Sunday, February 8, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Chat February 8, 2015

[02:22] SirGnome: I just spent my resources upgrading my keep so they also only got only food
[02:36] Crector: good
[02:53] SirGnome: what is our retaliation going to be
[03:14] Crector: CrimsonWarriors is about the size of both SF USAF alliances combined and with more high level players....not sure if we'll be abe to mount an effective retal.  That;s something for alliance discussion.
[04:19] SirGnome: do we have any high level aliances in pocket we could call upon
[04:28] Crector: There are other SF alliances.
[04:52] Crector: Here's an idea:  They do have a few low level members so we could target them for retal so as to hit them in the early morning when they are in slumberland.
[08:15] sunny007: mornig all, hard morning i got hit by Je
[08:15] sunny007: I got hit by Juleus, my main is all in fire
[08:27] Crector: About 8 of us were attacked.  Just a littl4e bt agi, my guards repelled a spy attempt y some Lord Eryk guy whose castle is over 300 miles away from mine.
[08:39] sunny007: most of us have been attacked by them,  and they very strong alliance we have no choice againt them
[08:44] Crector: So you want to forgfo any retal against them?
[08:44] sunny007: don't understand?
[08:45] Crector: You don't want us to retaliate against them?
[08:47] sunny007: i'm okay with yhat but i have to rebuilt i have not enough  man to attack him for now but i have a long memory  i will hit them.
[08:47] sunny007: soon or later
[08:55] ColonelDicJr: fires fires everywhere
[08:59] ColonelDicJr: i got 576 glory and i havent even attacked anyone today
[08:59] klemal: I probably infuiated them with a attack I made last week...even tho I lost
[09:01] klemal: I hit their guy at 2 in the afternoon....won't make that mistake again...loikew sunny says....rebuild and get even the waiting game
[09:01] klemal: I have fires to put out all day today
[09:04] klemal: anybody know if the Knights got attacked by them??
[09:06] ColonelDicJr: the word i got was no
[09:07] klemal: Just have to recoup our losses and hit back when they don't expect it
[09:08] klemal: Next  time I attack one of them it will be a 4am attack, and it will be huge
[09:09] klemal: they didn't hit any op's did they?
[09:10] ColonelDicJr: not mine but i show lots of attack reports on my castle
[09:10] sunny007: not mine
[09:11] klemal: it was a righteous battle then
[09:11] klemal: they just caught us off guard
[09:11] ColonelDicJr: li have 8 attacks reprts on my castle 7 victory and one defeat
[09:11] klemal: persistent, weren't they
[09:11] klemal: it was a costly war for them too
[09:12] klemal: the guy who attacked me lost 2/3 of his army
[09:12] klemal: I still have some of mine...lost honot tho
[09:12] klemal: honor
[09:14] ColonelDicJr: he hit me with a bunch of small attacks to see which flanks were covered and to take out my ruby weapons before he hit me with a slightly bigger attack
[09:15] ColonelDicJr: he used defence troops in the test attacks and strong attacke troops in the winning attack
[09:16] klemal: I bookmarked my guy...I may send sabs later...he doesn't have many guardhouses
[09:16] sunny007: me he came with over  a 1000 man in one shot
[09:16] klemal: what level?
[09:17] klemal: that guy made me for 217 honor...that's what really hurts
[09:18] sunny007: level 70 , legendary 33, i'm 70 legendary 2
[09:19] klemal: I just sent saboteurs to the guy who attacked me
[09:20] klemal: I want him to know I'm thinking about him
[09:21] klemal: 2 hours to get there....a little brunch delight for him...if they succeed
[09:21] ColonelDicJr: you think he will know who sent them
[09:22] klemal: sure
[09:22] klemal: especiallly if they get caught :o)
[09:23] klemal: the reason I didn't attack that schumck in the first place is that he didn't have enough honor to make it worthwhile

