Saturday, February 14, 2015

Msg's from Gilead Hopes About SlickDave50 & Feared Guard Feb 14 2015

Hello again; hope all is well with you and yours.

slickdave50 has, so far, turned out fine.  A couple a small glitches but nothing unexpected from a new player in an unfamiliar alliance.

feared went to LOF for a couple of reasons.   One being that his personality did not mesh well with another personality in the alliance [one of the leaders].  There was significant friction there.

If he's looking for a spot in your alliance, I'll be happy to give you more info because there were ways in which he was in the wrong and there were just as many ways that he was wronged.

While some of us hate what LOF has turned into, many of us still have friends in LOF legion IX.

It's no problem to provide more details, if feared is looking for a spot with you or yours.

First, he says he's 24 years old but none of us believe that; he does not act 24, more like 14. I can't recall him being dishonest about anything else, so I might be doing him a discourtesy and he might just be immature. However, he is a contributing player and is willing to help and send support when he can. I didn't find him useless. :-)

If you take him on, what you might notice first is his impatience. Instead of working on slow building and upgrading he very much wants to attack whenever possible and enter other kingdoms well before he's prepared (more coins, he thinks). Then he'll ask the alliance for supplies and complain about not leveling faster, etc. He also wasn't great at reading alliance descriptions and occasionally targeted friends of ours. He often had to ask someone to do espos for him, so we often caught the problem before he launched. He was often asking for us to do all manner of things for him; pretty high maintenance player without a sense of time management and proper balance.

He used to complain about getting saboed all the time. We said build guardhouses. He argued; complained when saboed, rinse and repeat. Eventually he built guardhouses but the conflict with the other leader was established by then.....

(part2) ...He did improve over time and learned not to argue (mostly) when he was told how to fix a problem. But until the last he was still complaining about the lack of coins/supplies/etc. and requesting others do espos for him.  Again, very needy.

If you have a well-balanced, patient, and experienced alliance, he might do well there. You will need to tell him 'These are the rules' (we have written policies), give them to him, and call him on it when he goofs. I saw his mistakes lessen over time, so he improved.

The way he left us is something I'm sorry for. One player (a leader) insulted him openly in chat. It was wrong and uncalled for and was addressed immediately. However, feared decided he was done being on the same team as that player and chose to leave. I can't blame him for that.

I would not say 'don't take him' since he does contribute and he remains active. Just know that he's needy and high-maintenance with a tendancy toward complaints. And no patience.

Hope this helps your decision making process.  Good luck to you and, if you take him on, please wish him luck from me.

Oh, and you're not indebted, in the slightest.  I would want to know about an incoming player, so I am please to help.

Last thing.  This just occurred to me to tell you.  I don't know how forthcoming he has been about his accounts but, if he presents himself as having one, that will be a red flag.  He might come right out and tell you, and I hope he does but, just in case: Feared Guard, Tru-2-This, and Mayonnaise are all him.

If you are at all leery of his motives, as him (as an afterthought?) if he's looking to relocate only one account or if he has any others he'd like to bring. If he only wants to bring one, and doesn't mention the others, ... well.

I didn't tell you any of that, by the way.

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