which was once part of the Legion of Aid, But has since decided to start it's own empire. We have quickly established ourselves with new management by veteran gamers. Our goal is to establish our reputation as an adaptable alliance which proves to retain the ability to serve and protect it's members while expanding it's territory with the least amount of conflict. We oppose constant and senseless conflict and war. The only time to go to war is when it is absolutely necessary to obtain new ground and much needed resources or to defend our members as a whole. We currently have 2 operating branches and plan to open a lot more in the future with a lot of careful and strategic planning. We are always looking for new members to add to our ranks. Everyone is accepted but only the few that show acceptable skill and knowledge of the game will make it to top council. Our rank system is based on activity and skill. In order to make it past a Member you must show activity in our chat, any sort of participation in war efforts at the time, and must also be active in alliance donations to funds. In order to achieve council, or our top ranks, you must fulfill your activity obligations and also show that you are capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of the rank in question. With that being said, we are constantly looking for more council members for our current and future implements. If you are interested in joining the ranks of The Blitz Empire, please feel free to send me a message in game. If there is no space I will see what I can do about making some if you appear to be an active player. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to also send me a message in game or leave what you will here and I will be sure to get back with you. Have Fun!
[Update: 8/18/14] We have changed our requirements to join. Due to recent happenings in the empire we have decided to make this so because of the possible threat of spies. We are in search of members over the level 15 mark. Also due to recent happenings, we have revamped our second branch and are looking for qualified members to help us run the branch around the clock. Please message in-game for more details.
Leader of The Blitz Empire
August 22nd response from veteran gamer hftrex:
What a blowhard. This guy's alliance has but 8 members, half of whom are inactive and this loser from Lexington, KY babbles like an idiot about his supposed greatness. Hey loser, get out of this game and go elsewhere where you can be a winner. Oh, that's right, you've never been a winner in anything you've ever done.
Sept. 2nd post by hftrex:
The Blitz Delusion is now over as both Bleeding THC & his sidekick RedBeard have both deserted their alliance like rats on a sinking ship leaving their members behind.
Folow up by this writer, February 14th
Well, the unintentional comedy known as The Blitz Empire is all over with as Bleeding THC's castle has fallen into ruins. There never was any sch thing as "councils" and the way The Blitz Empire was actually run it was a one man control freak dictatorship who never let anyone else have their say. As for Bleeding THC's supposed aversion to unnecessary conflict, he dragged us into a war with fighterlandon and his Lords1 alliance for no good reason only to abandon it when it turned out that one of the enemy players was a big time ruby buyer.
Eventually, I gave up him as did most of the other members and I wound up as leader of the sub alliance of SF USAF KNIGHTS, the SF USAF Tigers. The SF family of alliances is the real deal, not some cheap ego trip that the "Blitz Empire" turned out to be. As it stands, the legacy of Bleeding THC and his "empire" is to show how not to run an alliance, let alone a group of alliances.
Charles Rector aka Crector
Former "Leader" The Blitz II
Current leader SF USAF Tigers
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