[12:34] klemal: It is hard to beat ruby buyers
[12:35] Crector: Well, have to go now...see you later this afternoon.
[12:35] klemal: I can get back most of my honor if I beat that skywalker guy
[12:36] fart4fun: never again will i try to get more honor
[12:36] fart4fun: attacked twice last night by people from same alliance and 4 times in berimond
[12:37] klemal: but that will be hard if not impossible...I'm almost sure these guys have 24 hour watch
[12:37] klemal: I know, it puts a big target on your back :o)
[12:38] klemal: did Crimson hit u f4f?
[12:38] fart4fun: but the thing that most bothers me is twice from same alliance
[12:39] fart4fun: yes. how did you gues.
[12:39] fart4fun: ill fwd reports
[12:42] klemal: ugh, not good
[12:43] fart4fun: i've spent like the past week building those defenses
[12:43] fart4fun: hit at 2:30ish
[12:43] klemal: we all got creamed by them...this was a well planned attack.....they had espionage from a expert, like Dianais is for us
[12:44] klemal: I had a solid defense...I think the guy used ruby troops
[12:44] fart4fun: why'd we all get attacked?
[12:44] klemal: I had a big advantage in my courtyard but lost anyway
[12:45] klemal: Crector thinks its a tournament
[12:45] fart4fun: i'm supprised they all hit us. it's common courtisy to hit an alliance about once a week
[12:46] klemal: I attacked one of them a week ago and lost...that shouldn't have ticked them off, but you never know
[12:46] fart4fun: unless innactive
[12:46] fart4fun: well i gtg. bbl
[12:46] klemal: they are over twice  our size...and lots of high levels too
[12:47] fart4fun: ya
[12:47] fart4fun: i'm going to be leaving this alliance today
[12:48] fart4fun: 1 more rv
[12:48] fart4fun: bbl
[12:49] klemal: I'll bet you're sorry that you are leaving :o)
[12:55] klemal: u can bet these guys are guy put out all the fires from my sabs already......rubies
[13:02] Dianais: So what happened with this crimson warriors?
[13:03] Dianais: I can see they have been actively attacking here in the last day
[13:07] klemal: either its a tournament thing or retaliation for a attck I made on one of them last week
[13:07] klemal: and I lost the attack
[13:07] klemal: I think this sneak attack was well planned out in advance
[13:11] klemal: individually I don't think they are tough to beat....but their alliance is big and they are all in close proximity and probably have 24 hour watch
[13:13] Dianais: A week later seems unlikely as just retaliation.
[13:17] klemal: it would seem so...but some of these players are pretty gung ho
[13:18] klemal: the guy I attacked had almost 2000 honor and he was a level28 and I was at 31...
[13:19] klemal: he  has 2000 now...and I'd like to get some of  mine back :o)
[13:19] klemal: he got supported by over 1000 troops when I attacked
[13:20] klemal: I think they picked on us because we are small and spread out
[13:20] Dianais: Would say it's probably the tournment.
[13:21] klemal:'s not like they  attacked op's and other dastardly deeds....just caught us off guard
[15:04] Korndogg: klemal i thought i bookmarked that longstreets coords but its not there could you give them to me again please
[15:04] klemal: sure hang on
[15:06] klemal: 439 297
[15:10] Korndogg: thanks
[15:21] klemal: Great victory NMW..great glory, great honor
[15:22] Korndogg: very nice indeed

[15:26] NobleMaximusWar: thank you, it was very nice
[15:30] klemal: how much honor do you have now NMW?
[15:51] fart4fun: got this for a reply as to why we were massed:vjust for glory points someone from you guys hit us earlier in week so they picked you guys to mass for glory points
[15:54] klemal: It was me...I attcked one of them but they supported with over 1000 troops and crushed me
[15:55] klemal: so they had to retaliate against everyone?
[15:55] klemal: I expect guys to come after me...but it was a even match up
[15:56] klemal: sorry everone
[15:56] klemal: everyone
[15:56] klemal: my fault
[15:57] Crector: Not your fault they were irratonal.
[15:57] klemal: they are creeps....they are much bigger than us so they pulled a sneal attack...they're anal
[15:58] klemal: I take guys on head to head....what a bunch of slugs
[15:59] klemal: what they did was legal, but not very chivalrous
[16:00] klemal: they could have just burned me
[16:00] klemal: I notice the guy I attacked didn't hit anyone that I could see
[16:01] klemal: they double teamed us or went levels up and not by a little bit
[16:25] Crector: Diuanais, how would you rate our progress in Storm Islands?
[16:33] Crector: Guess D.D. is being uncommunictive again...
[16:41] Crector: 524 Glory so far today.
[16:43] klemal: Good going Crector...bbl I gotta walk my dogs
[17:22] Crector: Now its up to 627 Glory.

