Monday, February 2, 2015

SF USAF Tigers Alliance Chat February 2nd 2015

[18:58] klemal: the thing about the alliance is that I thought your allies were supposed to have a colored banner on their castle to id them
[18:59] klemal: what really aggravates me is the stupid mistake I made with the rubies
[19:00] Crector: It has bdeen explained to me by others that all alliances with either SF or SFA in their names are automatically allied to each other and there is no need for formal  Pacts between them.
[19:01] klemal: I know that...just wondering why the banners don't have a color like some do
[19:02] Crector: Also, remember that initiallly there was a Pact betgween us and SF USAF KNIGHTS, but it was dropped because it was clear that damb had gone inactive and it was impossible for a certain someone in this alliance to take damb's OP until that Pact was dropped.
[19:03] Crector: klemal:  Do you remember who this certain someone who went on to take damb's OP was once that Pact was dropped?
[19:04] klemal: come we didn't renew the pact...just asking, you understand
[19:04] klemal: :o)
[19:05] Crector: As Debbie Schlussel would put it, RIF:  Reading Is Fundamental:
[19:06] Crector: [19:00] Crector: It has bdeen explained to me by others that all alliances with either SF or SFA in their names are automatically allied to each other and there is no need for formal  Pacts between them.
[19:06] Crector: However, since you are the alliance Diplomat, why don't you take the initiative and submit a formal Pact between us and SF USAF KNIGHTS?
[19:07] Crector:
[19:07] klemal: I know that too...I was just wondering why our parent alliance isn't recognized by a colored banner and I guess the answer is that we have no formal pact with them
[19:08] Crector: I have no idea what you're even talking about there.  Is there any such thing as an alliance where every member has the same exact banner?
[19:09] Crector: Dianais, you've been in this game for over 18 months, have you ever come across any alliance of more than one member in which all members had the same exact banner?
[19:10] klemal: don't you see golden banners a symbol of those we are allied with? Red Banners for those we are at war with?
[19:10] klemal: I just got 250 glory and some troops for that attack...nice
[19:11] klemal: it doesn't look like I lost anybody
[19:11] klemal: I have to check my castle
[19:12] Crector: Are you looking at the Alliance Diplomacy page?  Those are rectangles, not banners.  As I said, if you really care that much, then why not propost a Pact with the main alliance?
[19:13] klemal: lost 99...doesn't show up the same on my stats on the top of my screen
[19:13] Crector: Its not like folks are flocing to engage in Diplomacy with us.
[19:14] Crector: flocking
[19:14] klemal: nothing wrong with least we haven't started a war in a few daays
[19:15] Crector: Before you came over, I proposed a Pact with Distillery and have yet to hear back from them.
[19:15] Crector: So, are you going to propose a Pact or not?
[19:15] klemal: lots of these folks never reply when they are contacted...
[19:16] klemal: I had a nice dialog with the guy who beat me last night
[19:16] klemal: he told me how their alliance has 24 hour duty shifts
[19:16] klemal: hardcore, nop?
[19:16] klemal: no?
[19:17] klemal: they take turns doing a graveyard shift
[19:17] Crector: I've never heard of such a thing in all my 15 years in MMO gaming.
[19:18] klemal: well they must be doing it...I sure didn't catch them sleeping
[19:18] Crector: Then avoid themand go on to another target...
[19:19] klemal: I will now
[19:29] Dianais: Sorry was afk. Yes, it did happen in a lot of alliance over here. In all the med to big at least.
[19:29] Dianais: They do duty shifts.
[19:29] Dianais: You need to have the time of course.
[19:29] Dianais: But that's why these are med to big alliances.
[19:30] Crector: Was this Egghead's alliance?
[19:31] Dianais: And is not enough one guy in duty (unlesss the other players trusted their log info to the guy). The bigger alliances have several guys on duty at any point in time.
[19:31] Dianais: Yes, D8 is one of these.
[19:31] klemal: this guy told me there were usually 2 of them watching all the time
[19:31] Crector: And you were a member of D8 at one time, so you know from experience?
[19:33] Dianais: Have been a member of several, D8 was the the bigget one. And the more quarrelsome.
[19:34] Dianais: Any time you happen to log at night you found 6+  guys active at chat and another 10 logged on.
[19:34] Crector: They seem to have held together pretty well vs. KOn & friends.
[19:35] Dianais: They are all ruby as far as I know, which I bet is the same with the bigger members of the KON family.
[19:35] Dianais: So the war may last quite a while...