[20:47] klemal: as long as they declared war on us, isd there anyone else in their alliance you can hit?
[20:52] Korndogg: maybe a few but they are 4-5 hours out
[20:52] klemal: sending 50 archers to your main for 12 hours Korndogg
[20:52] Korndogg: kk thanks
[21:02] klemal:'re still here?
[21:03] Crector: f4f:  Which would you rate as the better alliance, us or Knights?
[21:06] fart4fun: idk. here you are more active but i feel at Knights we are a little more powerful
[21:08] Crector: 1,060 Glory, my all time best in a day....going to go for taking a Barbarian tower for the 80 actvity point bonus.
[21:10] klemal: you are going nutz today, Crector
[21:10] klemal: where the heck do you get all the troops?
[21:12] Crector: Recruiting
[21:13] Crector: Light troops...3=4 minutes for 5 troops.
[21:35] klemal: I guess that may be the way to least for one of my castles...cheaper too
[21:35] klemal: I am down to 3 fires in my castle
[21:49] klemal: I just gave GreatSkywalkers cords to my old rival coolp...that is how to use a mercenary :o)
[22:08] Crector: Lefdt to fix popcorn and am under attack in Ice with almost all of my troops away.
[22:11] klemal: i c that
[22:11] klemal: he is hitting u and u are hitting him
[22:15] Crector: with the little I had left.   More importantly, transferred all the castles resources to the alliance and to Storm Islands.
[22:17] fart4fun: well since i can't get a hold of zicam i'll be staying here till tomarrow. gn guys
[22:22] klemal: nite f4f
[22:23] klemal: ain't it always the way, Crector?
[22:24] klemal: 5 more minutes and I'll be down to one fire
[22:30] Crector: just lost some bread...big deal.
[22:30] Crector: What's always the way?
[22:31] klemal: trying to be in two places at once
[22:32] Crector: yes
[22:33] klemal: man, these rb's are cheap with the rubies tonite
[22:34] klemal: thats it...working on my last fire...out in a half, they'll attackagain tonite
[22:35] klemal: maybe coolp will get a few of his alliance to attack those guys
[22:37] Crector: Is colp your friend now?
[22:38] klemal: sure, why not, it pays to have some enemies that are friends
[22:39] klemal: maybe he will get that creep who has the 2000 honor
[22:39] klemal: the one whose alliance is holding him up...wonder why he didn't get in on the attack this morning?
[22:40] klemal: the guy has 2000 honor and one level one guardhouse
[22:41] klemal: they must have some geeks that are glued to their pc's overe there watching everything
[22:43] klemal: U know Crector, I beat coolp on the up and up...but I sent him some resources  to ease the sting
[22:43] Crector: that's an idea.
[22:44] klemal: just because u don't have a alliance or a pact with someone, doesn't mean you can't get some help from them once in awhile
[22:45] klemal: or give it either
[22:45] klemal: u never know when u would need a friend
[23:05] Crector: I'll try it.
[23:10] Crector: Looks  like tomorrow is going to be Repair Day.
[23:15] klemal: anyone who messages me after I attack them and aren't going nuts, I like to have a dialog that Jenny I beat two weeks ago...she messaged me and wanted some defensive tips and just general chit chat about the game. I don't know why some players get so wound up. Hey, we tried to make friends with origamifarmer...I told him what would happen. :lo)
[23:16] Crector: He's finding out the hard way.
[23:39] Crector: Had to go for a bit....commp was getting slower and slower.
[23:43] klemal: mine is too...
[23:44] Crector: So is the colonel's.
[23:44] Crector: You should tuyrn yours off every few hours or so.
[23:46] klemal: I'm going too turn it off for the night soon

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