[20:07] klemal: I hope I get another foreigner attack
[20:07] klemal: betwen last night and tonight I got over 1000 glory
[20:07] klemal: no honor though, darn it
[20:08] klemal: at least I didn't lose any to that guy
[20:09] klemal: I really didn't lose all my troops either, but what I did lose was my mind when I healed the wrong ones at a cost of 420 rubies
[20:09] klemal: there are troops in tha hospital that are never going to leave...ruby troops
[20:10] Crector: discharge them
[20:10] klemal: u can't do it from the hospital as they eally aren't in the roles unless you heal them
[20:11] klemal: rolls
[20:11] Crector: When I suggested a while back that you had mistakenly spent a wad of what you perceived to be missing rubies, you got all angrry about it...just liek you thought that I was saying that you wee senile or something.
[20:12] klemal: but I am :o)
[20:12] klemal: the ole gray matter ain't what it used to be
[20:13] Crector: You're typing like a Southerner when you use old instead of ol'
[20:13] Crector: ole
[20:13] klemal: I swear...they can trick you in to making mistakes spending rubies...but that night I complained I know I didn't make a mistake
[20:14] Crector: btw, were you ever a fan of White Castlel?
[20:14] klemal: when u want to buy those troops, they have a ruby icon nect too their image...but when u go to heal them...there is no ruby icon
[20:18] klemal: White Castle's...oh yes, and Prince Castle too
[20:21] klemal: you know I don't buy ruby troops or tools...if I don't get them as a reward or thru the mercenary op, I don't get them...I'm starting to collect wolf hounds
[20:22] klemal: I shop the mercenary missions like a resale store
[20:23] klemal: in 22 minutes I'm going to start another GH in my MC
[20:24] klemal: I picked up 20 rubies frfom the rb's since dinner time
[20:24] klemal: the rb king pays like 20 or 25...I like when his castle pops up next to mine
[20:29] Dianais: I did discharge ruby troops from the hospital. It can be done, either with ruby or coin troops you can decide it's not worth the healing.
[20:30] Dianais: Reviewing how...
[20:30] Crector: I'veonly been able to defeat the king of the RB's twice.  And never the Bararian Fortress in Everwinter.
[20:31] Dianais: You move your mouse over the troops and a basket appears, if you click in the basket you discharge the troop.
[20:32] allsfair1: i have to go everybody i hope i see you all tomorrow
[20:33] Crector: Just found a guy who's at Legendary Level 111
[20:33] Crector: Bye allsfair1
[20:37] Crector: Frankson9 is still playing and in a significant alliance.
[20:43] klemal: thanks Dianais
[20:43] klemal: I gotta get rid of those guys before I make another mistake :o(
[20:45] Crector: The Foreigners seem to be around longer than normal, it seems like.
[20:47] Crector: By my count, I've made 22 attacks so far today.
[20:48] Crector: Made 455 Glory thus far with the big 311 troops/80 tools attack still in the offing.
[20:49] Crector: maybe not...just made 26 more Glory, a little disappointing, but I'll take it.
[20:51] klemal: another thing that irks me...I expanded my mc first there were only 2 towers to improve...all of a sudden there are 2 more....the game is fixed
[20:59] klemal: yeah, sure, I'm going to pay 98 rubies ti heal a guy in robes who uses a slingshot for a weapon
[21:00] klemal: Crector, I see Powerfully Sammis castle is in ruins...she had a food8op that she took over from somebody
[21:06] sunny007: goodnight all
[21:08] klemal: nite sunny
[21:15] Crector: It seems that after we left the alliance, its gone into a state of decline.  xXDemonisXx has not leveled up all year for instance....Sammi always seemed like a really gung ho player.
[21:16] Crector: You need folks to propel the chat to keep an alliance moving and us 3 along with M, we were the ones who did that.
[21:17] Crector: Perhaps we should arrange for frf or someone else to come over and take over this alliance and then we could return to the main alliance and bring it back to life.
[21:18] Crector: What do you guys think?
[21:20] Crector: poot11 has evidentlky come back and EmeraldQueen has gone up a lvl.
[21:20] klemal: I will go along with the consensus of those with higher rank....sammi was a good player, shouldn't have lost her
[21:23] Crector: Perhaps this is the time for LisaDaisyAnn to move downand she could take over Sammi's OP's.
[21:24] klemal: The Sea Hawks are living Gorundhog Day over and over again....when are they going to quit showing that blown play?

[21:25] klemal: Not a bad idea, but will LDA go for it?
[21:26] Crector: Same answer to both of your last 2 questions:  No idea.
[21:27] Crector: Is Dianais AFK again?
[21:27] klemal: Lisa is hardly ever on...and she doesn't talk when she is on
[21:27] klemal: communication is the key of any successful endeavor
[21:28] Crector: She and I have had some conversatuions about creative writing and librarianship and the like.
[21:30] Crector: sunny007 has never been what you'd call realy communicative.
[21:31] Crector: hello all and bye all is about all you ever get out of him....and he says that he's a guy.
[21:33] klemal: I like to blab...
[21:34] klemal: looks like I'm about ready for a new title
[21:36] klemal: just 32 more glory
[21:36] klemal: and you can call me Marquis klemal
[21:46] Crector: great
[21:49] Crector: xephra is in ruins right now.
[21:52] klemal: your doing?
[21:53] Crector: of course not...never attacked her.
[21:53] klemal: I was going to
[21:53] klemal: now I'll have to find another target
[21:54] Crector: I'ver suggested other targets.
[21:54] Crector: cmarnold24
[21:54] klemal: gotta look in my book marks for them
[21:55] klemal: oops, it was Ophelia...thats the next attack
[23:09] Crector: Ophelia is beck into the IF:Elite...go for someone else.
[23:16] klemal: ok...well, it's slumberland for me...c ya'll later

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